Wat does Yea Forums think of renowned physist Brian Cocks?

wat does Yea Forums think of renowned physist Brian Cocks?

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heh... cocks

Pretend i posted brainlet woajk here so i dont have to open my image folder


A good portion of my family likes him. So that means I do not.

Just another celebrity physicist like pic related, talks ad nauseum about entry level science publicly while doing actual shit at CERN in the meantime

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daft manc cunt who talks about space too much

Brainlet Wojak is a pedestrian meme, user.

>I fucking love science xd! Thank the flying spaghetti monster!

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good speaker you can listen to for hours.

also the same "woke" academic opinion like all the others

>oh no the white race is going extinct
>I hate self hating whites
>I hate whites
>oh shit

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should be shunned for stealing a better man's name

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>If you hate individual onions you hate all whites

Nigger what?

his never ending smile makes me want to punch him in the face.
his astronomy shows are for 5 year olds with the most basic level shit like "this is the Moon, the moon goes around the Earth! Wow! isnt that mindblowing!!"

>he doesn't know you can't say that word

ask me how i know you're a newfaggot

You hate söy boys who have a college education, are married, and have a skill based job. Like it or not that’s a fucking white guy you’re hating on

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What other race produces faggots like you? Perfectly reasonable to hate whites for that

>white leftists
top kek. Daily reminder that Trump won every income bracket over 50K in 2016 and won like 70% of whites with families

They usually are married with families, all my fat doughy comp sci friends have steady jobs and a wife with kids. Sure most have a shrine to Ninetendo in the basement but they also own a home that costs a fortune. I don’t see the logic in hating these guys

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scientists are fucking homo gay and waste shit money on putting data together to see what a computer image of a black hole may look like.

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He was the best Hannibal.

I discovered him the other day, seems like a cool fellow.

cuck the zuck

Brian dabs on lame "scientist" niggas.

he probably would still have more impact even without atlas contribution.

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Didn't know Tyson and Kaku had such shit h indexes

The moment you start publishing with CERN your h-index explodes because they put everyone who contributed to the project on authors list. You might have nothing to do with a specific paper but because you touched the LHC once, you get the credit.

On an unrelated note, I just realized I have the same h-index as NdG Tyson.

tyson is the epitome of meme scientist

As far as celebrity scientists go, he’s much more entertaining to listen to than Neil and the others.

I can't take him seriously because his voice sounds too much like Salad Fingers.

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>being triggered by physics
The absolute state of christcuks.

>the logic is that they are ruining the world
>marrying asians
>money grubbing jews
>nintendo fan boys

They are all cucks.

Pop sci isn't physics, gayboy.

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Yes it is. Even if faggots like Tyson are reddit personalities used more to nitpick fiction than to educate they still never make claims that are physically inaccurate. That's the thing about science, most of it isn't debatable until new info is gathered, so even pop science is still correct.

>most of it isn't debatable
Thats not true at all.
>so even pop science is still correct.
so this conclusion isn't correct at all either.

It just takes a lot of studying to see what is true, and it takes an education on the subject to make any decisions. The pop science articles, especially about health are often super wrong because they focus on one study. Anything is up for debate and more study.


> musician and physicist

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Physicist here. Cox is a clown, but Kaku is the real deal, he actually knows his stuff. Don’t even dare compare them.

I can't take his retarded Manc accent seriously, sounds like he's talking to a baby all the time

>Not taking salad fingers seriously