Pirates should be executed

Pirate fags should be lined up and shot in front of their loved ones.

I watched the show LIVE on HBO, because I support networks that bring us great content.

Remember, without people like me, shows like this wouldn't exist. Without capitalism, you socialist fucks wouldn't have anything to pirate.

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GoT won't exist after this season regardless so what you're doing means nothing

Why do people bother posting low quality bait like this?

He's from Yea Forums

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Oy Vey stop torrenting!

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maybe they should improve their business model then
this is the free market in action, you commie

Agreed, you faggots pride yourself on not supporting artists, but without support, they can’t create the works you love.

You all deserve to get devastated by Mandingo on a handful of Viagra.

someone direct me towards a link so I can pirate it please and thank you

Can't believe they didn't show her banging Euron.

>Game of Thrones
>Great content.
Eat a dick, pleb

I dunno, Euron's pretty based.

If you want great future content from HBO—the network that brought us the Wire, GoT ant True Detective—is subscribers sure as fuck are helping.

foxtel has exclusive rights in australia so forgive me for pirating pls

HBO loves their pirates. They had one fuck the queen of the show.

Spent all my money on elephants

Euron is a Narcissist, Yea Forums only loves him because they have no confidence and wish they could be like him and seduce a psychopathic, but hot, queen. It’s all so sad and shallow, if only they had sex, they would realize it is actually sweaty, smelly and overrated.

i paid full price and feel ripped off

this shit was a glorified recap

>great content
>great future content

Yaarr, the blood runs cold
We take our loot but don't get old
Yo, yo ho
Yo, yo ho
Oh hail, the mighty
He's arising from the deep
With tattered sails
and incredible tales
we're caught in the endless seas

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I don't watch the show but you've convinced me to pirate it with your faggotry

fuck off you queer

Pay for Jewish propaganda? Get fukd

Not even worth watching for free

Arrr, Pepe be usin a dead man's IP

not asking the link but which site overall would have this?

HBO has made more than enough money.
Copyright nazis crying over file-sharing is just entitlement for excess profit.

>Game of Sóy fags should be lined up and shot in front of their loved ones.
fix'd that for you senpai

This. It's like drug companies bitching when people get affordable medicine over the border in Canada or Mexico.

The comment section of episodes on tvmuse usually shares links. And there's nothing worth paying for on modern tv.

>great future content from HBO

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I signed up for a one month free subscription and once the mobths is over I'm out, not paying a single cent. What will you do to me?

Plus people who download also buy, so they still contribute to the economy. File-sharers pump money into various industries so punishing them with fines or prison is guaranteed lost sales and revenue to more businesses.

If everyone streaks, no one can produce. Don’t be a free rider in anybway, evolution selects against you always, pirates.

>evolution selects against you always
Gosh, amazing free riding's still around then.

By the way, your kids aren't yours.

fuck off you porkie drone

any link?

>without people like me, shows like this wouldn't exist
Then... DIE!

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this post is stupid theyre planning on doing a spin off in the game of thrones universe... so there will be more. Pay for the things you consume no one deserves anything that other people work for for free

Maybe they should release everything at once so you don't have to sit through a million weeks of bullshit to get to the ending.
Fuck HBO, and fuck live television

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a person pirating your show was never a 100% sale
a person pirating your show is however 100% extra word of mouth advertising

they win in the end


DirecTV leaked episode 2
where is it?

Who kills Euron, Theon or Asha?

What happened to your socialist utopia goy?

the show paints pirates as cool and dandy

next time try watching it dead. see if that makes a difference

Pirates destroy the product they love. Parasites.


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Norway is doing great, thanks, number 1 in Human Development Index.

Oslo was underwhelming but the countryside is beautiful

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