Why does Netflix keep shilling this unfunny butterface hag?

Why does Netflix keep shilling this unfunny butterface hag?

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Because apparently she found a way to grow herself to such massive sizes that she’ll eat anyone who stands in her way

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because they can

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Her uncle is a prominent democrat. Given the recent Netflix-Obama production deal, it seems likely to me that she has family friends in the company.

I don't think you know what the term "butterface" means

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some other user was spouting off about uncle chuck funding comedians to further his agenda. I can't find it, but it was a good read

Have i told you the story of ehen the obamas bought a piece of netflix?

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Ever hear of a man named Chuck Schumer?

Some "Netflix-insider" told us that her support and the people who hate her make enough free publicity liking/disliking her that her name alone brings people to the platform.

that true?

Netflix will give anyone a special

contract for multiple specials from when she was "famous" probably

thats a dude with long hair and tits man

> Muh Chuck Schumer
Oh look more alt right bullshit. An uncle isnt a close relative. I have 4 nieces and nephews and have nothing to do.with them because its kind of weird to have an uncle around

he brought her in to shill for gun control at one point

Shes an entertainer and she cares deeply abiut removing mass weapons of death from our streets

>t. american

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>autistic retard on Yea Forums thinks nepotism only happens between parents and children because his siblings rightfully know he's a creepy child molester and keeps their kids away from him

are you crying out in pain as you strike the truth?

No, They tried to get me involved I just dont care. Is it normal to have a relationship with your siblings kids? I honestly ignore them

let's hope you continue this trend, mainly for their sake

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