
What are some essential Catholic-kinos?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_list_of_films's_a_Wonderful_Life#Home_release


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Great film, bad ""catholic"" movie.

The Nun (1966) - Jacques Rivette

it's a great Catholic movie
the only "Christians" who wouldn't like it are Prots who would bitch and moan about muh sola scriptura

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Ten Commandments
Passion of the Christ

Eric Rohmer's "Perceval".

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It's not a good movie for weeabos since it distorts their view of japan
Not a good movie for catholics because it shits on their faces
Not a good movie for prots because catholics are in it
Not a good scorcese movie because no mafia chimp outs

Waking Ned Devine

Don't know but the Young Pope is popekino

Is it wrong that I sided with the Japanese? I didn’t necessarily agree with their treatment of Christians but I understood their argument. The exchange with Ferreira does a great job showing why it doesn’t work with the Japanese culture.

>Not a good movie for catholics because it shits on their faces

But it worked.the Kyushu island of Japan was full of catholics until heads started rolling


The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

One of Dustin Hoffman's shortest roles but a great one.

They take some liberties with historical accuracy to serve the narrative a bit but I don't care.

Good one.

What I don't understand is why he didn't report the guy to the authorities, which would have been valid since he didn't ask for forgiveness when he threatened him (the other priest even explains this). Even if he was going to leave it up to God, wouldn't he have a duty to not let a potential murderer continue running around?
Good movie though, bonus points for CIA playing a fedora

this one is really good
though iirc they make her out like she's insane rather than divinely inspired

based retard

its not, the nip who made it is a crypto-atheist pandering to buddhists with third rate "philosophy"

>But it worked.the Malmo city of Sweden was full of sunis until heads started rolling

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That's kind of the point of the movie, isn't it? To make it a little ambiguous?

I mean, what's easier to believe? God literally used her as a hand puppet? Or she may have misinterpreted a dream or two and was actually just a bit nutty?

What you can't deny though is that it worked and she was king shit for a while. People had her on a very long leash so long as she was somehow winning battles.

based papists btfo

christian """"cinema"""" is shit and has never produced a single good movie

The Young Pope

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Oh god please this

He's a Puritan.

The Last Kingdom

required viewing for anyone to understand how much he suffered for us. Amen brothers

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This is in my top 10 favorite movies.

Why didin't he just call the cops?

I pushed off watching this and finally got around to it.

Cried my eyes out, movie was absolutely brutal.

That one where the guy go to Africa and kill niggers

>those digits

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My mom cried for the last 30 or so minutes of this

Game of Thrones

When can you start?

The Flowers of Saint Francis
Ma Nuit Chez Maud
I Confess
A Man for All Seasons
The Shoes of the Fisherman
Literally any Leo McCarey film

I draw a distinction between "Bible Film" and "Catholic film" because I consider Catholic films to explicitly deal with the social and cultural conventions of its adherents rather than the supernatural/spiritual elements of Christ's own life.

How do you regain your religion once you've lost it, bros? Has it ever been done?
I want to believe I'm not just a biological automaton and that I'll see dead family and friends again. But I don't believe it and it makes everything feel worthless.

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>fell for the Jewish meme
Watch some E. Michael Jones, I was in the same boat as you.

Why don't you look directly from the source?

What were you initially and what disillusioned you?

Yea Forums has some philosophically cultured anons beneath all the sneedposts.

How can Christians live in Japan now if that's the case?

You need to be open to finding God again. Just be open to the idea. Don't run around seeking Him out. Don't shut Him out. But keep your eyes open.

Plato's forms and Aristotle's unmoved mover for God, Aristotle's De Anima for why mind/conciousness can't be material, Fr. Seraphim Rose's Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age for why all your favorite political people are surrounded by discord trannies, and a few good comparative religion reference works to bring you to Christianity. I'd heavily reccomend Cults, World Religions and The Occult as well as Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Latter has a lot on NWO and UFOs (demons)

Um... Because Japs don't kill them now

Only movie I've cried to as an adult.

Read Edward Feser's The Last Superstition. It's available on and summarizes the classical arguments for monotheism as well as the immortality of the soul, and also rips open the [[[[moderns]]]] and {{{Luther}}}. He's Catholic though so watch if he tries to slip in absolute divine simplicity and listen to The Orthodox Faith by St. John of Damascus (also uses the unmoved mover stuff).

How it can be Catholic-kino if it teaches to prefer body to the soul? Ancient magic people prefer to be killed than to betray holy Jesus and the church.

Have you, know you, just gone to church and talked to a priest about your dilemma instead of wallowing in self pity and existential crisis, feeling sorry about yourself for not believing anymore?

To this, I would add Aquinas's Summa Theologiae, and Austine's Confessions. Even if you aren't a christian, these guys transcend, as they are smart guys asking profound questions. Sometimes, ironically, you need to find faith by thinking very hard about it. in a logical way There's much to organized religion that is charlatinism and politics and other vices, but this has always been the case. Don't let such things, or your doubts, let your mind be closed.

reminder: this film got ZERO oscar nominations in spite of having one of the best scripts of the 21st century.

atheist here. this didn't upset me at all, but it was unambigously a good & sincere film. I really appreciated the craftsmanship of everyone involved.

Not that user, but why would it help? Faith is ultimately personal. I suspect a priest, as well meaning as he might be, would say as much.

Kingdom of Heaven

>christcucks believe in Christ's values only because he got tortured and brutaly killed
>unironically use a device on which their teacher died in pain and suffer as a symbol of their religion
I will never understand them

>How do you regain your religion once you've lost it, bros? Has it ever been done?
Just grow up.

I lost it after learning how abusive the catholic church has been in my country, so fuck it

Do you still have family?

The Mission
It's a Wonderful Life
Sister Act
The Lord of the Rings

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life has been much much harder for almost everyone for the entire history of humanity until the 20th century: e.g. the 50% child mortality rate. it was about relating to the suffering because so many people had experienced something close to being as bad.

I can understand relating to suffering but not worshipping the suffering

>Just grow up.

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Step aside for some real Christ kino

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This but while also recognizing why the filioque was a politically motivated mistake and Aquinas favored Miamonedes over St. John of Damascus. Really though I think it'd probably be safer to reccomend the aspects common to both Orthodox and Catholic first so they aren't dependent on one when they try to decide between them.

>christcucks believe in Christ's values only because he got tortured and brutaly killed
They believe in His values because they're the only ones that actually make sense when you're not blinded by pride or materialism. His enemies were and they tortured and killed him for speaking the truth, that's part of why the image of the cross is so powerful.

Atheism isn't well known for breeding maturity on a cultural scale.

it's a rationalization: the suffering was for a lofty purpose (not meaningless) and it the death led to everlasting life, etc. if we went back to every women having 10 kids and half of them dying everyone would become fervantly religious again. it's a coping strategy. of course it's never worked that well or there wouldn't have been religious wars.

somebody who is based photoshop cia onto the guy behind liam "kill all niggers" neeson

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>They believe in His values because they're the only ones that actually make sense
Nuh, man. I'm pretty sure that if he lived a long and happy life according to his values he wouldn't be so popular now

The Byzantine Empire lasted for 1000 years. Of course western schismatics splintered into a million pieces and fought amongst each other until hermetic Freemasons basically took over.

only acceptable answer

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it's the "god is love, blessed are the meek" stuff that made Christianity such a more effective brand than Jove, Augustus, etc. Christ combined the anti-materialism of the Cynics with Stoicism and Judaism's monotheism and made something that was more appealing to the majority of the Western population than anything else to date.

plus it was competing with religious traditions, not organized religions in the modern sense. it still took centuries to Christianize europe during which people worshipped Jesus alongside Zeus, etc.

Many of His followers did and became many of the most popular saints. Look into early church apologetics, especially the first apology of Justin Martyr. They make a lot of appeals to the superiority of Christian ethics, not guilt tripping about some Jew the Romans had never heard of. That and a lot about how His life fulfilled ancient scriptures and warnings about demons.

>not being a united protestant

haha fucking losers

>Many of His followers did and became many of the most popular saints
Popular amongst christians? Ok, but I'm talking about Christ himself and christianity itself getting popular only because main guy was brutally executed. The fact that symbol of christianity is a cross is proving my point

>Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do.
honestly one of the most powerful scenes in any film i have scene and i’m not even a christfag

Star Wars

>Andrei Rublev
>Babette's Feast
>The Flowers of St. Francis
>The Gospel According to St. Matthew
>La Passion de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ
>A Man for All Seasons
>The Mission
>Monsieur Vincent
>The Passion of Joan of Arc
>The Sacrifice

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>why would it help

Well you would think that a dedicated man of the cloth might have some real insight about faith and how to regain it if you really are eager to do so.


Christians make up less than 1% of Japan's population. They're too insignificant to cause any real damage. Just like how Muslims make up 2% of the US population.

You're asserting this based on what you'd prefer to be the truth but unfortunately for you there's an actual documented history of the spread of Christianity that you could read into

the only thing that followed so-called benevolent christian missionaries is genocide and invasion

the first thing sovereign nations should do is string up these invasive propagandists and cultural destroyers

>You're asserting this based on what you'd prefer to be the truth
Cross on which Jesus died in pain most popular and well known symbol of christianity, that's a fact.

What is it that makes Pascal top to you, user? Domenico's rendition seems higher quality overall.

This one.

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so based

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Difference is that Christians in Japan were Japanese and Muslims in Sweden are Arabs and Somalis

Based Kevin Smith poster
Also It's a Wonderful Life is one of the best movies ever made

Idk this seemed boring. Passion of the Christ is more entertainment value.

Catholics and Protestants maybe, and even then they improved everything about the places they invaded and conquered.

Just because you don't understand what else that symbol represents doesn't mean that your one-dimensional misunderstanding is fact. Even if you were right, you'd be right about protestantism (a group of meme religions even back in the 16th century, let alone now where it's just window dressing for progressivism) and Catholicism (didn't exist in any sense prior to 700 and officially split off in 1054). Catholicism was spread by the sword and Protestants were already another flavor of Christian for the most part. If you want to talk about how it spread originally, you've got to back to before Constantine made it the state religion of Rome.

It was clearly thinly veiled attempts to stamp out dissention. The culture of japan up right until 1945 deified the emperor. You cannot allow another God to survive on the islands if the ruling authority of the government is legitimized only by the emperor's divine right as a superhuman divine being.

>improved everything
>white wash fairytale
>more like parasitized and plundered it for colonial nations

if there was any infrastructure built like factories and railroads it was only there to steal shit faster and oppress more people

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Anybody have a high quality image of Pascal's Last Supper? All I can find are hundreds of super low quality paintings and one detail that cuts off the right side and kills the symmetry.

Sucks when your culture and society is so dogshit that getting your land and people raped by another actually improves you

It's an eternal reminder of what he and many other martyrs went through in order to save your soul. In order for you to hear the message, many had to suffer.

>Just because you don't understand what else that symbol represents doesn't mean that your one-dimensional misunderstanding is fact
That symbol represents the crucifixion of Jesus (painful execution). Christians use death of Christ as representation of their values. That's a fact. Stop denying objective truth

>It's a Wonderful Life
>Also It's a Wonderful Life is one of the best movies ever made

I see you are men of culture, just like me. The ultimate Christian-kino: a movie that can restore your faith in humanity.

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Why do they worship the reminder of suffering? Why do they kiss it? Why do they worship corpses of martyrs? That's fucked up shit

> this reading comprehension
I said what ELSE it represents. It's also representative of his function as a sacrifice, his persecution for the sake of humanity, the humility of God become man submitting to that treatment, etc etc

slavery and oppression isn't an improvement retard

nobody wanted you. it's funny you complain about peaceful migration when you did violent invasions. you already lost by people simply existing because white males are a mutated recessive failure

My point was that if Jesus wasn't brutally murdered, christianity wouldn't be so big. Everything you writing now is not contradicting my point if not proving it

> slavery and oppression isn't an improvement
It is when they were already enslaving and oppressing each other, but I was more referring to standards of living and education.

>it's funny you complain about peaceful migration
When did I do this?

>you already lost by people simply existing because white males are a mutated recessive failure
Ok I get it now. You're some race-worshipping weirdo who thinks that antagonizing white people on the internet is going to solve your personal problems.

it's a good catholic movie and bad at the same time

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>standard of living
>mass murdered, cultural destruction, propped up warlords by the west to keep raping the country
white improvement is a myth

>word salad at the end
shitting on white males is always the right thing to do in every situation.

So from christian perspective suffering is bad or not?. If so, why do they fetishize it so much? If not, that means that Judas and Romans did nothing wrong and Jesus had to be killed as painfuly as possible and everyone should know about it because otherwise his worldview and values doesn't matter.

>his worldview and values doesn't
Don't. Don't matter.

ok, thanks

You don't know anything about Christianity do you?

Everytime I watch It's a Wonderful Life I feel like crying at the ending, beautiful movie with such a perfect ending

Passion of the Christ is top kino.

It's just facts. Most of the christians relate to his painful death more than to his actual worldview. And christians use a cross as symbol of christianity

What are you, even? Who are you even comparing white people to, Asians? Africans? Aztecs or something? What did Europeans do that had never been tried before, or are you mad that they did it more efficiently in your opinion? I'm not saying that Colonialism was right, I'm just saying that it became easier to read and not die as an infant. It's clear that revenge against the white boogeyman has become your religion, and it's hampering your ability to have intelligent conversations. /pol/acks have the same problem where Europeans can do no wrong and they'll actively attack Christianity for threatening muh traditional paganism. Give up this gay race worship and you'll be a lot happier.

>Has it ever been done?
Yeah. I spent my entire teenage life as a devout atheist. Read pretty much all the canonical atheist texts and all that stuff. Started to have doubts about atheism when I doubted that material world and the sciences as capable of explaining everything. Looking further into actual religious arguments (rather than just what I saw on youtube) I found their answers far more satisfying than the atheist answers.

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Welcome back, brother.

The Naked Prey?

I don't think anyone would argue the nicene creed is perfect representation of faith, but it does exist, I think, as a very christian example of faith: textual analysis and academic bickering. Flawed as it may, its very much a cornerstone of western thinking and ways to grapple with various competing factors in a thoughtful way.

The Third Miracle

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For some reason this is on TV every Easter so I classify it as my favorite Catholic kino

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stop simplifying everything and maybe try and understand instead

It's a mick thing, you wouldn't understand

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>What I don't understand is why he didn't report the guy to the authorities

>Why didin't he just call the cops?

Thats not how things are done in rural Ireland

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Reminder that Capra made the movie to combat a modern trend toward atheism. It's a Wonderful Life stands as a testament, both to the value of the individual, and the value of the Divine.

>Just like how Muslims make up 2% of the US population.
oh yeah? imagine your 2% of your body affected by CANCER. imagine that. can you witness the damage/shitstorm caused by just ONE shitslamic lawamaker (ilhan omar)? now imagine 10 of those. now imagine 50 of those.

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>being this triggered over a succdem
You're gonna be real frightened when the real revolution gets going.

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I had the exact same problem.
Coming to terms with the fact that God isn't real is a very common part of growing up.

I just now recently accepted God again thanks to the fact that I finally understand the bible and the historical significance of it.
And that the bible stories are historically quite plausible.
I really recommend watching a Youtube channel by the name of Bible Project.
It's a really good way to understand the basics and peak your intrest further.

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BLACK DEATH was great!
Definetely a catholic must watch


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Fun fact: The most Christian cities in Japan in WW2 were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Look it up. Until the end of WW2, a sizeable but persecuted Christian minority existed in Japan.

Kissing nigger feet is catholic kino.

You believe all kinds of unprovable shit, why not Christianity?

Also, Van Helsing.

Based Edward Feser poster

This plz

was it austism?

>The nip who made it...

there's no return from the red/black pill my man
you're in the void now but you need to keep going, is the only way
look for robert kegan or ken wilber models of development, maybe they can help you to understand where you are and where you're going
also, if you lost your faith, your "fides", focus on your piety, your "pietas": there's a lot to do for your family and your people.

>the exorcist
>the name of the rose

>jesuits being shit
>nagasaki massacre
kinos fucking when

>Ken wilber
Yikes. Why don't you throw Peterson in there as well.

Both sides had valid arguments regarding spirituality. However, the way they all acted was regrettable. Maybe to find a spirit, you need to sacrifice it.

the developmental model of ken wilber is the least meme part about his thinking, I agree that anything else associated with his name is just a new age meme, also his critique about boomers is great
kegan has a more academic but less detailed approach
the problem with JBP for me, is that he advocate for "ignore" the black/red pills, to "return" for that bitter truths and I don't think that's possible

You are already on the right path, my friend. Acknowledging this sentiment, means you are already in salvation.

I think that's the point, it's meant to be enclosed to signify the dying light before them.

Alright, what the fuck. I just started listening to Ken Wilber and he has a concept called the "big green meme" and another one called "boomeritis".

>I just started listening to Ken Wilber
>Where did I go wrong???

>Ancient magic people prefer to be killed
This doesn't place in "ancient" times, you goober. It takes place during the Enlightenment.

Just finished watching it after seeing it here, absolutely kino indeed. Genuinely impressed with how it didn't for a second feel like it was being preachy.

Based and tradpilled

Pic not related. I hated this movie and I'm Catholic, dude was dead in life, defeated and broken, being a slave of the corrupt government and status quo.

The Agony and the Ecstasy


Star Wars Episode IX

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Any day now, incel.

>Schindler's List.
Fuck Vatican II

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Church and religion are two different things user, it's sort of the difference between laws and morals.

If you think about it the cathedral door was the original Yea Forums.

this 2bh

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I like Ben Hur but that is some subversive kike propaganda if you're sensible to it. It's as effective as Christkino as it is as fomenting early Israeli nationalist sentiment.

>couldnt stop thinking about this movie and religion and theology and Catholicism in general for a few days after seeing it


I used to watch it every Easter.

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Why did you stop?

>you can be christian without believing in the church

Pierre, get the stake

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I didn't have a TV for a long time while I was in my 20s trying to build a life and career. Also I never owned a copy and only watched it on TV stations and I don't think they play it anymore, at least not the way they used to. When I was growing up in the 80s it was always a well-advertised event.

you can be Christian and believe that portions of perhaps the largest organization of people the world has ever known has had some problems.

>Not liking Fra Angelico

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>it's another "the church is corrupt" episode
Welp, I guess all those centuries of theology, church doctrine, signs and miracles, inspiring lives of the saints, of evangelization, conversions, healings, education, conservation of documents and traditions, etc. just have to go to the trash!

Please try to be more sensible, user. The church was and always will be the foundation of the faith until the End Times. Accepting Christ and Baptism sometimes is good enough but not always. Humble yourself

Yeh I’m thinking this post is based

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Your mom and me.

based retard

>brendan Gleeson gives on of the best Kino performances of this decade
>nah let's just give it to a lifetime tier Hawkins performance
This is what really killed the Oscars for me.

Fucking hell, I never cry but the passion of Christ riles up the emotional well like nothing else.

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more like basedism

based Yea Forums, downloading a few of the movies in here now for some kino, not even a catholic

Sorsese is an apostate and his movie's story is his rationalization for it.

Le sorcier du ciel (1949) [the wizard of heaven]
A movie about the life and misson of St. John Vianney

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Pretty good. Didn't like the ending. The lead is a Gary Stu, too. He's not a real solution to the Church's problems, because people like him aren't becoming priests.

Silence SUCKED.

By coincidence, I'm watching this today.

Correct answer. If you haven't seen Mel's masterpiece, you need to.

Not so fast, heretic queer.

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who else Marcelino Pan y Vino here

>It's not a good movie for weeabos since it distorts their view of japan

It's great for me though. Based pagans btfo'd christcucks big time.

As a completely irrelevant minority, duh.

>I want to believe I'm not just a biological automaton and that I'll see dead family and friends again

Believing the opposite won't make it true, you know.

he has a novel "boomeritis" about a scientist that found himself in the nihilist void
it's really bad

>You believe all kinds of unprovable shit, why not Christianity?

Like what. Give me an example of unprovable shit you model your life arround.

>Based pagans

Not an argument.

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Pagans are cringe, what else can be said.

Yeah right, unlike boy fucking, refugee welcoming bible fuckers. Shinto is based. Nationalistic and pro life.

>Shinto is based.
Cringe weebcuck

I'm not speaking about Catholics in Japan, I'm speaking about Christians in Roman empire

Better a weeaboo than a Christcuck

>Christ was a blue eyed white man
>Christ died for everybody
I truly hate this fucking world and the lies it promotes. My favorite fact about this movie is that the actor who played Christ was struck by lightning 3 times while performing his iconoclastic portrayal of The Messiah. There are numerous descriptions of The Lord in the Bible and not one of them describes a pasty ass cracker with horse hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Just promise me you won’t be surprised when you caucasians end up paying for this on the day of his wrath.

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>Better a weeaboo
How fucking pathetic does someone have to be to think this?

It was great. Aliens were a part of it, sure, but I prefer the whole priest sub-plot that worked way better.

The best.

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Not an argument

Babette’s feast is a wonderful movie, but if you think it endorses Christianity or religion in any way you completely missed the point dude.

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Wrong. The resurrection is the foundation on which the faith stands. The crucifixion/symbol of the cross is one thing, but the belief in Christ rests on the fact that he was resurrected.

American Horror Story: Asylum
>apart from the bullshit with the aliens.

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Watched this when I was 12 in school and the entire class balled their eyes out. What a brutal film

Stop resisting and come to Christ.

Re read what you consider to be important theological texts, meditate on your life from this perspective (it helps to find a holy sanctuary somewhere be it in a temple, church, or nature), then make these actions a habit again.

>Catholicism didn't exist before 700
>it was spread by the sword
Are you fucking retarded?

Not reslly catholic but "brother sun sister moon" is nice if you are going through an existancial crisis. Jesus christ superstar 1976 is great also

Hey fuck off

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>The Mission
This, amazing movie.

He's talking about the writer of the novel you dense fucks

Is Buddhism compatible with Catholicism?

user, I think you don't feel so good, you should consider reading the holy Bible

Yes. Hippy Buddhism isn't but the real deal is.

Right vs left
Catholicism vs protestants

You idiots seem not to understand, the typical divide and conquer tactics by the 13th tribe of Satan


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No. Syncretists get the rope

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Which is more cucked, Ireland or the UK?

Based Vatican dabbing on the alt-right

>Notre Dame burning down
What the fuck

1. Muslims
2. Pagans
3. Leftists

>Don Fabijan is a young priest who comes to serve on an unnamed small island in the Adriatic. In order to help increase birth rate on the island, he decides to pierce condoms before they are sold. He therefore teams up with the newsagent Petar and the pharmacist Marin.
After they abolish all forms of birth control on the entire island, the consequences become more and more complicated.


we are being punished for baneposting

jesus fuck this is sad

Why can't Christianity unify against the real threat to all Christians?


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The "nip" as you call him is tremendously praised within the Holy See, it's Scorcese who trad catholics don't respect

What is wrong with becoming a better you?

Who is it a good movie forr then?

Just saw the movie as a protestant on Yea Forumss recommendation, thought it was fantastic. Not sure what all the fuss is about it though.

The Keepers

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Stay seething proddies

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wise blood
tone of the movie a bit all over the place but a great movie.

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>tfw went to a lutheran private school for pre K-8 and came out of it an agnostic
I kinda want to go to a mass and see how it all is for myself, is there anything I should know besides don't eat the bread?

Exodus: Gods and Kings

>it's a good Catholic movie
>and bad at the same time

Actual real life kino


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People with an aesthetic attachment to Christianity who can appreciate the themes withotu getting personally offended.
aka me

Fuck Jesus and fuck Christians.

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came to post

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I just want Eden SoL with cute girls

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> Jim Caviezel experienced a shoulder separation when the 150lb cross dropped on his shoulder. The scene is still in the movie.
> In one scene while hanging on the Cross, Jim Caviezel can be seen to have a blue colouration of skin. This was not a special effect, but a case of asphyxiation, the cause of death for crucified victims.
> During the scourging scene, Jim Caviezel accidentally got whipped twice. The first time knocked the wind out of him, and the second time hurt so much it caused him wrench his hand quickly from his shackles, scraping his wrist badly. The remainder of the scourging scenes were finished by using visual effects: the actors playing Roman soldiers held sticks without the leather tails, and acted out the whipping motion, while Caviezel would react as if hit. The tails were later digitally composited into the shots. Make-up wounds on Caviezel's body were digitally covered until the actual hit by the whip, creating the illusion that they suddenly appeared.
> Because of their experiences during film production, many of the cast and filming crew converted to Catholicism after the completion of the film. Among those who converted was an atheist who played Judas Iscariot.
> Jim Caviezel Was Struck By Lightning Twice. The First Time Was During The Filming Of The Sermon On The Mount. The Second Was During The Crucifixion.


No, I mean the only high quality image I can find isn't the whole painting. Whoever uploaded the image cut off the right side.

chaste and scripturepilled

harder to monetize


>Christ Himself being the only light source in the entire painting and it fills the entire room; you assume it's a candle in front of him at first glance only to realize that there is no need for any other light in the presence of Christ
>the clear awe, admiration, love, and fear among the apostles' faces; you can feel that they're in the presence of something far more than human
>the grim determination on Christ's own face signifying the crucifixion to come
>the fairly accurate and simple design of the hall
This painting truly is the best depiction I've ever seen. Excellent taste to whoever compiled this tier list. The more I look at Pascal's Last Supper the more powerful it becomes.

>Mary running to her son and it flashing between when He was a child and His carrying the cross
It broke me, guys.

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>mfw went to a lutheran school and my 7th grade class went on a field trip to the theater to see this when it came out

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several bad people are praised in the holy see
the pope is a heretic

I'll forgive your memery, but refrain from sinning in the future.

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The Dame is still burning lads :( I haven't stopped crying.

>The Dame is still burning lads :( I haven't stopped crying.
It's tragic, but the church is the people, not the building or the art. Where there is life, there is hope and joy.

The cross of the altar survived. God has prevailed.

Attached: Notre Dame cross.jpg (900x1200, 137K)

Holy shit, it's mostly intact. Thank fucking christ.

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I grew up surrounded by Evangelical Protestantism, going to church and singing Hillsongs and shite like that. For me, if I were to be religious (which I am not, simply can't suspend my disbelief, no offence) religion should be something more traditional and focused on self-reflection.

I visited some Catholic / Orthodox Churches in Eastern Europe and I was blown away by the reverence these places command, far more in line with what I think Christianity should be than what I saw in some Evangelical places.

Not to say that some Protestant traditions aren't interesting, like Anglicanism or Lutherans. It's just that I find this new wave of religion very off putting from the whole experience.

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Unironically this. I'm a protestant but I found it very moving.

The virgin mary is a false idol and you can't convince me otherwise.

Protestantism has Paradise Lost

Praise God.
Made me feel a little better about all this after all.
I'm not even Catholic--protestant here--but Notre Dame didn't deserve to burn.
I was infuriated seeing it on fire.

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If your church is covered in gold and your donations go to the upkeep of that gold your church is not a church, it's a scam.

All a church needs is a cross and some pews. Jesus would not approve of the selfishness and greed of Catholicism.

>The entire Penance section

>insulting the mother of God

>I was infuriated seeing it on fire.
That is perhaps the wrong emotion to have there.

>Jesus would not approve of the selfishness and greed of Catholicism.
Right, because he shit all over the Second Temple for it's ostentation. Oh wait.

I'm no puritan. Any historical building burning down is gonna be upsetting.

>every one of you cant name even 5 of his theses.
protest some more fags

You can’t expect zoomers to know anything about literature.

Alita: Battle Angel

I'm not Catholic but even I think it's pretty damned obvious.

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Catholic capekino coming through

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Diary of a Country Priest

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Film is about Saint Francis and Saint Claire of Assisi

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Read philosophy.

Immanuel Kant