CBS Calling for Trumps assassination

CBS Calling for Trumps assassination

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Perfect. Trump is a kike puppet that needs to die anyways and antiwhite violence by leftists is exactly the powder keg we need for the race war


>Safety jackets
Are they trying to claim the yellow jackets are nazis now too?


Oh wow the right is offended by a tv show how new.

That’s just leftists. The right is full of veterans, police, blue collar types, masculine men, alphas, chads, basically all men who actually fight and are men. Meanwhile the left is all college kids, basedboys, male feminists, homos, trannies, antigun people, anti military people, anti cop people, basically all the weakest people in the country.

You're not allowed to talk about this
Only Yea Forums approved off topic threads are allowed

Based. Zion Don can eat lead

If I, a white man who has zero interest in gun culture, still lived in America I'd buy a gun. Heck, I'd buy two.

Luckily I now live in Japan and don't have to worry about defending myself from racist idiots who think all white people are nazis.

Advocating the assassination of the president on network TV is totally normal. Calm down Magapedes lol get over it

SJWs get offended by the mere presence of a straight white character, the right gets “””offended”””” by a literal call to violence against the white race. One of these is more justified than the other. But of course a disingenuous leftist faggot would never acknowledge that

>people with red safety jackets

This is clearly the Yellow Vest movement in France which is targetted.

Your neocon bit has never worked. Please stop it's embarrassing

Hello. You should go back to /r/TheDonald.

That is all.

Kind Regards, someone who has sex.

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>n-no the rightwing are the real sensitive ones
Sure because the right wing started using faggy words like 'triggered' and 'safe spaces'

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so the people who post on this board are masculine alphas, but we have at least 3 horny and lonely threads up at a given time, counteless loli threads and a few ">truman's mom found his pissjars" threads

I don't think so m8

pretty ironic since japan hates all gaijin

You are a nigger. Have sex. Fuck Trump and fuck you. Death to Israel.


That's precisely what claim the liberals in France. Actually they call the yellow jackets an extremist ant-democratic commie-nazi alliance "Red-Brown". They have already changed the law to destroy the freedom of assembly in France on the ground that democracy was under attack... thos effectively turning France into a true fascist state (but multicultural and fascist this time).

>antiwhite violence by leftists is exactly the powder keg we need

White people will still do nothing. Anti white violence and rhetoric by negroes is at an all time high and still white people cling to them in hopes of a mutual understanding.

Literally all you have to do is show a black person kneeling in front of a flag and all the right-wing fatties will instantly have heart attacks.

They’re against the dominant neoliberal order, so they’re nazis and probably also smokers.

I thought this was twilight zone for a moment

Have sex

Good, fuck the yellow vests.

In cities they do. Blacks are well aware that they shouldnt fuck with red state americans, which is why those states are considered 'racist'

Have sex.


>Kind Regards, someone who has sex.
getting molested by your dad doesn't count

Do you have a source on that, sweaty?

He was literally advocating Hilarys assassination during the election lol

Based CBS

Why don't the people who spam polshit all day ever get banned? It's so tiring to see all this screeching, lying and projection on a daily basis

Japanese people hate Chinese tourists and illegal Korean immigrants far more than they hate me.

The basedfaggots you hang out with may do that. There are still over a hundred million armed white people in the US that won't take Tyrone's shit.

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Those types of threads are made by only the most based of anons and you know it. Why do you think blacked threads and niggers are shit on so hard? Because Yea Forums is for chads only.

>the right is just the people on this board

Are you stupid? Go call every cop and military servicemen and militia member and every biker and every blue collar worker and every other right affiliated group that they’re just Yea Forums incels. They won’t even know wtf you mean. And I’ll take a Yea Forums incel with an AR15 over a no-guns transitioning male feminist anyday. Seriously, if you’re going to point fingers, why don’t you tell me what are the left affiliated groups that are associated with masculinity and violence that you would want to side with in a fight? Antifa? LMAOOO

Japanbro, riddle me this; Could a big strong American male make decent money as a masseuse in Japan, or do they exclusively want little girl feets walking on them?

Not good for liberals if the nationalists get the power in France. They would use all the law voted against the Yellow Vests to destoys any liberal/leftists protests. And they will have no shame in using the same kind of police violence used by Macron (that use of police vilence was even condemned by the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights). Macron opened the Pandora Box.

Imagine getting this triggered by a TV show, Jesus fuck Americans are a lost cause.

Instantly go into a shooting rampage*

Brenton Tarrant and Dylan Roof proves there’s a shift in attitude on the horizon. Keep pretending the race war is impossible though, I like my enemies to be arrogant and unprepared

More fuel to the culture dumpster fire.

I was once a liberal. I once believed in equality. But you people and your naive intersectional nonsense have essentially destroyed liberalism, which valued liberty and freedom over whatever banal condescending purity spiraling you now engage in.

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Yeah because the euro union getting upset about the airport scene in utopia and forcing them to cancel the show is much more respectable


A network tv show that called to kill whites and kill trump. Fuck off faggot.

Japan actually needs caregivers to help the elderly. If you have a college degree and are okay with helping wipe some old man's ass I bet you could get a job as a masseuse.

Why would the police and the military join a bunch of whiny fatasses who want to murder people because they're offended over a tv show? They'd just shoot you all lol.

Imagine openly calling for the death of our leadership and being able to air on prime time.

Now that's America for you! I seriously hope Trump declares a state of emergency right before the election and has these traitors arrested for being a clear and present danger to our republic.

very subtle

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All the cops and military people I know wouldn't choose sides rather they would serve the public good and promote order and rule of law. I think you're just a sad little man with power fantasies.
>le police would totally be on my side and kill all le niggers

>americans are a lost cause
At least i can buy a gun and watch youtube lol

I can hear your father walking out of your life through this post.

discord tranny

Try again, Theresa

fuck off /pol/ you guys cry more than any liberal in existence

Oh, so now you faggots are going to act like you're shocked (shocked!!!) by the concept of political violence when /pol/tards have spent the last five years or so calling for a day of the rope and laughing and encouraging every mass shooter with racist motivations.

Turns out you're getting the fight you wanted and you're actually in the minority. Most people don't want to live in your racist vision of the future and they're willing to oppose you over it. Did you think there wouldn't be a response when you elected Trump? Did you think people wouldn't lose their minds over that?

They need to bring public executions and let Americans see these cunts be dealt with.

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Yeah this was before the brexit meme, newfag

Where did the show say to kill Trump?

The left hates their fathers because they hate masculine figures

No they don't you fucking retard, they just hate the idea of being flooded with immigrants but as long as you're polite and follow the law then they don't really care if you're a foreigner or not as long as you're not Chinese

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I know this might be difficult for somebody living in a commie bloc to understand lol

Shit like that is exactly why the Bongs are leaving, they cry about fucking anything
>porn filters
>nazi pugs

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And? (((They))) did everything (((they))) could to incite a revolution when he lost, so how is that surprising?

First words of their list are ASSASSINIPATE PRESIDENT TRUMP followed by a bunch of ways to assassinate someone

we're talking about a civil war here

if it comes to that, which the left are constantly talking about, the police and military are not going to be siding with the dems

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I don't know I think people around here like the blacked threads

Ahh so the show doesn't actually advocate it but uses (((subtle hypnosis))) to (((brainwash))) the sheeple

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Maybe you do cuckold.

How much percent of gun crimes other than mass shootings happened in gun free zones? :)

omg can you say that on 4channels?

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>rightoids want to accelerate
>leftoids want to accelerate
Yet both sides think it works in their favor. Only the left is right here

The blacked threads massively accelerate racist posting on this board. I am actually half convinced that they're posted by pol to make the board more overtly racist

nazi punchers rise up

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How are the right?

Lol now THIS is accelerationism. Daily reminder that if you don't embrace radical centrism you're gonna lose half your friends in the coming decade over political polarization

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So you're telling me that Trump is gonna say "race war" or the liberals are gonna put one too many black people in a capeshit movie and just like that cops around the country are gonna go from arresting bikers to working with them to kill liberals? the military are gonna go from protecting this country (and advancing Israels interests in the middle east) to slaughtering their countrymen?

you're delusional.

In related news, every leftist is associated with Antifa and blue-haired Tumblrinas

>poo dick thread
>bombarded with "get out niggers"
>deleted in seconds

America has had a civil war before. it can happen again. If it does, the police and military are largely republican. As are the gun owning civilians

not sure how else to make you get this

Never even heard of this one. Fuck nobody can keep up with all these goddamn shooters in America.

How much of it was committed by minorities? :)

They all look like they could beat the shit out of a liberal male feminist. Especially when they got pic related on their side. Remind me again what kind of men are on the leftist side?

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They don't want you to but i'll do it anyway cause i'm not a little cuckboy

How much of it was committed by men? :)

Well considering you aren't allowed to carry a gun anywhere in Chicago, and shootings happen there every single week...

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Reminder Yea Forums was taken over by the left during the 2016 election.
Most of the posts are from paid advocacy groups to sway the opinion of readers into joining them.
It's brainwashing 101.
Same thing happened to reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Based tiki torchers
Wish i could have been there

Because if no one is fighting against societal decay then it will never be fixed. People may become demoralized and cynical towards that decay but in an accelerationist world there is no light to redirect that cynicism. It's a lefty ploy to get righties to give in.

It's also full of cringey incels.

Tarrant was a pretty obvious Mossad plant, if he was a genuine white nationalist, he would've named the jew, the source of all the problems he laid out in his manifesto, yet didn't do so once.

>CBS Calling for Trumps assassination


Reminder for you to go back, tourist-kun

And ... uh, where are these leftist fighters? Mind posting some bad ass liberals you’d want on your side in a fight?

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Only if your friends are a bunch of Trump voting retards who think their white power fantasies will actually come true

I'm not sure how to make you give up your power fantasies. They reflect an impotence and sadness in their author. I don't think you are so different from the people you see as your enemies.

If shit hypothetically hit the fan the military/police wouldn't need you, in fact you would just be a hindrance to them. They would cast you aside as such or kill you for participating in the violence.

No that doesn't count because it makes me feel bad :(

Most blacks don't want a race war. Most of the lefty movements consist of radicalized whites.

Whites are always the first to become martialized. It's what you're good at. The reason there won't be a race war, is because blacks won't form a militia. At least not any that couldn't be easily squashed in a single afternoon.

No, the real threat is one half of whites, fighting with the other half of whites. And treating everyone else as commodities to be won.

No one denies men commit more crime. Now why dont you answer the minority question

black people truly are never going to make it, are they?

Leftists are constantly calling for Yea Forums to be taken down. they really cannot stand that somewhere exists where you can criticize them

>Yeah i'm based ill gun you down if you take my freedumbs

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This is what lefties actually believe.

Why does it matter even?

No they're made by hapa(for Yea Forums at least)

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t. concern troll

That had nothing to do with Trump or assasination of anybody.
It was a vague call for violence against "nazis" and specifically Richard Spencer.
I disagree with the message of the video entirely but you don't have to lie about it to make it sound worse than it is.

Why are there so mant cringe mentally ill larpers on Yea Forums?

Is this on CBS All Access? Imagine paying to watch this pozzed shit

I'm not American. I'm pointing out the realities of who owns guns and has combat training in the the US. Theyre almost all white republicans

>h-he wasn't one of our racist kin
>the jews made him do it

pathetic that you faggots invent conspiracy theories for everything

you sure sound like one :)

Name the jew or shut the fuck up.

Lmao just answer the question if it doesnt matter

It provokes a reaction, which is the whole point of trolling. Half of Yea Forums is people larping as something to bait other people into getting mad

Black people commit more violent crimes. Whites commit more crimes tho.

Not really. In the US basically everyone has guns, on all sides of the political spectrum.

And the military isn't as cut and dry Republican as you think.

dumb nazi

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Most blacks do want a race war because they’re low IQ and genetically predisposed to violence. Not once will you ever see a black call for peace, in fact they side with the leftists who want whites dead and any black who wants peace with whites is ostracized as an Uncle Tom. So fuck off no one is buying into youre bullshit lies.

white beta rightists are such pussies that this stuff triggers them

Big yikes. Proportionately blacks commit more. Whites only commit larger numbers cause.... they're the majority.

Sure. Thats why the head of CBS was talking about how great trump has been for their company. The networks want ratings, and trump brings them higher ratings, so they want a trump presidency. This isn't rocket science.

What does politics have to do with this case at all? boy was salty because he lost, this wasn't politically motivated at all.

Iran is 100% justified in saying death to America. All Middle East countries except for Israel and Saudi Arabia are.

Yeah but whites commit more crimes.

you mean the CEO that got metoo'd?

based Pinecone poster

You keep re-stating this as if I don't already know it. It doesn't matter. The military/police would almost certainly control the situation but then it would devolve into a military dictatorship in the manner of some third world banana republic. The disenfranchised working class whites and the people on this board would not advance in station or wealth. If anything the opposite.

Do you jack off while fantasizing about civil war, zoomy?

It’s almost as if blacks are only 13% of the population and whites are bound to commit more crimes by virtue of being the majority. The crime rate is obviously disproportionate

>Look at me, I'm ignoring all history and common sense! WEEEEEE!

>no you

Proving once again who the real NPCs are

Who are these made up bad guys who want whites dead? You need to go outside dude.

Why do men commit the overwhelming majority of crime despite being not even half of the population?

>In the US basically everyone has guns, on all sides of the political spectrum.
No they don't. It is very tilted towards the right. In many urban social environments you will be ostracized for joining the military, police, or owning a gun

I wonder if Trump feels even an ounce of fear compared to Ilhan Omar.

>yes I voted for Trump, but turns out he was a joo puppet the whole time haha

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Why so scared all of the sudden? First you want to eradicate whites and now you’re backing off? Liberals really don’t stand a chance if they’re this big of pussies lmao

Yeah, but white people do more crimes.

This is why Trump is winning the 2020 election
The left is too far up their own ass to realize this

civil war very often results in genocide

Do you prefer nigger dick in your mouth or your ass?

>ban gamers
Die on that hill, /pol/.

The left own guns. The left serve in the military and the police. Minorities own guns. Minorities serve in the military in the police. If you had any idea about what America was like aside from what the /pol/ retards told you you'd know this.

>the incels posting itt
radical centrists will curbstomp you extremist pussies every day of the week

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Get out of your house and open your eyes, the reality is most black people don't actually hate and wish death upon white people.
There will never be a race war just because a bunch of fat ugly women screech about le ebil white devils

>A leftist propaganda show openly endorses violence against people they don't agree with
Not really surprising. These people are literal children. By the way, the context for the monologue given the character is that a group of white nationalists is stopping minorities from being able to vote and a counter group of Democrats and Republicans start a fight with them. It's absurdly stupid, portraying one group of people in an almost cartoon villain fashion to push an agenda. The obvious subtext here isn't that Democrats and Republicans should unite against a common cause, but rather that people on the far left should use physical violence to silence anyone they disagree with. It's pathetic.

probably "muh jews" or "muh roasties" or "muh muslims".

You're delusional. The military and police are overwhelmingly conservative.


I know haha a democracy collapsing in itself and resorting to civil war is BASED as fuck

It's going to be just like in my video games!

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>The left own guns. The left serve in the military and the police. Minorities own guns. Minorities serve in the military in the police
not enough to matter

there's a reason the left is trying to outlaw guns

Everyone has guns retard

You don't live here by your own admission so I can tell you that this is at best a half truth.

>First you want to eradicate whites
[citation needed]

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you have no idea what you're talking about and it's clear from the point of view you just shared that you rarely leave your computer to interact with reality beyond your screen

Lmao liberals get so hard over that video of Spencer getting punched out of nowhere, by a masked man that immidetly ran away after he threw a weak punch that didn't even knock him out. Literally nothing to be a proud of.

What would happen if someone wrote "kill Netanyahu" in a show?

The liberals obviously want whites to be genocide. It’s liberals who casually joke about how whites will be a minority in 50 years, it’s liberals who enact antiwhite policies, it’s liberals who want to flood white countries with brown people who breed like rats, it’s liberals who try to guilt whites into not breeding for muh environment, it’s liberals who brainwash our women into not starting families or race mixing, it’s liberals who vote for socialist policies that rob the hard earned wealth of white families to redistribute to browns. Every action of the left is meant to diminish, marginalize, or replace whites.

Because testosterone promotes aggression. It's completely natural which is why as society we need to encourage and provide physical outlets for men
Again yes.... cause there are much more whites. But if you look at crime proportionately no. Which is what matters

The left isn't trying to outlaw guns.


Why do fat incels and boomers always fantasize about a civil war where there's a 100% chance they'll be killed?

what a goddess

>meme reply
I rest my case.

Lmao false. Look chat California and New York, they don’t even get select fire 30 mag guns. Liberals don’t buy full auto AR15s, they MIGHT own a handgun. You’re delusional if you think leftoids are equally armed as the right when it’s leftoid states that practice the strictest gun laws.

I've visisted Chicago and NYC and you are literally ostracized for being pro gun in those cities

Playing Fortnite all day is frying their brains.

>I play video games so I know how to fight

I'm just reminding you bro, don't take it as an offence