ITT: Shows you got memed into watching, and how long you watched before dropping it
Pick related, 5 episodes
ITT: Shows you got memed into watching, and how long you watched before dropping it
Pick related, 5 episodes
walking dead, 3 episodes
2019 Twilight Zone
3 minutes
true detective, didnt even get through 1
Pleb of the highest order.
Mr Hickey avast your faggotry sir
Games of thrones 4 episodes in
teen titans go to the movies. I brought my fucking wife because she likes cap shit. She wouldn't talk to me for hours after we left the cinema.
Someone here was hyping up Black Summer, that subpar Netflix zombie show.
I hope for their sake, that they were paid shills, Because i couldn't make it past 20 minutes of episode 1.
An entire season 1 of The 100.
It's fine if you're a teenage girl tho.
Why it bad?
stranger things, 3 episodes
das Boot, 2 episodes
man in the high castle, 4 episodes it
You didn't miss much
>white men bad
>snow niggers good angels
At the end, the white guy even becomes one of them. Terrible.
Why the homophobia?
It's okay, there's nothing wrong with having low IQ
Twin Peaks
20 minutes
You can only say two wrong things about The Terror and that's that Tuunbaq looks like shit and that the they could have done a better job and showcasing the insane cold.
>t. woman
>wouldn't talk to me for hours after we left the cinema.
i don't know why but i find that an incredibly funny response. usually i get no worse than a pointed look during the viewing that says "you really watch this shit?"
it really turns to shit when they leave the boats. great before that though
My mum and sister really liked The Terror, I bet it's fags that don't like it because a gayer was the villain
fuck you its kino
women unironically have decent taste in TV/films if they're not romance addicts
I got memed into watching this because it was on after the previous show. I didn't intend to watch it but it caught my interest and I stayed for the whole season.
2.5 eps
That's about all there is for good episodes anyway
One episode
The Act.
Episode 3
The Expanse.
Like 3 or 4 episodes.
t. brainlet double digit IQ
Spotted the newfag
this show sucked
Goonies 2?