Any kinos for this feel?

Any kinos for this feel?

Attached: price changes over 20 years.jpg (1200x1118, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did you leave out the best one

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But why

Because the big pharma can

Same reason as OP pic, if you control the supply and demand is high you can do whatever the fuck you want to consumers

so everyone knows shit is collapsing in our lifetimes right?
how do normies keep going on pretending they are going to retire and shit like that?

Jesus christ, that could basically be a 1:1 graph for government intervention. How. About. That.

>What is supply and demand.

>you can do whatever the fuck you want to consumers
It's more like consumers doing it to other consumers, while the insulin producers are reeping the benefits. With a limited supply of potentially life saving medication people who have more money will spend more to secure it.

It's a literal bidding war constantly driving up the price.

>>What is supply and demand.

In any other country insulin cost ten times less than the usa
if anyone could import his insulin it would be like 50 times cheaper i think

it's not supply and demand, it's the pharma mafia keeping the high price throught corrupt politicians

fuck off boomer faggot

>goods and services from outside the US decreasing in price
>goods and services from inside the US increasing in price
>we need more protectionism

Attached: nyw4k3x7vgyy.jpg (1557x984, 155K)

>things that are important for survival spike up
>bread and circus materials spike down

who is behind this?

Supply and demand
If amerifats weren't dumb pigs they have better health and wouldn't need to rely on hospitals

>blaming the consumers for the basic principle of inelastic demand

lrn2market economics m8

>it's not capitalism it's government intervention!!!
the absolute state of libertarianfags

oh and almost all the insulin production is controlled by like two companies and they have patents to avoid losing their monopoly

any retard can produce insulin with basic pcr biotech with any bacteria and sell it for dirt cheap

how is the government increasing the cost of textbooks?

The absolute state of deluded non-libertianfags. The prices of everything that the government doesn't regulate dropped. The prices of everything they've partially or fully nationalized went up, drastically. It's almost like the third-party-payer effect is real.

This was inevitable when we decided to privatize necessities and do everything in our power to demonize anybody who wants to consider free healthcare, free education, or anything else of the sort.



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We've been under neoliberalism since the 90s, doesn't seem to have worked so well.

>Doctors setting their rates and controllijg their own supply of labor through the AMA and closing schools is """free market"""

Backing school loans distorts the entire college market and all costs rise. They've removed any incentive of cost controls since any student can get a loan and qualify for one. Colleges and associated businesses respond in kind by being able to jack up prices however they please.

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the fuck are you talking about, basically nothing in america is nationalised, let alone anything on that graph

hmmm I (((wonder)))

>the government regulates child care and college textbooks
>the government doesn't regulate telephone services

sure, Cleetus

yeah no Sanofi and Novo aren't jewish neither are their shareholders

big white ceo are worse than jews

imagine being this delusional
point to a single libertarian society in RECENT history that has worked
hard mode: no memes

prove to me that the rise in college costs are caused by the government and not simply by the rise in demand for college education.

The belgian congo?

Why is it so closely correlated to government intervention?

It's working amazingly actually. Liberalism is the only thing that's ever improved the quality of life for the average person.

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Point to a single libertarian society, period.

And dont do the meme shit where you say Somalia. Libertarianism still calls for a government, just heavily restricted in its capacity and scope

>mfw unironic boomer
>mfw seething millenials/gen z
enjoy missing out on the pension faggot

Attached: sophsticated bear.jpg (640x640, 67K)

The government funds universities, hands out huge sums in grant money, and has FULLY NATIONALIZED the student load industry. Fucking DUH textbook prices went up. The students aren't spending their own money. The price doesn't matter, the textbook companies can jack it up indefinitely.

And ISPs are legal monopolies. They've built themselves into law. To the extent that politicians have let them, they've become single providers. They can keep their competition out. You CANNOT do that without government.

Literally the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century. That is when markets were most free and not coincidentally when the middle class was created.

We're going to dab on your social security and then we're going to physically dab on you.


The import restrictions are likely at the behest of the FDA since they don't want a bunch of shady potentially dangerous medicine floating around.

From there it's all about supply and demand and local scarcity, if anything it signals a good market to get into. If the price is inflated go through the hoops to start producing your own insulin and undercut the competitors. "Easy" money.

This, lmao. It wasn't even a state but a private corporation set up under Leopold without parliamentary consent or oversight.

>boomers are now openly bragging about themselves on this site
/pol/ was a mistake

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REEEE stop with these NUMBERS

most of this is the result of socialist regimes in 3rd world country


You dont have an answer, do you?

based and true

And as we see the cost of technology the ISPs provide has gone down greatly, so sounds like the government and the tech monopolies has served the public well, right?

all of them are

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Doesn't refute my point. Prove to me college costs aren't a result from handing out guaranteed "free money" to students .

the government is actually stimulating demand by guaranteeing people's ability to participate in the market.

You seem to be forgetting about patent law, a creation of the free market as sharing trade secrets is apparently socialism.

>unironically using the gilded age as a positive example of lolbertarianism
the absolute state of rothtards

Attached: are-we-living-in-the-gilded-age-20-s-featured-photo.jpg (768x432, 93K)

yeah sure you are kid. Just like you did on big corporations, golbal warming and poverty. You're wasted generation is gonna do nothing like usual.

yeah, totally not because of poor countries opening themselves up to trade with wealthier ones.


Demand skyrocketed as a lifetime of red meat and fast food seven days a week caught up with more and more aging boomers.

>want a bunch of shady potentially dangerous medicine floating around

insulin produced in other countries is as good as the american ones
don't defend this scam, especially when few days ago Sanofi was forced to lower the cost of insulin because they were under pressure

>go through the hoops to start producing your own insulin and undercut the competitors. "Easy" money
there are patents to avoid that competition

you can patent a one of the most basic molecule on earth now, God would be jealous

Schumer (D)

>Literally the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. The middle class came to be in that time because of a little thing called the PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. People like Teddy Roosevelt and labor unions exerted power to reign in the control over business run amok. And let's not forget the rampant wild west of the stock market that was the roaring 20s and the immediate collapse of the fucking global economy as a result.

>inelsatic demand

Try again buddy. All those sob stories that come out are about people forgoing insulin because they are no longer willing to pay the high price. Inelastic demand is where people will buy the same amount regardless of price.

>socialism has been so successful we've decided to abandon it :^)

There are none because 1998 is roughly around the time good movies stopped being made.



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Liberals do realize taxes come from capitalist enterprise right?

People set out to create a business or service that people want or need. The business is a success and creates wealth. That wealth gets funneled into the public sector via various taxes which the government then spends doing dumb useless shit.

Like it's really important liberals understand this basic concept

>But why
because blacks and hispanics are more likely to get diabetes

The ISPs are not the end-all of Internet access. There is far less regulation in the wireless industry. Nevertheless, busting the ISP's legal monopolies by repealing all of their pet laws would get the cable provision sector moving quite quickly.

The common man went from barely the rags on his back, as through most of history, to a house and a car. Fucking fight me. To say unions did it only makes you an idiot. EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER figured out that contracting the work week and paying workers more was more profitable because workers became more productive. If you want to argue that some malcontents holding up signs and refusing to show up to work won that, fine, but the history doesn't back you up at all.

most economists would point to both as factors.

right, because the shifting economy away from labor to high-skill jobs isn't a real thing. no no, technology hasn't changed minimum requirements for employment anymore.

It's called copyright and patents.
Bullshit things that wouldn't exist in a free market.

based brainlet

while this is true it's also seriously fucking missing the point that conditions are changing and even those graphs prove this. Liberalism worked great when everyone took for granted things like borders and reasonable immigration restrictions, and everyone accepted the reality of human biological differences. Neoliberals can't handle any of that.
Love how you have to include the term "literal" for the fake news because it's such an important distinction from the "technically not fake" news like the Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory.

instead of disproving your autismo mental gymnastics about how real lolbertarianism would be a capitalist paradise, why don't i just do the practical thing and point to the several dozen countries antithetical to your """""ideology""""" that are far better off than the country much closer on the ideological spectrum to your beliefs?

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Americans will defend this

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i love when people complain about inflation as inherently bad, but never really have a good argument as to why they dislike it.

disinflation creates incentive to consume less and also not to invest. you can't have a functioning economy iif that happens over the long term.

>Just like you did on big corporations, golbal warming and poverty.
That was your useless generation that tried to fix all that shit then turned around and made it worse in the 80s, you dumb fuck.

Eventually millennials and gen-x will form the majority of congress by the nature of you guys dying. Just you fucking wait for the revenge tour we take on you.

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Onions Green, Network. The 70s had worse price changes.

The textbook thing only applies to underwater basket weaving textbooks at ivory tower schools. Tech schools teaching and training the people who actually make shit work are moving towards free open-source textbooks.

And I don't just mean the tech schools like the guy who changes your oil went to, I mean MIT's course catalogue and materials are online for free because having people who can actually do shit is more important than trying to up the value of your social studies degree with scary price tags.

But it was government intervention you brainwashed faggot.

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>Government subsidizes healthcare/education
>prices proceed to skyrocket unchecked thanks to the glut of endless free money

Nobody is arguing against capitalism you faggot, they're arguing against the control of the economy by a few hand-picked conglomerates.

>The common man went from barely the rags on his back, as through most of history, to a house and a car. Fucking fight me. To say unions did it only makes you an idiot. EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER figured out that contracting the work week and paying workers more was more profitable because workers became more productive. If you want to argue that some malcontents holding up signs and refusing to show up to work won that, fine, but the history doesn't back you up at all.
Oh no, it's retarded. And a revisionist at that. I wonder how long it'll take you to start screeching about how "LE NEW DEAL WAS ACKSUALLY A FAILURE".

*Onions Green. ffffff

>Nobody is arguing against capitalism you faggot
I really wish this was true but I've seen you fucking chapo tards non-ironically argue for full soviet style communism so I dunno

>Nobody is arguing against capitalism you faggot
i am

The United States of America pre 1913

why are brainlets so obsessed with the gold standard and the FED despite not being able to make a single coherent argument against either?


based college student trying to sound smart. You responded to two different people who weren't even asserting the same things.

I work with dozens of clients a week trying to help them sort out their student loans. Frequently, they express dismay because they didn't understand the actual cost of a decision they made a teenager, and were only enabled to make that decision because of federal programs.

>things that wouldn't exist in a free market
Lmao, quite the opposite.

Literally google the progressive movement you idiot. First-half 20th century American politics were defined by progressive economic approaches from the government. You're being a revisionist arguing that the fucking robber barons were benevolent and gave the workers what was best. No, user. There were fucking company towns where coal miners would spend their whole paychecks on company-owned stores. People died in factories because their employers locked them in.

I'm not one to ignore hte power of the market during the industrial revolution--it and entrepreneurs brought amazing changes to society like you say. That doesn't mean that there was no downside, and it certainly doesn't mean that the very real social movement that spring as a reaction to that downside did occur and did effectively establish a middle class America.

Get out of here with your American economic history as written by Ayn Rand bullshit.

That television line has to refer to flat-screens exclusively, because there's no way they've dropped 95% since 1998 in general.

>red meat


>based brainlet
Yeah if user took his huge pile of 2019 dollars back to 1919 he would probably be confused trying to find anything worth spending it on.

>using the gilded age as a positive example

>government destroys our healthcare
>morons claim the solution is more government

Which is fine. Open sourcing knowledge and software is great competition to textbook companies attempting to keep it proprietary. It was inevitable, in fact. People eventually find it more productive to give their knowledge away and fund more secure and more stable software than to lock things down. That's just the progress of the tech market.

Counter my points or fuck off.

>i am

That isn't even adjusted for gdp per capita.

Why is it so high in England?

they don't understand either the Fed or the concept of fiat currency, and that makes them inherently scared of both.

Yeah well neo-libs are getting pushed further left. Bill Clinton wouldnt do half the shit Merkel did. (Immigration) Hillary was pushed out of neo-lib during the primaries and the election.

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>cops are violent sociopaths who kill black people for sport
>lol why do you need a firearm to defend yourself we have a publically funded police force ok sweetie?

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Healthcare and education are even more subsidized in my country and across the world compared to ameriKKKa. Why doesn't a degree here cost a house considering my institutions outrank yours?

think their system is slowly becoming more like the american one, though i wouldn't know as im not british

Based brainlet

We've wrote countless books on the damage the federal reserve has done.
Why do you enjoy the value of your wages and savings decreasing while Jeff Bezos constantly gets richer from an inflated stock market?

I just said you cant defer to somalia and such because absence of government in a "culturally enriched" hellhole isnt indicative of libertarianism. Libertarians want A government, just a small sensible one that fucks off.

Funny, its almost like government intervention ruined all these once affordable necessities.

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>replying to your own posts with posts completely irrelevant to the discussion and attaching an extremely generic image
based boomer newfag

>Things that everybody needs become more expensive
>Unnecessary shit becomes cheaper
Fuck this fucking clown universe

because I'm not a retard, and my wages/portfolio necessarily increase with inflation due to predictable and easily demonstrable principles.

sorry if that stuff is confusing to you lmao

Every earth day I go out into the woods and burn a bunch of tires in the forest.
Do your part, lads.

What country? It's important to note this is a bastard form of subsidy where its fed into the private market, not single payer, it's basically concentrated inflation which is why it affects only certain industries.

>That's just the progress of the tech market.
Based free market poster.

>gilded age
Americans will defend this.

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neo-libs were never left. the democrats have been right-wing since LBJ. The right has just spiraled so far right in the last 20 years you faggots can't even see that.

If the DNC nominates an actual progressive get ready for your heads to fucking spin when they kill the filibuster and pass sweeping progressive packages. I don't even mean this in a "haha you'll get what's coming to you!" I mean that you should be legitimately scared for the potential pendulum swing left. You'll be begging for good old Barry O.

During the period of the so called robber barons in the gilded age real wages for workers constantly rose.
During the so called progressive era we got the great depression, the most interventionist time in American history under FDR
quit rewriting history you bootlicker

Rich people want to go to college in the US and UK.
There's a lending bubble for sure, but there's more to it than that.

>belgian congo
Sorry history dabs on ancapistan retard.

I'm not a Randian, so nice straw man. Only proves your a simpleton like the rest. The simple fact is that reasonable hours, higher pay, and protections for safer work are INEVITABLE products of advancing markets where labor becomes more highly-skilled, more specialized, more productive, and demands higher pay. If you'll look around, NONE of the companies that locked workers in or pursued any other shitty tactics are around to argue how great they are. And the progressive movement isn't what killed them. Only the economic viability of providing those benefits when labor is a seller's market, which is what happens as a population becomes more productive.


>chapo tards
what the fuck is a chapo

>brags about quality of institutions
>doesn't understand the system on which he's commenting on
>implies that all government intervention in a market should have similar outcomes

Those companies provided higher living standards than typical companies did.
That's why so many people worked for them.


Denial. Thinking about these things leads to depression and suicidal thoughts/urges.


Daily reminder that if you support free healthcare, you deserve to die.

based revisionist retard

>During the so called progressive era we got the great depression,
except the 1920s were a deviation from the progressive movement marked by 3 hands-off republican presidencies you historical illiterate.

UK, but even Singapore would work well too. They're held as a jewel of free market liberalism but healthcare and education there is dirt cheap thanks to "socialist" funding schemes.

Bullshit. The insulin from Canada is literally made in the same labs as is sold in the US.

the latest boogeyman of reddit migrants

Based no-arguments progressive retard, fantastic rebuttal, epic

health care is a not necessity goy

"Rubs hands"

Attached: Benfaggotjew.jpg (360x360, 20K)

The bull moose party's coming back to finish the job 100 years later m8

>when its a real place filled with real people you can really go visit

I dont think you know what boogeyman means

as long as there is a huge segment of society that is largely incapable of delivering differentiable value (always the case in meritocracy), there will be huge portions of your labor force incapable of exerting any sort of real agency against large employers. I'm not sure those people would ever have had the ability to eliminate shit conditions without regulation or at least unions

I hate neocons, neoliberals, commies, lolbertarians and stormfags, where do I go?

Fuck you.
My mother died because of insane healthcare costs, and it's cunts like you that are responsible.

>health care is a not necessity goy
No one argues it isnt a necessity you fucking slut. They argue over its status as a government provided right.

Do Americans believe in karma?

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Those aren't even closer to free markets lmao

Just fucking kill yourself already bootlicker.

Are you retarded?
Parents and copyright are government intervention.
They would be abolished in a free market.

The progressive movement was basically FDR.

>makes retarded claims based entirely off his feelings and gets mad when people don't take him seriously
knowing enough about various subplebbits to screech about them on Yea Forums is proof of redditry
off of social media

>the government never needs to intervene, because all of the good stuff would happen anyway lol

What's the timetable we're looking at here m8? How many people have to live shitty lives before this perfectly balanced equilibrium just naturally sorts itself out? All that negative PR Facebook got from 2016 really caused them to fix their algorithms and now social media isn't a problem. Thank God! They're not begging the government for regulation because they know it's impossible to manage it on their own, certainly not.

>My mother died because of insane healthcare costs
Your mother died because she got sick you fucking retard.

Unemployment at the beginning of the Great Depression peaked at 12% and fell to 6% before FDR got involved with the New Deal and shot it up to 20%. The economy was recovering before that idiot started smashing things in.

Based revisionist progressive economically illiterate retard.

Service industries emerged as those jobs were automated. Those people now either work safely in factory control booths or serve food at restaurants. The market isn't a static thing that never changes, dummy.

The koch bros will abolish the consitution by the time the DNC tries to let any actual progressive into power.

i suppose that in a truly free market there would be no property rights. might would make right.

but patents and copyrights are basically on the same plane as deeds and titles. There aren't may free market capitalists who want to abolish legal ownership m8

>people know this shit is happening and they STILL defend central banks
Just fucking why?
Why would you want to be poor like this?

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Fuck big pharma feeding of the sick

To some people, the highest goal is profit.

>The koch bros
t. cool wine aunt with a macbook that reads huffpo all day

Exactly, your system is nationalized, it's an entirely different dynamic as the government can regulate prices directly.

>The progressive movement was basically FDR
user. I am so, so, so sorry that the American education system failed to teach you your country's basic fucking history. But do me a favor and TRY to learn what the progressive movement was. Google names like William Jennings Bryan. Review Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson's presidencies, then get back to us with what you learn.

The only timetable we're looking at is, as I've already said, from the rags and mud of their shitty lives in Ireland and elsewhere to a house and a car. All markets take time to function. Our middle class emerged in two generations. EVERY OTHER ECONOMIC SYSTEM KNOWN TO MAN has destroyed wealth and lowered the station of every class but the political elite.

Based no-arguments progressive retard

Oh god, you are so human

>The progressive movement was basically FDR.
imagine being this retarded
>The Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned from the 1890s to the 1920s
>The presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt began on March 4, 1933, when he was inaugurated as the 32nd President of the United States, and ended upon his death on April 12, 1945
i'm not going to bother replying to you anymore since it's quite obvious that you're just some deranged boomer who recently migrated from his tea party facebook page

those jobs were largely shipped abroad, where people toiled in similarly shitty conditions, "dummy". Service jobs obviously are largely not-tradeable, so many people are helped, but the evidence is overwhelming that those people are quickly being left behind.

>he's a liberal
>he thinks the Constitution is his friend

There's a reason why progressives will not stop talking about "the living document" and "this was written by a bunch of old white men 250 years ago"

>To some people, the highest goal is profit.
To everyone*

Why spend the time and financial resources developing the science necessary to product medications if not for the profit incentives?

How do you libs think medicine gets developed?

So then the issue isn't welfare state intervention. It's that Americans have allowed corporate interests to dictate and privatize and coop funding for what are essentially necessities.

>accidentally illustrates the point he's trying to refute


What are we supposed to do about it? if we protest then the mainstream media will make us look like nazis.

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>The only timetable we're looking at is, as I've already said, from the rags and mud of their shitty lives in Ireland and elsewhere to a house and a car.
based retard thinks first generation irish immigrants from the 1840s were made rich by the 1890s gilded age so they could buy cars and houses in the 1950s

Please explain to me how a stimulus package has anything to do with what we're talking about up to now? You have the gall to call me economically illiterate when you don't understand the New Deal was pretty much just an exercise in Keynesian economics, which the Republicans exercise for some damn reason every few years in the form of tax cuts?

>Those companies provided higher living standards than typical companies did
Those companies didn't even pay their employees in legal tender and had a history of literally shooting them when they decided to strike. You might as well be arguing for bringing plantations back.

this is a major issue in healthcare. but college education from private institutions is absolutely not a necessity. a public good perhaps, but by no means a necessity

Do you like Thomas Jefferson, user? If so, you do at least acknowledge that you and he would have very different thoughts on the role of the US Constitution?

>The prices of everything that the government doesn't regulate dropped
>government doesn't regulate cars and TVs


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>good things happen on their own

Because the workers of the Soviet Union were defeated by the Americans.

>people know we got rid of central banking before and it caused the greatest economic crisis the US had seen at that point but still hate central banking

Just fucking why?
Why wouldn't you just take one economics class?

>No patents and copyright
>Literally no private property
Well, ideologues have to bend their brains so much they become what they are supposedly fighting

pharma gang

The free market "fixed" it

Is this real? what an absolute idiot.

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>it's okay that my country is turning brown, based neolibs using globalism to make third world slaves make my iPhone super cheap!
just turn on the gas, I can't live on a world with you people

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All I said was "subsidies", my friend. We're mixing systems in a bad way and that's leading to this.

I'm partially on board with single payer but I still hate how inefficient government administration is and how unhealthy and fat my country is anyway, meaning I would be directly subsidizing the healthcare of fatties and their bimonthly doctor's visits and drug chests.

However college should not be subsidized at all, that needs nuked and university admins need to be chopped down so costs can recalibrate. 90% of majors are scams anyway.

Yes. Low-value low-skill work in unsafe conditions NEVER lasts. It only marks the beginning of industry. The ceiling for that kind of work is reached very quickly, as China is now discovering.

You realized millions of them came in during the 1890's and early 1900's, right?

How is funding bridges to nowhere and subsidizing corn for nobody stimulation? Corn was burned in warehouses as unemployment was failing to drop. Do you not understand the concept of resource misallocation? And how the flying FUCK are tax cuts Keynesian when the theory involves redistributing taxed money to pet sectors?

Why not?
You hate freedom or something?

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That can't be a serious comparison. That's almost as bad as food analogies.

My point was that non-STEM academia is poised for a massive collapse. What you were really paying for was access to having your ability to present an argument with cited sources critiqued, which is what we're doing in this thread without paying tens of thousands of dollars a year for the opportunity to do so, albeit in a less pomp and circumstance, more hillbillies combing three cars on the front line kind of way. Efficacy and efficiency is becoming more valuable than the pageantry and ceremony that humans have placed such importance on since the emergence of civilization. We're becoming the machines we were worried would replace us.


Well that's because Americans think preventative care is socialism because Stalin though kids should do PE in the Soviet Union.

How do we even have all that data from 200 years ago?

Both modern conservatives and liberals make me sick to my fucking stomach. The West is doomed, better start learning Mandarin.


i love that you contend something NEVER lasts when it's always existed and simply moves to the next shitty place. once it's eradicated, you'll be right. until then it's a hypothetical that assumes constant one-way movement through development, and you're flat out wrong.

Because the dems voted down the republican bill to force pharma to sell drugs in the us at the same price they sell them overseas.

The USA has always had some form of government intervention.

Reminder that single payer healthcare in america will be a fucking disaster because whereas Denmark is full of people who ride bicycles to work, america is full of this.

Attached: fatties.jpg (775x518, 58K)

>Do you like Thomas Jefferson, user?


This post was made by the Hamilton gang.

I find this chart difficult to believe, nothing is cheaper today than it was yesterday. you tryna tell me a box of lego cost $40 back in the day?

bruh at least have some idea of what you're discussing before you spew 25 minutes of shitposts

Wasn't insulin invented like a hundred years ago?
What patent would exist for it?


You know you don't even need to have single payer to help solve the issue of healthcare. Just enact a public option for health insurance like you guys almost did back a decade ago. I fucking despise how healthcare has been framed between "durr socialism or complete privatization" when a perfectly viable third option already exists.

Why don't we just punish gluttons. Why shouldn't a rich fatty be punished as much as a poor one?

>My point was that non-STEM academia is poised for a massive collapse.

Hence resource misallocation. Because of huge sums of government money flowing into academia with no price signals, we have artifically misallocated by inflating the supply of shitty degrees full of useless knowledge. If none of these government funding or grant or loan mechanisms existed, school would be MAGNITUDES cheaper and would likely only consist of STEM since those are the only degrees with any sort of value that are in demand. Any other degree is a certificate, and true skills gained from time in a field can easily squash a liberal arts degree.

No it's the glut of cheap ass, unhealthy food. Eating is the chief hobby of the underclass here, look it up yourself, they're like 75% obese as an income stratum.

Oh sweet, so you must love centralized banks

>tfw we will never get rid of central banks
>tfw we're going to have to work like dogs until were 80 and then just die
>tfw we will never retire

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It's cost as a percentage of wages my guy

Support israel

Three companies produce insulin and also control the FDA. Every time the patent on an existing version of their insulin expires, they bring out a new one, re-extending the patent. Want to produce a generic of the old version? The FDA will never certify your facility or your product. Doctors won't prescribe it. Insurance won't cover it. Pharmacies won't carry it.

Rinse and repeat with every single aspect of the American health care system and you'll see why we pay twice as much for worse results than every other developed country

You are free to live without it mate. Nobody make you buy it

Tbqfh, I think there is too much unchecked immigration into the country to fully implement socialism. If Bernie Sanders kept all of his policies, but added on deporting illegal immigrants and really, really cracking down on immigration, I think he'd win any election easily.

Why do you keep acting like the government is the only one at fault here? People with the most college debt overwhelmingly come from private for-profit schools like University of Phoenix, which should be outlawed entirely.

ok, well if min wage is say $8 an hour, and a box of lego costs $40, did lego cost 5x min wage 30 years ago? I doubt that.

Fat tax. Airlines are already charging obese people more, government healthcare doing the same isn't a huge conceptual leap. You weigh more heavily on the system, you put more in the pot.

Healthcare isn't a right? Neither is being a fat piece of shit. I'd rather everyone had healthcare than be a fat piece of shit.

>>tfw we will never get rid of central banks

We did
It caused a massive economic crisis
We realized how dumb it was

No one's going to base national economic policy around your jewish conspiracy theories. You're poor because you're dumb and lazy.

That actually caused national collapse in some cases

No shit, but socialists are always to squeamish to implement the policies that would make these kinds of policies sustainable. You need to make sure people are contributing more than they take out.

That's what I've suggested

>nothing is cheaper today than it was yesterday
Information Storage.
Do you know how much a TB of storage cost a decade or 2 ago?

Attached: hd-cost-graph.png (1015x522, 25K)

>i love when people complain about inflation as inherently bad, but never really have a good argument as to why they dislike it.

Because my money can't buy as much as it used to, dumbass. I end up having to pay more just to buy the same shit, and that pisses me off.

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How am I lying? America went apeshit on New York for trying to institute a vice tax on unhealthy sugar laden sodas. Republicans still smeer Michelle Obama for trying to promote vegetables and low fat meats in American mess halls over McDonald's (they literally wanted to let McDonald's operate inside a school). Americans fear mongered setting up a new federal fitness test as government overreaching. I wish I was just shitposting.

If the government hadn't been propping up colleges the past 60 years SJWs wouldn't even exist probably.

And Bernie wants to give colleges even MORE power.

What a fucking joke this country is.

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Working for the day you don't have to work is why people who are willing to hold on to that money for you and make sure it's safe have so much power. People shouldn't be looking forward to retirement, they should be looking forward to reduced demand on what they're expected to contribute to society based on their decreasing physical and mental capabilities.

Hey American, explain, so basically if you scratch your arm or get the flu and it requires minimal hospital care, you will be bankrupt?

It never lasts WITHIN a single economy. There is always a dirty industrial phase, but once every nation in the world has reached at least the level of wealth where most of their workers are decently skilled and middle class, we'll move entirely to automated labor for those lower skills in the now-clean production of whatever economic substitute has replaced those goods.

Congratulations, students are being punished for the poor choice in valueless degree, unlike the government-funded one where taxpayers get to eat the poor decisions as we inflate a knowledge debt bubble waiting to burst. The ONLY way the education market is fixed is full privatization, where scam schools are weeded out through competition and shit students are weeded out through not being able to make it.

im pretty sure immigration with mexico has been net negative for a few years now
regardless, mass deportations aren't really practical to the reality of the situation
it would be better to provide amnesty for the existing criminals (while deporting felons and such), as it would expand the tax base
another important aspect would be to go after businesses that violate labor laws, this would have a two handed effect of preventing abuse of workers while also heavily deincentivizing further immigration as it no longer becomes profitable for businesses to hire illegals for less than minimum wage

fatasses wont stop stuffing their face

>The common man went from barely the rags on his back, as through most of history, to a house and a car.
Improvements in macroeconomic indicators started well before the gilded age. What's more, it wasn't until the progressive era that cars became widely affordable.

Switching to single payer would save us 2 trillion in 10 years according to the Koch brothers.

US IP Law is fucking retarded & the FDA is captured by two Pharma companies.

>so basically if you scratch your arm or get the flu and it requires minimal hospital care, you will be bankrupt?
No. You can go to a CVS minute clinic and get treated for like $40.

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every healthcare plan incentivizes preventive care
the poorest people get access to free care, which was recently expanded
the oldest people (who consume the vast majority of health resources) are subsidized

it'd be nice if people had better diets, but if that's where your point is shrinking to in a discussion of health care, then i'll just giggle at you

Correlation is not causation. Cite sources, faggot.

based newfag retard getting his knowledge from facebook memes

It didn't cause a massive economic crisis.
It lead to more stability.
There were less recessions in the late 1800s than there were from the 1950s to today and they were much less severe.
Besides, the panics back then were all caused by various forms of government intervention anyway.
Many books have been written on this subject:

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luckily economists who want to actually understand this shit will strive to look at a global economy rather than a single one. because that's really the standard you have to meet to prove your point about market forces, assuming there is flow of capital, labor and goods across borders

Most people have health insurance through their employer (it's largely subsidized by the government through tax breaks but shhhh. Dont let the libertarians find that out)

>Eventually millennials and gen-x will form the majority of congress by the nature of you guys dying
And what will they do differently?

>Charles Blahous said that to come up with that estimate, Mercatus used a relatively generous assumption about how well Sanders’ plan will end up controlling health care costs. It assumes that provider payment will be reduced to Medicare levels, that negotiation with prescription drugmakers will generate significant savings, and that administrative costs will be cut from 13 to 6 percent.

>However, in an alternative scenario in which cost-control works less effectively (see Table 4) Mercatus found that over the same 10-year period, national health expenditures would actually increase by $3.252 trillion compared to current law.

>So while the number Sanders chose really does appear in the report, he’s cherry-picked the more flattering of two estimates.

Dumb stupid commie fuck.

Vice taxes punishing people for unhealthy decisions are a good thing. It cost far less to actively help someone not acquire a disease like diabetes than having to treat it after the fact.

if my appendix is about to burst, I'm economically fucked?

The absolute definition of not capitalism is when the government interferes with supply and demand.

you retard