Who else shat themselves when that boy screamed in game of thrones

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that was so damn obviously going to happen


i saw his eyes open as tormund was talking so no i didn't

i didnt think so desu i thought wights were gonna jump out i didnt anticipate that

overall tho shit episode

that scream christ

>that scream christ
Oh, it didn't even bother me. Looking back it is kind of like a body snatchers low tier.

>he didnt see the kid open his eyes 3 seconds before it screamed

I saw the blue eyes behind Tormund

i didn't watch the first parts ? is it the umber boy ???
Yeah lmao, i saw his face rising when tormund was speaking i knew it

his name was ned umber

i was thinking how the kids role would just be dead kid on wall, but now hes screaming flaming kid

>paying this much attention to such a shit show

I did

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>being literally blind

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No because his eyes were open for like 10 seconds and apparently, even though everyone was looking in his direction, no one saw that. Additionally, there was no reason to scream and give away his element of surprise. If this wasn't Disney presents Game of Thrones, Tormund would have a dagger in his neck and would have died on the spot.

I missed the jumpscare because I tabbed over to Yea Forums because that scene looked like another boring talking scene. By the time I got back, it was just a burning spiral on a wall with "zomg acting" disconcerted stares.

What an utter disappointment.

>expected boy to murder best boy Tormund
>Boy screams, shit my pants
>expected the wright boys to show up and murder best boy Tormund
>tfw cut

Tell me he is alright.

adhd moron

it was like 10 seconds


He got stabbed and the poison killed him.

>the Night King took the time to have his zombies carefully cut up body parts and pin them onto a wall to form a cool swirly shape with a dead boy at its centre
When did you realise the Night King was a complete edgelord?

Im glad best boy tormund isnt dead thats for sure

but desu it was pretty dark in taht bit i was focussing on tormund and dondarion

he opened his glowing blue eyes a few seconds before he REEEEEEE'd

The entire episode was boring talking scenes with 0 plot advancement and a million dollar CGI sequence. At that point, there was 0 possible plot development from some night's watch guys meeting up with Tormund and Thoros, so I tabbed out to get back to intended shitposting. You on the other hand, do it without meaning to.

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Don't the wights turn feral when they're not under the night king's control?
Maybe when the wight was quiet because the night king was in direct control of it, spying. Then when he had heard enough he released control and the wight went back into feral retard mode.

I mean it's more likely the writers are shitty, but one can pretend.

allllways watchhhing

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He was scarier than the dead kid, and he did it twice this episode

I'll admit, most Hollywood doesn't have the balls to kill off kids, much less have them brutally impaled and have their reanimated corpse burned.

That kid burning was funny, holy shit. I would pay HBO if in every GoT episode a child was burned to death. Not my proudest fap, though.

Called the zombie, but didnt expect the scream.

"Woah, the body parts are burning in the same shape they were arranged in. What could it mean???"

When the same thing happened in the first scene of the first episode?

>*calmly watches 9/11*
>*calmly watches fall of Constantinople*

I just realized that was Olly lmao

He's doing it compulsively, the body parts in these patterns are always in the shape of the runestones around the tree he was created at.

the entire point of the character is to be a massive edgelorg you muppet

The severed arms around the boy were in the shape of a sort of swastika. Night King is Hitler, confirmed.

what if all of that was set in his past