So, what was the best episode?

So, what was the best episode?

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always liked I Accuse My Parents for how ridiculous the film itself was
Joel was kino, Mike was comfy
Riff Trax makes me sad

The one with Trumpy

Pic related

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- Mitchell
- Time Chasers
- Final Sacrifice

Honorable mentions to Manos and Space Mutiny.



this. I fucking love Pod People


watching the nu MST3K rite meow. Which is the best of those?

I think the Mac and Me part where they blow them up and Jonah starts freaking out was the best bit.

Final Sacrifice imo, but there are a bunch of winners.
Werewolf comes to mind too.

The best episodes are probably Yongary, both Wizards of the Lost Kingdom episodes, The Christmas that Almost Wasn't, and The Day Time Ended.
The new seasons aren't nearly as good as the old show, but they still have their moments.

>So, what was the best episode?

The ones that start with "there was a guy named Joel"

>Final Sacrifice
Excellent taste. Rowzdower is the hero we both need AND deserve.

>how much keeffe is in this movie, anyway? >miles-o-keeffe.


i kind of grew up with the mike episodes in my teens but later in life i discovered that robot holocaust is definitely my favorite episode which is a joel one. i like the stiff acting of the blonde european robo bimbo, the whole thing is like a LARP filmed on 80s television cameras, but everyone is so into their roles that it's actually pretty fun to watch even without the joel+bots.

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Jack Frost and the other super weird Russo-Finnish coproductions have always been my favorites

Prince of Spaaaaaaace!

Is Riff Trax any good?

I always enjoyed the Gamera episodes

>t. Cerebro

Mike > RiffTrax > Joel

Yes. If you liked the Sci-fi seasons, you'll like Riff Trax. I recommend the live shows for Miami Connection and Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny.


I love some Rifftrax, but it's always painful to hear the old guys delivering riffs clearly written by some 23-year-old that they have zero frame of reference on. This is why it's still at its strongest with things like shorts

Good picks user. Final Sacrifice was the first one I ever watched, that and being a Leaf make it special to me
Werewolf is another solid choice and might all around be my favorite.

Yeah it's great, there's a few wonky episodes at the start that were just Mike on his own but then he started getting Bill and/or Kevin in and it became like classic MST3k but without the skits. My favourite episodes are:

>The Matrix trilogy
>The X-Men Trilogy
>All the Star Wars films
>Iron Man
>The Avengers
>Terminator: Salvation

They also did a lot of B-movies too if that's your thing. Do not, under any circumstances, watch ones without Mike, Bill or Kevin on them, they're just so painful.

You're neglecting their seminal work - the entire Twilight saga is a masterclass in riffing

I wish someone would make something like this for MST3K, I would but I'm the one who needs the guide in the first place.

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I only recently discovered that every Samsung Smart TV has a dedicated Rifftrax channel.

>They also did a lot of B-movies too if that's your thing.
If you haven't watched the Rifftrax of Plan 9 you're really missing out. The one with Mike, Bill and Kevin.

This guide has been around for seemingly forever, and the guy has pretty decent rankings, and going by his Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze rankings is a pretty good way to get recommendations.

they seem like they have more jokes per minute, but it's kind of obvious that it's more edited and written and stuff. Like the old ones actually had a "riffing" vibe to them even when they were written. But the new ones seem kind of more obviously workshopped in a writer's room and then plugged in.

I think it's getting better though. The Gauntlet episodes seemed more consistently funny to me than the first batch.

Amazon Prime also has basically all the B-Movie RiffTrax for free

You misspelled Whirrrrwolf.


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>I just found out that Count Dracula was a faggot
Seriously, what did he mean by this?

Agreed, they fixed a lot of issues people had with the first season and it feels more like the old show now, the biggest change being the Return tried to never talk over movie dialogue (leading to them scrambling to fill every gap between sentences with riffs) while the Gauntlet dials it back to a more relaxed pace where they also aren't afraid to talk over the movie like in the classic show, as a result they hit the mark on the delivery a lot better.
I also began enjoying it more now that I can always tell the characters apart, took my brain a bit to adjust to the new cast and associate the voices with each character

Is there something wrong with me if I just can't get into this show?

No, the literal mantra of the creator is "the right people will get it"
They're playing to a specific audience that likes obscure references and cornball humor, it's just not made for everybody and that's OK

You didn't try and start from the beginning did you? Because KTMA is basically unwatchable even for fans and season 1 is pretty bad by and large too.

It's impossible to say imo, but I've always found Overdrawn at the Memory Bank really fascinating.
Time Chasers is also perfectly goofy and entertaining on its own, and the riffs are also fantastic to boot.
I prefer Joel's personality over Mike's, but Mike probably does more standout episodes, partially because they just got better at choosing movies after sitting through lot of very dull stuff and learning what couldn't be saved with riffs.
My favorite Joel episodes that isn't one of the really obvious ones are probably Teenagers from Outer Space or Killer Shrews. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a required yearly tradition too and I like all of the kaiju ones because those are movies I'd watch without riffs

Does anyone know which one it is where the professor from Gilligans Island is in it. And he dies by driving a car off a road for no reason, and they yell I REGRET NOTHINNGGGGG.

I quote that all the time but can't remember which episode it is.


I don't recall that specific one but there's many other episodes where they say that too.

That's from MST3K: The Movie actually, movie they riffed in that is This Island Earth

any recs for b-movie rifftrax?

I think that was This Island Earth, the MST3k Movie, which is very underrated

Miami Connection was fun, I haven't seen many others

I swear to god this is someone from the new show shilling here and every mst3k thread. Maybe creating the thread in the first place. Whatever I honestly just don't find it as funny without Mike and I'm also not a preteen/early teen/late teen pothead anymore. The new show is obviously attracting fans of the old show but those fans have become jaded adults like me now and can't enjoy themselves as easily. I would get my kid into it but he's a toddler so eh.


Pod People

The Girl on Lovers Lane is vastly underrated

Which they hated to riff because they said it wasn't that bad of a movie. The studio made them riff it.

>everyone that likes things that I don't must be getting paid
maybe you're just a cunt?

Fuck up pussy
I was being generous before but your shitty homage is doomed to obscurity and you're riding coattails to nowhere

I think that's why I'm not too fond of it either. They riff other movies I legitimately like and while This Island Earth isn't terrible and certainly has a place in SF history, it's not a movie I personally like that much. It's not bad enough to laugh at but not interesting enough to me the other way either.

Hobgoblins, Boggy Creek 2, Incredible Melting Man.

>and you're riding coattails to nowhere
time is entropy weeeeeeeee

I liked the movie because it had a big budget and that was nice to see.

It's still a very stupid movie, they've done a fair few that I think are far better: Final Justice, Jack Frost, The Sword and the Dragon, Moon Zero Two, The Magic Sword, etc.

I also like a bunch of the blockbusters that RiffTrax has done, being riffed on doesn't take away from them.



Nah m8 if we assume Newtonian physics AND the probability of the universe recreating itself in a self same state to be greater than zero, then it will do so an infinite number of times. We will be back in this thread again.

My, my, my, my GOD

He was such a sleazebag, it's really baffling that a movie like that got made. Also Mike was very very naughty for suggesting that the James Bond movies starring Joe Don Baker were bad.

>Also Mike was very very naughty for suggesting that the James Bond movies starring Joe Don Baker were bad.

"Riding with Death"
fuck me no one ever talks about this episode, it's hilarious from start to finish

Blood Waters of Doctor Z maybe I was just really stoned but I found that one gut busting funny

These were the best.

Mi- Mi- Mittens! He is a cop!

In Final Justice in the skit where Mike thinks he gets to leave because he just saw a really bad Joe Don Baker movie, like Joel left after Mitchell, they suggest that it's impossible to see a really good Joe Don Baker movie, but he was in The Living Daylights, Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies.

It's a pretty cliche answer but Space Mutiny has always been my favorite.
Joel > Mike

Pretty good Desu.

>Mike > RiffTrax > Joel
You forgot to add >>>>>>>>>>>> Jonah after Joel.

Based and redpilled. That episode is gold start to end, even the skits. I especially love how badly the episodes are joined together and their constant mocking of it. Episode 2 in particular, with that weird view-screen reaction thing they did.


I love Moon Zero Two... it's pretty low budget but still.

The new show is filth. Joel is human garbage.

This is the most right answer, although I would put Space Mutiny as no. 1.


Time Chasers is one of the best (of the worst)

this is great thanks

The hands of fate?

thanks for clarifying that, cool info

>Tiny wiener henchmen

Those aren't JDB movies though.

womp womp, nooo springs

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The Final Sacrifice


Also, Squirm

The only good ones started when patton oswalt took over hosting duties

also, Hobgoblins

Best Joel episode:
Robot Holocaust

Best Mike episode:
Time Chasers

>>>Re: Post number one hundred and twelve million, nine hundred and twenty-seven thousand, six hundred and ninety
No (You)s for you, my friend

Personal favorite: The Beginning of the End

>They also did a lot of B-movies too
The Guy From Harlem springs to mind. Quite possibly one if the funniest riffings ever.


Manos The Hands of Fate

I like the short films

My family watches Jack Frost every Christmas. Puma Man, Werewolf, and Giant Spider Invasion are up there.

>Giant Spider Invasion