NOTE: If you do not want spoilers, stay away from this board beginning one week from tomorrow

NOTE: If you do not want spoilers, stay away from this board beginning one week from tomorrow.

Attached: MV5BMTc5MDE2ODcwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzI2NzQ2NzM@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 241K)

I have no intention of watching this movie, so I will read a 5 paragraph plot synopsis once it is available.

I can't believe Thanos busted a nut into the gauntlet

>he doesn't read the Wikipedia summary before watching a movie

There's already spoilers out in the wild

People haven't picked up on it yet, but it's going to soon.

W H O C A R E S ?


You because you responded to the thread

If you've made the resolute decision not to watch it, why would you care about the plot?

Thanks for the reminder friendo, what's your reddit so I can send some gold?

Because I've watched about 15 out of 22 of these movies and would like to know how it ends without actually watching it.

the superhero punches the other, and other one goes "WOOOOOSH" and "pow pow pow"
Thanos is fucked


Then why not just watch it?
Even if you're capeshit fatigued, it will probably still be a better movie than the 15 you've already sat through (or most of them)

I felt dirty about buying a ticket for this, but we all know it was gonna succeed anyway. Watching an early screening and gonna grab pics if I can.

Because I'm not going to give Disney $11, and I'm not going to watch a camrip.

It takes 2 minutes to read 5 paragraphs, so "care" isn't exactly the right word here

>checks release dates

Shit, you're right, thanx man.

I stopped caring about capeshit spoilers. Can someone redpill me on what happens in the movie start to finish.

Ok, james’ Youniverse... go away, manchild

Link or you're lying

There isnt at all.

Won't watch :^)


>time travel undoes the events of Infinity War, which is the only good story in Marvel


>if you don't want spoiler from the most obvious plot ever
I'm ok.