Even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope, really enjoyed it

>even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope, really enjoyed it
>Heard how "terrible" TLJ was went in with 0 expectations
>Pleasantly surprised
>the luke scenes/story arc is some of my favorite scenes of the series
>Shitty casino scene slows down movie
>Literally a good movie with great scenes

Honestly unpopular opinion here I'm excited for episode 8, don't have high hopes but I like the characters so I'm giving it a shot

Attached: cze7lpaeevr21.jpg (1079x1029, 280K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The sequel trilogy is the worst of the three by a mile. Holy fuck, how did Disney fuck up so badly?

OP is a retard

I enjoyed the Prequels but they get worse on rewatches, I've seen TFA 3 times and TLJ 2 and really enjoyed it more on repeat viewings

Force awakens sucks. It's unoriginal and does nothing interesting or new. The worst crime a film can commit : boring and done before.

Last Jedi sucked slightly less but still sucked because it refused to continue anything from force awakens and had the stupid casino and shit all over Luke

Star wars is about the characters and the set pieces to me, I really like Poe and Finn and I genuinely don't get why people think TLJ ruined Luke
His story makes perfect sense, he already felt like a failure and the idea of him training the vader and having deaths of other jedi on his hand sent him into hiding

Nice blog now fuck off

yeah Luke giving up on people and running away was always a big part of his character, how true that is

Does this even count as a "trilogy" from a narative view? How is it a three act structure the same way the original trilogy was?
Force Awakens is a remake, Last Jedi is basically a stand alone film with a self contained movie, the only big change is Kylo Ren taking over from Snook, other than that it's back to square one in the end.

>even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope, really enjoyed it

Bait or retarded OP?

Onions Wars was never good. Even as a child I could never sit trough one complete movie, they were boring compared even to what was on TV.

*self contained story
Fuck, I can't write tonight.

Because Star Wars was never good and people only liked Lucas' ideas, laughing at the actors, and hearing the music. Disney fucked up with all 3.

Would you have liked Force Awakens as much if the prequels never happened?

Seeing Luke Skywalker be a suicidal asshole for an hour was one of your favorite arcs in the series? Jeeze.

>excited for episode 8

The Rise of Skywalker is episode 9. Such an easy thing to get right

>The sequel trilogy is the worst of the three by a mile
nope. nothing is worse than the prequels. Just because you were a literal baby when you saw them doesn't make them good.

Attached: george lucas leadership.webm (640x480, 1.84M)

>I felt it stood on par with A New Hope
This was your first error in judgment.


The prequels actually get better with age. I love how they easily connect with the original trilogy, whereas Disney's trilogy constant bashes its own head repeatably.

Star Wars OT are the only actually good fantasy films besides the LOTR films.

So Luke just did the exact same thing as Obi Wan, despite him being nothing like Obi Wan before

The prequels were masterpieces just like everything else Lucas has done. You don't understand their structure or form because you are a sub-85 IQ mouth breather.

>The prequels actually get better with age.
nope. Disney just spent a lot of money conditioning children to turn them into maymays so people will laugh and clap at every retarded line and gaslight themselves into thinking it's actually "getting better with age."
> I love how they easily connect with the original trilogy

Attached: stay in the lines george.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

t 14 year old

Attached: george notices some similarities.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope, really enjoyed it
How? Rey is a mary sue with no character development. Poe did literally nothing the entire movie. Finn did literally nothing the entire movie except provide character relief. TFA shat all over the OT and their characters, undoing everything you thought they accomplished. How the fuck does it stand on par with A New Hope in any way?

>the luke scenes/story arc is some of my favorite scenes of the series
TLJ taking a shit all over Luke are some of your favorite scene sin the series?

don't have high hopes but I like the characters so I'm giving it a shot
How? Rey is a boring mary sue with no character development. Finn does nothing but comic relief and went on the worst subplot in star wars history. Poe did nothing in the first movie and in the second movie all he was used for was to subvert our expectations by making Holdo an unexpected hero in a horribly written subplot. What do you like about the characters?

Is this bait?

I thought TFA was okay as a starter movie, but thought for sure they'd really step up their game for TLJ. I also went into TLJ with an open mind and was blown away by how god awful it was. Hands down the worst movie ive ever seen.

Just cause you are a cynical old fart now dosen't make TFA and TLJ any better.
The prequels at least had an original plot and even though it was filled with fan service, it wasn't as desperate as in the sequel trilogy, like Lando just being there to drive the Falcon for five minutes just to drive the Falcon for five minutes with no real narative point to it, not actually doing anything with him as a character.

>Stop liking what I hate! REEEEEEEEEEEE

>he already felt like a failure
Literally what?
And this You have to be trolling.

I agree, OP. I'm not huge fan of the direction these films have taken, but they're still mostly good movies despite their missteps. The overblown outrage directed towards them on Yea Forums comes from prequelbabbies and EUfags.

Wtf is that webm? Anybody have a full vid?

>Star wars is about the characters and the set pieces to me, I really like Poe and Finn and I genuinely don't get why people think TLJ ruined Luke

Disregard thread. Its another disney marketer.

Go to bed, Rian

>Hands down the worst movie ive ever seen.
What do you watch 1 movie a year

Its not a trilogy at all. None of the movies follow each other in the least.

based fact poster

Attached: 1546934206719.jpg (200x179, 5K)

imagine being Lucas in this situation, where people spend hours/days designing aliens and ships and weapons and planets and cities and you get to just go through and pick and choose which ones you like to be included in the movie.
fuck that's awesome

The prequels are better than the ST for the sole fact that their existence doesn't invalidate the OT and ruin the characters. The ST shits all over the OT and it's characters and ruins the only good Star Wars movies.

When was the last time you watched the OT, the stories are good but not the reason you are there

>Let the past die

>Let's title this movie 'The rise of Skywalker'
>Remember the Death Star?
>Remember Palpatine?
>Remember Lando?
This shit is so obviously trying to shove fanservice into people's faces to try and make up for TLJ it's hilarious

Attached: 1555093569527.png (1901x787, 1.74M)

I'm with you, OP.


Attached: bait.png (625x1254, 94K)

Watching the trailer made me feel like a nigger. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>OT are the only actually good fantasy films
The first was dudeweedandspacelmao 70s camp saved by Harrison Ford's charisma and some nice effects.
The second was by chance a comfy and good film
The third was a shitfest trying to sell Ewok plushies and squeeze out the last dollars.
They were not that good as a whole

Attached: Return-of-the-Jedi-Ewok-Party.jpg (612x380, 59K)

>I love how they easily connect with the original trilogy,
Some of their worst parts are how they connect to the OT.
>Anakin is now a literal "Chosen One" because it's an easy tool
>The clones are just a bunch of Boba Fetts because Boba Fett was popular
>Anakin built Threepio
>R2 was around the whole fucking time
>Obi-Wan's reminiscing and conflicted perspective in the OT is a lot more endearing and interesting than the actual relationship with Anakin we see in the prequels
Palpatine's rise to power was pretty solid, though. So was Qui-Gon and how he contrasted with the Jedi Council and Obi-Wan. The prequels aren't devoid of interesting stuff, but their direct connections to the OT often suck and feel contrived.

TLJ is genuinely one of the worst big budget movies ever made

I'm not saying you have to agree with me, I just always see everyone shitting on TLJ and I enjoyed it so I wanted to post how I felt about it

It looks like a Robot Chicken gag.

Except it suffers plot holes colliding with established lore in OT.
I agree it's better than ST though, but OT is the only ones that really counts for me.

It is, that guy brings up Mara Jade and he flips out. It's all an act


>Except it suffers plot holes colliding with established lore in OT
Like what?I genuinely can't think of any off the top of my head.

Or it could be you who prefers films with a realistic setting.

>the luke scenes/story arc is some of my favorite scenes of the series
nope. fucking thing sucks and everyone knows it. Thats why they brought back JJ and made all the decisions to bring back old characters, its completely in response to how fucking horrible the last jedi was

Yeah keep living in your Yea Forums bubble user

Attached: lol.jpg (585x501, 50K)

That's some excellent designs. Not something you would see in the nu-trilogy

stop pretending that what you like is "good" just because you liked it when you were a fucking baby. The prequels get objectively worse with age. They become EVEN more dated and the cgi becomes EVEN more shitty. And the acting, directing, editing, lighting, is all STILL SHIT.

You're allowed to like whatever you want. You're not allowed to redifine reality to feel justified in liking it.

>Just cause you are a cynical old fart now dosen't make TFA and TLJ any better.
OVERWHELMINGLY BETTER. ONLY talking about production quality, pacing, and the rest of the basic filmmaking standards. Lucas fails at BASIC SHIT. His movies aren't just questionable script choices, every aspect of it was poorly and lazily produced and was unambiguously a cynical attempt to shill ILM to the industry and toys to retards.
>The prequels at least had an original plot and even though it was filled with fan service
THEY DID FUCKING NOT. THEY TURNED GODDAMN VADER INTO SPACE JESUS. And everything that wasn't just autistically taking the popular shit from the OT was terrible and retarded. The Casino in TLJ was less retarded, and actually made a point about the war industry, than something like Dexter Jettster or any of the other dribbling nonsense in Clones.
>like Lando just being there to drive the Falcon for five minutes just to drive the Falcon for five minutes with no real narative point to it,
lol the teaser trailer for the movie I haven't seen is worse than the shit I liked when I was wearing diapers!
>The prequels are better than the ST for the sole fact that their existence doesn't invalidate the OT and ruin the characters.


Attached: hey george I did spend all week on that if you could oh ok.webm (640x360, 1.55M)

>RT and Metacritic critic scores meaning anything
Also that Imdb score isn't even good

>7.2 isn't good
go back to v
a 7 out of 10 is the definition of good

Let me explain this very simply:
Force Awakens' job was to set up the next two films, it did its job, got some cool scenes, great start.
The Last Jedi takes whatever set ups were used, and tossed them aside because "subversion". Then the story focuses on needless secondary characters, thus making Rey Sue even more Rey Sue since she never gets any character building other than editing out a backstab in the middle of a horribly choreographed fight. Then the director has the audacity to absolute tarnish Lukes character because his nephew is conflicted.
The entire film is a shit show from start to finish and the fact that disney had defended it is laughable.
Rise of Skywalker is basically JJ trying to piece back together the story he started with to begin with and has to amend the destroyed ruins Rian has caused.
I mean in the teaser JJ put in a scene where Kylo is fixing his damn helmet, like we all have seen enough movies to know underlying themes and that right there is basically JJ saying "im fixing this fucking mess."

>I mean in the teaser JJ put in a scene where Kylo is fixing his damn helmet, like we all have seen enough movies to know underlying themes and that right there is basically JJ saying "im fixing this fucking mess."
Nice fan fiction you fucking retard

>got some cool scenes
Like which?

Who cares. They screwed up and they know they screwed up. Believe whatever you want to believe. They saw a huge dropoff in interest after the last jedi came out. It killed everything, you can link as many reviews and articles you can find telling me how great it is, but you can't change that fact.

>it did its job
>Mary Sue, shoehorned nigger, bigr deth star, dead han solo
>"im fixing this fucking mess."
He made the fucking mess. He should never have left television.

When the scale is 6-10/10, no it isn't.

>I felt it stood on par with A New Hope
JJ's hackery came nowhere close to Lucas' masterpiece

Midiclorians are not nearly as bad as what nu-wars did to Luke, Han, and Leia.

you mean Lucas' wife's masterpiece

here come the "THE LAST ONES WERE SHIT BUT THIS ONE MIGHT NOT BE" argument the disney shills start to use around release of a new star wars movie

it's like clockwork

Well than it's a good thing it's a 0.0 -10.0 scale

Yes. There were people who said try to get him for all 3, before and after TFA was released. You can't take any risks with these sequels, hire people like RJ to do anthology movies or his own trilogy (if thats even still happening)

>release 4 bad movies in a row

>people age
>things fall apart
>hey you're space jesus
>your space magic number is THRU THA RUFE
Now THIS is Podracing!!™®

Attached: face extinguisher.webm (888x500, 2.86M)

Just like TLJ apologized for TFA?

Never said it looks cool I said I'm one of the few ones who actually enjoyed TFA and TLJ so I'm gonna see it, I don't care if I'm the only person who buys a ticket I'm just interested how the story ends

One "The"
>A New Hope (or no subtitle)
>The Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi

One "The"
>The Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones
>Revenge of the Sith

Three "The"s
>The Force Awakens
>The Last Jedi
>The Rise of Skywalker

Does this bother anyone else?


Attached: coon shoot.webm (700x394, 1.51M)

Yes they fucking do.
>Anakin/Vader is a whiny teenager who cries in his suit and is pussified to a point of embarrassment
>Obi-Wan is suddenly a lying manipulative asshole in the OT despite being a by the book hardass about the Jedi order in the PT
Totally consistent characters there.

I have the same problem with TF2 weapons

shoo shoo disney shill
it can't be that hard to do a star wars sequel you kikes just can't do the little work it requires

It shouldn’t but yes.

I think it's bait and OP is pretend retarded. He even says he's excited for episode 8 even though TLJ is actually ep8 and dumbest sw title ever is ep9

>midiclorians are worse than completley shitting on the beloved characters of Luke, Han, and Leia while undoing everything they accomplished or you thought they would accomplish after the films so that Rey, Finn, and Poe could do what you thought they did instead

Yes, midiclorians are not nearly as bad as what the ST did do the old characters.

>Anakin/Vader is a whiny teenager who cries in his suit and is pussified to a point of embarrassment
That doesn't make Vader any worse of a character.
>>Obi-Wan is suddenly a lying manipulative asshole in the OT despite being a by the book hardass about the Jedi order in the PT
How is he a lying manipulative asshole on the OT?

OP here meant 9 not bait just enjoyed 7 and 8 and wanted to post my opinion to see what other people felt

Unironically the OT fans are the only ones left that give a shit about Star Wars. The kids who grew up on the prequels could care less when they got mounds of capeshit to digest.

Attached: jawa-grandma-jawa-costume.jpg (750x1000, 86K)

reminder that shilling for the prequels is STILL being a Disney shill. You're still shilling for Disney properties.

reminder that the entire rise of the prequel memes was boosted and encouraged and guided by a subversive marketing firm working for Disney. You aren't dabbing on Disney by shilling for the PT. You're just creating a company wars engagement system where people's consumer behavior is likely to increase just to spite the autistic prequel spammers. You're a critical part of the system.

Attached: stop.gif (375x166, 3M)

yeah you're bashing the wrong trilogy just like the guy in that video.

the only problem I have with luke in tlj is that he never actually confronts kylo. It feels like a total copout and waste of potential considering the drama.

Like, they make a point of luke fucking up but they have this adversity towards putting him near the people who were actually let down by him aside from a ten second conversation with Leia who basically lets him off the hook the second they reunite.

It does ruin Vader. His backstory should’ve been tragic and it’s boiled down to cringeworthy bullshit. And Obi-Wan wasn’t a lying manipulative asshole? He was trying to get Luke to kill his own father by not telling him so that he’d go through with it. In fact he used the “he murdered your father” line as a way to give him a personal motive for doing it as well. Then Obi-Wan still acts like he was in the right.

You are correct your cause is futile.

>pleasantly surprised
Stopped reading right there you faggot larper.

>thinking any of the new Star Wars are good
Rogue One was hella good though

Attached: 03bbc83197d21d6ccd859977176c5755.png (1920x1920, 120K)

>midiclorians are worse than completley shitting on the beloved characters of Luke, Han, and Leia
yep. And they didn't shit on characters half as much as the PT did. The ST actually shows what life is like. Things fall apart. Everything gets worse. People get old, make mistakes, and fucking die.

There's no magical inherited space magic jesus germs in people's blood giving fancy little boys Mary Sue powers.

NOTHING is worse than midichlorians.
NOTHING is worse than the prequels.

Just because you grew up without historical context, and with retard baby glasses on, doesn't make ANY of that shit less cancerous.

And reminder, the only reason the ST is a thing for you to hate is that the PT was SO FUCKING TRAAASH that Disney could buy it. Had Georgey not tanked the franchise with that garbage we wouldn't have needed the ST to have to go back to basics and unfuck everything.

Attached: 1461931294359.gif (205x221, 2.4M)


Revenge of the Sith is literally just about the best Star Wars film ever made. It's not the best but it's close.

Why did JJ decide to retcon all the titles?

Attached: Star Wars all incels.png (1079x1029, 319K)

>His backstory should’ve been tragic and it’s boiled down to cringeworthy bullshit
His back story was tragic just executed poorly, but it didn't ruin Vader. The ST was executed poorly and ruined Luke, Han, and Leia. And playing devils advocate, even if I concede the PT ruined Vader, the ST still ruined more beloved characters, and did so in a worse way. The PT is much worse.

>And Obi-Wan wasn’t a lying manipulative asshole?
He wasn't.
>He was trying to get Luke to kill his own father
How did he do that?
> he used the “he murdered your father” line as a way to give him a personal motive for doing it as well
He was being cryptic, not a lying manipulative asshole.

>NOTHING is worse than midichlorians.
Completley ruining the OT, Luke, Han, and Leia to replace them and their accomplishments with worse characters in Rey, Finn, and Poe is worse than midichlorians.

drive the falcon drive the falcon

Attached: Jimmy_Two-Times.png (205x202, 84K)

The PT doesn't ruin the OT at all. Nothing in the PT invalidates what the characters accomplished since everything took place before it, the ST invalidates all of it. That alone is enough to make the ST worse than the PT. You can't watch the ST without the OT being ruined, you can watch the PT without the OT being ruined though.

Imagine being so upset over a girl Jedi that you defend Jar Jar Binks.

TFA may suck but TLJ sucks chodes

Jar Jar Binks existence doesn't ruin Han, Leia, or Luke. Rey's existence does.

>How did he do that?
How could you possibly claim that the ST ruins the OT, when you can't even remember the plot of the OT?

Ben wasn't a lying manipulative asshole who tried to trick Luke into killing Vader, so I'll ask again, how did he do that?

Actually, never mind, it doesn't matter. I'll play devils advocate and say he was, the PT still doesn't ruin Bens character so it's irrelevant. The ST does ruin the OT characters so they're worse.

No. Its genuinely a terrible movie. Literally nothing happens for 2 hours and then you get a horrificly choregraphed fight scene and bam its over. It looked pretty though. Maybe thats why you feel the need to defend it so much?

rogue was ok

Vader’s badly executed backstory absolutely ruined him. His whole motivation for turning to the dark side is because he thinks his master is too much of a meanie face and because he had dreams that his wife would die in childbirth. Great fucking backstory for the most iconic villain in cinematic history.
Han and Leia weren’t ruined as characters. They’re natural extensions of their OT renditions. If Han wasn’t killed, no one would make that argument. Luke is arguable but honestly I’ve seen so many men get old and jaded that it didn’t bother me.
You apparently don’t remember the training and conversations with Obi-Wan and Yoda where literally they’re training him so he can confront Vader. When Han and Leia get captured they throw a fit because he’s not ready yet. It’s literally the entire point of his training.
He also was not being cryptic. That was blatant lying.
Also I didn’t say shit about midichlorians, that was a different guy.

Yeah but Jar Jar Binks ruins the fucking movie.

>so I'll ask again, how did he do that?
Watch the OT, you actual fucking nigger. The fact that you're even asking this is proof that you're opinion is completely worthless.

>Suddenly realize you're wrong
>Uh, actually it doesn't even matter
Keep backpedaling.

not him but 99.99% of people who hate this movie that much literally only watch disney/marvel movies and you're one of them

>tfw youre seeing the same captain marvel esque attacks on people who have any valid criticism toward nu wars

Id rather you people just admit your doing a job rather than play pretend like you think this shit movie will be any good.

What's ironic about the whole Midichlorian thing is that it exposes so many memesters for what they are.
Anakin in TPM has more Midichlorians than Yoda, yet Yoda could still kick his ass, meaning that training and discipline is far more important.
Also the force was always biological, practically speaking. "The force is strong in my family."

>everyone that doesn't politically oppose new entertainment media must be being paid to shill for it
I mostly just hate you m8. You're a cancerous useful idiot that makes yourself and everyone else endlessly miserable about everything for no fucking reason other than you don't have a purpose in your life and you think that attacking kid's movies makes you a grown up.

Go fuck yourself you degenerate newfaggot shill. Prove you're not in Russia LOL.

Attached: annett put down.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>>even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope, really enjoyed it
I feel that dumb newdags shouldn't greentext if they don't know how

That's true. If Force ghost Luke shows up in IX, it should be to have a conversation with Kylo. That's much more of a gap that needs filling than him having a conversation with Rey.

I'd bet money on them talking about the Knights of Ren, since that's heavily implied to be another connection point between them.

>Literally a good movie with great scenes
Which scenes? The male-bashing ones, the ones that violated the logic of the franchise generally and/or internal logic, or the ones on Capitalism-is-bad Planet that were of no consequence to the plot? It's one of the worst films ever made by a major studio, and it made a trilogy that was shit to begin with unsalvageable.


"male-bashing scenes"

you people are literally insane...

why does it seem like prequel fags are all politically motivated? Like do you like the idea of a republic falling into a conservative religious totalitarian dictatorship? You relate to the story of a very special, magical little boy being corrupted by SOCIETY MAN and lashing out and helping their new daddy take subvert their society and take over the goverhment?

Are Prequel Memes active measures?

Attached: nice wait oh shit.gif (200x198, 427K)

witnessed and checked
also midichlorians are basically a "you got a lot of potential, kid" meter

They always bring up the Poe scene where Holdo tells him to fuck off as “male bashing”. The fucker was demoted for not taking orders and getting an entire fleet killed. He deserves to be talked down to. I’m not sure how this flew over so many retards heads.

It really surprises me how few people realize that Johnson literally tried to sabotage TLJ as much as possible, out of spite, in addition to being a complete hack. I don't know why anyone's surprised that IX will be a fanservice film with JJ's trademark mediocrity to try and salvage the trilogy

big oof

Nazis are mentally deranged obviously.

The only reason they hate this movie is because it has a female lead and an african american co-lead.

Is it okay to rape nazis?

Attached: soviet_soldiers_berlin_rape.jpg (1212x1600, 227K)



Sure. They aren't really human anyway...

Everything is ok if you're on the side writing the history books

wonder who wrote most of our history books

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 3K)

I know what you're doing nazi.

That is meant to symbolize a jewish nose because you pretend they have big ugly noses.

How do I block this user?

> I’m not sure how this flew over so many retards heads.
they literally don't watch the fucking movies. Many of them don't even speak English.

They just watch the screencaps that get memed up to attack. Like the MUH COMPRESSOR meme that blew up after the movie came out, and before any of them saw it.

Like the actual scene has a ton of exposition built into it, showing how she has a bunch of experience working on the Falcon and has a pretty in-depth understanding of fucking spaceship engineering, and they basically just ignored all of the dialogue leading up to that, and just focused on how it was:

Like you can take any scene and turn it into something to trigger buttblasted didn't-watch polcels that wanted to hate it in the first place.

Attached: muh compressor.jpg (1024x642, 58K)

One of principles of nazi ideology was that strong people with better genetics should spread.
Their mistake was thinking that them were superior.
Life verified their mistake proving that allies and soviets were indeed superior breed of mankind.
So any true nazi female would want to be genetically enriched by strong american army or red army soldier, for he proved to be superior than german soldiers and by breeding with victors they would better german genetic stock making them more likely to win next time as they would carry genes of victors not loser. It cannot be rape for by their ideology, the semen of the winners is exactly what they want.

fuck yeah let me fuck your face you little mongrel. Let me spit in your mouth.

Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

"Nazis" haven't existed since 1945. You are deluded.

Attached: 200smug_trump.png (258x395, 123K)

>actual scene has a ton of exposition built into it, showing how she has a bunch of experience working on the Falcon and has a pretty in-depth understanding of fucking spaceship engineering
Their problems were about

1. That's not what a compressor is
2. It would imply she has greater experience than Han Solo himself
3. Her knowledge is self-taught at best, nothing close to a professionally trained engineer


How is rey not a sue?

TLJ detractors literally have NOT scene the movie. Not a single one. FACT. Now just watch, one of them is going to reply to this post pretending to have seen it. I'm gonig to creen cap it when they do so I can post it on my discord and laugh at them with my crew.

>muh semantics
take it up with sense of self cucko.

I want to rape Reinhard.
He makes Mein hard.
I want to stick my finger tips.
Deep into his womanly wide hips.
I want to violate the Butcher of Prague.
I will do it in the style of a dog.
I want to rape Reinhard Heydrich.
With German Sausage, Snake and Dick

Attached: Heydrich's hips.jpg (219x696, 50K)

GTFO InternetAristocrat. The Prequel Trilogy is the Magnum Opus of the Star Wars series

Attached: Star Wars Guide.jpg (3099x1700, 720K)

Your meme says otherwise.

How is luke not a sue?

>mfw Reinhard died in the prime of his life, with hips wider than his shoulders
>mfw he died to early to be raped at berlin
>mfw no way to rape Reinhard

What does luke have beyond unexplained piloting experience? What makes a kid who gets his ass kicked by his dad while being barely able to use the force even after the years that passed from ANH to ESB a sue?

Shorthand for "The succession of scenes in which Poe – having saved everyone's lives only to be slapped and demoted by Leia –then(understandably) mutinies against a defensive, hostile Tumblrite who pointlessly withholds her plan from her nervous subordinates, before 'learning the error of his ways'; and those in which Rey is shown as superior to Luke, not only training herself but also easily defeating him in a fight". No male-bashing there, right?

But sure, I'm insane. Whatever.

-luke tapped into the dark side to defeat his father
-rey tapped into the dark side to defeat kylo

-luke had experience flying ships from his jobs on tattooine
-rey had experience fixing ships from her jobs on tattooine
-luke is male

This is your brain on /pol/.

Seeing "Nazis" everywhere in people you disagree with is mental retardation. You should seek a medical professional.

Attached: Almost.jpg (572x481, 19K)

>unexplained piloting experience?
Flying a skyhopper in his early life and Skywalker genes

>1. That's not what a compressor is
You realize that "hyperdrive" isn't a thing right? It could have been called a meme machine it doesn't matter.
>2. It would imply she has greater experience than Han Solo himself
Yeah because it was installed AFTER he lost the ship. She EXPLICITLY talks about how Plutt put it in, and she thought it was stupid, and then her and Han both say at the same time that it would fuck up the hyper drive. Establishing them as fellow travelers. She was bringing him up to speed and he agreed with her disagreeing with Plutt. And then you retards ignore all that charactization so you can whine that "it doesn't make scents why people like her reeee marey sue!"
>3. Her knowledge is self-taught at best
~15 years working for Plutt. She literally describes, in that scene that you apparently haven't watched, all of this shit. I get that it happens fast and if you're a prequel faggot you're used to a character screaming "YOU HAVE MAGIC AIDS" at the camera, but subtly can be your friend!
>nothing close to a professionally trained engineer
wtf is a "professionally trained engineer" in the Star Wars universe? Everyone is just good at spaceships and knowing alien languages and stuff. This is the same universe where Anakin AN EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD built an AI robot AND a fucking Jet engine. But no problem with that! HE HAS SPACE AIDS!

Just acknowledge that you've been radicalized against girls because you're a disaffected hoser.

Attached: phantom.jpg (724x1000, 76K)

Thank you for admitting that you have a problem.

That is the first step to becoming a better person.

Large failings, character development and more.

Nazis talking about other people having mental problems!

Now thats a joke!


Get new memes Comrade

Attached: here's your clinton card.jpg (1024x580, 302K)

>Flying a skyhopper in his early life

I recognize this but it wasn't in the movies, so I don't count it. And no I don't count deleted scenes I count theatrical releases

>Skywalker genes

...I guess?

Rey is a better jedi, with no training, a better pilot, with no training, a better fighter, with no training, receives no wounds, no real losses except Han who she met mere days ago, is literally better than everyone

so if rey is a skywalker then all the mary sue bullshit goes out the window? its that easy?


Gen X parents raised Millennials on Disney VHS tapes, now those kids are adults who worship those "happy memories".

Yes and? You have a problem with her being better than him because of......??? Because shes female...?????

Because I like my characters with development

Are women free from personal growth?????

Yes because as long as she has the genetics to justify being a Mary Sue then it explains why she’s a Mary Sue even though they’ll argue that Luke wasn’t a Mary Sue despite blowing up the Death Star with the force with no training.

Rogue one with the only Nuwars movie worth watching, prove me wrong.

It would have been cool if they would have turned out to be the knights of ren but like always JJ played it safe.

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>What does luke have beyond unexplained piloting experience?
He had prior piloting experience.


See? Deluded. I would be surprised if you had even a room temperature IQ.

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She has character growth and so far her arc is forming well.

You just don't like her because shes not a man.

Admit it or we will never get anywhere...

>You realize that "hyperdrive" isn't a thing right? It could have been called a meme machine it doesn't matter.
Why would you coincidentally name a "compressor" the same as an IRL thing and have such different properties? Hyperdrives have no IRL equivalent. Compressors are legitimate IRL things. It'd be like if I had a fictional "firearm" or "car" in-universe that's nothing alike it's IRL equivalent. What's with this naming?

I understand why KK and JJ had to recycle A New Hope for The Force Awakens given Lucas being pushed out of the picture by Bob "The Brand" Igers. I do not understand why our expectations are not being subverted for Episode IX: The Force Awakens II: Return of the Jedi 2.0.

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IQ =/= Intelligence

Do you know who claims otherwise?


anything that JJ Abrams makes is bad.

Lost was bad. Cloverfield was bad. first two star treks were bad (beyond was good, surprisingly because it was like classic star trek), and first star wars was bad. TLJ wasn't awful, and surprise, it wasn't directed by JJ shitbums.

skywalker movie will probably be a pile but sell because mouth breathing retards who should just kill themselves will lap it up.

Nazis don't exist tho.

Seek help.

Attached: Loser.jpg (1400x1000, 697K)

Rey in TFA goes through an actual arc. She starts lonely and counting the days waiting for her parents to come back, makes a decision to save bb-8, and then spends the first and second act getting punished for it, is conflicted about the call to action, eventually gets sold on it, makes some friends, watches them all get fucked up, and manages not to die in the third act.

Anakin in TPM does not. He starts as a little special space AIDS faggot, is never really conflicted, never really seems scared or in jeopardy, and then does what Luke did, but even betterer, in the first time he's ever flown a spaceship.

Attached: daisy faces.jpg (2000x3000, 2.64M)

I see several in this thread and at least one more in the White House so guess again...

Not sure why you keep posting Secretary Clinton. I'm not an American.

>Guy who refuses to "disengage", probably because those pathetically slow/flimsy bombers would have been destroyed anyway, and likely the rest of the fleet too if he hadn't taken out that massive ship
>Leia's Plan B was…?
>Gets slapped and demoted
>Holdo refuses to share her plan with a key subordinate, in a time when everyone's shit-scared, because…?
>She acts hostile when he (understandably) seeks reassurance that she's doing fucking anything beyond "hoping"
>"He deserves to be talked down to."
>But *I'm* the retard.

This would be why so many Hollywood films are utter garbage. Enjoy your godawful shite!

>You realize that "hyperdrive" isn't a thing right?
Compressors are.
>Yeah because it was installed AFTER he lost the ship.
Han had owned the Falcon longer than any other, even Lando, and is fully capable of diagnosing his own ship & even doing some repairs it as shown by Empire. The fact that he couldn't fix it himself, even if it was a foreign installed element, is unusual given that he can repair it himself given the necessary parts before.
>~15 years working for Plutt.
It could be 15 years being raped by Jawas. Her experience is at best cobbling together parts. She was neither educated in physics, chemistry, engineering, etc. Even nowadays poor Philippians can replicate 1911s but that doesn't mean they can make their own new thing nor that they know the theory, only duplicate others. Her experience is inadequate.
>wtf is a "professionally trained engineer" in the Star Wars universe
Those who've been taught that stuff at some college. Academies do exist in Star Wars.

This. The prequels are eternal dogshit.

>I see several in this thread and at least one more in the White House so guess again...

That is because you are suffering from delusions.

>I'm not an American.

Nor am I.

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>Rey in TFA goes through an actual arc. She starts lonely and counting the days waiting for her parents to come back, makes a decision to save bb-8, and then spends the first and second act getting punished for it, is conflicted about the call to action, eventually gets sold on it, makes some friends, watches them all get fucked up, and manages not to die in the third act.
She doesn't. She starts off as this selfless person, willing to adopt BB-8 instead of trading him in for food, and ends the same way. Maz even tells her that she knew all along that her parents weren't coming back so it's not even a new development for her. Character-wise, she's the same.

>Why would you coincidentally name a "compressor" the same as an IRL thing and have such different properties?
what is an IRL compressor in a spaceship do? In the ISS what does a compressor do?
>Hyperdrives have no IRL equivalent. Compressors are legitimate IRL things.
Compresses the hyperdrive lol.
>It'd be like if I had a fictional "firearm" or "car" in-universe
no it'd be like you had a "compressor." Which even IRL means a whole lot of different things depend on the context.
>What's with this naming?
>LiGHt SAbeRs?!?

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>>Pleasantly surprised
Couldn't get beyond that line. If you like that movie you are a legit retard.

>Holdo refuses to share her plan with a key subordinate, in a time when everyone's shit-scared, because…?

She believed there were spies on board but I mean why would that matter now? Wouldn't the spies have jumped ship already while being chased down and shot at? Since when was your best pilot and demoted then to Lieutenant Commander considered untrustworthy? I remember that scene where the First Order is blasting those transports apart and only after most of them are gone she finally gets it in her head to make the jump towards their pursuers

What if she had just got everyone off in the first place after telling her subordinate officer staff her plan, had a droid or someone dedicated enough to jump into the First Order and then recovered at that old base on Crait?

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>She starts lonely and counting the days waiting for her parents to come back, makes a decision to save bb-8, and then spends the first and second act getting punished for it, is conflicted about the call to action, eventually gets sold on it, makes some friends, watches them all get fucked up, and manages not to die in the third act.
That's not how it happened. She starts off already knowing her parents aren't returning, decides to save BB8 after a handful of "nos", spends the first and second acts saving everyone's asses and being borderline infallible, not getting punished for anything, then gets dragged around with no control of her actions throughout the rest.

Yeah sign up for the army and go against the orders of your general because you don’t agree with their judgement. Tell me how it goes over. Holdo didn’t want Poe sabotaging her plan like he did to Leia. Also, he was just demoted so his importance is significantly lower. She has no obligation to tell him shit and honestly I wouldn’t either. In the army you’re constantly talked down to. Especially if you royally fuck up. He absolutely deserved it.


>Compressors are.
yeah wtf everyone knows that compressors large files smaller on muh computer! How can they use that word!?!?

Sorry I watched the movie, a shitload of people died because a commander didn't trust their staff

it's called damage control. nostalgia and predictable outcomes are a notch above S U B V E R S I O N



Why would you assume it's different? A "wheel" in star wars is the same as an IRL wheel.

You then cite proper nouns like Death Star, and Lightsaber, the latter being a single word. You compare proper nouns like names to common nouns. They are not single independent meanings put together. It's like asking why someone with the last name "Baker" or "Smith" isn't a baker or a smith. On the other hand, compressors are very much common nouns.

>That's not how it happened.
yes it is.
>She starts off already knowing her parents aren't returning
nope. she's LITERALLY counting the days on the wall of her ship. Mise en Scene bb. And then later she has dialogue about needing to go back to Jakku for that reason. Have you seen the movie?
>decides to save BB8 after a handful of "nos"
She saves him from the junkers that have him in a net first. Then decides to let him tag along. And then turns down Plutt's offer to give her like 100 food rations for him. Have you seen the movie?
>spends the first and second acts saving everyone's asses
nope barely surviving.
>and being borderline infallible
reminder this is the same universe where Baby Anakin was 1000x more skilled than her for no reason other than space AIDS. He even gets a medal at the end!
>not getting punished for anything,
literally suffering the entire time. Compare her to YIPEE anakin and "literally asked for this" Luke.
>then gets dragged around with no control of her actions throughout the rest.
Anakin the ENTIRE TIME in TPM.

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>...I guess?
The Midichlorians work in such a whimsical way, influencing conflicts and resolutions. Remember, there's no such thing as coincidences in Star Wars.
Well that used to be the case until Disney changed everything

>so if rey is a skywalker then all the mary sue bullshit goes out the window? its that easy?
Her personality is flatter than her chest for her to be a good Mary Sue. The problem with Rey is that she isn't creative or interesting, so they make her overpowered and instantly liked to compensate her boring characteristics.
Anakin Skywalker was OP, but he was tricked, manipulated by higher powers, and got fucked up by Obi Wan, becoming the fallen prodigy.
Luke Skywalker is OP, but he's campy, loves his friends, and even successfully returned his father to the light side.
The two were tempted by the dark side and one accepted it while the other understood the temptation, yet never let it consume him. Rey, however, outright rejected it because she is such a good girl with her morals intact like her hymen. Her test in the cave is also a blatant ripoff of Luke's test, but the writers and Johnson still fucked it up
There's nothing wrong with protagonists being overpowered, as long as your character is interesting, which she isn't.
Get it? She's stale like the other fanfic selfinsert characters. Until she loses a hand or two, then she'll never have depth.
Kylo, fucking KYLO, has more emotion. He's a shit character/antagonist, but even he has scars, physically and emotionally to remind him of his failures, but Rey doesn't. She's perfect, just so perfect

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The movies aren't terrible, they just tried too hard to be the original trilogy the first movie then departed too hard the second. It's a fun ride where the trick is to go in with shit expectations... and have them met in some ways. Like what the fuck you can sacrifice one small shit to take out a super mega ultra star destroyer?

You tried

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>when an user confirms everything you said in a previous post

Fuck off Disney shill

You are millennial trash. Should we encounter each other at a con somewhere, expect to be beaten violently for your worthless asinine opinions.

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Pretty smug, aren't you? But whatever you want to say about me, I don't have a problem: I can simply not watch any more of this Disney garbage. There are plenty of other decent films/shows to spend my time on (when I have any). I guess you don't have a problem either: if you're happy being served slop such as TLJ, then more power to you. One wonders, however –if TLJ is such a great film and Disney is doing such a bang-up job –why receipts are falling, interest is waning (judging by the views of the new trailer) and there are plans to put the series on hiatus.

>She has no obligation to tell him shit and honestly I wouldn’t either. In the army you’re constantly talked down to. Especially if you royally fuck up.
That's very wrong. It's the responsibility of the commanding officer to ensure troop moral isn't rock bottom, to give orders, etc. She failed at all of them.

>ignores all the valid criticism

Please tell me why you also liked captain marvel so much

>Her personality is flatter than her chest for her to be a good Mary Sue.
My apologies, upon revising, I must reword this sentence

Her personality is flatter than her chest, which is why she is a Mary Sue.

Attached: It's agout time.gif (162x227, 566K)

Let’s look at the Raddus as a USN aircraft carrier. Holdo is a CO, running the group that surrounds the carrier as well as being the final authority on the carrier. Typically, the CO is busy coordinating the rest of the carrier group so much of the ship operations are divided into 3 officers: The XO, the OOD, and the FCO. The XO runs the ship while the CO is busy, the OOD handles ship operations like the speed and heading of the ship as they are ordered, and the FCO handles anything and everything that happens on the Flight Deck and any and all aircraft launched by the carrier.

Poe is our stand in for the FCO. He controls all craft launched by the Raddus, and presumably all activity on the Flight Deck of the Raddus. How and why Holdo could order any activity on the Flight Deck without Poe being informed, I don’t know. The point is, by ordering this activity and not telling Poe what it is for, Holdo is violating the chain of command. Poe’s response: the mutiny. Not to defend his actions, but he is correct when he says that Holdo is placing lives in jeopardy. By not telling Poe the plan, Poe cannot help develop the plan and do his job: control Flight Operations.

Imagine reading the Jedi Academy Trilogy. A perfectly written story that kept all the original characters together and also created a vast diverse new cast that could have branched off in different directions.

and then instead...

we get this POS SJW reboot of the franchise.

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>big oof
Kill yourself, reddit.

>Why would you assume it's different? A "wheel" in star wars is the same as an IRL wheel.
>You then cite proper nouns like Death Star, and Lightsaber, the latter being a single word.
except for how it's a "lazer sword" in the PT LOL.
>You compare proper nouns like names to common nouns.
you're comparing the word compressor, which IRL has at least 3 different entirely different applications I can think of off the top of my head. You compressing files? You compressing air? We talking HVAC? Automotive? Aeronatical? Airsoft?
>They are not single independent meanings put together.
> On the other hand, compressors are very much common nouns.
what EXACTLY are you referring to when you say "compressor?"

This is honestly the most autistic nitpick ever.

Attached: 2manyautisms.jpg (514x536, 30K)

Did this little nazi snowflake get triggered?


yeah I'm a paid Disney shill. I've been talking shit about the prequels on this board for years before Disney even bought Lucasfilm, but Disney is just that good that they put me on the payroll a decade ago knowing that eventually they'd really need muh help making fun of prequel babbies.

Attached: ANH cap.webm (850x480, 2.67M)

I only watch Disney movies.

Its a living.

Except he wouldn’t be the FCO because he was demoted.

>yes it is
No supporting reason.
>nope. she's LITERALLY counting the days on the wall of her ship. Mise en Scene bb. And then later she has dialogue about needing to go back to Jakku for that reason. Have you seen the movie?
According to Maz Kanata, she knew all along. The movie says she knew all along.
>She saves him from the junkers that have him in a net first. Then decides to let him tag along. And then turns down Plutt's offer to give her like 100 food rations for him. Have you seen the movie?
She is already selfless at the start like said. She does not grow, she is already selfless.
>nope barely surviving.
False. She was in no danger during much of it, saving everyone when she released and recaptured the Rathtars and more. Even at her lowest, she's saving everyone
>Baby Anakin was 1000x more skilled than her for no reason other than space AIDS
Wrong again. Not only did Anakin have other fighters as support, autopilot and R2D2 as a copilot, even EP2 Anakin had his ass repeatedly kicked. She is more comptent than EP2 anakin, let alone EP1 anakin who had yet to receive training
>literally suffering the entire time
She had no suffering. She was smiling, saving everyone.
>Anakin the ENTIRE TIME in TPM.
He willingly chose to leave with the other characters even leaving his mom. This is unlike Rey having Finn drag her off as she says she doesn't need her hand held.

You didn't want either film did you? You provide no supporting evidence or point out any scene to support yourself.

>No supporting reason.
you said NUH UH and then demonstrated that you apparently haven't seen the movie. No need to engage with your autism. tldr

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She did all of that though. She came in with a morale boosting speech and gave orders. Poe was pissed because he was no longer in a position that she should’ve given immediate attention and priority to so he formed a mutiny. She didn’t fail. Him and some of his bros formed a mutiny based on him thinking he was in the right.

>She was smiling, saving everyone.
pic related

>No argument
Wow, such le epic Disney shill XDDDD

Attached: whataboutism award.jpg (600x400, 57K)

Here you go friend. Look up the part about keeping your members informed and ensuring morale is up. She acts more like a politician or an Arabian general rather than a Western military leader lol

Attached: Army guide for leadership.jpg (343x499, 36K)

based retard

Marcia was a stellar editor but editors can't produce a good movie out of the void

I'm glad someone else noticed this.. It speaks volumes about their lack of creativity in regards to this trilogy..

Or maybe it speaks more about our current state of cinema.

It's boring.

A lightsaber is a proper noun. It's not the same thing as a saber. For example
>When Probe 17 overflew the South Pole, it passed directly over the place where Captain Scott's expedition ended.
In this sentence, Probe 17 is the proper name of a vessel, and South Pole is a proper name referring to Earth's south pole. The number 17 means not 16 + 1 but part of the name with no connection.

Lazer sword? Where did it say that? Are you making things up?

A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. If you use google search, you'd find this definition easily.

Again, proper noun. Just look at the names of various sports teams. Take Miami's Heat. It clearly isn't related to heat energy at all.

Honestly, you make no sense. Did you pass elementary school? How don't you know what proper nouns are?

>no argument
you didn't have one. you were actively rejecting what happened in the movie and demonstrating that you either didn't see it or were refusing to talk honestly about it.

Like you're trained to engage with discussions about kid's movies like a partisan operative. You've been corrupted by subversive political messaging strategy that makes you a pointless person to bother talking to.

Prove you're not actually a fucking shill you weirdo. What's the point in being actively disingenuous?

Attached: z'dar face.png (272x272, 84K)

>pic related
Fuck are you seriously using a pic used by anons to mock Daisy’s shitty acting skills? I’m inclined to believe you’re a troll.

Looking at he actually said shit like
>according to this character
>when she did this or that
He actually cites the film itself. You didn't.

Prequels: good movies with flaws
Sequels: bad movies with a few good things

Regardless of her personal opinion of Poe, she should have realized that her position was highly untenable with the rest of the crew. We have to remember that Rose was placed as a guard to prevent deserters from getting away from the ship when she met Finn. This shows that the regular crew was not at all reassured by their high command.

Additionally, a good portion of the crew saw Poe demoted and scolded for what was in a good portion of their minds the correct decision. From the crew’s perspective they saw the man who destroyed Starkiller Base get demoted, scolded, and then treated like a child by the very same people that are unable to keep crew morale up after being forced to run from their base. These very same people are then telling the rank and file that there’s a plan, but are refusing to share it.

While the lowest ranks don’t need to know, the officers need to know that there is something better than, “fly until out of gas and then die.” Even if what they’re fed is a bunch of lies, Holdo owed her officers something. Otherwise there is no one but herself to blame for a mutiny or desertions.

The issue wasn’t that that she didn’t fill Poe in on what the plan was. It was that she refused to even admit that there was a plan in the first place.

The way I saw it, was that she intended to simply drive the ships until they ran out of fuel and then everyone died, and I guess hoped for a miracle.

I’m fairly convinced that if she said “there is a plan, you don’t need to know what it is.” it would of turned out differently or at least made it clear that Poe was wrong.

She kept morale up with everyone except Poe and his band of bros that stuck by him. Because they didn’t want to listen to her. Remember the speech she gave? She was playing it safe and only informed those who needed to be. Poe just committed a war crime and there’s no fucking way she was gonna tell him shit.

OP is a Disney employee. In other words, OP is a faggot.

Really, there is no reason Poe is not informed. He IS the commanding officers of the fighters and bombers of the battle group. That means he is one of the highest ranking officers in the fleet. No admiral keeps such a battle plan for themselves. Sure, you might not share it with the whole ship, but you will share it with the staff officers. Poe is one of them.

This whole demotion of Poe is also nonsense... Obviously, the fleet commander MUST know when their complete bombers force is loaded up, and flies off to attack that dreadnought. If they didn't agree, they might not have been able to recall Poe, but it would be a single radio message to recall the rest of the strike package.

And lets see... how many bombers got destroyed? Five or six? With 3 crew members each? So that is less then 20 casualties? That is nothing in the greater scheme of things. Especially because a single shot from that dreadnought would have destroyed a blockade runner, which has something like 300 crew.

The whole part of the plot doesn't make sense. The writers clearly didn't think it through. They just needed conflict, and wrote it into the script, regardless if it made sense.

>She was playing it safe and only informed those who needed to be.
Her speech didn't have anything of value. All it did was say that they must survive and succeed to people who would already give their lives even if there was no hope. It had no course of action or even signs that they planned to do anything but nothing.

>Marcia was a stellar editor but editors can't produce a good movie out of the void
yeah they fucking can. There is a good movie buried in BvS, it's just uncreatively and lazily edited. Had Nolan directed the exact same script the movie would have been much more coherent because he's obsessed with editing.

SOO many movies are saved in the edit. Like look at the Bladerunner theatrical release versus the almost-entirely-different-movie that the director's cut and ultimate cut or whatever are.

Like everything about the autism in the PT that makes it FEEL off even regardless of how stupid it looks, is the TERRIBLE EDITING. George Lucas has ZERO eye for "the whole gestalt" of the pacing and rhythm of filmmaking. He doesn't give a shit about cutting a scene around the action. He just holds on wides forever and literally fucking cgis takes together instead of dynamic editing. If it wasn't for the dynamic pace of the edit of ANH, the movie would have been seen as the schlock that it was.

Attached: fix it in post.webm (1920x816, 2.34M)

fucking THIS


Did she keep morale? Rose was mentally a mess and Poe had his fair share of supporters during his mutiny. As a commanding officer, I would've throw him in the brig or I've told him that there was a plan but it's need to know. She however wouldn't even admit that there even was a plan. In fact when Poe asked she just stood there like a deer caught in the headlights. She wouldn't even give him an order. The whole point seemed to make her look both incompetent and clueless to justify Poe taking over.

>Lucas' wife's masterpiece
What did she actually do? She came onto production fairly late. There were other editors there too you know.

So much onions in these posts it’s unbelievable. Redditors must kill themselves asap.

what language do you speak?

Where is it that you get this confused about the word "compressor?"

>Lazer sword? Where did it say that? Are you making things up?
Lucas calls them Lazer swords endlessly in the behind the scenes stuff. Baby Anakin says "a lazer sword?!" when he sees that OB1 has 1
>A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume.
It's also the name of a software that compresses filesizes. This is also a general term for all of the compression software.
>f you use google search, you'd find this definition easily.
If you use a google search you'll find that "compressor" has more than one meaning in the English language. It has quite a few. What language do you speak?
>Again, proper noun.
German? This seems like German autism.
>Just look at the names of various sports teams. Take Miami's Heat. It clearly isn't related to heat energy at all.
SO. MUCH. AUTISM. And actually this hurts your point. We use words for things that mean things other than what they sometimes mean!
>Honestly, you make no sense
You make no scents.
>Did you pass elementary school? How don't you know what proper nouns are?
Proper nouns isn't an argument weirdo. It has nothing to do with the name choice for a fictional piece of equipment that is used to build expositional dialogue about.

In the Star Wars universe a "compressor" has something to do with the fucking hyperdrive of spaceships. That's the most easy thing in the world to pick up. What in THE FUCK type of autism do you have?

And what language should you be speaking?

Attached: daisy say oooh.jpg (122x125, 2K)

>Yeah sign up for the army and go against the orders of your general because you don’t agree
Nice to know you'd follow any orders! But also, *what* orders? Faced with imminent death, would you be satisfied by a CO (whom you'd known for five minutes) telling you to just fuck off and "hope"?
>Tell me how it goes over
Well, most of the fleet died due to her pointless dithering (and Leia putting all of their eggs into one basket/fleet in the first place), and in an equivalent real-world situation I imagine she'd have to face a court martial if she survived.
>he was just demoted so his importance is significantly lower
How do you know that? Was someone else promoted to take his place? Were we shown any subordinate more senior/important than him? All I know is what's shown on screen. Besides, at the end, right before Holdo cruiser-of-peaces into the (white) Supremacy (to paraphrase E;R), she and Leia are waxing lyrical about how great he is. So why was he left out of the loop? This is a film that only "works" –intermittently –if you don't think about anything you're seeing for more than two seconds.
>In the army you're constantly talked down to. Especially if you royally fuck up.
See, Rian may have wanted me to think he fucked up, but what I saw was a guy destroying a "fleet killer" in the vicinity of their fleet. I saw a guy apparently following Leia's plan (or at least a plan she approved) right up to the moment when he disregarded her order to abort –which led me to wonder, what was her plan if not to attack the dreadnought? Under what circumstances *wouldn't* she have called off the attack? And I saw bombers that were moving so fucking slowly and had so little manoeuvrability that it seemed almost certain they'd have been destroyed even if they'd done a 180 when Leia called no joy. Under the circs, trying to take out the "fleet killer" seemed like the best course of action. If it wasn't, then how come that's not what we were shown?

Not that guy but proper Nouns are legit things in English. He's right that Death Star is a proper Noun and that it's a name and objects don't need to be directly related to their names. I've seen dogs named Spot with no spots.

>she was smiling the whole time!
>here look at screenshots from every scene where she's covered in sweat and making making stress faces
>well that doesn't count it was meant to make fun of her!

Attached: QT-PA2T takes the shot.gif (500x201, 1.44M)

>all the reddit spacing posts in this thread

Yea Forums just got trolled hard.

The PT's depiction of Anakin/Darth Vader absolutely ruins the OT, what are you even fucking talking about?
>OT Vader
Terrifying space wizard who fell to the dark side because of his anger and lust for power
>Vader after watching PT
Whiny ass space Jesus who is fated to save the universe, but is having a huge temper tantrum because he fucked up his marriage (Which was apparently against the rules, because Jedi have to be emotionless robots, and this somehow makes them "noble"). In the end, he stopped the bad guy, who he was responsible for allowing to rise to power and had an opportunity to stop in the first place.

This also makes Luke's journey weaker because all of the "Luke needs to avoid the dark side" shit in the OT now looks like a joke because of how fucking obvious it was that Anakin was gonna be a fuck up from day one.

>ST ruins the OT
Wrong, The Force Awakens ruins the OT. The Last Jedi is just trying to make the best out of a shitty situation.

Compressors are mechanical devices that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressor software isn't the same.

Saying "according to" and then saying something objectively incorrect isn't an argument samefaggot. Watch the fucking movie.

>Whiny ass space Jesus who is fated to save the universe, but is having a huge temper tantrum because he fucked up his marriage (Which was apparently against the rules, because Jedi have to be emotionless robots, and this somehow makes them "noble"). In the end, he stopped the bad guy, who he was responsible for allowing to rise to power and had an opportunity to stop in the first place.
So you say Anakin before he was Vader?

He tried to kill himself twice.

Not them but you didn’t even try to refute their points.

You provide no reason for why anything's incorrect, rather you just say lolno. I got no reason to trust anything you wrote judging by your replies and the fact that you don't even cite the damn film.

>She kept morale up with everyone except Poe and his band of bros that stuck by him. Because they didn’t want to listen to her. Remember the speech she gave? She was playing it safe and only informed those who needed to be.
Now you're just excusing her incompetence. Her speech doesn't mean shit if she doesn't have anything valuable to say. Had she told her staff about the hidden base, then there wouldn't be a mutiny, and Finn and his pet wouldn't have gone AWOL to find a codebreaker in a casino. Her grave errors as a leader is what costed the lives of many as well as her own. Had the First Order not have been incompetent too, then The Resistance fleet would've been destroyed long ago.
Had she been more transparent than just being a frigid bitch, then people would've trusted her and not take matters into their own hands.

If I was in her shoes, I would've retracted Poe's demotion, used his popularity to keep morale up, issue a briefing with key staff about a movement to a secret base, and let the crew know of a secret plan without telling them the details, but also warn them about potential traitors/spies. It's not fucking hard

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But that's the problem with the PT. Suddenly, you're supposed to believe that behind the mask is the same fucking dumbass from ROTS. The final scenes from the movie make it fucking obvious. He's literally the same guy, but with a cool mask, a voice changer, and a pacemaker. The fact that Darth Vader is secretly a bumbling idiot fucks up everything about the OT.

>You make no scents.
So a "bread" in Star Wars can theoretically be a flying zombie carrot? How do you know each time a character says they "ate", they don't mean they "breathe"?

i know thay are but it's irrelevant in the discussion about FICTIONAL THINGS IN FICTIONAL THINGS. It could be called an Adult or Pigstye it wouldn't matter. It's just a make pretend plot device to teach us shit about the characters and show them bonding.
>Compressors are mechanical devices that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressor software isn't the same.
And hyperdrive compressors are ALSO not the same.

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.

Attached: daisy say whaaaaa.jpg (124x114, 2K)

>Suddenly, you're supposed to believe that behind the mask is the same fucking dumbass from ROTS.
So? We can believe that people change. There's over 10 years between the end of the prequels and the original trilogy.

Also, was the possibly of there being a mole/spy even mentioned? Or is this another one of those instances of fans writing their own head canon to make the movie make sense?

So a fictional "parents" can actually be a robot sex toy? If things can have the same name as rl shit but entirely different meaning then I bet Rey was waiting on Jakku for her favorite sex-droid to return & fuck her.

>even though TFA was a soft reboot I felt it stood on par with A New Hope
stopped reading right there
please die in a fire thx

>Or is this another one of those instances of fans writing their own head canon to make the movie make sense?
This, there was no mention of spies in the movie or even novelization.

>hyperdrive compressors are ALSO not the same
The compressor was on an ignition line, and stressed hyperdrive flow. It didn't compress the hypedrive itself. Translating this technobabble to anything meaningful or logical is left as excercise for someone familiar with six million forms of communication, I don't speak random Lucasoidal technobabble.

To take a random swing at it, ignition line injected something (fuel) into the hyperdrive, and it was supposed to flow smoothly. Putting compressor on it obviously turns smooth flow into a more disturbed flow, because it creates variable pressure.

>Also, was the possibly of there being a mole/spy even mentioned?
No, but fanboys would always bring this up as a "what if". If there's no trust/cohesion between leadership and subordinates, then there's no command

>TFA was on par with A New Hope
>Luke scenes/story arc is some of my favorite of the series
>TLJ "a good movie"
Burn in hell.


Compression software is named exactly like that. The compressor is called a compressor. They could have called it a compresive beepboop but chose to call it a compressor. They clearly named it after IRL objects.

I think the prequels are absolute dogshit and most people who defend them to death live and thrive on being as contrarian as possible just for the sake of it. HOWEVER, I respect them way more than the Disney movies on the sole fact that they at least tried new stuff, both in the script and the visual design of basically everything. Every war vehicle in the prequels is just fantastic except for Ep. II jedi ships.

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

>I think the prequels are absolute dogshit and most people who defend them to death live and thrive on being as contrarian as possible just for the sake of it
The cutthroat geopolitics of the Prequels alone make it the best saga. It put the Wars in Star Wars

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this looks gay af

you're dipshits.
>No supporting reason.
>According to Maz Kanata, she knew all along.
Maz Kanata says Rey "knew all along" that her parents weren't coming back? What does this mean? It's that sequence at the second act midpoint where Rey gets sold on the call to action. Then she gets captured, attempted mindraped, figures out that she can do mindrapes, and does a jedi mindtrick on James Bond.
>The movie says she knew all along.
No the first act very clearly shows that, even if Maz says "she knew all along" (cite please) Rey was DESPERATELY waiting on that planet. She was LITERALLY counting the days. That she "knew all along" may said, and this is exactly what I'm talking about with the "conflicted" nature of her protagonist. She wanted to go back to Jakku, whether or not she "knew all along." She didn't accept the call to action until like 70 minutes into the movie. Anakin essentially never does, and Luke starts the movie wishing for an adventure.
>She is already selfless at the start l
Yeah she's a GOOD GUY. Luke wanted to go save a princess and be a hero. Rey just wanted a family.
>False. She was in no danger during much of it
She's on her heels the entire final fight. She's literally running and sweating and panting the entire time. Compare that to YIPEEE.
>Wrong again. Not only did Anakin have other
And this is where I just don't give a shit anymore. It's clear you're just a prequel faggot narcissist and there's nothing to say to you because you hold your opinions about these kids movies as if they were your political views.

EVERY TIME you want to do the Mary Sue boogaloo and then try and defend Baby Anakin, you out yourself as a feelsfaggot hypocrite prequel babby.

Get fucked kiddo.

Attached: NotHowMarySueDo.webm (720x304, 2.31M)

As a prequel hater I agree. George Lucas's bad ideas are better than this Star Wars antimatter.

can't fault the man for repressing TLJ

>the luke scenes/story arc is some of my favorite scenes of the series
What about it did you love? The green milk or him willingly getting stabbed?

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>go see TFA in theaters when it comes out; literally not a single shred of originality in it; same rehashed story, concept, and cliches from ANH soullessly repeated to the ovation of mindless drones where it fails to do anything original and leaves me literally wincing and cringing from start to finish
>go see TLJ; it apes and mimics multiple sequences and major scenes from TESB as well as ROTJ (Snoke's entire final dialogue with Rey is almost verbatim ripped from Palpatine's speech to Luke in the throne room on the Death Star II)
>horrid sub-plot which is a red herring in the shape of Rose and Finns misadventures on the dumb casino planet
>rehashed the Imperial invasion and battle of Hoth on Crait with a Resistance fighter licking it to say "its salt"
>Cocaine Leia scene
>Luke alien milk-titties scene
>Luke being OOC the entire movie
>Snoke being worthless
>Worst "duel"/CGI fight scene in the franchise with Rey and Kylo vs Snoke's Guards
>none of the films between 7 and 8 are remotely coherent; and even the convention of simple things like the Resistance are changed late in TLJ to Rebels
>Ackbar killed off for a literal who OC Holdo to kamikaze Snoke's ship
Fuck you OP. This isn't even me getting into the complete lack of original or creative alien designs, starships, planets, world-building, or narrative coherence.
Also this.

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That's one of the many ideas I meant. I don't think they were particularly well realized, but hey it was an attempt to both try something new and flesh out the world. Movies are just bad, man. That doesn't stop me from really liking a lot of the stuff that went into them.

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Stop pretending you know anything about what constitutes a good film just because you have watched a bunch of flicks and a Reddit Letter Media series of videos nitpicking on the prequels.

The prequels have some obvious flaws (mostly the dialogue), but they also have some great things going for them (music, worldbuilding). I'm not going to tell you they're a masterpiece, but they're fine. The sequels are a crappy mess and anyone who likes them is a total pleb.

Like listening to Nickelback in 2019 levels of plebeianism.

>Maz Kanata
Oh right I completely forgot about that entirely driven-to-the-ground batshit old, stupidly cliche and utterly garbage expy for a sagely old asian lady who happens to be an expert on the Force and over 1000 years old and is conviently ignored in the era of the Clone Wars and Civil War of the Prequels and Sequels by the Emperor and Vader to exist as a fucking plot device to soullessly spew exposition on the Force for 10 minutes so Rey 5 minutes 20 minutes later in the movie (and less than 24 hours in the story in-universe) can suddenly bust out Force powers from touching Anakin's lightsaber.

Get fucked, mongoloid.

>trusting '''critics'''

To make matters worse, it's



A's, R's, T's, then THE THE THE

As if that wasn't bad enough,

Prequel era: ~15 years of in-universe events
OT era: ~6 years of in-universe events
ST era: Like 3 days thus far. They've leaked a little while back that IX takes place a year after TLJ, so even after the biggest time jump of the trilogy, we're looking at around a year and a week tops.

>Poe Dameron
>the guy who blew up the Starkiller Base pretty much by himself and then a few days later destroyed the First Order's retarded "fleet killer" ship to give his people some breathing room
>now he wants to know what the plan is so that his efforts to save the Resistance -- twice -- aren't all in vain
>Absolutely deserved what happened to him

So, like...does the cognitive dissonance break you eventually?

This guy gets it. Western military leadership (like the Resistance is allegedly based off of) wouldn't tolerate an absolute dogshit leader like Holdo. I knew a lot of leadership that I thought was retarded but they'd never withhold information from us, especially in a desperate situation like that.

I would say they are terrible, but you are absolutely right in the music and world building elements. Prequels did enough in this department to spawn a whole lot of cool as shit EU stories. Most of which were retconned by the ST which doesn't prevent anyone from still enjoying, but is pretty telling when the Disney shit hasn't given us cool stories both in the movies and outside of them.

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this is definitely a problem



>I don't speak random Lucasoidal technobabble.
Yeah what the FUCK language DO you comfortably speak? Definitely not English.

I can generally understand the MUH COMPRESSOR crit from the point of muhrey sue argument WAY MORE than the REEEE THATS NOT WHAT THAT WORD MEANS pov.

Like that's literally just semantics about make pretend words.

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Unironically this. Prequels have issues but at least there's a connecting and coherent narrative bridge between and from Episodes I to III. There's literally none of that with Episodes VII to IX. Rian didn't give two flying fucks about Luke's character arc an development in the OT, he character assassinated him in TLJ, and ignored the sub-plots with Snoke's origins and the Knights of Ren JJ tried to add in TFA. Now IX is ignoring the fact that Luke "died" and is even rehashing and returning Palpatine in some form to it.

The Sequel Trilogy just mindlessly banks on nostalgia of the OT while shitting on it in TLJ being the final straw for OTfags and nothing is saving it from being hated. There's nothing good about this era of Star Wars films.

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why even talk about Star Wars then, if it's all disney shilling?

I thought the scripts for the ST were written well in advance, not some poll-tested stuff. Guess I was wrong.
Does Disney just not care about the franchise?

so your beef is that they DIDNT use a make pretend word?

There are "ducks" in the Star Wars universe because of Episode 2. Pretty sure they talk about "years" even though wtf is a year in space? That's OUR WORD. That's OUR SPECIFIC UNIT OF MEASUREMENT. They are ALL FROM DIFFERENT PLANETS. THEY ALL HAVE DIFFERENT YEARS.

You should follow this guide

There's actually an unused line of dialogue from Obi-Wan to Luke in early drafts of ANH where Obi-Wan talks about ducks and Luke has no idea what that is and Obi-Wan laughs to himself because he forgot unlike Luke, he didn't grow up on a desert planet.

You know what I just realized? I'm probably the last person to realize it since everyone else probably knew it already, but it's worth re-stating: I loved the star wars series not because of george lucas, but because of everyone's earnest efforts to salvage his cinematic garbage. No kidding either. Some of my favorite games, movies, books, and other media were born as the result of a writer and developer coming together and saying "how do we make this cool and appealing"? And look what we got.

>Republic Commando
>Battlefront series (pre-EA)
>Empire at War
>Genndy's animation series
>the CG series
>Dark Forces

And so much more. That's why the new trilogy feels so soulless. Disney doesn't want anyone expanding on their series. They want EA to retain all rights forever, since they can be controlled and sold to the masses at a moment's notice. They don't need to take risks or try anything.

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key word: saved. They could not exist without the good core and are still the director's product above all else

the revisionist history of the prequels in this thread is astounding

the fact that there are faggots who think that the prequels are good is insane. Those movies are fucking garbage. The ST isn’t good by any means but to actually say with a straight face that the PT is better is so fucking dumb.

Nah you keep it instead. I've actually seen every movie in the series.

I am a PTfag and I know the OT is better but I still prefer the PT just because as a kid growing up there were so many great comics, video games, and books to enjoy with the Clone Wars stuff while none of that exists.

Anyone see how badly the Resistance CGI series trailer got shitted on with thumbs down when it appeared last year?

>revisionist history
You are literally a RLM cock sucker whose the only one guilty of revisionism.

>this is what a redditor who worships Plinkett unironically believes

>I'm a filthy pleb who can't grasp the subtle themes and needs quick dopamine rushes like a baby watching dangling keys.

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>the revisionist history of the prequels
I legitimately believe you weren't even born if you think people were bashing the Prequels when they came out back from 1999 to 2005. That wasn't a thing at all. This hysteria and false narrative your kind tries to paint of the PT is pretty fucking telling how deluded you Sequel apologists are, conspiring to buy whatever RLM says as if its the gospel of truth.

You know what's even funnier is when people called out that fat Slavshit on his crap, he always had an excuse to make up to not get debated on the shit he said. I think my favorite was when someone called him a hypocrite for saying its a "waste of time" to debate his words on the prequels when he spent weeks and weeks making those fucking terrible videos to bash them.

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no you can make a terribly shot movie good with editing. Like when you look at the raw footage of that movie, knowing how Lucas edited everything else, and see EXACTLY how that movie could have been a boring shitshow. Like I could totally picture him trying to have similar pacing to THX-1138, that being the cause of all the problems they had in the edit, and then his wife, who actually had control over him, coming in and actually editing it together like a normal fucking adventure movie.

Like I think he definitely was much more ambitious with his camera moves in ANH than anything else, but that was likely his DP not being a yes man. Like ANH is full of Kurosawa-y camera moves and all kinds of dynamic movement that he had entirely abandoned by the prequels. That's honestly the major reason it's SO crazy to me that so many kids unironically try to argue that they're "good." They fucking weren't. There wasn't even a good movie that could get saved by good editing, because all the dialogue was flat, static shots in front of green screen with no good takes or performances captured in the first place.

Attached: ANH american graffiti in space.webm (960x520, 2.59M)

cringe and bluepilled

not them but I was born in 87 and people were BASHING THE FUCK out of the prequels. Particularly phantom menace, because the whole year leading up to it was ALL HYPE. It was literally the biggest culturally anticipated thing for boomers and kids alike. And then it came out and there was like a week before everyone started turning on it. I remember the newspaper comics, particularly Foxworthy or something, with the nerdy glasses kid. Where his character was shilling TPM HYPE for months, and then they had a series of strips where he comes to terms with how bad it was.

And then I remember comedy central shows goofing on it constantly. It was a big cultural moment in the zeitgeist that we got HAD. AGAIN! Everyone hated the special editions with the cgi monsters (HAN SHOT FIRST REEE), and then TPM were just ALL cgi bullshit

How young are you?

Like you project "revisionism" when that's literally what you're doing, and then you flip to attacking strawmen and shit. Why are you trained to use dishonest political messaging strategy to shill for some famously bad movies?

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>I was born in 87
Funny so was I and I don't remember any of that at all.

>goofing it
Spoofs and satires are common of the OT as well, that's not bashing mate. I am pretty certain you are full of shit, DIDF kun.

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Music in the prequels is better. The prequels gave us Duel of the Fates. The sequels gave us nothing.

The worldbuilding in the prequels is better. The prequels showed us Naboo, Coruscant, another look at Tatooine, Kamino, Kashyyk, etc. and set up the stage for all the cool shit we got to see in the tv series and games like Battlefront. The sequels have shown us ZERO city life (other than the atrocious casino planet) and ZERO interesting civilizations or species, just a bunch of random deserts and forests.

The prequels feel like Star Wars because they were made by George Lucas. The sequels feel like a marvel-ized version of Star Wars because they were made by Disney.

The prequels have a coherent story that fits into the originals. The sequels don't fit at all and are an absolute mess because they were made by hacks like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson.

Shall I continue? Because I could give you a thousand reasons why the prequels are better. It's not that they're great, it's just that the sequels are absolute shit. You have to try really hard to make something worse than TFA or TLJ.

The prequels are the best Star Wars movies. Deal with it.

>satire OP-ed comic from a OP-ed column
What a twist!
>everyone hated the Special Editions
Also a blatant lie. The only thing people had was Lucas making it so Greedo shot first instead of Han. And maybe just annoyance at the weird CGI scene inserted into Jabba's throne room to show off the new singer and her dancers being inserted, that was it with the OT. Either way you are frankly talking out of your ass.

I remember being 15 when AOTC came out and everyone flipped their shit when Yoda showed up to duel Dooku and people were raving about that scene for months.

I remember everyone enjoying the film, but then turning on it when media and bloggers started shitting on it. I didn't bandwagon of course, but the OT fanboy shitheads really gave TPM unwarranted aggression. It was a cancerous time, don't lie

Attached: a65.jpg (499x430, 23K)

i remember a lot of butthurt about them, but it wasn't nearly as universal as today. There was a lot of shitting on the prequels tho

RO was vapid and soulless.

Solo was actually decent because Ron Howard, but lol, nobody's watched it.

I beg to differ, there exists a cut of the phantom menace called the phantom edit that trims fat, cuts unnecessary dialog, and in some cases orders scenes to add more convention and substance to character dialog. It makes a passable, and secret good movie out of what many saw as a disappointment.

I heard about that because my city's news station commented on fan reaction to the film. I was unaware until then, having seen the film ~7 times.

>t. an actual unironic mouse shill

>universal as today
Because it was never close to being universal and a minority that had extreme issues of treating the PT as some kind of cancer that it never was. The apologist revisionism of ST comes from Disney and its fanboys trying to push the PT back into the hate spotlight because the overwhelming response to the Disney movies has actually been closer to universal negativity or at least majority disdain then it ever was with the PT.

Biggest issue I can think of was Jar-Jar and kid Anakin/Vader with Jake Llyod in TPM, where as now people think Rose is far worse then Jar-Jar ever was. Either way there's a literal machine operation of how Disney runs viral marketing and advertising and has its tendrils in a lot of online media companies to fill its narrative to use propaganda to get what it wants.

>Funny so was I and I don't remember any of that at all.
idk I read the novelization before it came out. I was AS STOKED as could be. I thought the novelization sucked but figured maybe it's just a shitty adaptation and it all works on the screen! And then I was SO disappointed when it was clear that it was like an exact adaptation of the movie. I left the theater completely bummed out.
>Spoofs and satires are common of the OT as well
no most of the commentary was that it was FUCKING BAD. Not like spoofing the characters on SNL. Everyone was talking about how much of a shocking dissapointment it was and how it was nothing like the OT.

Nobody other than kids that didn't give a shit was talking about that movie other than "wtf was that?" And I need to find that foxworthy or whatever comic because it summed up like everyone on my bus's feelings. Were at first everyone was like SICK FUCKING SWORD FIGHTS DUDE and doing the DUDUDOODOODOO song. And then it was like more and more people talking shit and arguing over the week, and then everyone just stopped talking about it and nobody gave a shit about any of the other ones. It was clear it was retard shit for kids.
>I am pretty certain you are full of shit, DIDF kun.
Post your ID you fuck.

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This annoys me far too much.

I was born in 91. I watched the entire OT several times years before TPM because my dad bought a VHS pack for me with the three movies. Every kid in my class loved TPM. My dad wasn't in love with the prequels but he certainly enjoyed them more than the sequels. He was extremely disappointed after watching TFA in the theater, and he hasn't watched TLJ yet.

Say what you will about the Prequel Trilogy, but at least they established a setting that was unique, original, and that the fans ultimately embraced. The Sequel Trilogy is just a scuffed retread of what we've already seen that adds nothing new or interesting. Rogue One and Solo both had more interesting visuals and concepts than TFA and TLJ.

To get a 5 or below you literally have to make the shittiest film you can think of, so that user was right.

How about:

Resurgent Force
Jedi's Twilight
Skywalker Ascendant

>And then it came out and there was like a week before everyone started turning on it.
This. People never liked Jar Jar but the initial impression people had was that the good outweighed the bad. It took a while for people to turn on it.

>Also a blatant lie















Wrong. They are literally everywhere of the OT, and people also bash and critize the OT for how many major plot holes exist in TESB and ROTJ. Particularly with Luke and Leia being siblings, Leia's memory of her "mother", etc...OT gets a lot of shit if you aren't retarded and actually look for it. You are too stupid if you can't see this and you are literally engaging now in hyperbolic argument from belief if you think somehow what you believe is indicative of the majority of people's opinions of the PT.

Who gives a fuck, they haven't even been funny in 30 years and repeat the same unfunny joke for a year after driving it into the ground before doing the same with their next new one for the following years.

Do you want more personal tales? I remember in 6th grade everyone in my school or at least all the guys talking about how cool Darth Maul and the final duel with him and Jinn + Kenobi were, or coolness of the Podracing scene in TPM or the space battle and the music.



You are a stupid nigger, user. I'm afraid you have a terminal case of aspergers and ass-pain, I suggest fucking off the internet forever, Disney shill.

>this crybaby being this mad at being called out that the Sequels are trash and no one believes his RLM bullshit

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idk what you're responding to fucking retard. Why not just shoot yourself in the brain?
> They are literally everywhere of the OT, and people also bash and critize the OT for how many major plot holes exist in TESB and ROTJ.
Yeah these are fucking fan lore. We spent a decade talking about HOW FUCKING GARBAGE THE PREQUELS WERE. Nobody fucking gave a shit about the droid janitors on the plot donut in TPM. The OT being imperfect and schlocky and leaving shit left unsaid was part of the magic of them. The PT was a fucking joke BECAUSE of all the fucking insane incoherent bullshit like midichlorians trying to over-explain everything in the most boring, frustrating way possible. Nobody was arguing about the characters in the PT, they were arguing about what the FUCK happened to George Lucas.

And maybe you're jsut some dipshit fucking loser with idiot family and friend IDK. That's your degeneracy. You can take you DINDU NUFFIN revisionism nostalgia autism and stab yourself in the brain with an ice pick for all I care.

reminder that Disney gave us:

>the first literal star wars movie to bomb at the box office
>the worst rated and scored star wars movie of all time
>and also the first time in history a triple A production major hollywood film sequel broke all BAD records for a follow up/sequel film in box office history
imagine being a Disney cuck and thinking the Sequels have any leg to stand on trying to attack the Prequels

Attached: Solo 56.png (176x199, 9K)

I'm sorry you fell for the RLM meme, user. We never really hated the prequels.

>"Its okay when we meme and make fun of the goofy parts of the OT but it doesn't count for the PT"
Go back to Kathleen, subhuman piss-ant.

>being this literally retarded
"Dude Rey is strong cause you are, also fuck the Skywalkers, fuck Luke, and here's a gay casino planet to shill why capitalism is bad because fuck money, also buy all of our merchandise you brainlets"

This is your brain with a Mouse cock fucking it.

>You are a stupid nigger, user.
Creative lol. I called you it first and when I did I said no backsies so now you're a double nigger.
> I'm afraid you have a terminal case of aspergers and ass-pain,
yeah those movies sucked DICK. They fucked me in the asshole with how HISTORICALLY, NOTABLY BAD they are. Watching you degenerate cultists lie to yourself and try to rewrite history to justify why you're nigger shills for bad movies is sad. How can you be certain you don't have an actual psychotic disorder? What is your true north if you unironically think that the Star War Prequels were good movies?

Like why are you here? You clearly don't care about filmmaking, movie history, or anything else. What's your fucking purpose?

You'll be pleasantly surprised to know that there are fanedits that remove the casino shit and it's basically seamless

Look at these mental gymanstics from the unwashed immigrant from resetera or some tranny discord trying to make a failing point.
>with historically notably bad they are
You say that while the Sequels exist unironically. So you are aren't very bright or are still an outed Disney apologist. Which is it?
>degenerate cultists
>says this with a Sequel Trilogy that unironically says white people, capitalism, and being successful is somehow a sin and promotes cultural Marxism and socialist extremism from the far left
Lmao, okay retard.
>why are you here
Because you need to be called out, faggot kun. Now project more on why the Sequels are hated by all Star Wars fans while you delude yourself into thinking you have an argument that somehow makes sense.

Attached: 1528780536099.png (680x721, 480K)

Are you trying to pretend you really care about filmmaking or movie history while defending the plebeian and crappy sequels and being angry at people for enjoying the prequels? I'm sorry user, watching RLM's videos doesn't make you knowledgeable on filmmaking and you're certainly not a patrician if you're arguing about filmmaking over Star Wars movies.

>and no one believes
this is academic film criticism shit man. They teach whole courses that use star wars to explore what makes movies good. If the extent of your understanding of the criticism of these movies is some youtube memers you should fucking go watch some more movies.

Has nothing to do with "belief" this is like the robot test in Bladerunner. If you don't understand the means by which the PT are terrible movies, you're fucking psychotic and insanely ignorant.
Sorry you fell for the Disney Prequels Memes Meme. You're the biggest Disney shill here. You're willing to lie to yourself to promote their SHITTIEST products. Keep cucking faggot.
good argument Russia
>whatabout Rey
The sequel Trilogy is overwhelmingly better, even if the characters said nothing and they were all generic puddy people. JUST the technical execution alone makes the ST miles above the fucking PT bullshit.
>said while literally posting Disney propaganda
and not an argument in sight LOL

honestly go to a doctor. The lot of you

Attached: laughing hard.webm (652x1080, 773K)

You aren't impressing anyone with your mental breakdown, go back to where you came from because that surely isn't here. Which I imagine is either some tumblr tier shithole or reddit or Vox or some other subhuman den.

Not even sure where this came from but I can tell you right now that there's a reason why Disney is trying hard to pander to OT and PT fags now that they know the ST stuff can't survive on its own in merchandise with kids not wanting those toys, collectors not wanting those figures,and the games failing hard.

The Sequels are very bad.
The Sequels are in fact so bad they make people long for the Prequels because the ST does not even feel like Star Wars.

This pic shows another reason why the prequels are superior. They are an unparalleled high-quality meme factory.

>mass quoting and responding with basically one liners when you don't have a coherent argument while trying to poison the well


>The sequel trilogy is overwhelmingly better
Not with those actors and actresses (Isaac, Ridley, Bogeya, Driver, etc...), not with those cringe inducing Marvel shitty quips and one-liners that feel alien in the franchise, and certainly not with its incredibly flat and lack of actual development in its characters while soullessly rehashing arcs already done in the previous trilogies.

Now stay mad, shill.

Attached: 1514122782313.jpg (411x600, 102K)

You're a brainless pleb. You shouldn't be allowed to work other than at a McDonalds.

Abandoning thread.

>Are you trying to pretend you really care about filmmaking or movie history
You want to compare imdb pages? What is frame of reference in terms of what you've studied when it comes filmmaking and movie history? What movies have you worked on? What shit have you written? You demonstrate that you have ANY academic or professional backing for your fantastical opinion about the movies you liked when you were a baby and I'll probably follow suite.
> the plebeian
confirmed for knownothing tryhard
> and crappy sequels
overwhelmingly better. completely ignoring the scripts and the casting, OVERWHELMINGLY BETTER. By EVERY STANDARD OF FILMMAKING.

And then the script is WAAY better in TFA than ANY of the fucking prequels. This is entirely objective. The prequels look like early-aughts cancer and always will. They look like some CW star wars show.
>and being angry at people for enjoying the prequels?
I enjoy the prequels! They're some of the worst fucking movies ever made. I'm mad at people for fucking trying to change history to justify why they like them. Trying to redefine standards of filmmaking to pretend like they wren't shit. There's this weird political messaging aspect to Prequel babbies that is disturbing. Like you're all just trained to immidiately start lashing out and whatabouting and attacking the person you're talking to and fucking flat out lying about stuff you disagree with. FOR WHAT? Why are you training yourself to lie for a fucking kid's move?
>I'm sorry user, watching RLM's videos doesn't make you knowledgeable on filmmaking
I have a degree in production technology. I've worked on a handful of features and have around a decade working in production. You have nostalgic feelings for a bad movie.
tldr keep shilling Disney



Attached: everything was better when you were 12.gif (500x657, 101K)

Where is your argument? I just see you having more of a mental breakdown again lmao.

>Them not posting the 44% audience score
>You believing their literal ad

You are a retard

Why are writing a like a nigger that went mental? People would respect your opinion more if you weren’t typing like a literal faggot.






>still seething



>he can't even shitpost right