I stopped watching movies around 2011-2012 or so. My top three GOATs are

I stopped watching movies around 2011-2012 or so. My top three GOATs are

>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
>The Tree of Life
>There Will be Blood

Is there anything that came out in the last seven years (or otherwise) that's as good as these?

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your moms sextape

great taste user

nothing good in the last seven years desu


The one about aliens? I don't have kids

The Scorsese film pleb

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Sorry I just googled Silence and it came up with pew pew aliens. Interesting, I haven't heard of this (like I said, have not followed film at all for nearly a decade). Good to see Scorsese's no longer crushing on Leo. Will check it out.

It's a really good film. Scorcese can still direct some good slow burn personal films. Enemy is pretty good too

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That looks a little less appealing (more like some David Fincher or Chris Nolan mindfuck thing?) but I'll check it out. Any others?

if you're looking for some crazy shit Good Time is a decent movie. Great soundtrack

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More into stuff that takes place in the past for some reason. Anything like that?

The Great Beauty

The Sisters Brothers was pretty kino

>The Great Beauty
Same guy who did The Young Pope, right? Will watch this for sure. Thanks user

Lawless. Prohibition Era film bretty good

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Huge fan of Joaquin after I'm Still Here and The Master, both also in my top 10-20 for sure. Thanks user, I hadn't heard of this.

I don't know, I stopped watching movies about 15 years ago

It's definitely top 5 of the decade

If you like Joaquin you should check out "Inherent Vice" and "You Were Never Really Here"

A most wanted man was pretty good, Philip Seymour Hoffman's last film

Huge PTA fan, but really didn't like Inherent Vice. It seemed like PTA trying to be the Coen brothers or something. Really disapointing for me.
