What's the biggest myth ever busted

What's the biggest myth ever busted

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The myth that I can't nut 10 times one sitting

deez nutz

i'd love to stick my penis in her vagina if you know what i mean

how many times I can concurrently cum while watching her Chinese water torture episode.

13 is the answer, i wish i was kidding


My nut all over her chest.

my nut to this picture

Bane wasn't a big guy

Do you think she has tiny little hershy kiss nipples or big peach coloured puffy ones?

62 times is the record, you should try

Grant and that asian dude must've been in heaven

I'm on my way friendo, gonna suicide by jacking it.

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medium sized areolas with pierced nips

Grant Imahara is the Asian dude, the other one is called Tory Belleci.
That's not what concurrently means, unless you really had 13 orgasms at the same time.

The first time i dreamed of porn it was it her.
Didnt wake up wet, tho.

That tower 7 would implode at free fall speed

My rookie number is 5

I swear i saw some thread a few days ago where someone said the exact same thing (calling Tory ''that asian guy'')

I should try and deepfake her face

I've busted so many nuts to Kari they hired me at Planters.

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god tier feets

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>they aren't going to lick themselves user


What's it like being a foot guy? How does that even work

it's like being attracted to a nice vagina but it's feet instead

Just keep acting like you are one and eventually you will become

there you go family

Started with liking goths and redheads and then it carried on from there.

That's stupid though.

You can't penetrate a foot.

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yeah but you can lick them

Not with that attitude.

can't penetrate tits either.

the thing is that it's not just about how the feet look

kari's feet on an ugly women would do nothing for me

Heh, I think the biggest myth she ever busted was my balls when I nutted.

you can fuck tits and if you like small tits your just a faggot


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y'know ive always looked down on footfags but these ones might have just converted me

welcome brother

You can fuck feet, have you honestly never gotten a footjob?

you can fuck anything if you put a hole in it

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The myth that OP isn't a faggot

I used to thing feet were gross until I hooked up with a chick that liked her toes sucked. It turned me into a footfaggot.

They all like it, there's a shit ton of nerve endings in feet and if you do it right it feels good and footplay is excellent foreplay.

why fap to her when that bitch from Paramore exists?

How do you do it right?

I don't know man I hated footfags then I had a dream where I sucked on a girl's toes and it was so enjoyable that I'm into feet now.

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>he doesn’t know about footpussy

I used to like threads like this.
Now I dread shills.
Good bye tv.
Fuck you.

It all started with pic related...

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My first porn dream was about Hulk Hogan's daughter.

She was blowing me as I was laying on the bed, then she stopped, crawled up my body, placed her thighs around my head and started squeezing like the chick from Goldeneye.

To this day, I still don't know what this dream means bros...

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someone post the infographic is talking about

Well start slow, trial and error sort of thing. Maybe look up a tutorial on how to give a good foot massage. Then you can try sucking and licking in between her toes. Sometimes they really like that especially while you're fucking them. Then you can try licking their soles and heels etc. Bare in mind that they need to have clean feet otherwise it's gross, just like with pussy.

>>she's responsible for the death of MILLIONS
of semen

Whether the pull-out method works

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I hate footfags with a passion but I have to admit those are pretty nice feet. I might be biased because I think everything about Kristen is pure sex tho.


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That 9/11 was real and not CGI

iconic Yea Forums image, seen it posted here many times with a kind of reverence

I'm not a footfag either, but those do look pretty nice. Must be nice to be a footfag, you get tons of free porn to witness all the time. Walk outside in summer or on the beach, and it must be like browsing pornhub

I'm still glad I'm not a footfag tho, imagine having to explain to a grill you want to fuck her feet? She might break up with you on the spot...it's pretty degenerate