Artie lange now works as a garbage man

>artie lange now works as a garbage man

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Holy shit.

>no one will ever believe you

How did one man make so many poor decisions?


Does he at least have a decent union?



he spent all his money and time doing drugs for 20 years. hes a pathetic fuck up

Nothing wrong with doing an honest man's job.

The only thing more incredible than his bad decision making is his ability to stay alive this long with such a consistently severe drug problem. Man has genes of the gods.

i think this is part of his community service or something

People are going to think this is sad, but I think it's hilarious and uplifting. Artie always wanted to be a normal Jersey guy. He probably feels good doing this.

Ain't that just part of his court sentencing?

But yeah imagine losing a job that paid you 6 figures that only required you to get up at 5am to go tell the nation how hot the sluts you're looking at are. Artie is a born loser.

They hired him as a producer at Disney?

must be a part of his court related stuff

After a life in showbiz dude needed the reality check.

Him and Keegan Michael-Key should hook up

unironically probably yes

Didn't he also have a massive gambling problem as well?
Thug's beating his ass over debts could also account why he looks extra fucked up in some pics.

90% of the people from HSS are fucking losers. They all got a break by becoming popular for being edgy assholes back when the country needed unfiltered edgy assholes. Now a days they're shells of who they were, and who they were was giant assholes and mostly talentless hacks

Yup, he loves telling people about this kind of shit. Every interview he's ever given he's brought up how he worked as a longshoreman once. He wants to be seen as a blue collar guy.

He's a gambling addict, but his fucked-up face is all drugs, from the generally advanced aging to his septum collapsing from years of snorting coke.

He busted his septum by sniffing oxy with shards of glass in or some shit. Plus sniffing all kinds of H/coke his entire adult life.

Attached: 9jg3tr1zbvr21.jpg (442x767, 61K)

his nose collapsed because of over 9000 years of snorting shit

It was snorting heroin that did it, not just coke

For me it's Beer League

Attached: Artie_Lange_Beer_League_DVD_2-Disc_2_1024x1024.jpg (725x1024, 160K)

I'm unironically considering becoming a garbage man. I can't stand programming.

Mike Walker farts will sustain us. WHOA!

i mean as far as guys who ruined their lives doing heroin go he does seem to have a solid head on his shoulders

go the fuck back

Yeah, saddlenose is what it's called.
Coke numbs the delicate veins and stops blood flow.
Eventually the septum necrotizes and you blow it all out into a hankie.
Carrie Fisher had it, Melanie Griffith had it but got it reconstructed.
Fuck hard drugs

Hope he makes it out of this. Addictions are a bitch.

I thought he was so desperate he snorted spilled coke on a construction site.

Jesus, why are retards even questioning whether this is part of his court service? Of course it fucking is, do you fuckers really need to question that? Do you think he was secretly aspiring to be a garbage man and is doing this out of love?

The common sense of this place is lowering to Reddit standards

He feels responsible for his dad's death. He needs to come to terms.

make me :3

I can't smoke on duty at my job, at least he's got that going.
Those things are basically a fucking foodgroup, man.

the average iq on reddit is probably 20 points higher than Yea Forums. everyone here is downright retarded

or maybe you've just been fed a lie from (((certain someones))) that drug use is a near-automatic death sentence

>tfw he admitted to being on heroin for the entirety of this film

He even despised Howard for it cause Artie made plans to make it, asked Howard and originally told him "no".

Good, I only cum here to shitpost anyways.

I'm speaking from personal experience and people I knew, but okay spaz

>seems nice
>asks to keep it quiet
>camera man lies to him
Fucking people man

Good for him. Not going to knock the guy for getting a job and keeping busy.

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yeah, (((people))) (((you))) (((knew)))

Do you know how much garbage men make?

Probably more than what he does for radio gigs

>not Dirty Work
ultimate pleb

>Man has genes of the gods.
Yes that's right, he is one of the chosen people.

Heh, you tell 'em, my fellow kekistani national. Those """"""""""""jews"""""""""""" are certainly responsible for our permanent states of virginity, as well as the current status of our nation which was run poorly by white people for hundreds of years after genociding the local population!

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wonder who's behind this post

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Antwan Kumias Cohost

Artie is funny motherfucker. We want him back. The drugs don't make you funny Artie.

Garbage men make fucking bank where I'm from. Good for Artie


good for artie, better off tossing junk than snorting it

Maybe get on the stage, angry and dark. Harvey Pekar style.

Not him but you're dumb. Just so YOU'D know.

I'm angry and dark. Yet no mouthpiece to speak my mind.

Be the Bobby Kelly that Bobby Kelly couldn't

thats a good job

White trash looking for acceptance

What a fucking crock of shit, how does a multiple time drug arrestee get such a high paying crushing state union job?

Garbage men make good money. Of course, he's doing that for community service, so he's making fuck all.

>wealthy fuck-up steals legitimate blue collar job from the working class

What a piece of shit. Someone could be feeding his wife and kids with that income.


Who was objectively the most fucked up on the show? Why was it K.C.

Attached: 7599-kc.jpg (670x480, 60K)

didn't he turn out to be a fag? or was that just high pitch mike?

he looks demonic here

>use to make $900K/year
fucking moron

He probably has repressed homosexuality from his childhood. The dude definitely has deep rooted issues and as the show progressed until even today it has gotten substantially worse. Damn shame, dude was handsome as fuck and worked for the Stern show giving himself an almost celebrity status before he inevitably went off the deep end

Have you heard any of the shit he said or did while working for Stern? The guy was a fucking nut job. Stern had him leave because he genuinely thought he was going to come into work and hurt people

KC era was great. He's stupid and crazy in a hilarious way, just like Sal, but Sal's a different kind of stupid/crazy. Two gems.

The axing suits and other unsolicited crazy thoughts from KC were fucking gold

here comes the drug evangelical! Look moron everyone with half a brain know occaisional drug use isn't going to kill you but those people also know that constant hardcore drug use over a long period has a very good chance on killing you depending on the drug

Garbage men unironically make good money.

That’s like the best court order ever.
Would you rather
>pick up trash piece by piece ona highway
>temporarily live that fleeting childhood dream of riding on the back of a garbage truck and socializing with people who wave to you every morning

He has the best stories, and this will just add more

Sal was docile and retarded. K.C. was stupid in the sense where he couldn't tell right from wrong, and was more than willing to hurt people violently just because he felt like it at the time, and would show little to no remorse.

>Artie will be in a sober house for 6 months. this is part of his service in the facility
read the fucking video description you fucking tards

haha he's one hilarious motherfucker


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