Be honest. You fags are only pretending to care about Tim being black because you just wanna bitch about pointless shit. Where were you when DP was released in 2016? Did any of you care for him? No? Then why do you suddenly care now?
Be honest. You fags are only pretending to care about Tim being black because you just wanna bitch about pointless shit...
Good god what is that creature on the right
WHO the fuck is tim
Gotta catch 56% of em
You didn't play the fucking game. Stop pretending to care.
I’m more bothered by america’s obsession with putting niggers in everything
Blame the jews.
I can't wait until someone besides me makes a right wing death squad and starts cleaning up this country while I continue to be a fat worthless LARPing fuckwad in my basement bachelor suite spamming gif with bodycam footage I remixed with a video game soundtrack!
BE AFRAID NIGGERS! The day of the rope is coming soon! Any day now!
He looks like a chinky-black though so that makes it ok.
How so?
>that thing on the right
Holy shit, how horrifying! And I am a mutt too.
Have sex virgin.
oh nonononono
I played gens 1-3, the ones that matter.
I'm not seeing this
I’m a grown man I don’t give a shit about a Pokemon drop dead op
he doesnt look all that black to me though
silly amerimutt
Then why are you here.
who u calling silly guy
He´s cute desu
baasedand redpilled
t. actual deathsquad nigger killer
>giving a single shit about humans
Nobody’s even going to pay attention to that faggot. Every single ass in those seats are there to see some live action pokemon like they’ve been wanting to ever since the first Pokémon movie hit theaters
I just don't like black people. That one especially looks like his body is rejecting parts of itself, like he's a fucking transplant patient slowly breaking down under the strain of foreign things in his body.
Movie looks pretty good though, I'm not racist enough to ignore some pokekino
I don’t give a shit about Tim, I’m pissed about Ryan Reynolds.
Meh. He grew on me.
Get over it incels nobody likes you
>stupid fucking virgins shit on marvel for being SJW nigger shit
>DUDES make sure to go see this other nigger movie to stop (((Disney)))
Yea Forums thinks "good" corporations exist.
Wait Pokémon is black? People DO know its a Japanese franchise right? They don't do black unless its coffee.
Not that I care about this shit.
Why did they care enough to bother changing it?
I'm pretty sure canon black characters already exist in pokemon.