Admiral Ackbar voice actor destroys the concept of Holdo saving the fleet instead of Ackbar live on stage at celebration. Interviewer has to cut him off.

"Nobody is invested in Holdo"



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When does this happen?



>he thinks I'll watch 4 fucking HOURS


its in the OP blindfag

Lmao that soi boy got scared of Disney real quick

Wow, they really will not tolerate any criticism of their nu-wars. Faggot interviewer shut that down like he'd just denied the holocaust.

Did you watch that entire fucking thing you fucking faggot.

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Did you seriously spend 4 hours watching that?

I thought Ackbar's voice actor died, which is why they killed him off in the first place.

the actor that was in the suit in the original trilogy died, not the VA

Oh that makes sense, I saw it reported as the VA dying though.

what holocaust?

the faggot actually looked flustered too

But Leia

You were wrong though, thanks for the update on things you thought you saw

What does Jar Jar Binks' voice actor have to say about this?

You can share the video so that it starts at the timestamp


he wants to kill himself again

Its just the last jedi. If you say anything bad about it they freak out. You can say whatever you want about any of the others.

He got a huge applause when he was interviewed yesterday


There is some fuckery on my side. Your time code coincides with the start of the Clone Wars panel.

It's the NPC hivemind at work. He said something bad about TLJ which immediately triggered the NPC to get all flustered.

>Admiral Ackbar voice actor

I haven't watched your shitty clip but he fucking died 3 years ago

that he is the key to all of this

try that one

>Erik Bauersfeld (June 28, 1922 – April 3, 2016) was an American radio dramatist and voice actor. His most notable role was providing the voices of Admiral Ackbar and Bib Fortuna in the third film of the original Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi (1983).[1] He reprised his role as the voice of Admiral Ackbar in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015).

>Bauersfeld died at his home in Berkeley, California, on 3 April 2016, at the age of 93.

Didn't work

Based Admiral Ackbar

THAT’S problematic

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I really hope this clip goes viral. It was a perfect example of how all the SJW bullshit is driven entirely by fear mongering.

Who the fuck gives a shit about Ackbar? He's a meme character.

Fuck you, Ackbar.

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Fuck you right in your faggot mouth.

I knew it. So who's the guy in the video then?

the current voice actor for Ackbar

Yeah, I can't get a good timestamp either. What's the deal?

Lmao that nu male got really scared

he also voices like 20 other people on clone wars

It’s amazing how much the media will bend over backwards to defend/shill The Last Jedi. No other movie has that much power.

that face is amazing


That time stamp can't be right. They're just talking about taking a photo with a kid at 3:49:48. Is OP trolling?

Attached: Screenshot_20190414-213800_YouTube.jpg (1920x1080, 644K)


Attached: time.png (959x538, 1.06M)

Clone Wars panel

Attached: Screenshot_20190414-214619_YouTube.jpg (1920x1080, 548K)

onions vs. fun

I'm getting the same brah

DO you think disney gives a crap about free speach?

What day is this of the celebration? It comes in as day 3 and is a Clone Wars panel at the timestamp. My vid starts with the Scrubs dude talking to the host on the Tie-Fighter couch.

There's some fuckery afoot, and I don't think it's on our end.

>interviewer cuts off literal who after nearly four hours of inane chatter

Literally white genocide and an emasculation conspiracy

>muh side characters with 10 minutes of screen time!

You could replace Ackbar with any other weird looking alien and there'd be no change to the story. Alternatively you could cut every Ackbar scene and nothing about ROTJ would be different. Its just nostalgia fagging.

Here is just the clip on its own if timestamps not working


Fuck you, CUNT

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Go and edited you idiot, post the webm, are you from india?

Attached: Holdo subverting expectations didnt work so we reshot it and it still didnt work.webm (720x302, 2.87M)

>presented by Geico
truly, Star Wars is dead

Based and Mon Calamari-pilled

>hasn’t read the Ackbar backstory

Into the trash it goes

Thank you

some poeple shouldn't be allowed to use computers or similar technology

Attached: fail.gif (270x333, 2.99M)

>”alright alright...”

Captain Marvel

Akbar had seconds of screen-time, and still left a larger audience impression than Holdo did throughout all of TLJ. Reflect on that.

Based and thank you.

For "some reason," day 3's stream starts at 2:46 of 4:00 instead of the full 6+ hours.

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haha member when he said that

I guess it's just a "glitch" in "certain regions." Pic also related.

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>get Laura Dern
>an actress who is edgy and raw enough to be fucking David Lynch's muse
>acting like she'd shy away from a wig color

Her only mistake was trusting the retard who directed the movie.

Thanks, fren.

That face says it all.

When they're right, they're right.
I expected the leader to be competent, and Holdo wasn't.

>Here's the legendary Laura Dem who,
They can't even get fucking kerning right?

>That nervous shut-down

>a-alright alright
>pl-please stop
>lets change the subject

Supposedly, Frank Oz has also been trash talking Disney for their handling of both Star Wars and The Muppets at small scale talks and lectures.

Disney shills detected

Ackbar died in TLJ

What is Yea Forumss favorite popcorn?
Only Popcorn worthy of true kinos
>pic related

Attached: EF898A01-637B-4148-931A-570FF7EE6F12.jpg (477x531, 274K)

I started popping my own corn. Can choose different oils and butter/salt amount

Wise choice, I couldn’t be fucked because I’m a lazy faggot but good on you

Who the hell was invested in Ackbar? His claim to fame was ITS A TRAP

beyond that he was a fish alien who was at the briefing for the assault on the death star

It took a while for the whole livestream to be uploaded, OP had it when only the second half of it was up. Youtube has always had weird issues with uploading finished livestreams right after they end.

The virgin basedboy vs the chad ackbar

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>some midget and some faggot with a hat talk about clone wars

fuck off

>retarded faggot can't even post the right time
kill yourself OP

He's a cool-looking alien who spoke English with a fishy brogue. This is the appeal.

Also, of course it wasn't merely It's A Trap, he has all kinds of juicy, substantive tactical/battle dialogue over the course of the battle of Endor. You can even see the relief/elation in the character's portrayal when the Executor is destroyed. Real statesman-type stuff, and done in a fun way that isn't ham-handed, but fish-handed. The character is appealing, and writing this just reminds me of another factor which makes Jedi better than every other non-OT flick, as it always has been, of course, being an OT flick and all.

Because it was, at the time, unique and new that an alien benevolent fish guy would be in charge of leading humans in movie about space conflict. It's the same reason ET was unique. But if you're equally reductionist, what was ET at the end of the day? A fucking space Hispanic shacks up with a little white boy for a week while ducking the cops.

Holdo's only purpose in nuwars was to serve as a vehicle for proggy agendizing and saying men are bad. Literally no one cared that a random annoying bitchy pink-haired lady died, breaking canon in the process. They were actually happy when she died. One less annoying thing to have to process.

no one cares about ackbar outside of a meme, him being the one to do it would make even less sense

I don't think any of these guys actually likes nuwars. Think about how much shit got piled on to the prequel trilogy over JarJar who was, at the end of the day, probably better than the Ewoks.

I think that face he is making is
>oh gawd
>disney told us all that the first "journalist" to break with the narrative is going to have to get a sex change like Jazz Jennings if he ever wants to work in media again.
>how the fuck do i deal with what he said?

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It's nice to pop your own stuff, I just go for a light salting but I wish I could just do with the microwave shit. Air popping is way fucking cheaper overall though.


Nice time stamp you stupid motherfucker.

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Sounds like the interviewer is choking on a cock while he's talking, what a faggot

Get the Colonel Popper on Amazon (not any other ones, all the other ones are Chinese knockoffs that aren't actually silicone) and use it with the Amish Country Rainbow Blend popcorn. it's a lifechanger. You can put oils and spices (I recommend coconut oil and salt) but it honestly doesn't need anything. Super fluffy and crunchy. Insane nutty flavor.

>user's brain is so massive that it collapses into a black hole
Whoever made this image was retarded.

I fucking said it when the movie came out, Akbar should have had a bigger role and did the suicide attack!

This mother fucking Ace Ventura looking fucker and his old man sidekick on IGN always defend Star Wars hardcore, like religiously.

oy vey shut it down!

>That fucking coward presenter had to shut him down


>be writer
>dye your hair purple
>come up with character

You have no idea.

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reminds me of when they stopped Wreck it Ralph from making fun of Kylo.

Isn't that the ex-Destructoid guy who supported the banning of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 from the West?
Fuck him.

Of all the presenters he was the worst.


boomerkino right here

op is retarded
6:36:20 is the time stamp for the video posted

not watching

wtf why does that one guy have such a big head and tiny body?

Yes. Those people paid salaries to be beamed across various electronic platforms to tell you about the high-budget entertainment you should be paying to consume that is also being transmitted in the information tubes. Often times the companies paying for those talking heads are the same ones funding said entertainment product. But enough with these conspiracy theories, we all know it's crazy to think that the money making ventures only act impartially and would never develop agendas trying to be more profitable.

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