>go outside in LA
>more than half of the population is non-white
what movie best encapsulates this horrible feel?
Go outside in LA
>Wah why isn't the city called LOS ANGELES pure anglo???????
Who cares what the skin colour of people around them is?
Diversity is what makes LA great, same as NY. Move to the Midwest if you want to be surrounded by whites, let’s see how much you enjoy it
Children of Men
>go outside in LA
>niggers everywhere
>homeless everywhere
>shit and used needles on every street
So this is the power of a progressive governent.
>Diversity is what makes LA great, same as NY
give me 3 reasons w/o mentioning food
LA is a fucking dump
>go outside in Miami
>9 in 10 people are non-white
the aesthetics you dumbfuck mutt
t. white nordic
>different opinions
>hip hop
>ur mom gets more choice
bladerunner unironically
>go outside in USA
>more than half of the population is non-white
what movie best encapsulates this horrible feel?
stop being poor then
akin to the difference in genre between film or music, variety creates excitement and wonder. Most of the memes in this site derive from the difference in race, some hate some playful bashing, it all derived from the same source of unrelenting curiosity
Leave California idiot
>going outside
>going outside in america
what's it gonna be, lads?