unironically guys be honest here, was it kino?
Unironically guys be honest here, was it kino?
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Fuck yes it was!
Yes. I had some free time and binge watched the new show they made. It’s not on the same quality and it is a kids show, but I still liked it and will watch season three to see Sokka 2 get ELFED
I watched up to about half way through S2, it's basically just a TLA knock-off but less interesting. The villain is the only character I liked
yes, probably one of the best shows ever made, period.
Shame they had to retroactively shit on it.
I hope there's no whites casted in the Netflix version. Fuck y'all you guy are in everything else
Sexy af
Best western cartoon by far
I'd be fine with that if there were also no niggers
everybody hated the whitewashing in the shyamalan one too, dork.
Avatar is obviously not-asia. Aang is a tibetan, Sokka and Katara are inuit, toph is han chinese, and zuko is a nip
It really, really was.
haha epic meme xD
If you’re referring to the dark magic guy he did literally nothing wrong. Unless their kingdom is complete vegan and never kills animals I don’t see why killing a deer to fix your brothers broken spine is evil
I honestly hope that they have big enough balls to do this. Make the fire nation Japanese, earth kingdom Chinese, and water tribes eskimos. I forget what Aang is so I guess he could be white?
don't make fun of avatar the last kino!
Haveaturd: The Last U-bender
yeah it's my favorite show ever
great action, great music,great plot,10/10 characters
everything about it is great, except the romances and some weird episodes
Who's the better avatar?
The Desert was the best episode
What about The Beach?
>The Storm
>The Siege of the North
>Zuko Alone
>The Drill
>Tales of BaSingSe
>Appas Lost Days
>The Crossroads of Destiny
>Sokka's Master
>The Beach
>The Day of the Black Sun
>The Firebending Masters
>The Southern Raiders
>The Ember Island Players
>Sozin's Comet
PURE kino
>Appa's Lost Days
+The Guru
>If you’re referring to the dark magic guy he did literally nothing wrong
I know he did literally nothing wrong, that's why he's my favourite. I dropped the show because I know they're never gonna let him be shown in a good light.
The main characters are basically fighting to fuck things up for everybody
Such soi
Yes and The Normies and Blindwave's reactions to it were awesome.
of course
for a show that was on (((nick))) its actually legit compelling. i watch it every few years and it's still emotionally involving
careful user. Posting reaction kino on here triggers Yea Forums's autism
+Avatar and the Firelord
The Great Divide wasn't that bad.
Bato of the Water Tribe was worse.
you're right
>the CHAD divide tells us that even differing, warring tribes can coexist if they are lied to by an important enough figure
>bato the INCEL teaches us that even if said figure lies to friends they will still be forgiven
what's it all mean?
It was. A beter question is why did they shit the bed with Korra?
The showrunners Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino were unironically seething that the head writer Aaron Ehasz wrote all the good episodes so they wanted to deconstruct the universe that Ehasz created our of pure ressentiment.
>chad and incel
The virgin tourist.
>TLA knock-off
>Created by the people that made TLA
Boy you are literally retarded.
Just because he wrote (some of) it originally, doesn't mean making a new show that's nearly identical suddenly becomes ok.
It's just TLA but worse.
The first 2-3 seasons of Korra were pretty good then falls off. Nothing g on the original tho
the main writer/director from TLA wasn't in Korra.
they were all trash
They couldn't come up with a good plot, so instead they filled in shitty love stories worthy of the worst romantic comedies.
I'm retard disregard post
>deconstruct the universe that Ehasz created our of pure ressentiment
Is this more than just E;R memery ? I struggle to accept anyone would be that retarded.
>Be writer, make something good
>Decide not to milk original work so he isn't a douchebag
>Make new story and use elements from last story because they're good
Retards:"Reee, man Thais show is just a knockoff! Lol such trash, I can't believe they're ripping stuff from TLA!"
Imagine being a retard such as yourself
at least the shit the creators took on it brought us the best youtube creator E;R which is a good tradeoff
Season 5 would have been kino if not for Ashi
t. retard who pays for the same game/movie/show multiple times
better buy skyrim HD: HD: Online: Remastered when it comes out bud!
>decide not to milk original work
>by makign a 1:1 copy of it for kikeflix
shh the trannies will hear
don't forget the divide, purest kino there ever was
Maybe it wasn't 10/10, but it still had a lot of kino moments, especially the first three episodes
>mentions elements
Wipe your mouth retard, you're drooling.
Imagine being so retarded that you can't support your statement
well fuck them for fusing without asking consent
It was half kino half shit, so it averaged out to mediocre.
That who sepuku shit was stupid, if he had waited 5 seconds it could have been avoided
+The Blue Spirit
That's the whole point, Jack knows that. It's why he realizes that he failed.
You are pure retarded.
It's great and emotionally moving. It is however limited by the short episode time and the fact it's a kids show.
>Opening is literally 'the 6 nations lived together in harmony until the humans attacked, only the Dragon Prince could stop them but when the world needed him most he died'
>Main character (voiced by Sokkas fucking voice actor) travels around to learn the different elements and end the war
>Seasons split into 'books' for each magic type
There were several jokes that were ripped straight out of TLA too.
>>travels around to learn the different elements and end the war
>>Seasons split into 'books' for each magic type
So you literally didn't watch it and just decided to post about it? Fuck you.
Their main goal is to return an egg to a dragon. Learning elements is a side quest for our titular main character. The books are not separated by elements you literal fucking ignorant retard.