Now that the dust has settled, how is it compared to the other Disney star wars films?

Now that the dust has settled, how is it compared to the other Disney star wars films?

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Visually, great. Everything else, shit.

its my favourite of the nu wars but thats not saying much

It broke new ground.

Best new Starwars out of Last Jedi Force Awakens and Han Solo

Best by far. The only one worthy to be called Star Wars.

empire strikes back> rogue one> a new hope> return of the jedi> revenge of the sith> the force awakens> attack of the clones> phantom menace> the last jedi> solo> star wars holiday special

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I saw it as a lucasarts game they forgot to make

Least offensive/10

characters and dialogue are lame. that weird black dude served no purpose. they tried to make it like a war epic but there was not a single drop of blood to be seen.

>solo worse than tlj

i didn't know opinions could get this pleb

the best of the new ones but still needs about an hour cut out of the first half before it becomes a decent film

>what's your name?
>han what? who are your people?
>.. i don't have any people....
>.....han(beep boop beep)...SOLO (beep)

great Halo: Reach movie

its the Aliens of the Star Wars. plebs will like it.

tlj fucked up the story more but solo was objectively a more poorly made film

it's the best nu-wars movie, but that's like saying it's the least smelly turd

>zero white males


It's the best by a long shot

Best visuals and battles out of all SW movies, crappy everything else.

I enjoyed both of the anthology films, that should be their focus going forward
Has there been any word on what the D&D trilogy is going to be about?

It's complete shit just like the rest of nuwars but idiots will defend it because of the sassy meme robot and vader

The robot was Alan Tudyk.

It remains the only decent Mouse Wars film.

>more shit about rebel scum
>literally half the fanbase loves the empire
>people like ESB & RotS
>"No, have some more diverse rebel scum movies!"

I liked space zatoichi

better than the other disney films in the same way that eating dirt is better than eating shit

I liked the Darth Vader part. Why isn't there just a movie about Vader going around killing people?

I liked the blind monk guy.

And Cassian ?

Started with an interesting premise, didn’t do much with it. Characters change personalities half way through and then everyone loves the last third cause explosions and Darth Vader or whatever. I thought Solo and TFA were better.

If it didn't have the dead dad shit shoved into the second act it'd be my favorite star war

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Holiday special is a million times better than anything by Disney except Rogue One maybe

Best characters of nu-wars, but too many of them that are killed off too quickly. The ending certainly packs a punch with the deaths of the MC's, but the deaths of all the comrades along the way really feels shallow. That being said, it does certainly add to the feeling of sacrifice among the rebellion when everyone dies, its just that their individual deaths don't really carry much poignancy. Krennic is also the best baddie out of all the new movies.

>dead dad shit shoved into the second act
Did you expect him to survive ?

Only starwars movie I have enjoyed so far.

the whole dad thing was poorly done. Really should have just had the female lead whatever the fuck her name was join the rebellion for unknown reasons and try to save him while everyone else on the team was ready to just kill him THEN reveal it's her dad.

>whatever the fuck her name was

>acknowledging Holiday Special's existence
Nigger what are you doing??

They should have gone with the original director's vision of a dark spy movie with tons of battles instead of what we got. Nobody cared about the hackneyed motivations or the plot that was re-made multiple times.

slightly better cause john knoll did the overall story, but then disney sjwed it up

This is the only SW movie I've seen. Never cared for the muh force and lightsabers shit. It was pretty good.

I don't know why you queers like Rogue One so much. I liked Solo more

Would be much better with this guy.

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