Is the new Star Wars going to flop?

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It will do a billion but not 1.1 billion.


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>liberal memes

Always cringey af. Also they hate Obama now because he killed sand niggers.

it's almost impressive how you manage to take the biggest franchise of all time and destroy it in just 3 years

>Man who personally dismembered hundreds with a lightsaber including children is better than some fucking real estate tycoon that says things on twitter you don't agree with

Mind virus.

It'll probably do more than TLJ, but less than TFA.

Maybe if were lucky the ending will be really, really bad.

They tell me I'm the Empire but I sure feel like a fledgling rebellion that is boxed in from every side by this massive monolith of power, money, and corruption, with few allies who must hide as best they can.


Go back to voat, you fucking loser

Not going to hurt them since no one likes trump anymore.

He isnt wrong. There were only people who like Hillary and disliked Hillary. Nobody actually likes Trump.

I like that, just say someone who has done nothing wrong except be political candidate from different political ideologies, is worse than a person who is responsible for killing millions because heck he supposed to see the error of his ways. I mean, my brother is worse than Kofi Anan because my brother stole my fucking sandwich.

The left can't meme

>Also they hate Obama now because he killed sand niggers.

No they don't. They just pretend it didn't happen/blame it on white military personnel.

Hey shill, remember to take a screenshot of your own post and add it to the growing montage of "Yea Forums was wrong".

Can't believe who obvious the shills are now LMAO

>this is what Leftists are telling themselves now

Bernie will be dead in the next 4 years. Screencap this.

Btw, it will be of natural causes.

>They just pretend it didn't happen/blame it on white military personnel.
This. Obama can do no wrong and its literally because of his skin color. White liberals are still racist but just against their own kin.

Not flopping but underperforming and bad merch sales. Kids who would buy this stuff or wish it for birthday/christmas are into Fortnite and Marvel.

Makes sense. ESB is the best one by far and ROTJ is a pile of shit.....

Anakin Skywalker was an experienced military veteran and a hero
D Trumpy is some faggot that doesn’t even lift and never even killed a man

Obama robbed us of prime Ron Paul... So sad

>pretending to be retarded

after 20+ years he saw the errors of his ways

>complaining about money and corps


It won't do TFA numbers but it won't bomb. Probably around TLJ numbers.

Some girl I went high school with turned into a "bisexual" and writes trash for Newsweek now
It's very strange

Reminder that Obama actively made US race relations worse and that Bernie Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union

Literally slaughters hundreds if not thousands of people by his own hand including women and children, and commanded his subordinates to slaughter millions more.
But it's okay because he threw a slightly more evil old man in to a ditch to save his son.

Tells foreigners they need to apply residency legally and said some sexist stuff in private before he was President.
Worse, because he's an unapologetic blowhard on social-media

ROTJ is 3/4 of a good movie. If they had used Wookiees instead if Ewoks, as originally planned, it'd be all good. And they didn't wimp out, some of the ewoks got killed.

Snownigger, what the fuck did he possibly do to make race relations worse? He was depressingly milquetoast and moderate on all racial issues, entirely out of fear of Cracker Backlash.

The meme ran it's course. now he's just boring and people are sick of it.

they actually believe he'll lose

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>I-it's real in my head! He's done for sure this time!
This level of cope is just sad. Please get professional help.

I think Beto has a good chance

Please stop making star wars threads

Beto's got as much substance as a Miss Teen USA contestant

>The left can't meme
You're the meme fucko, you're just too much of a normalfag to understand the irony of the situation.

Biden, Harris, Bernie and even fucking Warren have a better chance than Beto.

>darth vader saw the error in his ways
he didnt really though did he, he just wanted to rule the galaxy with his son, he didnt give a fuck about anything else

Harris is done too. The media pushed her for a while but people can smell the inauthenticity and it didn't help that she hired a bunch of incompetent Hillary people and wrecked her own campaign. The media moved to Beto but he stalled so they're on Buttigieg, now.

I don’t see how a guy who killled children and blew a planet up is better than someone who wants to build a wall but whatever

why dont democrat mayors want illegals now? i thought it makes us rich and vibrant.

Trump will win again in 2020 because you faggots on the left can’t stop going further and further left on every conceivable issue

>lose in 2016 because the white working class abandons you in droves
>your solution to this is to drastically raise taxes, get rid of the electoral college, and abolish ICE

Trump has 90%+ support in the Republican Party. Independents are going to break heavy for him again, even if he is a fucking idiot, solely because of how far left the Democrats have gone.

qhy democrats are so obsessed with strict regulations of everything

Because they want them to stay in Texas and turn it blue. Importing all the illegals into California has no benefit to them. All it will do is make the state even more of a shit hole


The dems have a bunch of jokes running I mean it’s probably gonna be Biden a dude who is a overt pedo

god just look at the damage ONE islamic senator causes. now imagine 50 of them. if this does not wake up lazy amerifats on the cancer that is shitslams that it's over...


Big Dimes Sheev will save the movie

But the franchise as a whole is dead

Based and redpilled post

then why did Blumpf lose the mid terms?

fucking cringe

Midterms don’t correlate with election results. If it did Mitt Romney would have been president. The biggest indicator of a president’s re-election chances are how well the economy is doing.

Isn't ESB considered the best Star Wars movie? Good god, the left are retarded

Stupid goys. Hamill is just joking. ;^)

literally only boomers like him, the fat old women eating blocks of cheese waving american flags type

ROTJ has some of the best and most iconic moments of the franchise though
>slave leia
>sarlacc pit
>luke trying to sway his father
>luke versus emps
>luke vs vader
>vader dying
>burning vader

>literally fills up arenas all over the country for his rallies
>o-only boomers like him

Believe whatever you want. I don’t care. It’s only going to hurt more when he wins again next year.

>waving American flag
So, real Americans like him.
Looks like 2020 is in the bag.

>b-but he’s a NATSEE

No, but it will be terrible.

I don't think a 3.5% unemployment in a country of that size is an error.

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That's because you're a fucking moron

4 more years incoming.

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ding-dong diddly WWE hall of famer Big Dimes Donald worked ya into a seethin shoot

No, but it won't be doing stellar, either. Maybe a billion.

Sanders is just as cooky as Trump. Somebody else please.

2020 election spoilers: Trump wins because no democrat is even electable

The vast majority of donations from wall street and corporations went to Hillary dipshit. The Democrats are and always have been the party of big business, since the days the Dixiecrats that formed the Confederacy owned the major plantations. Republicans have always been the party of small business, low taxes, and fewer regulations. The most famous anti-monopoly President, Teddy Roosevelt, was a Republican. Thanks for stopping by to let us know how thoroughly ignorant and propagandized you are though.

Now we have Randlet trying to fill his shoes. It's getting embarrassing.

What about that gay with Butt in his name?

I mean, Trump isn't all that smart - I don't think he's evil, just very stupid. Mike Pence is definetly using him as a puppet.

wow this is a reddit take

nah, trump is using pence to get the christian vote and giving him barrons sweet boipucci as pasyment

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

Tulsi Gabbard is electable, but the democrats won't let her be the nominee. If she did become the mominee, Trump would probably still win but it wouldn't be a one-sided clown show like 2016. Democrats are an hero.

Imagine being such a failure in life that you constantly post political threads on a tv board

im glad this guys gay ass character got killed

ding ding ding, you got it

Shit fucking faggot

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Trips of truth

Noooo they got mark

T*lsi is a russian puppet

They do good on GDP

>Tulsi Gabbard is electable
