Im gonna get medieval on yo ass

>Im gonna get medieval on yo ass

Why does Marsellus want to go back to medieval times with Zed? Can they time travel in Pulp Fiction? I really don't get it.

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Because in medieval times Moors regularly castrated and raped European men

ofcourse he can time travel, why else do you think the movie was in a fucked up order

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How powerful is marsellus in the tarantino universe?

Ah they good old days.

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You got it mixed up OP.

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Medieval was the name of one of Marsellus Wallace's associates

you sneed to stop

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This, who the fuck wouldn't want to go to Medieval Times to take away the pain of getting assraped?

he was going to take them to a latin mass and have them pray for forgiveness . He was very catholic

You're favorite medieval torture? For me, it was the breaking wheel

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the rat cage one

>people actually believe this

>wh*toids don't believe this

Zeds dead baby, Zeds dead

Why did he have a Vietnamese gf even though his dad fought in 'nam?

>moors were niggers

>niggers saw white people committing crimes like this thousands of years ago
>did nothing to stop it
wtf I hate blacks now

What is even the point of this comic.



>whites were barbarians when blacks were a civilized people
>blacks didn't have a patriarchy
who the fuck wrote this?

I liked the one where you are impaled on a spike
its so simple, doesn't take up resources, painful, long and humiliating

Damn I went here as a kid. Shit was great

After spending time engaging in Zed's hobbies he wanted to share love of Dungeons and Dragons with him

Ah, another epic meme for Yea Forums to repeat even though its not funny.

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>I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers who'll go to work on the homies here with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch
This is the part that always confused me. Are they going to hit them with pipes or torture them with pliers and a blowtorch? Which one is it? Make up your mind!

brings back godly memories

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Time is flat circle , After the killing of reggie redoux Rust fought napoleon with a Ak-47 in a Louisianan swamp in 1995

The niggers in question hit "the pipe" themselves (smoke meth and go insane) before torturing their victoms with pliers and blowtorch

Quartering was my fav.

Spoils of war.

Wouldn't they reveal the fact they'd raped mister boss man in the course of this torture? That's a big risk to take for something you never want mentioned

I come here twice a week.