Just watched Shape of water

Just watched Shape of water.
It was way more stylish than I expected. What are your thoughts?
Who else is disappointed they didn’t show his dick?

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Garbage leftist movie

i hate women so fucking much

i didn't understand the purpose of this character, or why there was a random scene of her chewing our her lazy husband.
But I liked the movie on the whole.

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I liked it. Creeped me out a lot. But it was good.

literal 0/10 movie

Sidekick, translator and plot mover.
Only time mute girl talks without a translator is when she talks to the fish so she always needed someone “familiar” by her side I guess.

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Unironically a great actor


It was a darn entertaining flick and I am a bit disappointed i didnt get to see his reptile cock. Actually what does a lizards cock even look like?

I'm pretty sure they don't have an actual cock

ha ha this meme's still relevant, right

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Batman Returns> Hellboy 2
Edward Scissorhands> Shape of Water

Sally Hawkins a cute and I hope she gets more work.

It was decent. Pretty fucked up that she raped that fish though. It was enough of an animal that it eating a cat gets a "Well that's just what he DOES" from the owner yet you're gonna tell me it can consent to sex? Nah.

They do, but it's not like ours
It retracts and only comes out when it's in use

But Adam from YMS told me that bestiality was consensual and not immoral at all!

I thought the sex scene would be hotter. All they did was hug.

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It's not rape if a woman does it, you disgusting incel

Don't reply to me again unless you have an actual contribution to make to the discussion at hand, rather than spewing random garbage to earn political points on an anonymous imageboard.

Have sex

Best part of Discovery for sure.

It was pretty fucked up and I enjoyed watching the mentally ill woman fall in love with the fish creature. I can see why it’s so endearing.

Scary stories seems very neat so far from the trailer.

If they don’t attack you and don’t try to run away it’s not rape

It's unironically a pretty great film. A little on the nose at times, but the artistic direction coupled with a few stellar scenes outweigh those annoyances.

Do you think the actress would suck a fish dick in real life if it was plump enough and attached to a muscular fish man?

Delicious little body on Sally Hawkins tho

She certainly looks like she fucks fish man

The arse was a lot better than I expected it to be.

Why do I want to fuck this butterface so badly?

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She's kinda cute, has a marvelous ass and looks like she wouldn't cheat on you.

It was way better than I expected having read threads about it on Yea Forums before seeing it. But it borrows so many elements from Hellboy and Pans Labyrinth, and was such an uninspired take on the classic Beauty and the Beast story that it was never good at all. If It had avoided being artsy for the sake of it (scene of her masturbating and having her freinds pointless gay plot) it could have been a lot better.

>What are your thoughts?

I thought it was pretty good. The story was predictable but the style made up for it.

She reminds me of Carrie Brownstein.

An actual good "best picture" winner for once

The fish is a fucking bulletproof killing machine with healing powers and was referred to in the film as a god.

If it didn't want to fuck her it wouldn't have happened.

Is she a mute in real life?

If fishboy didn't want it, he shouldn't have dressed that way.

She is when she has fishcock in her mouth.