Will this be considered one of the greats like breaking bad and the sopranos?

will this be considered one of the greats like breaking bad and the sopranos?

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breaking bad was shit
sopreanos was mediocre
GoT is 10/10

Probably, if not for its merit then definitely for its cultural impact

Breaking Bad is only good on one go
Sopranos is two solid mafioso shows and then it proceeds to become the pinnacle of postmodern television about America, media, and psychology
GOT last couple seasons arent even liked by its own fanbase, the show creator has shown himself to be incompetent and carried by Georgie Marty

>two straightforward mafia seasons

>comparing this trash to sopranos
ay T, get a load of this prick

By normies yes. Breaking Bad and GoT will be considered god tier to them

Based and epicpilled

It will be considered the best tv show of all time.


breaking bad was goat
i didnt watch sopranos you boomer
got is goat

The Wire and True Detective Season 1 are objectively better than any of those shows

uneducated Italian-Americano mobster banter>gay middle earth speak
Livia Soprano>Cersei Lannister
70s Classic Rock>Generic Fantasy Score
Corrado Junior>Any Character on GoT
Death, Decay, Deterioration themes>Snow Walkers
I remember when I used to think BrBa was good lol

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GoT is known for how many major characters they kill in cinematic fashion, mixed with dragons and incest.

I think if anything more people will watch the sex scenes rather than pay attention to the storyline of this show. We can still read the books, right?

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based and methpilled

The first 4 seasons of The Wire > True Detective S1 and S2

name a better show
protip: you can;t

when you get that cgi fest cringe cock out of your mouth you should kill yourself


>*fails to name a better show*

I mean, it's certainly the most culturally impactful TV series in history. Not the greatest from an objective standpoint though obviously.

define objective

In what way is it culturally impactful. How is it the most.

Sopranos was a boring ass drama shilled by HBO,, Breaking Bad was kino.