Why don't this country make any good movies?

Why don't this country make any good movies?
Plenty of kino comes from Denmark, Norway, even Finland, why can't Sweden keep up?

Attached: Sweden.png (1828x1226, 3.54M)

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What kind of films would you like to see coming from Sweden?

Too busy getting raped by immigrants.

Capeshit of course.

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they are complete pussies

When we do it turns out real good or really really bad :)

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Sweden makes a lot crime movies. Not in the American sense of the word. I honestly don't know if there is an equivalent term in the English language, it's called "Krimi" in Danish.

they let themselves be cucked without a shot fired
only one i know is "let the right one in" . sweden ist tod though lol

why dont they film it could be more kino than blacked

Who is Ingmar Bergman

Other than the obvious Bergman stuff, this one's pretty good.

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Does Sweden even have any viking kino? Or are they too kucked for that by this point? Does Norway or Denmark for that matter?

we dont have the budget for this shit

Denmark has viking kino

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If you ask that question without having seen a majority of Bergman's filmography you need to go throw yourself off a fucking bridge.

Ruben Östlund is a contemporary director who's made some really good films. Certainly better than anything the norwegians or finns have managed (The Unknown Soldier wasn't that good); only the danes are in competition with him.

Bergman is fucking DEAD


does his movies remain?

Hard to operate a camera with a black cock in every hole.

First act is kino. The rest is boring with a few nice visuals here and there.

>we dont have the budget for this shit
Stop gibbing gibs to the darkies and put a few bucks into a fucking movie. Fuck how hard is it. Even shit holes like Australia have good movies.

>Tranny vampire

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>one director
And didn't he flee Sweden decades ago?

Does this count as Swedish?

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And his movies remain, and you haven't seen them because you're a brainlet faggot. Do you only go to art museums that show the works of living artists? Do you only read books by living authors? Would you fault the german literary tradition for producing classics for the last 200 years, but not having produced one THAT YOU KNOW OF in the last 20?

Unironically kill yourself. Hollywood exists for people like you.

>/pol/tards start projecting their fantasies again

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n-no only refn and trier count as their own nationality, if swedes make films with foreign actors they're not s-swedish

I’m not Swedish but why do American posters on this website meme so much about other countries getting blacked/diversified? The USA is literally the most blacked country there is, and furthermore it spreads its shit all over the western world.

Read OP's post you turbozoomer. It's about the current state of the industry, not what happened fucking 50 years ago. I love Kurosawa, but I wouldn't use him as a reference point regarding the current state of Japanese cinema.

they are obsessed with it, probably self-loathing from watching the shite aswell

godt forsog sven

If we are talking about tv shows and movies, Wallander is kino, both the Swedish and U.K. version.

Cultural elite of Sweden uterally despises capes, scifi and fantasy.

Social commentary is still considered the highest form of art.

they're not wrong you know

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OP doesn't care to know. He wants to start a political discussion, nothing else. If he actually cared, he'd not ask a capeshit-obsessed board of universally deficient idiots and would just fucking google it.

>Cultural elite of Sweden uterally despises capes, scifi and fantasy.
Unironically based.

Norwegian here. How come we suck at making film so much, when we are so good at writing?

Roy Andersson and Ruben Östlund. Educate yourself.

The arn movies were pretty decent iirc.


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we made one crusaderkino

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fuck dig mann1

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Absolutely based, the same goes for much of europe in that regard

Too many hills

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no, swedes weren't vikings

Based? If I want to know the state of society I read a paper or possibly a book, I don't trust the Marxist filmmakers of Sweden to enlighten me.

Explain his trilogy then

Attached: 01 A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, 2015, Roy Andersson, images courtesy of Magnoli (922x518, 105K)

He did, as he got bullied by the swedish IRS. It's very hard to express oneself in Sweden, as everything you say that's marginally out of the ordinary is interpreted as something wildly extreme.

I'm surprised there hasn't been more norwegian kino. I mean, you have fucking Henrik Ibsen laying the foundation for modern norwegian theatre, I don't have a hard time imaging a norwegian Bergman.

Though it's likely that I'm just ignorant.

I am shocked and disappointed to see Fennoscandian people using that faggotism "kino". There are many other nationalities that couldn't sink lower if they tried but you ought to be better than that.

>when we are so good at writing


>not knowing about based dunderklumpenkino

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>ctrl+f kopps
What are you people retarded? Kopps is the best goddamn thing to come out of sweden since ikea

>he doesn't know about Fuck You

all you dear

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>trannies amirite bros

it does, and is amazing.

Deckare in sweden

>who is Ibsen
>who is Hamsun
>who is Björnson

I don't think you read books, user

>two good writers throughout history
>wow why are we so good

the Millennium movies are ok though. and i guess you fucks should probably check out nattbuss 807 since this site is basically /pol/ anyway

Sunes Sommar>Any Bergman movie

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besides bergman, we also have current directors like roy andersson but you do have a point. people in sweden are essentially leeching off american culture, so most of our talent goes to hollywood

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Emil i lönneberga > Sune

I have no idea what you're talking about. My parents watch Swedish movies and tv-series all the time and every time I visit them they're trying to make me watch one of those oh so dark and gloomy scandi noir crime thrillers with that same fucking main actor who's in every single one of them.

here's a good swedish film

>leeching off american culture
It's called brain-drain, user. America and Hollywood is where the big money is, which is why decent directors go there when they can.

>a belgian
You don't even deserve a (you) for that awful bait

Best Finnish kino is lakupiippu

Oh, I do read books, but usually about things older than the current state of affairs.

lakupiippu ist verboten

They have some good comedies, dramas and crime

t. Norwegian

>finnish kino

Finnish social realism is peak kino.

why are they like this

>two good writers throughout history
Ibsen, Bjornson, Hamsun, Garborg, Falkberget, Undset, Gaarder, Saabye-Christensen, Jacobsen, Fosse, Knausgård.
Read more, faggit.

these lads

Based Yea Forumserati

Sweden is literally the only one among those that has a notable film industry, what drugs are you taking right now?

baserade ondskan user

Ibsen er en bunke lort. Et Dukkehjem er noget skidt, og Nora var en tumpe.

>Why don't this country make any good movies?
How would you know if you don't understand Swedish? I doubt you're able to get your hands on many Swedish films in whatever shit country you're from.

lots of full length Blacked films

>He doesn't know about Jönssonligan

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Danmark har ikke produsert noe som en gang er i nærheten av å kunne måle seg med Peer Gynt, og Ludvig Holberg var norsk, så sug meg, din jævla broleape.

Enöga did nothing wrong.

H.C Andersen
Thorkild Hansen
L.G Jensen
Karen Blixen
Soren Kierkegaard
Johannes V. Jensen

Check mate, lortedreng

*blockerar din väg*

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fuck, came here to post this

You can't make art unless you're willing to offend people.

Swedes aren't willing to offend anyone.

memes in tap water


Jeg godtar Andersen, Hansen, Kierkegaard og V. Jensen.

Den Ofrivillige Golfaren is the best of Lasse Åberg's movies.
RIP Jon Skolmen

In Sveeden the healthcare is much cheaper

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Östlund offended a lot of people with The Square.

yeah because you know everything and you're clearly very smart

fint, så har vi styr på det

du må have det godt

>even Finland

Attached: Hurts just a little bit.jpg (439x550, 48K)

Ha en fortreffelig dag videre, Jeppe. Kos deg med en elefantol i sola.

i helvete heller

Why did she record this, lads?

The Swedish aren't even human at this point.

Finnish TV airs them a lot too.

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>only one i know is "let the right one in"
So this is the state of nu-Yea Forums. Doesn't even know who Ingmar Bergman is.

>Norwegian here. How come we suck at making film so much, when we are so good at writing?

kiwi here
Joachim Trier is one of my favourite directors
i really love Thelma, Oslo 31st August & Louder than Bombs.

Not only are those good films, but also culturally distinct films that feel unknown to me.

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Based Reine Brynolfsson.

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They are unironically obsessed with it. On every board with flags you see the same shit. I won't pretend to know why, but thinking about getting cucked and black people seems inherently american.

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Swede here. You made some stop-motion kino back in '75.

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You're not really ignorant, we really just don't have any good directors. Only one I can think of that made somewhat a name for himself is Joachim Rönning when he directed the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The movie was okay though.
>Oslo 31st August
Good choice. Check out "Kongens Nei" if you want some historically accurate kino. It's about the days before and during the german invasion in WWII, and the kings fateful decision to not capitulate. "Hawaii, Oslo" is also a pretty decent drama.

Do foreigners actually watch finnish movies?

Nej pekka

acceptera det jörgen. emil är en klassiker. Sune är en literally who

just watch the audiovisual albums by iamamiwhoami

I like Trier too, but I didn't like Louder Than Bombs. I don't see how us having one decent director makes us at all relevant though.
Btw, have you seen the Elling movies? I think you should. The books are quite good as well, and I forgot to mention Ingvar Ambjornsen on my little list.

Apart from Roehill's arthouse shit, probably not

I saw some finnish movie about some girl who was depressed and worked in a factory and was abused by her family. It ended with her killing her family. If felt like peak Finland.

Tuntematon Sotilas is GOAT.

Everyone has a desperate cuckolding fetish on /pol/ these days

>Men allt gick fel.
>Fruktansvärt fel...
Kek it sounds like something you write on a horror movie or disaster movie.

That's true. Ivo Caprino made a lot of fun little movies.
Kjell Aukrust's universe is great. I strongly suggest all swedes check out his stuff. Don't know if the danes would get it though.

*steals your posture*

The Unthinkable is actually a great movie they made last year. Quite possibly the highest budget in a long time as well

this movie is incredibly shit, it's a self-insert wank fest about le evil rich conservatives

Den filmen var pur mokk. Ble litt flau over å være norsk, fåvhæ.

>this movie is shit because it tells a story you didnt want to hear

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Never understood why Caprino didn't make more movies from Flåklypa, they had the models and hard work already done

Tack för att du påminde mig, har ej sett den där på över 10 år. Nästan så man borde se den igen

All Guilliou shit is like this. The worst Garry Stus imaginable.

Hvilken av dem?

Refn and Trier arent Danish films though.

Swedish men are basically women now. It wasn't always this way.

You probably mean Tulitikkutehtaan tyttö

Yeah it's and pretty grim but quintessentially Finnish

I also recommend Elling.

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>snabba cash
>a man named ove
>girl with dragon tattoo
user plz

Yup that was it.

What does Yea Forums think of Kampen om tungtvannet (literally Battle for heavy water)?
It's about Nazi heavy water refinery located in Norway and allies and Norwegians sabotaging it.

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no because it's a cartoon where everyone who is [region on the political spectrum that I don't like] is wrongbad and everyone who is [region on the political spectrum that I am in] is a based badass, and the main character is just a guillo self-insert

it's incredibly trashy

it seems to me you see what you want to see

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no, then I would have seen a good movie

Ja, sorry, litt uklart. PotC.

the wit of a donkey

ass movies get ass witticisms

Swefag here. Because it has been creatively bankrupt for decades and has become more a propaganda organ than anything. Ingemar Bergman was the last director with balls.

Current Swedish cinema is so cringeworthy and ridden with cliches, all the while trying their damndest to be "progressive" that it all becomes a freaking caricature.
There are several stock characters and plots that ALWAYS end up in a Swedish movie.
>Stronk independent Swedish woman that either wants to move away from the hicks in her tiny hometown to make it big in Stockholm or an upper middle class woman with a pussywhipped husband who tries to better herself somehow (meaning she wants to focus on career instead of children because children sucks)
>The aforementioned pusswhipped husband (or young swedish men in general), they act more female than the fucking women with slumped shoulders and bad posture and a bad tendency to stutter
>The oppressive white middle aged man who doesn't understand his stronk independent daughter or an aged boss who tries to grope his hot and independent feminist coworker
>The hip and cool immigrant male who tries to toughen up his male swedish friend while showing off his exotic culture (that is always more cool than the boring Swedish culture)
>The exotic immigrant woman with a hijab or the like who gets shouted at by some fucking white male while going to her job as an engineer or to a top tier Uni to become a psychologist or something
Every swedish movie has at least two of these tropes every fucking time, and I'm always surprised when these (to me) unknown movies make millions.

Swedish actors who perform in native movies (and often in foreign movies too) are poor actors, they cannot act naturally since they use the theatrical style while many can't drop the Stockholm accent. Instead of acting, it's I AM ACTING.

The only people to blame are the swedish people who would rather watch hollywood superhero movies than support their own film industry

We're too busy using our tax money for (((their))) interests instead of producing epic kinos

What about Peter Stormare / Mark Hamill kino?


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have you lost your sonnn

speaking of swedish kino, what is some IRL swedish kino?

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But Americans weren't born with a pure white country. They had a civil war about it and lost, and know that if they try to tackle the problem again it's another civil war where they'll be forced to kill their friends and family members as well as non-whites.

Eurofaggots had white paradise until about 15 years ago. Now, even after seeing how big a problem multiculturalism is, Eurocucks continue to truck in millions of non-whites in spite of the burden and horror they bring to their host country. Blacks are violent in the US but they don't blow up concerts and drive trucks through crowds and still get their dick sucked at the end of the day.

Modern Swedish Kino is based on rape fetishism

nice cope swedecucks

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are you trying to prove their point?

Lots of European countries do this, here it's called a polar

don't most swede speak English and/or watch film in English (non-dubbed)? If so it means you can sell your film internationally if you shoot it in Englsh.
Based Mel wanted to make some Viking kino but he's persona non grata now so he'll never get the budget.

yuropoor here. i didnt ask for any this. my government sure as hell didnt consult me.

no one is saying that Drive is a Danish film though

>Swedes are stone age-tier, living in forests in stone huts
>Arn comes back with based Saracen warriors that civilize the barbarbous Swedes
Fuck you Guillou you commie shit.

don't forget this kino

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Their point was that its just americans being obsessed with cuck shit. My pic proved otherwise

>That based biology/history teacher

your pic proved that you were obsessed with it

Depends on what you mean by vikings. Danes and Norwegians went west while Swedes generally went east to found the Rus principalities and to Byzantium to serve in the Varangian Guard. There are several runestones in Sweden that mention people dying (or coming home rich as fuck) in "Miklagård" (Constantinople) and about laws that were set in place to prevent people from going.

You know the way fagget

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t. pleb

Blame EU for imitating America's failed multicultural model but much worse. Many people tried to unite Europe as one and all of them failed and I'm sure importing shitskins doesn't help either.

This. The whole idea behind the European multicultural model is to try to mimic the "success" of the US. Thing is, Americans killed their native population and the rest of the population are a mish mash of nationalities. Trying to implement the same thing on a continent as packed with ethnic groups and countries like Europe is doomed to fail, and bringing in millions of the most worthless third worlders won't exactly help. Americans enslaved and/or segregrated their minorities. Europeans just give them free shit and blame themselves when their pet immigrants act out.

>it's called "Krimi" in Danish.

Also german

>56% telling europeans about their countries
side-splitting every time

I can name 2 movies from the top of my head that are 100% kino that are made in Sweden, and a generous estimate of kino movies made elsewhere is around 0 at.

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American multiculturalism isn't really the key to their success either, it's how easily accessible american culture is, and the fact that the 19th century wars, then WW1 and WW2 played out European soil (along with other political events, and failing crops), leading to large migration from Europe to the US, bolstering its population by many millions. Their industry also never got destroyed, so they had a massive economic headstart on the European powers, leading them to become the number one great power they are today.

man how do you these guys even see with such a huge nose

Roy Andersson is based. Kill yourself.

Sweden has like 10 Jews and they all vote right wing. The government is also the most anti-israel in Europe

It’s fake

I've seen all of Kaurismäki's movies and he's based.


why is finnish social commentary so top-tier?

>no thanks im off to get high

I enjoyed Jagarna, got major Twin Peaks vibes from it

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makes you wonder who (((they))) actually are

it's even more based if you know Swedish since they talk with a norrländsk dialect which you hardly ever hear in movies, TV or radio



>Be Engelskmann living in Sweden
>trailer for Glass comes on
>"oh cool i hope this is a good followup to Split"
>some Swedish teenagers the very spitting image of the zoomer caricature are laughing
>realise 'glass' with an american accent (ie soft 'a') means ice cream
Just another day in this shitty country

They’re the anti-immigration party that also opposes gay marriage and abortion

Not kidding btw Jews outside of US are conservative

He is as much of an untermensch as the kid he is describing.

You are free to leave.

The Square and The Border are two recent swedish films which gained a lot of international attention.

A Man called Ove was nominated for an Oscar in fairly recent memory.

Also all of Lars von Trier's films are swedish co-productions. I'd say there's at least one swedish film released to international acclaim per year.