ITT: hidden shit in films

ITT: hidden shit in films

Pic related. I noticed that in The Aviator, when Hughes is being deposed by Congress, one of the camera flashes shows his skeleton.

It’s at 56 seconds in, very easy to miss

Attached: BFF3DD48-EF95-4371-BB95-044F9DC39E34.jpg (1733x860, 591K)

If you look closely, this looks like the US flag in avatar

Attached: 23025B5D-3FD3-449B-897F-2F7889B2A333.jpg (1921x1073, 166K)

Look at the window

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Wonder what the point is. Why go through the trouble?

This ship in Ships (2011) hides a greedy secret

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Probably to convey Howard Hughes' OCD/discomfort about having lights on him, feeling like he's being penetrated to the bone.

To show Howard's all-wooden construction

Just to hint at his deteriorating mental state and obsession with his health I’d guess. They made it very easy to miss though, so I’m not sure if even an attentive viewer would see it or notice it first time around.

It’s like they’re looking right through him

I don't get it


Talk right through him
Walk right through him

The point is that there's a skeleton inside of you right now.

WHY did Howard turn into a skeleton ?

Quads confirmed
spooped status: highly elevated

Attached: spooky scary skeleton.gif (161x250, 105K)

post skellys

Attached: 9.gif (160x120, 17K)

In aliens near the end where they are escaping into the ducts and the aliens are banging against the doors, if you have a decent enough copy you can zoom in on the hole Vasquez makes in the lock. You'll see a guy with curly hair and checked shirt on the other side banging into the door.

Ehh, it happens.

Attached: lCqMmu7.jpg (615x410, 35K)

there's a small fire behind the plane

Attached: movie1.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

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how come Bennet didnt?

Attached: commando.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

oh that's just superstition

Steam was making an insulation in him.
He didn't let it off.

Homage to Patton.

This is a blue board

Attached: spooky scary skelletons.gif (250x257, 539K)

Would be better if you had a pic desu

Probably the only good thread on this entire dump of star wars man children pointless shitposts

I see it


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what was that movie with meryl streep walking through a crowd at the end and theres a creepy figure covered in a white cloth behind her?

delet this

Holy shit, I just noticed the flags spell JEWS

The Post

I can’t find anything about this figure online

Any pics?

yes thanks

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When the Overfiend rapes the nurse to death with his exploding demonic cock and the rays from his radioactive cum come out her every bodily orifice, her head turns into a photographic negative of itself for an instant.

Attached: Overfiend-01453-650x487.jpg (650x487, 50K)

Here it is in motion

Attached: 1522059750991.webm (720x384, 1.23M)

what the fuck

True. Don't have my DVD player with eleventy billion times zoom any more. My bluray doesn't have it, is zoom still a thing on movies?

Apparently the costume was based on some protestor who was at an event Margret Thatcher was at IRL that the scene was based on but the rest of the footage was cut.

I don't see it

is that a white mage behind him?

Is this some brainlet sarcasm? Post some actual high IQ content.

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In It, when the kid's looking through the book. The librarian turns and stares at him with a creepy smile. Each time it cuts to her, she gets closer.

The balloon appears where she was standing.

Also, Pennywise is hidden in one of the photos he was looking .

Attached: RBy9o.jpg (1271x787, 127K)

Browse /x/ more and read about feminism and the occult. (divine feminine worship)

I don't feel like doing any of that, can you give me a quick rundown?

please... PLEASE don't tell me Nolan put a little flame there to show that the fire wasn't quite rising yet.

At the end of The Dark Knight Rises there's a strange man standing behind Bruce Wayne

Attached: 1454447237485.jpg (1500x844, 329K)

It's actually a cheeky bit of irony. You see, when brother asks if they've started the fire, the reality is that the fire had already been started much earlier. Powerful statement, but subtle

People used to dress up as ghosts and shit to protest the Vietnam war

Attached: vietnamghost.jpg (273x324, 18K)

no fucking way lmao

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what the fuck

In the movie ‘Sudden Impact’ (1983) when Dirty Harry is climbing out of his car, a clear reflection of a cameraman with a camera can be seen at 30:45 in the movie. I found this out while watching the movie with a friend and it spooked the hell outta us because we were watching a Dirty Harry marathon high as kites

Attached: 58364CD9-5645-4971-8BBF-D743D7214A04.jpg (1334x750, 111K)

Holy shit


Bad goy

Fuck me. I love shit like this.
Is there a list of all that or a term i can google?

Too bad you couldn't see the sign in that shot.

"Climbing up on Solsbury Hill..."

Was the Skeleton in Howard the same skeleton in Marv all those years later?

Attached: skele.jpg (936x532, 96K)

Can't believe I never noticed this!

y-yes. he even comes with a phoenix down.

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oh i see still spooky shit
thanks btw

The spookiest part is that they just look at a random direction and don't follow Streep like the rest of the crowd

Shut this down

bravo nolan

The ghost from 3 men and a baby

Attached: IMG_2305.jpg (1200x630, 65K)

Don't see it

Only creepy part of the movie

Why is his skull shaped like his helmet?

It's actually implying Bruce died and CIA was waiting to take him to heaven


I don't get it.

That's not a ghost. That's just Todd Howard.

It's like an onion. There are so many layers

All I see is Ted Danson. There's four Ted Dansons in that shot.

You idiot. That's not Ted Danson back there. Ted Danson is black

Not black enough for Whoopi.

more of an "homage" to the movie being anti-American propaganda designed to pander to foreigners.

Movie wouldn't have made half as much money if the US hadn't just tanked the economy a year earlier and blown up the middle east for oil. Seeing a movie where space injuns blow the fuck out of America in 3D was very cathartic for the world.

wait wait.. no fucking way

what is it?