>5 years after The Last Jedi the Resistance is no longer centralized and is not a popular idea among the galaxy. Kylo Ren’s rule over the galaxy is seen by most as benevolent. Many within the Resistance itself are questioning why they should even be fighting.
>Not surprisingly, Rey, Poe, Finn, and Leia are all still holding fast to the idea the galaxy should not be under empirical rule.
>They are tipped off by a mole inside the First Order promising that if they follow their lead, they will discover the horrifying true nature of the First Order.
>The tip leads them to a planet in the unknown regions, and they must infiltrate a First Order command station to extract a young female alien prodigy who is the key to navigating these regions.
>After a successful rescue of the girl who is essentially a prisoner of the First Order, they discover a planet entirely comprised of an ocean. Beneath its waters is the secret to the First Order’s unlimited resources, an ancient manufacturing station literally powered by the populations of conquered worlds of the unknown regions.
>This entire A plot revolves around liberating the captives before they are exterminated and exposing these horrors to the galaxy at large. This plot is resolved with the Unknown Regions becoming united and preparing for war with the known regions.
>The B plot revolves around Kylo Ren hunting down other Force users in secret using the Knights of Ren and trying to discover the mole among his ranks. At the end of the film it’s revealed Hux is the mole and is trying to get the galaxy to revolt against Ren’s empire and believes he can claim the throne after the fallout.
>Many Force users have sought out Rey for protection, both really young and really old.
>Rey and Kylo still converse through the force and can even manifest their whole presence in front of each other. It is slowly revealed they secretly love each other.
>The big reveal in the film is that one of Rey’s “students” is actually her child, and Kylo becomes so enraged upon finding this that he nearly kills Rey who is only saved last minute by Leia.
>As with last time I will add the disclaimer that this is an early story board but the heart of the film is there with secret love child and the theme of an Empire thriving but at a terrible cost. You can expect the story to play out very close to this.
>no relevance to title >no payoff >no wrap-up >rey has a child old enough to be a student LOL >about a billion other faults If you're going to LARP at least make it believable.
Ethan Cox
Justin Nguyen
William Bell
None of that has to do with the wreckage of the death star or palpatine. So is the trailer a complete red herring, or more likely is this leak complete bullshit?
Nolan Ward
was believing you until you said Rey has a kid old enough to be a padawan, fuck off you're not fooling anyone.