Why is Jav so good?

Its always something more than just penis in vegina; there is always a weird context and I love it

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Too bad Asian women are ugly though.

You shut your whore mouth faggot

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Legit 7/10 video.

Thanks Yea Forums

I found these just last week and think they're pretty funny. Some Chinese motherfucker turned JAV into drama music videos.

>t. roastie

There is always a story and decent enough acting which makes it easy for you to immerse yourself.
Also just realized that JAV acting is leagues above Japanese cinema's acting.

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The photography and the plot is really good.


objectively wrong


where's the one with all the eggs

I ain't watching jav until it's uncensored

a shame cause I really dig that satomi yuria actress

Why do the women always look like they are in absolute agony ? Must be the small dinks

Come join us, bros.

this one?

Attached: you have to eat all the eggs.webm (960x540, 2.97M)




Those words don't mean what you think they mean.

Attached: poltards wet dreams.png (1440x2756, 3.98M)


some of them really overreact but its still better than the usual lazy moans from western porn

>browse that board just to see other shit
in how many lists am I registered now

that's the one


my dick disagrees with you
i couldn't give less of a fuck if they had plastic surgery or how they looked before

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No, it's all hugely overacted in JAV. Even actual Japanese women don't make those kinds of noises JAV actresses do, when you dick them. Whereas some crazy white women do do the whole fake moans and dirty talk stuff from western porn because they think guys want them to sound like nymphomaniac sluts


A simple truth who generate an undeserved controversy

That one.

I don't remember the code but sex scene are trash.

>webm related

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t. white roastie

t. white virgin

There was a good one I never found again. Was about some woman who's husband was lying in hospital and who got fucked at home by her father-in-law or something. She had big tits and a purple top iirc.

>i couldn't give less of a fuck if they had plastic surgery or how they looked before

Telling how it's brainlets who always have yellow fever. Your dick might not give a fuck but your genes sure do. I wholly encourage anons who find Asians sexy to breed with them and remove themselves from the white genepool. Enjoy your hapa mutants.

Attached: uglykids.jpg (294x283, 16K)

Those are Korean, though.


Attached: jav cia.png (1253x702, 823K)

that's the dream

I'd die happy in service of mother Earth if I got a grab on that titty niqqa

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What the fuck?