It's Peter Capaldi's birthday

It's Peter Capaldi's birthday.
Say something nice about him Yea Forums !

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nice hair

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He's a good actor that should've been in better roles than nuwho

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I'm glad he, out of all the men on earth, got to have sex with Jenna.

He's my favorite actor in The Thick Of It

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his is the best incarnation of the doctor in terms of acting and character
it's a shame he got hamstrung by the poor writing here and there
also he's incredible at oscillating between drama and comedy, can make you laugh and then cry
i will miss him as the Doctor...

The good thing about Chibnall and Whittaker is that most people are now realising that Capaldi was great in the role.

He was the least worst NuWho Dr Who.

literally who

Birthday? Where do you think you are, in some fucking playpen for kids? This is a government department, not the whacky fucking warehouse. Get back to work you wet sacks of cum.

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i knew this since "Deep Breath", one of my favourite DW episodes overall
Capaldi was THE Doctor, tennantfags and boomers who watched OG DW can go fuck themselves

S8 was one of the best in the show (the best since series 5.)
And S10 is not perfect at all but it's very underrated.

Is he related to Francesca Capaldi?

Imagine holding hands with Jenna Coleman.

He looks like his name is Simon and has magic wizard powers

>tfw even if I were to meet her, she wouldn't notice me anyway

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She doesn't know we exist and wouldn't care either way.

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Was the latest series of Dr Who worth watching?

It's mostly boring and the new Doctor doesn't have any real defining traits except from being weird and compassionate.

Watch "Kerblam !" which is the best episode of the season and see for yourself.

I stopped watching when he became the doctor, is he still the doctor? Is the serie better than when I dropped it?

>doesn't have any real defining traits
Uhhh, excuse me sweetie? SHE is a WOMAN. That's more characterization and development than the other 11 doctors put together.

>is he still the doctor?
>is the serie better than when I dropped it
not really. Capaldi's run starts out much better than both when you dropped it and where the series is now though.

They don't even mention that she is a woman in the show (which would be fine if she had something else to make her feel like a new incarnation of the doctor and not a bland canevas.)

he's my favourite nuwho doctor, also great in the thick of it

Oh fuck, just googled it. Seriously, a woman? That's retarded

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>peter capaldi will die in your lifetime

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I fucking hate Dr Who and he was the only one I liked, but as you said the writing was shit

So will your parents.

>tfw I'm such a faggot that sometimes I dress like that just because I liked his character

Joke's on you, they already died !

Thanks for helping to exterminate the Anglo-saxon race by telling untold millions of children that the British Isles was always belonged to niggers.

Here's your present, you treasonous faggot.

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I wish I could but its so hard to pull off

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Did they leave you much?

It fits me but I wish I had capaldo's nice hairs.

Not much, They were europoors.
At least, we had fun while they were here.

Imho they were pretty shit parents if they didn't at least leave you a house.

Couldn't afford to keep it. Some family had to take care of that.

i can actually smell the grease on this post

How does it feel to be told that "You are a good Dalek"… by a Dalek?


I guess it feels like being given nigger word privileges by a nigger.