Is Youtubes trending page astro-turfed or do Burgers actually enjoy this stuff?

Is Youtubes trending page astro-turfed or do Burgers actually enjoy this stuff?

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Based James Charles and Jeffree Star making the incels seethe

i honestly have no problem with gay or trans people. But when they bring bald children (i think its name is Desmond) into strip clubs and dance with the and do god knows what behind closed doors do you start to question whether this much degeneracy is bringing us to new depths.

>faggot men doing makeup

The west is destined to fall. I blame america.

This. Adult fringe societies need to keep their weird shit to themselves. Kids dont have any business in any of those places.

one can only hope the further things accelerate in this direction the more people will be turned away in the opposite direction

Accelerationism doesnt really work, it only leads to losing more than you can bring back in my opinion (see NZ shooter) but i think long term, fascist ideas will be secretly held by more people until the final straw breaks and the redpills are distributed en masse and people take society back

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Why is youtube filled with so much garbage?

is "making the incels seethe" what's staving off your inevitable suicide?

you had a king nigger president for 8 years. what do you expect?

Have sex.

Youtube is cancer that does indeed put their shitty SJW agenda in your "recommended for you" shit.

It's been known for years that the "trending" page is actually hand-selected videos and that they censor certain videos/uploaders. Where have you been?
If that weren't the case then Pewdiepie would be up there 24/7.

Go Dilate.

When Google bought Youtube they dumped pretty much all of the original content to make room for (((certified content providers))) strictly for ad purposes.

Now Youtube, and google itself, are slowly becoming nothing more than a fucking phone book and marketing tool.

You put a search in for anything anymore and all you get are shills trying to sell you some shit. It's cancer.

The kikes ruined the internet.

Most nazis were trannies. Haven’t you seen the pic

The trending page is dominated exclusively by youtube and their advertising partners.

A typical pewdiepie video gets views at a far faster rate than anything on the trending page excluding a music video or movie trailer, but you never see him or other large channels appear on it.

The big network comedian talkshows are a testament to this. They only pull in 1-2 million views, but are ALWAYS on the trending page. Pewdiepie pulls with 3x that amount on a typical upload and you only maybe ever see him pop up on the gaming trending page.

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my biggest issue is the social engineering in all this. Everything is bmwf or some lgbt shit, its all so tiresome. Sometimes a redpilled video makes its way onto the trending but its nothing like a drop of water.

But reddit is by far worse at this than any astroturfed bs. r/all is basically a arm for the DNC. I dont imagine people using reddit much longer if pewdiepie and certain youtubers stop advertising it

>my biggest issue is the social engineering in all this.
So fight back.

They think they can pollute YOUR fucking internet with their propaganda and mind control shit and you won't do anything about it.

They're probably right, too.

it's over dude.
Youtube is a haven for pedophiles and such.

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Hating on Kanye is unironically the most reddit thing you can do
Kanye is based

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>fight back

i do. i dont watch anything on the trending page or any mainstream garbage (besides GoT). I use ad block, and i pay to watch shit I like ( i saw a Quiet Place because it showcased a white family lmao)

Culture needs to shift, and thats down to demographics. America is completely fucked in that regard unless rwds or a major war fix it, which are all unlikely while trump is prez. The only thing to do are small.

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>my crush does my makeup

Oof, getting a beta orbiter to do unpaid labour. lmao

I genuinely dont like that amount of makeup on human beings. It looks so creepy

A lack of proper competition for both YouTube and Google.


have sex

I remember when Zyzz and Jeff Seid inspired young people to go to the gym but I feel like they’re aiming to become caked up faggots like James Charles.

Honestly both uploaders and google are at fault for why youtube is so fucking awful. Lets go through the ages:
>early youtube, use it as an outlet for your comedy, or to practice editing, or just a place to upload helpful videos usually for another forums like car mechanic shit, etc
>always a hobby
>youtube starts paying people to make video
>"hey i can live off this"
>youtube cuts the money they pay you
>"oh no i have no job now, better get a sponsor"
>now everyone is chasing sponsorships and a full time "content creator" job
>entire life is now at the mercy of whatever scum fuck at google makes youtubes algorithms, layered on top of them being able to completely blacklist you from any income and there's nothing youre able to do about it
Really what I'm trying to say is that everything went to shit when google the possibility of making serious money off youtube entered the equation

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