Jesus Christ

Attached: Soyboy.png (434x524, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so you have a twitter and an obsession with testosterone k

Attached: 1552319311701.jpg (849x478, 53K)

You are all obviously low IQ to realize he was acting the entire time jesus christ

>video game twitter account

Attached: 1538684922478.png (406x431, 17K)

imagine being this obsessed

>when you manage to out-pathetic a star wars manchild

Hi Eric butts

post the unedited webm

what the fuck he deleted it? i swear i saw the original today

looks like he's about to puking

it's the trailer really that bad?

He didn't delete the video.

this unironically makes me wish i was retarded
imagine getting such joy from a shitty video

you can make a youtube account an exaggerate reactions for views as well

why reaction videos are bad

He's faking it and he's a horrible actor, go watch the part how he reacted to palpatine's laugh. He's a fucking terrible actor;

I legit thought it was Andry Serkis's Smeagol : the Origin

its always white ppl...

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These are the people that would be dead if not for vaccines and warning labels

worldstarhiphop com/videos/video.php?v=wshhoCsCvwJ8GVd4Xqq2

How many times do you have to make threads on this faggot

Y...You guys realize he gives his address in the description?

Attached: 15646675433.png (821x809, 1.33M)

oh you devil, you.
what are you planning.

Attached: devilish.jpg (526x400, 48K)

The Eric Butts
1588 Leestown Road STE 130-155
Lexington, KY 40511

why the fuck would he do that?

Attached: 1553575279174.jpg (184x193, 11K)

This guy is going to be invited to some American tv show like Ellen and push how he was bullied and get like 100,000 followers. Watch. Disney might even now invite him to the premiere

someone said it's a shopping center / office, not home. still though, that shit is dumb as fuck to do.

i want to make a reaction video channel where i just stare at the monitor like a normal person and don't say anything except "looks good. might see it" or "looks like shit" those will be my only lines

did that kid even get to go to the infinity war premeire after it was found out his family was racist?

There are literally thousands of reaction channels on youtube, many of them just like that 99% of the time and it ofcourse being the reason why they have 12 views on average.

I hate these people, they show the how infantile society has become, being driven to such emotional response from drivel like star wars and some of the other cucks by fucking capeshit

These people should all be unironically gassed.

imagine giving a shit about any of this

lmao get wrecked OP

Can someone go over there and beat some sense into this asshole? Bonus: you get to fuck his chubby wife.

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>someone said it's a shopping center / office

Attached: 1551008481845.png (1180x622, 280K)

i got some extra cash right now and im willing to buy and ship him whatever the fuck.
you faggots guide me. what do we send him.

mein kampf

I'm more embarrassed by the fucking faggots who use twitter and use epic 4channel memes on there and Jewtube

can you send me some money instead
im broke as fuck dude

somebody post his wife

this is your brain on star wars

black dildos addressed to his wife Mary Butts

printouts of 4channel Yea Forums threads talking about him


how much do you need.
boring and i can do that for free at the library.


is that an AIDS lesion on his face?

So he's on a vacation with his wife but there are two seperate beds in the background?

Attached: thinking.png (512x512, 27K)

50$ would be pretty based ngl

I'll tell you this, my estimation about Eric Butts as a man, just fucking plummeted. To sit there and cry like a woman, it's a fucking disgrace! And if a shitty trailer can make him cry, and if he's that weak, what the fuck else can (((they))) make him do?

Attached: Phil.jpg (1280x720, 53K)


Attached: pizza time.png (208x248, 125K)

ITT: Eric shitposts from his cuckshed.

Most likely... should we warn him?

Cherry angiomas-benign skin tumors.

sure thing, just post your name and address and I will send you a $50 dollar bill in a envelope.

Why are you so obsessed? Cringe.

>there are people defending this
>"H-he's just excited about a movie!"
>implying this "man" does not deserve to be publicly mocked

We're getting soft as a species.

post your paypal fren and ill send $35

Buy C4 plastic explosive and when he opens detonate it

[email protected]
send this

Can you imagine an actual alpha male becoming obsessed over a star wars reaction video some guy made on the internet? You're part of the problem.


[email protected]
thanks fren :-)

i dont get it

that caption sure hyped me up i thought the guy was gonna vomit all over the place or stand up to reveal his penis

just a basedboy crying his eyes out at starwars.

Attached: Annotation 2019-04-14 092826.jpg (627x672, 103K)

those are expensive

[email protected]

Jizz on a picture of his face

money has been sent
how much do those cost

i seriously want to fucking kill myself after watching that

hahahahahahah you dumb faggot! you get $0.0

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That doesn't make it any less pathetic.

check your inbox.

A child dies every time he knocks on the table at the start of his videos.

lmao shut up teenager
shit like this has always happened, difference is you have more access to it
fuck out of here

probably his business or a PO box

[email protected]

Stop bullying him. You're worse than he is. Fucking cringe man.

>this unironically makes me wish i was retarded
>imagine getting such joy from a shitty video
yeah :) sometimes they seem even happier than normal people.


I sleep in a separate bed, I'm a light sleeper and anything can wake me

but it could be the only hotel option

whats this?

I guess I found the thing I will send to Ubisoft HQ for nerfing my nigga Maestro.

>here we have the wild incel white knighting beta soi cucks in a fiery rage of passion pent up from never touching a human woman in his life.

Attached: 1512094582726.jpg (480x360, 25K)


star wars themed dildo


its a PO box