Other urls found in this thread:
what a bitch
Was that a personal attack?
who are these toxic people that are drawn to acting like offensive caricatures of homosexual african americans when they talk about celebrity drama?
Imagine feeling proud about getting pissed off at the most innocent banter in history.
>Next Tom cruise over here
Based chad aussie
can one of you zoomer kids explain wtf a clapback is
Is there something wrong with 'comeback' now? Anyway, I thought clapping caused anxiety.
Lads, i'm starting to think incels may have had a point.
it's what sheboons do when threatened in the wild
clapping in conversation is one more thing to add to the thousands that black people have infected
get over yourself dumb bitch
What a BITCH
Tom Cruise is jumping off buildings and moving vehicles
The most ive seen this PUTA do is push a car thats on neutral
Based Hemsworth
>twitter cap thread
>bad crop work
>capeshit drama
>zoomer newspeak
this thread is a microcosm of the current state of Yea Forums
I bet the sex they had after was really fucking hot
I used to think this was some nigger thing about twerking
like they'd turn around and clap their ass cheeks to btfo the other sheboon
Lmao Hemsworth got btfo
Based Brie.
she lift barbell with pusy
Niggerization of culture.
being a fucking cunt = strong woman
Is Hemsworth the last uncucked avenger?
No, because she is team Loki
I will come at whoever I want
being compared to Tom Cruise is a massive compliment
this retarded woman could never hope to be on his level
what happens? i cant watch
>mfw they don’t follow each other on Instagram anymore
James Woods
>clap back
irrelevant JUSTed boomer
I still have no idea what it is
shes so likeable
is it opposite day
If you've ever seen zoomers put clapping emojis after every single word in a sentence, it's that.
Why can't she take a joke? Tommy is the most based dude alive, being compared to him is a compliment.
/our guy/
Tom Cruise will be hotter than Brie ten years from now.
would someone just summarize what the stupid bitch said?
>Hemsworth clearly makes a joke about doing all his stunts (he notoriously doesn't)
Kek, is this real?
thankfully, I never have
>are ya tryna be the next tom cruise m8
>No I'll be the first ME you FUCKING white male
based Aussie shitposting
niggers and zoomers use the clap emoji when they are btfoing someone
wake :clap:
up :clap:
honey :clap:
aka Fuck Niggers and Zoomers
Let me guess: he's dying in Endgame and therefore just doesn't give a fuck about licking Mouse boot anymore?
>Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
>Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
>Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
>Need for continual admiration from others
>Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
>Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
>Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
>Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
>Pompous and arrogant demeanor
>can't take a light joke without getting all butthurt
That's why at my job I only talk to then about work related stuff, and only talk about regular stuff as well with the guys. Women have no sense of humour.
she's like the perfect NPC
I like that Hemsworth doesn't give a shit in any of these interviews. He can't wait to get back to the Yabba.
>why do all these people say brie larson is unlikable? they must be sexist
>omg look at this clapback brie just gave someone who wasn't even being rude to her SHE'S SO SAVAGE
Passive-aggressive comments delivered with smug overconfidence and without provocation, usually to something that was not directed at or even involving the aggressor.
Cheadle looks ready to punch her in the tits after her answer. I hope this is real.
Most actors are narcissists
it's a dark world we live in
>mfw all of these fit /pol/ and the right wing nazi mentality
can someone tell me what she said? i dont want to see the video
Based Brie BTFO belittling buffoon
Hemsworth can't act but he seems like a top lad
>Michelle Obama
what? how is she heroic?
She isn't black so no it's just general hate
It fits with most extremists
She's female and also black
>"Uuuh, be the next ME thank YOU VERRRYY MUCH!"
Good God, it's not sexist if you were compared to a male who does the same thing you do. I bet if he said a another woman's name she would have taken it as a compliment.
First transgender first ladyboy.
>she isn't black
what's that have to do with it?
>i thought that's what everyone did
>i've been acting for 20 years and don't know what a stuntman is
Hormonal, emotionally unstable and insecure female snaps when complimented.
don't bet on that there's nothing she can't bitch about
27 years ago, an irresponsible boy had a daughter and didn't live up to his responsibility. we are all paying for it now. i just want you people to realize this could have been prevented, and avoiding personality responsibility has long-lasting consequences on the whole community.
absolutely based
You could never be like Tom Cruise.
Isn't Tom Cruise and insult tho? He's a crazy scientologist who stars mostly in shit movies.
>harassment survivors
Jesus fucking Christ.
petition to execute anyone whos ever used that term non-satirically
it is but it didn't quite go like that
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist who murdered women and children.
Yikes. Bad post.
Jesus, why is she such a cunt? She seemed nice in 21 Jump Street.
People are gonna take this 10 sec clip out of the hours of press they’ve been doing and make it look like Brie and Chris hate each other now..... I’m sure they were just friendly jabs at each other.
Jeremy Renner
>Calls Black Widow a slut during the AoU press tour.
>Makes a shitty apology about it.
>Doubles down on a talk show later, implying Black Widow is a slut since she hangs around a bunch of men.
Nothing happened after the week of twitter outrage. Also, Chris Pratt is wholesome.
She knows god damn well stunt actors exist. She just wanted to come off as more "bad ass" because she's so "dedicated" to the job she'll do the stunts herself.
>Do CLAP not CLAP come CLAP at CLAP her. CLAP
Everybody who types like this should be put to fucking death. It would raise the national IQ by 20 points.
She ruined public school lunches
Larson fucking wishes. Hemsworth has a much hotter wife and he can fuck pretty much any bitch he wants to.
He should've raped her right there to assert dominance. When did western society get to such dark place that women are allowed to talk back?
>Do not come at her
I’m so sick of women trying to act like hardasses
What a cunt.
This is real. They are so fucking insecure even when you try to say good things about them or their work, they think you're being sarcastic. There ARE women that are OK to hang out with, but these over achiever types, these high end cunts totally dedicated to their works are insufferable.
she freed jussie smollet through connections, she called the prosecutors office dude
i played 3 seconds from the middle where she said "i'll be the first me, not the first to-" while Chris hemmed and hawwed, and had to shut it off
This thread is really bad
how much more of a cunt towards men does this waste of space have to be until basedboys finally start to boycott her shit movies ?
Never watched and never will watch Captain Toefungus and ever upright male shouldn’t have either, yet it made a billion dollars
Someone post this in /co
>This thread is really bad
I think she's trying to be funny, but her voice and mannerisms just don't match. It comes off as being sincere and bitchy instead of sarcastic and light-hearted.
Yea Forums loves black girls
She isn't black
So it's obvious we just hate her
This is why you have to make an effort when raising a daughter. It’s one thing for her to become a whore, it’s another to be an insufferable cunt 24/7
She doesn't even actually do all her own stunts.
>Chris Pratt is wholesome.
Yeah maybe he used to be before he dumped his wife for some easy California pussy.
She's a woman, she can't help it.
Sure smells like incel in here.
not rly, stop projecting rabi
Based aussie chad shitposter.
She should have been Captain Marvel. Less rage-wrinkles at the very least.
Give sex.
Found it
Other notable Hemsworth quote:
>to Brie: "You are the most amazing person on this couch... besides Don"
What is wrong with her face? She seems to have real bother with expressions.
What's more astonishing is all the people that are acting like they have never seen a pathologically opinionated woman. Like it's a surprise, or a new novel behavior, a stand against "the man". As if they have never met a woman before.
>she’s female
Explains everything desu
It's a shame, I liked her in kong, I even feel like she looked moderately attractive in that too
What stunts? Flying through spaceships and shooting lasers from her arms?
>Already known she has butt double
Chief that zoomerclap ain't true
wtf, she should still be thinking about Stan.
Yeah, why doesn't someone want to date a 43-year-old woman with a bunch of pet niglets.
Reminder that women only act like this (in America at least) because of Male collusion. The police and law enforcement as a whole partially exist to protect thots from the consequences of their shitty behavior
Oh now that makes sense why they talk like that. Yuck.
I know. What a legend.
*Initiate laughing process*
You don't need to go that far, incel. Just do what Connery does, just an old-fashioned slap in the face to correct her attitude is all that would have been needed.
It's a 10 second clip without context, I can't tell if she was actually pissed off or just joking around.
>twitter outrage
I believe you mean "internet trouble"
it all makes sense now
wow, it has two meanings. that's pretty deep.
If only it was just that, but it gets worse.
Well, the problem with that is that Elsa is attractive and likes to smile. We can't have that in an empowered female hero.
American and western women resort to calling the police the moment they get uncomfortable with a man. Only when confronted by a man who is not cowed by police do they do the mature thing and leave or fix the situation. They also mindlessly obey authority figures when their talents are best oriented toward the authority of God, who has been removed from public life.
He will be "replaced" not retired by the female THOR
Jane Foster with 1.90 of pure muscles
And to me, this is the only thing I want to see after Endgame
>responds to really light teasing with passive aggressive self-aggrandizing
I know why Letterboxd likes her I guess.
I enjoyed every moment of Marc Bernardin gritting his teeth to admit that captain marvel was utter garbage.
>Toxic bitch has daddy issues
No surprise there
If anyone thinks she is coming off as a bitch in this video, they clearly can't handle banter.
It would be different matter if she threw herself into some weird male privilege rant instead. Please don't give credence to this male fragility shit.
This is exactly why you should never ever date a stronk powerful woman. I did for 1.5 years. Worst relationship of my fucking life.
Ahahahaha these fucking Hollywood weirdos.
how the fuck did you edit this image?
What the fuck is their problem.
What's wrong with wanting to be the next Tom Cruise? Sounds like a compliment. Why clap back at that?
was the pegging even good?
what the fuck is wrong with hollywood people?
I wish that more actors would realize that "internet trouble" only lasts like a week or two at most till people move on from it to the next thing. Maybe they'd stop being so afraid of speaking their mind.
>can convert genders at anyage
>cant have an abortion
Im about to livestream my suicide
fuck me that right arm, is she a fucking charger from left 4 dead 2?
Charlize has to be fucking pissed knowing now she could have just turned a white kid trannie for almost the same amount of brownie points but that she's now stuck with an African.
And she wonders why she's single
Clapback is what black people call it so that's what white girls call it too to fit in and get Jamal-kun to notice her.
They have no God or a dream to work towards to, so they turn to hedonism and degeneracy.
>even literally Charlize Theron hits the wall
no women are safe. Take notes, plenty of men "stepped up" when she was in her 20s and she could have married any of them but she put if off for too long.
wtf has James Woods been in?
this desu, it's a 10 second clip out of context. Yea Forums is overeacting as usual.
or maybe she was joking?
god why do we have to endure this piece of shit person in the last Avengers movie? Why did they have to taint it with her? She could easily be erased in Infinity Wars just as well. I hope she has a small part. If she's the one who beats Thanos I'm gonna be so fucking pissed.
Have you gotten rid of your toe fungus yet, Brie?
Yup. I want my women to be good looking and dumb as a box of rocks leading to almost total dependence.
Can't tell if Cheadle is mad because of Michelle Obama being a bad person or if because he wanted to name the most famous trans black woman
yea but he was trained by israel to do that so its actually a good thing
Calm down incel. She calls her castmates legends @ 0:48.
Learn banter.
>that picture
Being compared to a white male is an insult.
>offensive caricatures of homosexual african americans
Woke whites really do look at minorities like pets.
Its a cult that makes you do shit things for fame and money.
Why doesn't Brad give a shit about his only son?
>resting bitch face is an actual bitch
I thought it was just a meme
Women = Whores most of the time. And we still love them even as they cuckold us with Tyrone and Jamal. But there's literally no middle ground if she's an insufferable cunt! All Dykes are cunts.
Chris is a literal 10/10, why would he stoop so low
This isn’t even the same video, my white knight friend. Brie isn’t gonna suck your cock, I’m sorry.
Holy fucking shit, these people are evil
Most men don't have a sense of humor, just too many bugmen. But with women it's much worse, they're not capable to interact in a normal way, like they are oblivious to the basics of interaction and cooperation.
But he did, the kid's mind is slowly healing.
This bitch needs to be raped straight.
Men fuck down all the time
He probably has thousands of bastards.
She came across as an unlikeable dyke in her shit with Hemsworth and Cheadle but in that panel with the red dress there was a big where RDJ is talking and notices Brie is looking at him as he speaks, pauses, says 'Hi, Brie!' and she goes 'Hi!' back ina way that was pretty endearing and cute. What the fuck is up with this woman? How can she be so detestable sometimes and then have quite spontaneous endearing moments like that?
She actively tried to get him to never mention any of his views around friends or even talk about my faith, it was a toxic household and relationship, glad to is out of it.
>brie pretending as if mandela and michelle are "correct" answers and falkor is ridiculous
i hate her more every time i see her
>male fragility
stop it. it will never be a meme
Fuck off, (((Entertainment Tonight))). What a kike rag! Thank you Based Chris for putting Brie Larson back in her place!!!!!
This woman is the epitome of cringe
How this isn't a toxic behaviour they are talking about?
It ain't about white knighting. It's about making you incels seethe.
Botox causes facial paralyzation.
So is chris hemsworth officially /ourchad/ now?
sex robots were a mistake
Bend the kneeee
taken out ot context that makes it seems like she's being bitchy, but they are just having fun with eachother
>all those wholesome white people
problematic desu
Wholesome desu.
I think Pratt is still /ourChris/ but Hemsworth is ok too. Evans it out for extreme faggotry.
>Brie Larson isn't even 30 years old
>Looks like she is 50
takes me less then 10 seconds to realize a women is a cunt
Imagine the sex
Because she's unironically autistic and one of us.
>I’m gonna be the next ME, thank you very much, not the next Tom Cruise.
I don’t even like Brie as a person but this is pretty obvious banter. Why are you faggots getting upset about it?
>When psychiatry wanted to stop being a Jewish/Marxist/elitist worldview and become a real science, it needed to
Stopped reading.
Hes an in the closet gay man who has no use for a hole. A lot of gay men tend to be super uncucked because of this.
Wow, she does look like Amy Poehler
you really can feel the sexual tension there
can't blame thor, brie's so cute :3
To free his children from white oppressors. You would praise him as a hero too if he was a white guy that did all the things mandela did but to muslims in europe
It's like when kindergartners pull the girl's hair.
>Come across as unlikable in an attempt to come across as likable with your own unique image/character but is punctuated by endearing moments of sincerity and glimpses of a likable real person beneath the facade
Sounds about right.
Chris what are you doing on Yea Forums? It's Sunday morning, go to church.
Even the mention of conservative morality brands you an intolerant nazis in their world. It's better to cause your children to murder or commit sudduku than it is to put them on a path of normalcy and traditional values.
So Americans really are that bad at banter?
Chris is a devout Christian and as such a virgin until marriage
back to work, pedro
Chris Evans is a virtue signaling faggot if ever there was one.
>the next ME
is the FIRST me, retard bitch. even cardi B got it right
he's doing a bit
So between the Wired interview and this is Yea Forums completely full of autists who aren't capable of parsing jokes?
>imagine actually liking white women in 2019
>It isn’t even about white knighting
lol okay, white knight. You’ll get your dick wet someday.
she sounds fun to work with
He's from Boston and was always some artsy fartsy theatrical type. He probably really believes in his views. Irrespective of your political stance (I don't give much of a fuck personally), I do like him for how much of a dudebro he comes across as.
The best part of this is the end when she asks the men if their children are excited. Cause Brie won't ever have kids.
okay, i hate marvel, but this is based
how did she go from the likeable girl in 21 Jump Street to this?
Have sex.
>whose beauty rivals that of Grace Kelly
Wow she seems like a petty bitch
it's called a microagression
that's how you know your coworkers are NOT your friends, you autist
Holly shit, so many white people in place! I almost blacked out and saw them all holding a nose.
christ they hate each other
>They have no God or a dream to work towards to, so they turn to hedonism and degeneracy.
Unironically true. This is the story of humanity. People by default drift towards absolute chaos and evil.
It's a girl
What the fuck is up with these clap emojis? Every fucking dumb bitch on fb/twitter uses them as if it somehow makes her point more valid
How am I supposed to read it in my head? Like someone is chanting the words as if it's one of those black churches where they're all clapping along to a sermon or what?
the black equivalent to this is all those chimpout videos at McDonald's.
Have sex
Have sex.
nigger culture is basically american culture
as much as i dislike brie, evans is objectively the worst of them both
la famosa butt double?
Based Brie
Not an American and don't give a fuck about politics so this shit doesn't bother me desu.
I know dumbass white girls over here (UK) also do it though, so it's leeching out beyond the US
>can one of you zoomer kids explain wtf a clapback is
American comeback.
Have sex
>a clap back means to return fire as its derived from rappers using the term clap to mean gunfire
Fuck this entire faggoty culture. 99% of the people using it don't even realize the source. God I hate the rising niggerization of society accepting these monkey level innuendos.
it was true after all!
they really used a body double for the ass scenes lmao
What is she saying? I can't understand
>it's another episode of Yea Forumsirgins seething over petty shit hollywood actors say
one becoming a retard because of politics is an international red flag, regardless of your nationality. Evans is a nutcase
that's why the NZ shooter is hailed as hero in public opinion (just like Mandela) right?
>says have sex
>needs to have sex
>tfw from a broken home
What does having a family feel like?
>one becoming a retard because of politics is an international red flag
Tell that to the /pol/ kids.
>n-no u
hopefully the kid sues her when he grows up and is completely fucked up
nah, evans is at least a decent person regardless of his politics, you never see him ranting about who shouldn't be allowed to review movies or being overly sensitive about a joke. larson is nothing but ego and arrogance
>no i'll be the first ME not the next tom cruise
Have sex.
It's meant to be gunfire, like we gonna clap that nigga. That's literally the source of it is rappers referring to gunfire as a clap. Its as fucking stupid as you think it is. So a clap back is supposed to be a response to an insult or a diss with equal action or returning fire.
Basically anyone who uses the term should be gassed.
This. The one single thing she did as First Lady and it was a complete and utter disaster.
Starting a campaign against the government is not the same as pulling out a rifle and slaughtering a bunch of innocent civilians you know
>says have sex
>needs to have sex
>Police car
Damn, twitter probably had a meltdown when they saw this. Good.
>Nearly 300 posts in an hour
This thread is being raided
Tell that to every leftist on twitter
It's spelled ironing idiot. Have fornication.
>I can't tell if she was actually pissed off or just joking around.
have you ever seen her in a jocular mood? sour cunt has ammonia in her veins
i wonder if this plan could've worked if she either froze her eggs in her 20s instead of her 30s, or implanted them in a surrogate
Engage in sexual intercourse
>"H-h-hero..? Quick. I must think of some black female that's not Oprah. Oh oh, got one"
this but unironically
Brie Larson generals are the comfiest threads on Yea Forums right now
Would bang
>says engage in sexual intercourse
>needs to engage in sexual fornication
So who was phone?
>pulling out a rifle and slaughtering a bunch of innocent civilians you know
except the shooting was supposed to start a "campaign against the NZ government"
this is EXACTLY the same as Mandela, both were killing innocent civilians to change things and overthrow the government
Making fun of the kids' lingo makes you come off as a bitter, ignorant old man. Always has, always will.
>pic related: user's definition of comfort
Have sex...with me
Damn that MKUltra shit does some damage.
10 seconds of footage featuring a girl being mildly snarky can drive /pol/shits to lose their fucking minds. Unbelievable.
Star So(i) threads are objectively better. Brie threads lost their spunk about a week ago.
Still pretty busy though.
forklift safety is paramount
>boob job
>nose job
what did she mean by this
>all these burgers ITT thinking passive aggressive "thank you very much" is banter
that's gonna be a yikes from me chief
I hate women, niggers and Israel
little girl in black looks like one of the olsen twins, before they turned into gremlins
>needs to have sex
>wants to have sex...with me
Have sex.
I'm sorry, back where I live we don't have rabid niggers shooting eachother with lethal weapons over the slightest insult, we just see you use the term. Who the fuck cares what darko yapped what term originally, jesus christ.
i dont know which gender it was originally. i still dont know what trans man or trans woman originally are and i never will.
What did she say?
>MCU greenscreen shit
How are those even "stunts" lmao
I would never imply such a thing.
Have a sex.
They’re called Yea Forumstards
Me in the yellow
>give birth to what is genetically potentially going to be the most beautiful woman in the world
>convince her to mutilate her body and become a man
What the fuck is wrong with women? It's like a bucket of crabs, any time you mention another woman is attractive, they'll jump over themselves to put her down
>he's still replying to a reddit tier reply chain
Have sex
Animes are degenerate
"Fuck me like one of your French girls, Chris" or something to that effect. Not a native speaker myself.
what a bitch, she thinks she's too good to be compared to one of the biggest movie stars evers, who does most of his own stunts?
>being a passive aggressive bitch is cool now
Please, someone, punch her in the face.
>he admits to browsing reddit
Yeah, I'm thinking have sex.
Yeah, but at least they're entertainingly so
>left is wrong
>retarded political views
>always wearing a cap
>likes idiotic awful sports like baseball or football
He's disgusting
>being aware of something means I browse it
That's a have sex from me dawg
>says he's aware
>isn't aware that he needs to have sex
>respond to what's an offhand compliment like someone suggested you should be in the kitchen making sandwiches
What an absolutely crazy cunt. I guarantee she will be the cause of many of the main actors stepping down from their roles. I thought all this brie shit was just the usual tv stronk woman hate but she genuinely seems like a psycho
>That sexcult tattoo on her arm
>implying I'm not have sex this whole time
The BIG lmao
they keep letting women commandeer their attention and think what they say is important. ive noticed only children and women start using a person's name in a story without first introducing them
we'll never know, user
I don't care about where it originated I'm more disappointed it was adopted by society at all you fucking brainlet.
>she will be the cause of many of the main actors stepping down from their roles
If someone was genuinely retarded enough to do such a thing they'd deserve their careers to crumble.
we can take back the projection. i'm a man on a mission.
mfw Brie Larson only two years older than me
mfw I still stand no chance
>the BIG
For you. Have sex.
So basically the urban population of Massachusetts.
Yeah, it actually does. I think the fact that she doesn’t actually believe the bullshit she says is pretty obvious. She’s just as lost as confused as any young adult and she’s trying to make up for it in zeal. I think the fact that she’s a dropout might make her more insecure
Have sex
If that's passive aggression I'd be terrified to see what actual aggression from her would be like
They're both really struggling to complement her, and can't even try turning into a joke because you can just see her get offended when he says the Don thing
Healthy young woman goes to city, has many drinks, parties and lovers, but no family. Doesn't feel good and ages - CAT LADY. Many such cases!
>he's actually implying
Ooofffff. Participate in intercourse.
I wonder what they think in their innermost hearts when they're surging with injected testosterone for bulking sessions, get absolutely pumped, and still have to submit to this woman.
>not wanting to dominate
My sides, have sex.
Most of them have a metric shit ton of cash and could go on to other roles where they don have to interact with a bristling psychotic cunt on qaily basis. Isn't rdj retiring after this?
She born into a lavish lifestyle and was homeschooled. Autism comes by default.
You mean like I've been dominating you this whole time?
Have sex my guy.
Keep dreaming bud, but have sex first ok
They are probably fine-er with it than most anons.
>lavish lifestyle
im getting pretty darn exhausted from having sex every time someone tells me to
Based Paco
gets me every fucking time. And it's been posted 1749 times since friday
>implying I've got time to dream
Have sex first or even second.
>He actually fell for the have sex meme lmao
Have sex.
You're welcome. Now have sex user.
Have sex
He's a moron!
>Have sex
Do this ^
How bout you take your own advice lad kek
>he thinks I don't follow my own advice
Follow my advice.
Anyone else think that for all her talk of incels, Brie probably doesn’t get a lot of sex? Because guys are naturally put off hitching a wagon to her brand of personality, she probably has very long dry spells and this is her way of lashing out in incel rage...
Follow my advice and listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you my friend. Have. Sex.
>he tries to pull a John Kimble
Nah broski, have sex.
>Living with the Hemsworth.
>Its eastern in the house of Hemsworth. Liam stands at the kitchen counter with a pair of eggs in his hands.
>Suddenly Chris sneaks up and claps Liams hand together. Smashing the eggs and left Liam screaming with dirty hands.
>Pa Hemsworth comes quickly into the kitchen "Everything alright?" and sees Chis laughing "Oh, You!"
>Everyone starts laughing and Luke enters the kitchen "Did you know the egg is the organic vessel containing the zygote in which an embryo develops until it can survive on its own? The biggest known egg is from the whale shark with 11.8 in × 5.5 in × 3.5 in!"
>All 4 start a discussion what was first, the egg or the chicken and why many non mammals developed eggless birth
>He's aware of some random celeb
>yet he isn't aware that he should have sex
Have sex