Is this something 'show Jerry' would do? How would Costanza react?
Is this something 'show Jerry' would do? How would Costanza react?
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Honk Honk
At the time, people were weirded out by it but everyone realized that famous TV stars had their own laws and were allowed to fuck underage girls. The media constantly referenced her age but NEVER insinuated that anything was wrong with the arrangement.
>When he was in his late 30s, Seinfeld had a four-year romantic relationship with high school student Shoshanna Lonstein who was 17 years old when they began dating.
Au revoir.... Shoshana....
is she really 17? she looks like she's in her 30s
Women are at their prime when they are 17. After that they go worse
I've never been able to decide if Jerry was attractive. I think he is because people didn't scoff when he pulled every cute chick featured on Seinfeld, but then there's pictures of him such as in the OP where he looks bizarre.
>Kramer, did you know Jerry's girlfriend is half his age?... Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Shirt's not tucked in. lel
The golden rule is divide your age by 2 and add 7.
If he was 38 at the time his limit should have been 38x2+7=26. Oh Jerry.
>famous TV stars had their own laws
i heard seinfeld parks his car wherever and just pays the parking ticket
The fucked up part isn't that they were dating necessarily. The fucked up part is how does a 38 year old tv star even meet a 17 year old.
Here's a different golden rule, lil buddy. I fuck who I want, complete disregard for age. Is that OK with you? Do I have your permission to do what I want?
>gets 10 years for diddling a 12 year old
your loss faggot lmao
t. Abdullah
>I'm rich and famous so nobody tells me what I'm doing is wrong and for some reason attractive young women are fine with dating me
well no shit Jer
children of friends/acquaintances. They'll seek you out on their own if they drift into your orbit
I would like to know this too...
>children of friends/acquaintances. They'll seek you out on their own if they drift into your orbit
you have some experience in this area?
Women are never in their prime at 17
Mashallah, brother.
Absolutely based. Fuck the system.
The wealth and fame takes him up by 5 points at least. Also he's a comedian, and women like funny guys
This. I'm in my prime.
Meh. Benis goes into bagina.
Penis also goes into asshole, unless you're Jewish,
Jerry should've had his asshole torn apart in prison by gangs of niggers for having sex with an underaged girl.
This is Jew privilege.
>actually equals 83
>akshually that's a typo, it should be / instead of x
Teenagers fucking love to flirt with older men if you have your shit together. You just ignore it, and for most of them it's just a fun game anyway. Some make it clear you could have them if you wanted, but it's 100% not worth the headache. Part of being an adult is making sure kids have what they need, not what they want.
Age of consent in NY is 17.
Looks like you've been successfully brainwashed
This is true. In my mid and late 20s I've met teenage girls around 13-15 who obviously flirt. It's weird as shit, I felt very uncomfortable because they were borderline children at this age. I can't imagine being in my late 30s and fucking teenagers.
I wouldn't be able to think about anything else than those tits either.
This. Feminists were responsible for raising the age of consent to 18 in America. Everywhere else 16 is the norm.
18 is the legal age of majority in the United States, where those two people resided at the time OP's photograph was taken.
In your rush to brain-drop factoids, you confused the US's age-of-consent law, which varies by state, with the age of majority, which is 18 nationwide.
This, it isn't even underage in european countries.
>While the general age of consent is now set between 16 and 18 in all U.S. states, the age of consent has widely varied across the country in the past. In 1880, the age of consent was set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[2] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century.[3][4] By 1920 ages of consent generally rose to 16–18 and small adjustments to these laws occurred after 1920. The final state to raise its age of general consent was Hawaii, which changed it from 14 to 16 in 2001.[5]
you're so cool when I have a daughter I want you to fuck her
>all the idiots ITT that think federal AOC= state AOC
The age of consent is 17 in NY and goes as low as 15 in other states. The federal AOC only applies if you're going across state lines to fuck a teen.
You're just plain incorrect
>le golden rule
You're not gonna fool me with that roastie bullshit. If she's on the clock, she's ready for the cock
world of difference between 13-15 and 17-18, but you knew that
but wait, isnt the number 1 on the clock?
>You're just plain incorrect
>The age of majority is the threshold of adulthood as recognized or declared in law. It is the moment when minors cease to be considered such and assume legal control over their persons, actions, and decisions, thus terminating the control and legal responsibilities of their parents or guardian over them. Most countries set the age of majority at 18.
We're done here.
>The federal AOC only applies if you're going across state lines to fuck a teen.
What? So lets imagine I'm an Amerimutt and live in State X where the age of consent is 18 and I go into the neighbouring state where the age of consent is 16 and I manage somehow to fuck a 16 year old girl. You're saying I can get in trouble because of that?
Women are in their prime from the day they turn 16 to the day they turn 35. (Unless they get fat)
Governments have made 16-17 taboo in order to fill up the jails. You absolutely cannot tell the difference between a 16 or 17 year old girl and an 18 year old.
>everyone jelly itt
Mad cause you're a 35 year old who cant get teen cunny
Reported to the FBI
Be rich and famous must be amazing. To be able to fuck a girl in her prime with those bazookas GOD DAMN a common man will never know this
>to the day they turn 35
>What? So lets imagine I'm an Amerimutt and live in State X where the age of consent is 18 and I go into the neighbouring state where the age of consent is 16 and I manage somehow to fuck a 16 year old girl. You're saying I can get in trouble because of that?
You're a retarded.
If you fuck a 16 year old in a state where the AOC is 18, you will get in trouble.
If you fuck an 18 year old in a state where the AOC is 16, you won't get in trouble.
How did you manage to misunderstand this?
Plenty of girls who've fucked around a lot by the time that their 17, but not by the age of 15.
t. actual pedophile
What does subfertility mean?
If i could fuck 14 year olds, I would. They are hot as fuck
>What does subfertility mean?
What happens when you double-click the word to highlight it, then right-click and select Search Google for "subfertility"?
Less fertile than the average woman over a given period of attempts.
George might be initially outraged, but then slightly intrigued.
"I can buy wine coolers", said George, thinking about impressing high school girls.
She wasn't underage in New York when he dated her. Are you people just all retarded?
They kind of look similar. They would probably make great kids.
>Age of majority should not be confused with theage of sexual consent
Are you a butthurt post-wall roastie or have you really been this brainwashed by unjust feminist laws?
>still confusing "Age of Consent" with "Age of Majority"
>asking if other people are retarded
If someone is in the United States and is under the age of 18, they are legally "below the age of majority" and are legally referred to as "minors", despite any state law governing the age of consent below the age of 18.
This is not a difficult concept.
George would prob realize slowly that he could take advantage of student prices at movie theatres, stadiums and other places when presenting her as his daughter.
It becomes less about dating a teen and more about using her to save 2% on tickets.
Actually, I think it might be taking the teen across state lines that'll get you in trouble, but best not to push your luck
That's what subway jarod got popped for
man, jews really like them young. Just like their cousins the muslims.
Thats bullshit fines should be adjusted in accordance to income
Imagine being this edgy
>at a resort for a conference
>there's a prom going on apparently
>girls walking around in nice dresses
>not a single hambeast in sight
when did girls become thots? lord help me
She got some nice tits
so? that doesn't make it illegal, immoral, wrong etc. no one gives a shit about "age of majority" in this context. youre just moving the goalposts to try vilify natural and acceptable behavior, a man pursuing sex with a biologically and mentally mature female of prime fertility and attractiveness.
as long he doesn't break the law he's not wrong. the sexual revolution was for the removal of taboos, why would a man now care about societal disapprovement of his actions if his actions are entirely legal?
I'm gonna offend people by saying this, but for a near-40 year old to be able to carry on a four year relationship with a teenage girl he has to be some sort of manchild.
>TV stars had their own laws and were allowed to fuck underage girls
If that’s the case how come Roman Polanski never came back to the US after his little mishap
What are you talking about? It was moderately scandalous and most people were weirded out by it. They just didn't do anything more than that because it was completely legal.
>Thats bullshit fines should be adjusted in accordance to income
Then rich people will just register their expensive cars to their poor (on paper) mothers and still pay little fees.
Nah, you're going by the presumption that women somehow mature with age. They just usually become more cynical and bitter because of their failed relationship and life in general shitting on them. A dumb teenage bitch is 100% going to remain a dumb bitch when she's 30 years old, just less fun to be around.
I've met cool (interesting, smart, fun) women in their late teens and early 20s that are one million times better (as in personality) than the majority of women around 30 or older.
>jerry is a manchild
oh wow no one has ever said that before
except him, repeditively, on his show. he's a standup for fucks sake
17 isn't underage. At that time the legal age of consent in Canada was 14.
You don't seem to understand the power one holds when they are older/more mature. That's why girls tend to go for a guy who can take the wheel and lead. You are probably a retard that actually uses his girlfriend for emotional support, when it should be the other way around.
If anything, I think it would be easier to be with a younger woman. Older women are jaded and they tend to be unyielding as to what they think is right or not making it harder for them to follow directions, leading to problems.
>How would Costanza react?
Feigned outrage that didn't hide his obvious jealousy.
Elaine would get so insecure about her own age and she'd try to play young, eventually accidentally convincing an overzealous truancy officer that she's an underage girl. Doe to hilarious incidences she'll be unable to verify her age and would need to call on her boss to save her.
The teenage girl's mom would come to the apartment to confront Jerry and then would end up falling for Kramer.
Episode ends and status quo returns after girl dumps Jerry for being "immature".
Even chad prefers sweet cunny.
This is what your cellmate will be telling you
What? You don't have to be at the same maturity level as your partner, dummy.
Have you ever noticed 16 year olds? haha!
Titty fuck a 15 year old milkcow?
You bet he would. And did.
Parents these days, they're all trying to get their kids into "extra curriculars".
(cue laughtrack)
Gotta get 'em into an after school job! Gotta get 'em into an after school club! Gotta get 'em into the AP courses!
(cue laughtrack)
And you know, the stated reason isn't to get the kids out of their hair-
(cue laughtrack)
But so that they can "have experiences to prepare them for their adult life"
(cue laughtrack)
But these very same parents don't want me to have sex with their High school age daughter!
(cue laughtrack)
I mean!
(cue laughtrack)
I'd call that an experience to prepare her for her adult life!
(cue laughtrack, title credits, fade to black)
oh man, firm soft teen tits, there's nothing like it.