Why is his character so bad?

Come on now, why is he the main actor, when literally every other character in the show is more interesting, yes even gendri.
Tbh Jon Snow was good until he had sex with the redhead in the cave, after that it has been bad.

Attached: jonsnow.jpg (400x400, 50K)

Eh, even though his character hasn't been interesting since the Night's Watch vs Wildling battle, I still find the fact he keeps getting fucked over each season to be mildly entertaining. His whole life Season 5 and up is like a Malcolm in the Middle episode.

He's GRRMs ultimate ruse. I wonder what stunt he'll pull with this character at the end to fuck him over and make people's jaw drop. He's not a gonna write a snowflake chosen one hidden king who gets revived and gets some fairy tale shit where he rules over the world.

sneeds feed and seed
formerly chucks fuck and suck

the whole show's characters are bad besides cool ice wraith lich dudes.
Literally whole show is shit and so are you.

Nope. Stannis is not lame, he's also going to come back with Mel. Remember, this guy died off screen. He is NOT dead.

I disagree. I can't find anyone else interesting because they all whine over inconsequential shit. So many dumb characters, at least he's been dealing with the real threat since day one

You ever read snowcrash, OP?

He's a bait and switch protagonist. I'll explain with greentext.

>In snowcrash, the protagonist is named literally 'Hiro Protagonist'
>He is the world's best samurai and VR hacker
>The plot revolves around him, makes him seem super badass
>A little girl is introduced 25% of the way through the book, she seems like a side character and is doing things unrelated to the main plot
>Hiro protagonist ends up having nothing much to do with the ending, the girl ends up saving the day

The above is satire but I feel like game of thrones is going to go the same way. He's being typecast as the hero now but in the end I suspect someone else will be involved in the conclusion.

this to be honest










kit harington can't act for shit

he constantly has that "little bitch" expression on his face. I think that's what makes him so uninteresting to watch.

"Girl saves the day"

Well that was obvious...let us hope said Girl is Sansa and not Dany. More fit to rule than Dany "It's my right! KNEEL!" Tartar.

the actor makes the character no justice

How is he muscular but also has a bloated face?

Attached: 1555097398_jon-snow-daenerys-targaryen.jpg (592x450, 72K)

We can always hope he isn't dead, though I think he is. He will always be the one true king in my eyes.

I always find it funny how most women in the show are taller than him

>t. incel who can't self insert anymore

whats his height?

bong DNA

I hope it's not Sansa either, It's obviously gonna be Arya

Kys Redditor