Alright, I don't know if this has been discussed yet, I never spend time on Yea Forums...

Alright, I don't know if this has been discussed yet, I never spend time on Yea Forums. And I don't want any form of political discussion.

But, has anyone else noticed a slight zionistic tone in Annihilation?
First I just noticed that their uniforms reminded me of the IDF uniforms that are pretty famous because of all those pictures with good-looking female soldiers wearing them.
And then they go into this multi-mixed-DNA-evolution type anomaly and the whole time I'm thinking "this has to be a metaphor for multiculturalism" and how this somehow looks like that much-discussed Jerusalem wall scene in World War Z. It feels like a conservative Israeli opinion piece.

Again, no intention of political debate. Only movie discussion.

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I can't discuss this movie because there is a black man in it and it makes me very angry.

fuck you nigger this thread is mine now

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tl;dr. Anyway the film is pretty clear cut metaphor for cancer.

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Yeah but cancer is also often a metaphor used to talk about multiculturalism or liberal politics. So it still fits. Plus, again, the uniforms are pretty distinct. I'm just wondering if that's intentional.

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The cuckold scene goes with the theme of genetic corruption

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Great thread, thank you Yea Forums

>And I don't want any form of political discussion.

>But, has anyone else noticed a slight zionistic tone in Annihilation?

lol good one

No you’re just obsessed with jews

They're jackets and pants.

You're just another mentally ill paranoid schizophrenic right winger

Yeah I knew it wasn't possible to discuss this like a normal person. I know it's hard to believe but I legit just want to talk about how the movie came to be.

Check your reading comprehension my guy, where do you get that from? I'm basically saying the opposite, that this movie is portraying multiculturalism like a horror scenario in which five western women must fend off the inhumane enemy. Which is like World War Z, where there was a strong taste of "see? we DO need a big ass wall".

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GOD that's hot. Imagine they forced you to lick their muddy combat boots

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Black gay chick joins plants
Spick tries to kill them all and ignores empirical evidence
Whites get murdered by bear, potentally solved the problem but got savior blocked by the racemixing jew
Also albino shark aligator