Kubrick called this the most technically perfect sequence he's ever seen

Do you agree?


Attached: All That Jazz - The Opening-L2e9acreKmQ.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

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Yes it's better than anything Kubrick made

Yeah, it seemed like a good bit.
I wonder what his reasoning was though,

OMG you're so edgy! all that insight too, how could this board do without you you scamp, and your use of the spoiler just pushed it over the top from post of the year to WINNING THE INTERNET

Kinda sucked desu. Basic bitch editing to a licensed song. No different than musical or music video of the era.

He didn't live to see the opening of Spectre with the continuous shot of Craig through the day of the dead parade and up onto the roofs to the perfectly composited helicopter fight over the terrified crowed. That was the most impressive sequence of film techniques ever even though the movie overall was lackluster.

4/10 opinion

It's obsessively edited down to the point there isn't a single frame of slack in the whole 6 minute sequence. It also required days and days of shooting with dozens of actors on location in an actual Broadway theater (i.e. very expensive to shoot) then the director had it ruthlessly edited down to a few minutes and said he got the studio's money's worth establishing the setting and introducing the characters and chucked the rest of the very expensive footage, which is something Kubrick also did quite a bit.

I like when in the X-Men movie the fast guy shows up and everyone else is slow and they play sweet dreams are made of ease. That's my best sequence in a movie

that was awesome... probably going to watch this movie now.

sounds like he was just trying to justify his own wasteful practices

>directed by Sam Mendes
>who also directed American Beauty
>in which this song plays during a dance number

Perfect doesn't mean extraordinary. Speaking of Kubrick, I hate how people think every mistakes he made in his movies were intentional when in reality it was his perfectionism (OCD) taking over and changing props inbetween shots because he thought it looked better.

I'm sure he had reasons of his own and he probably analyzed this to hell and back, so all I can say, that yes, it is a well shot, directed and edited.
It also made me want to see the movie.

Well, shit. Now I really wish Kubrick had made his own Climax or Suspiria.

The Chad Fosse vs. The Virgin Kubrick

But for the real the ending is better
Bye-Bye Life

No, it's sweet memes are made of cheese

>Basic bitch editing to a licensed song
Watch the beginning again, while the classical music is playing instead. Think about why it cuts from an eyelid closing to the guy up in the wire. That's the kind of technical perfectionism I think Kubrick was referring to

I don't get it. Looks like a diamond dozen boring '70's movie, and it's also a musical

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Daily reminder All that Jazz and Apocalypse Now both lost Best Picture to Krammer vs. Krammer

stay in your capeshit threads pleb

its just random dancing

>that absolute retarded way of applying eye drops

Problem, buddy?

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the alka seltzer shot makes me ANGRY
probably because it feels like ive seen it a bunch before

I don't like capeshit either, jive turkey.

This is probably what inspired those other directors. It's also the sequence that inspired the famous Requiem for a Dream sequence. It's an incredibly influencial movie and I don't understand why Yea Forums didn't know about it. It's basic cinema history stuff.

You should know by now, that Yea Forums doesn't really care about the history of movies. They like to pretend that they do.

it could be also be because "dude alka seltzer is for hard drugs lmao"

he's almost right and you know it better than him

This movie has not aged well either.

>70's movie
phew, man. no wonder it sucks

people aren't sure if a fag who makes reaction videos is portraying genuine emotions or not. this place is hopeless. caring about movie history is more pathetic though
>retarded critics (a nepotistic circlejerk) decided which movie is good or not
>most were wrong at the time
>most is done years or even decades later
retroactive praise is the gayest thing ever

I'd call it a travesty, but it's not really uncommon for the Oscar to go to a movie that will be forgotten pretty quickly.

I guess JooTube vid shilling is Hiro's new marketing ploy to make shekels?

Fuck you and your clickbait, shill.

its an entire movie in 6 mins, going above and beyond place setting, and not talking the entire 15 to do so


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The only people that still watch movies like these and get impressed are slavshits.

Any movie about men dancing is gay as fuck. Miss me with that shit.

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>No different than musical or music video of the era.
post some then pls

That was rather mesmerising

I'm sure that, no troll, there is a better edited sequence in Russ Meyer's Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, but I can't be bothered to look it up

That was impressive though

>caring about movie history is more pathetic though
>retroactive praise is the gayest thing ever
why do people have these kind of bizarre contrarian opinions? If you have an interest in an art form, what is wrong with appreciating the best of the art and the work people put into it?

is it pathetic in general to appreciate good literature, or paintings, or music?

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>giving a shit about the oscars

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where do I find a rundown on basic cinema history stuff?

Kubrick was a big White Men Can't Jump fan.

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Kubrick also thought The Vanishing is the scariest film he ever saw.
Pretty based reccs from the stanleyman

movies are a medium but will never be art brainlet faggot

Film is unironically the highest form of art.
It contains all the other art forms in all the filmmaking elements, from fashion, architecture, design to music, photography, the writing and performances.
With film, you can express your idea in just one single frame through framing and composition, the performance, production design, sound
etc, while with literature you have to use multiple sentences just to set up the scene and for the reader to grasp what's happening. Reading words linearly is not ideal, film is just much more efficient. Also with film you get an exact fixed artistic expression that can’t be changed, while with literature it's entirely different with every single person because they all self impose their own pacing while reading, some read a book in a day some in a month, with films you get the exact experience the artist intended. Not to mention the fact that readers rarely read the direct expression of the artist, more than often just a translated reinterpretation.

Now that doesn't mean everyone uses the medium of film to it's maximum potential ofcourse, but it has a far greater potential than any other art form out there.

The opening is alright but the ending to this movie is one of the best ever made.


Better than the moon landing? Don't think so

>some fags dancing to fag music
Where's the part where I'm supposed to be impressed?

the part where three nigger dicks go inside your mom's pussy all at once

A place called a 'library' pleb. Or just surf the information superhighway.

all those beautiful women full of life and they're all hags or dead now. i imagine they were all terribly excited over being selected to be in this scene, telling all their friends and family, seeing the film on opening day and pointing themselves out

memento mori

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bob fosse rules

Compare/contrast with the opening of Richard Attenborough's A Chorus Line