My empire of dirt

>my empire of dirt

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Other urls found in this thread:

What are you talking about? He's made the best video of 2019

Thats his mom's car?

>He is known on Youtube as "The Spoony One", a self-styled film critic whose videos have been viewed more than 24 million times. But Noah Antwiler is much more than a fan of movies. According to police in Illinois, Antwiler became a killer before ending his own life. Police accuse him of shooting his girlfriend, setting his house on fire, before turning the gun on himself. They believe it stems from news that his house was soon to be foreclosed due to his inability to pay his mortgage. An obviously drunk Antwiler left a rambling suicide note video, launching into diatribes against his fans for not understanding his situation or supporting him enough financially.

Does he have a court date or anything yet?

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April 15th according to a YT comment.

>his patreon still gives him $463 per month

Who are those people?

all fake accounts made by him
god can't believe I only just saw this like a week ago

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How does he even live? Genuinely asking. His Patreon's down to trickle (though it being above zero is a miracle). April doesn't appear to have an actual job. He doesn't make any new videos. He hasn't been formally employed for over a decade, so no workman's comp or disability. His streams are sub-1,000 viewers. And despite having a CS degree from ASU, the math requirements for which should at least qualify him for some entry level data analyst job even if he hasn't kept up on his certs, he doesn't appear to have any sort of day job. Is he on state welfare?

His parents bought him a new car after the accident. I'm pretty sure they're giving him money and his gf probably has a part time job

Didnt his brother kill someone? Legally if i remember right.

His brother is a cop/state trooper/whatever, and had to kill a taco who came at him with a fucking AK47

For what?

The guy also had his fingers in human-trafficking.


>twittering while driving

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I still don't know who this guy is after posting here for 10 years


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Literally who?

Is there any hope left for this man?

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>He was tweeting as his dog about being mad that MOMMEH KEEPZ CUKEN DADDEH WIV DA IRUN BULL IT GIVE MEH A SADZ when he almost vehicular homicided a couple

Year of the Spoon indeed. Someone needs to put Forky down before he gets someone killed.

>wikipedia articles for youtube "shows" structured like a TV show article

Why do they want to delete articles? Do they cost too much money to host?

Probably a jannie still mad Spoony made a offhand comment about women fifteen years ago or the like.

>Spoony has had enough of punching Christmas trees

What part of the lore does this reference? I remember the TGWTG threads years ago where some user got that kid to go to Milwaukee for a pretend RLM interview, but I don't remember anything about Spoony and Christmas trees.

April had to get a second job at a fast food place to take care of Spoony after he went all Duel on those people. Spoony gets autismbux. She really picked the worst eceleb to glom onto to get some attention. If she would have picked a Fortnite fag or whatever zoomers like she would be making millions selling her Iron Bull scented essential oils on etsy.

Spoony went nuclear on he and April's Christmas tree because someone tried to tell him how to play a game.

people who don't check thei bank statements







I've been on this fucking site too long.


Gotta make room for those single paragraph articles about Luxembourgian amateur footballer players who were active for one season in 1963.

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>that kid

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>I definitely hit the green
>One of the drivers has dashcam
Fucken kek

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Hi Noah.

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>/veddit9k/ posting literal shit thinking it has any power in these threads when Spoony threads were being posted here when he was still trying to decide which one of his dads he liked filming CP with better

You have no power here faggot.

Generally it’s done when they feel the article reflects badly on wikipedia’s content as a whole, such as people who write articles about themselves for self promotion since those make wikipedia seem less credible.

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Just report and move on. They crave attention

>poo pics


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Seriously. We watch Spoony, you think eating shit scares us?

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And then he had cringe episodes in various stores, where he saw christmas trees and sperged out. Had to be led out of the store by his girlfriend.

>the Latza era was four years ago

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All he has to do is make a video and his patreon would jump to over a grand. It doesn't even have to be a good video. What a slug tier lazy fuck.


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Reminder April literally made a mod for Dragon Age and Skyrim so she could make herself a character that is in a relationship with a big black character named "Iron Bull". I couldn't have even imagined that level of being cucked years ago when I first started saying she was gonna cheat on Spoony.

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>Two witnesses say he ran the red.
>Gets called on it and pressured with a dashcam footage

"Have you seen the footage?"

Spoony is such a slimeball.Gets people injured and tries to weasel his way out.

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>le epic extreme scat pics
nigger I don't think you understand what website is this

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Thanks for giving me a reason to fap while I Spoonpost based shitposter.

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>jannies doing absolutely nothing
>shitposters keeps bumping my thread for free

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>scat dump
What is this, 2009?

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Outside of the Down The Rabbit Hole are there any good Spoony videos out there? It's Sunday and I don't feel like reading some Kiwi thread to get bits and pieces of info over hundreds of pages of autismposting.

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spooner stop

I feel bad for April. I know I shouldn't but it sort of seems like she actually fell for Noah. Now she's stuck there because she actually loves the guy and has to work two jobs because he won't even play vidya on cam for shekels. OR she co-signed for the house his fans paid for and furnished and can't get out of it and thinks he'll be dead soon and she can cash in. Probably the latter.

Aw, the shitposter got bored?


Wife: You've been drinking again, haven't you?

Jed: No! I--

Wife: Get out! You promised you'd quit!

Jed: *hic* Y'can't throw me outside! Ish raining catshn dogs out there.

Wife: It's hardly raining!


Jed: (sips from flask)

>mfw we finally got the spoony movie

Damn this is the best Spoony content in years. Hearing that cop nail him on the red light was a gut buster.

This post is extremely low quality.

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It was a copy past of Noah's latest tweet.
This one's alright

I don't know what to tell you I had the green light.

If you don't count Live Wire this was his last actual content
This was his last video that was anything like his classic reviews

I don't understand the mentality of "IF SPOONY JUST KEPT IT UP..", like to me, Spoony has been dead since like 2012/2013, the Ultima 9 review was the final nail in the coffin. The fact that people still cared enough in 2015 to do the Patreon is astounding to me.

>didnt link Contradiction
it was funnt at time

Chewing that much tobacco can't be good for you.

Where the hell can you even watch most of these? Is there a youtube playlist or something?

Not that he'd be getting money from any adverts

Some series of videos have been re-uploaded minus his skits.

He wasn't quite in full tail-spin just yet.

Some of his last reviews were still good. Like, his Big Trouble and Massacre at Central High reviews are really good. They got good views, and at the time, Spoony's patreon was still pulling in a lot of money (like $5k if I remember right).
His true downfall started when he stopped making videos and started doing "livewires" plus full-time twitter. That's when his fanbase started to leave him, with a lot of them flat out saying "I want reviews, not this shit." Once he stopped making reviews, he just got increasingly more lazy, and wouldn't even put the minimal effort into making livewires.
You might not like his stuff post-2013, but it's hard to argue he died then when he had such a highly successful patreon.

yeah, it seems to me that the reason spoony quit was actually because he became self aware at how bad his shit was and how it was just a product of the wasteland of content in the early 2000s, you can't get into The Zone if your heart's not in it and he's already an autist anyway so acting is not up his alley. oh well.

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It's probably because Spoony had recovered from two clusterfucks and they hoped he'd recover from the last one.
Unfortunately, Patreon wasn't there to enable his lazy ass for the final tailspin

That's missing most of his good stuff though. I think a lot of it got lost when Blip shut down because he was too lazy to transfer them over. I had a ton of them downloaded from Blip on an old PC but I don't even know where it is, probably my parents attic or something.

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this lass uploads some of his stuff. no idea were she gets it from though

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy

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I personally just made my own playlist ages ago. A problem is, a lot of his videos aren't available on his channel, but other channels still have them (there's a channel that subbed his videos into Russian that have a lot of his old stuff).

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I see Linkara is in this thread.

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Frosty chocolate shit flakes.

Spoony is literally spamming these poo posts to kill the thread as fast as possible.

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Juan but not forgotten

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i dont think Spoony is lazy. I honestly think he has some type of mental illness that prevents him from filming himself again. Like he believes the world will explode if he tries recording himself (except livestrean) again

The best part of any of his videos is when he calls Miles into his room during the Tekken movie review and Miles shakes his head and says "Get a job." Before walking out.

wow, amazing content. I unfortunatelly missed out on the spooner train from 2007 to 2009, but im so glad im now getting into spoony to witness this masterpiece

Why is Spooner tweeting this?

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God I wish Mars Girl was my mommy gf.

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Good, someone needs to take that cunt down, I hope he talks about how she knew JewWario was diddling long before she says she found out and only acted surprised and upset about it for her own personal gain. She's a WOKE SJW cunt who starts shit for her own personal gain all the time and fakes shit and I hope she gets fucking lynched. She's also dumb as a fuckin rock. What a waste of a nice set of tits.

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>it's real

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Hope the sjw lynch mob goes after her. Her and that cunt Lupa have been getting away with their bs for too long. Sadly I think the part about her having a explosive period on the table may be an exaggeration.

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Haha holy shit. But really he's trying to be funny and bait people.

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About to watch this: I have never seen, and this'd better not fucking be him getting fucking totalled by a car. I am gonna snap the fuck out in my second comment if it fucking is.

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>see you real soon, ol' chum

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Spoony runs a red and hits a car. The guy in the other car sounds like he's really fucked up. Spoony denies any fault to the police. Police officer gives him a ticket.

I hope she gets deplatformed by her SJW crew for being a racist.

>Ching Chong
Haha based MarzGurl

You forgot the part when he lies and says it was green and the cop says the witnesses have dashcams and he is a liar. Also he had the chance to just pay a ticket but is going to court instead and will probably get jail time or at the very least a fuckhuge fine and lose his license plus have to pay for the people he hit's medical and insurance bills when he gets found guilty because his insurance won't cover that. He fucked himself yet again.

Because Kiwifarms currently shifts through anything tagged marzgrill because of the kickvic thing and with this setup even spoony could make a tweet that could get noticed.


Was he actually a diddler or is it just a meme? I'm too out on TGWTG lore


ask this girl

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Can't wait till be BTFO the judge by banning him from the chat

He was banging fans though as far as I know they were all legal. Though one claims to be emotionally a child so it was a crime
I think he fooled around with some drunk chick so that's rape...I guess. He was married anyway so I assume his wife wasn't exactly cool with any of that. I wonder how quick she threw away all his imported famicom games

>Also he had the chance to just pay a ticket but is going to court instead and will probably get jail time or at the very least a fuckhuge fine and lose his license plus have to pay for the people he hit's medical and insurance bills when he gets found guilty because his insurance won't cover that.
That's factually incorrect. His court date is because he got a ticket. When you get a citation in America, it comes with a court date. If you show up and the cop doesn't, you get off the ticket. People usually don't bother to go, however, because the cops usually go, and they usually can't fight the ticket and just wind up having to pay anyways, so you're kind of better off not wasting your time going to the courthouse. He won't go to jail for running a red, especially considering nobody died. He won't be losing his license, either, considering this is his only traffic violation as far as I'm aware. As far as paying for the other guy, it really depends. The guy would have to take him to court which he hasn't. Maybe he's agreed to pay his bills, but I don't see evidence of that.


>mfw she gets ousted by the sjwcunt cabal she is a part of and ends up having to be a titty streamer to keep her and her beaner husband afloat

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I liked his show . You can tell he wanted to be a cool teen instead of the dumpy middle aged guy he really was.(judging from the anime avatar he had for himself)
He was probably an anime nerd as a teen but then became an eCeleb and got to live the life he always wanted

Noah said himself he chose to take it to court and have a trial instead of just paying the ticket ya dingbat.

>Was he actually a diddler or is it just a meme?
He was a groomer and a diddler and a rapist. When the whole notsoawesome/change the channel thing went down, Channel Awesome unintentionally confirmed that they'd fired Jewwario after a girl accused him of raping her (and when the HR woman went to her room, she found Jewwario's Vulpix plushie and said "not again"). It's definitely not just a meme, and may have led to his suicide.
The best part? Marzgurl was the one who spearheaded Change the Channel, she was the one who compiled this information. She accused the Walkers of being evil for not firing the rapist fast enough, and then WHOOPS, turns out the rapist was her BEST FRIEND who she made an entire fucking film for when he died. Marzgurl should have learned from this, she should have realized that starting shit just backfires on her, but nope, she then goes and spearheads kickvic, and now that's burning her ass.

Again, you get a ticket, you get a court date. You can choose to go and fight the ticket, or you can choose to just pay. You're acting like he's on trial for murder and being a bit of a dummy.

People go to jail for running red lights, lying about it, and injuring people all the time. If they find out he was on his phone he's definitely getting in deep shit. Personally I hope he gets the death penalty and they let Oreo throw the switch.

I could never get over that he was some 40 year old dude reviewing Japanese candy like a teenage girl.

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Always thought he killed himself because he used all the Kickstarter money to pay his mortgage with no way of paying it back

still /our autist/

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Nigger, HE IS CHOOSING TO HAVE A JURY TRIAL TO PROVE HE IS INNOCENT AND THAT THE LIGHT WAS GREEN WHEN THERE IS PROOF IT WAS NOT. I'm a fucking paralegal, this isn't him getting a regular appearance in front of a judge for a traffic violation you fucking moron. Shut the fuck up about shit you don't know dick about.

His import game reviews were actually informative (if you wanted to buy Japanese only games). But it really came across like he was really stunted emotionally.
I just assumed it was an "act" for YouTube. His cartoon version was probably how he honestly saw himself

>she found Jewwario's Vulpix plushie and said "not again"
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

You have no idea what you are talking about moron. This is well past the first appearance stage.

How did this footage come out

Freedom of Information Act, and the power of internet autism. Same way we got his court documents.

What the fuck is kickvic?

weeb shit

Jesus Christ

Why hasn't MarzGurl talked about Mister Mendo actually being in a relationship with that girl when she was actually underage and he was in his 40s? Is it because if that gets out, that she knew and didn't care until it was JewWario and she could use it to her advantage, it would ruin her? Maybe I should start posting that video of them around. HMMMMM.

JewWario is dead dude.

Meanwhile in reality he's just going to court to contest a traffic citation that he'll probably wind up having to pay.
I mean, he's pretty well fucked losing his only car, but acting like he's going to be executed over this is just fucking lol

Spoony was always a retard.

1. Vic Mignogna, Broly voice actor, refused to sign some fan's artwork at an anime con because it featured some gay shit. Vic is a true Christian good boy.
2. People decide they hate Vic over this plus he runs Christian Bible studies at anime cons and shit.
3. They start accusing him of being a molester and grabbing fans. Marzgurl decides she wants to lead this movement and start the hashtag kickvic.
4. Marzgurl tweets a video where he "molests" a girl. Girl in the video replies that she just got hugged and she enjoyed it and please take the video down.
5. A whole bunch of other bullshit and Vic gets fired and kicked from conventions.
6. Fans rally to support Vic and give him money so he can hire a lawyer to sue.
7. Now there's legal shit going down and Marzgurl might get sued but probably not but we'll see.

>a comfy /spoony/ thread with free scat porn on top
Based, but why?

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Did he just discover MDE?

The poor bastard

Nice goalpost move after getting called out for not knowing what you are talking about breh. He's getting six life sentences and I'm gonna see to it myself. Then I'm gonna pay the Aryan Brotherhood to turn him out and make him a human cocksock. Should have made more videos Noah, watch out for the dementors.

Oops I left out one of his fellow voice actors claims Vic got her swatted over the kickvic stuff and then it turned out she lied about that, and again there's more, the whole thing is a bizarre shitshow. This all started right while the Broly movie was in theaters, too.

What's your point? She and Mendo aren't, and they both threw JewWario under the bus when those two sick fucks were actually raping her when she was underage. JewWario waited until she was of age, he literally did nothing wrong.

>wikipedia wants to delete his entry
>literal shitposters trying to post scat to get the thread deleted talking about spoony

It doesn't look good for Noah bros... y-year of the sp-spoontang...???

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Why did he lie though? I'm not being rhetorical, I seriously want to know why someone would lie in this situation like a fucking child when it's very clear they're going to get called out and look like a scumbag as a result. How inflated does your ego have to be that you would refuse to own up at this point?

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I mean, I guess we'll see later this week (or whenever his court case is). I just hope the anons who were being serious about how "fucked" he was aren't too disappointed when they don't put him into prison for life because he ran a red.
That said he is still pretty fucked because he's poor and when you're poor, shit like traffic tickets hit you harder. The real shitter is him losing his only car (which he says flat out in the video, something like "I'm freaked because this is my only car, y'know?"). I mean, he doesn't work or leave the house that often, but his girlfriend is pulling two jobs now. Don't know how she's managing that, maybe she's getting rides from some guy friend who actually is man enough to be a responsible adult.

at least i'm not spoony

Reuban a real power ranger and voice for Dante stands by Vic

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I met Vic in a bar after a con about 10 years ago with my weeb gf and he was definitely a sleazy fucker, he was trying to get all touchy feely and shit after a few drinks.

Seemed like a nice guy other than that, god knows how much weeb pussy he's slammed over the years, can't really blame the guy.

>Vic kicked from conventions
He's coming to Savannah in June. You all laughed at us because of what Sherman did but now Vic is all mine and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

he looked like the middle during his Pumpkinhead review so it wasn't all shitty

You'd be Jussie Smollett

>People decide they hate Vic over this
>over this

You're either a deliberate liar or a fucking retard. He's been notorious for *ages*.

Because human beings make bad witnesses. It's very reasonable to say he believed he had the green light at the time considering he ran it.

>she found Jewwario's Vulpix plushie and said "not again"

Christ, this is some True Detective pedo-ring bullshit.

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Correct, there'd been people shittalking him for a longtime because he held Bible studies and talked about Jesus at conventions. Prior to kickvic, there was an attempt to get him banned on the basis that he was "brainwashing" fans with his Christian stuff, but it didn't gain traction. No, the shitshow proper didn't start until he said no to some gay artwork. I stand by what I said.

>my gif is still being posted
feels good tbqh


Having worked at cons before Vic is indeed a sleazebag who gets way too touchy with any pretty little thing that gets close to him. Whether he's a full diddler or not no one can say since this was before smartphones were ubiquitous.

>I stand by what I said.

You would. Fucking retard.

I'm sorry but you can stop writing this unconvincing fanfic to me.

no he's being victimized for his Christian faith.
in Texas.

>women are delicate flowers that can't say stop it to a Z-list celeb

Vic is the Joe Biden of voice acting.

I always assumed Vic Mignogna was gay. I do not think this is at all unreasonable of me.

does that make Joe the Vic Mignogna of politics?

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First rule of anything involving car accidents is to never admit fault, easiest way to get fucked over by insurance.

I just now hearing about the car wreck, can I get a tldr?

Either he’s being passive aggressive about people calling her out for slandering a man for attention, or he found out about the comments she thought people had forgot about.
My money's On the former

The funny thing is, women are more grabby than men at those anime conventions. People acted all shocked over Momokun but that whole fucking community is like that. I mean it's not like "glomping" isn't a fucking weeb girl garbage thing. Fuck, there's even a video where a bunch of fans glomp Vic, but suddenly, oh no, he's the one who's being a creep. Yeah, right.

He ran over a Mexican named Juan

It’s clear to anyone who has ever seen him in person that he’s just exuberant and extroverted.
The revisionism that he’s a creep has come recently, which you can tell by the fact that every slimy fuck that claims he’s a sexual predator can give absolutely jack shit evidence to prove it. But “everyone” knew, apparently.

What does it say about them if they all "knew" but nobody did anything or even said anything for over a decade? That's the thing about Harvey Weinstein as well: yeah, Weinstein was a shithead, but the people who just stood by and did nothing about it despite knowing are the real evil people. Worse, they were constantly praising him and working with him and making money for him.
If everyone truly knew then everyone is fucked.

Fuck that snarky "holier than thou" douchebag. The Down the Rabbit Hole video is the exact same but the person doing it isn't coming off as an asshole simply mocking the guy and instead treats Spoony like a human being who is suffering from mental illness which is the actual case.

White women not even once

They really are shameless liars. At the very least with Weinstein, the guy objectively wielded massive power in hollywood. It doesn't excuse the people clearly trying to profit off it, but you can at least empathise with the genuine victims.
The idea that Vic has some subversive power and influence in the industry, to the point where people were scared to come out about it, is laughable.
For one thing, if he was so powerful, how the fuck did he get so easily deposed by a few unsubstantiated claims?

I have to disagree. Down the Rabbit Hole is a shit series. The guy has an incredible talent for making some of the weirdest shit on the internet completely boring and uninteresting. Also, if you're going to clutch your pearls over someone with a mental illness being made fun of, maybe you should try a different website because this one certainly isn't for you.

pierce is that you?

Given the subject of the thread, DTRH should probably be prefaced by how easily he got bamboozled by change the channel.

>but the person doing it isn't coming off as an asshole simply mocking the guy and instead treats Spoony like a human being who is suffering from mental illness which is the actual case.
You do realise where we are, right?

I've been on this site since 2004, bitch. I know the difference in mindless bullshit and someon making a living making videos simply made to mock others and to act like you're the "guy with all the right opinions" which what that guy is. He's a shitty version of Ed the Sock.

Didn't he double-down on it, and get all upset when Channel Awesome revealed Jewwario was the rapist (because how dare they!)? Guy seems like a massive faggot.

>"d-don't make fun of sp-spoony, b-b-bitch"
lol at this faggot

Hi Mister Metokur, can't wait for you to read this thread to your 13 year old fans

when women get touchy feely grabby and huggy, it's just women being in touch with their emotions and feeling free to express those emotions
when men do it, they're called creeps and molesters and perverts
of course, if men DON'T do that then they're suffering from toxic masculinity and being unable to express their emotions

>The Down the Rabbit Hole video is the exact same but the person doing it isn't coming off as an asshole simply mocking the guy and instead treats Spoony like a human being who is suffering from mental illness which is the actual case.
Hey guys don't make fun of retards on the internet! Wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. It's just not nice, gang.

seething furry

This is reddit, isn't it?

The existence of that Cromwell dodging, paypig riding, ED/KF reading potato nigger doesn't change this shit being absolutely nauseous to read.

Despite the best efforts of faggots that want a hugbox for idiots like Noah, no.

Of all the things you can hate metokur for, hating him for making fun of retards has to be the stupidest, faggiest reason I've ever heard. Get the fuck off this website.

>Vic Mignogna
who cares about a fucking voice actor?

who's pierce? I made that gif as an emote for eggkara years ago
Though to be fair someone else may have done the same exact thing

braindamaged dub watchers

>b-but granma goku!
anyone who actually hates Nozawa is low IQ

Hey man, making jokes about our special little boy is not good. Spoony is sad, guys. Spoony has him the bad brains. Quit teasing him. It's not cool, bro. Not cool.

I think he's talking about The Architect

If you're asking about why the lynch mob picked him, it's because Marzgurl has been looking for a target to lead a crusade against ever since she got outed for keeping quiet about JW
If you're asking why people rallied behind Vic, it's because they don't want the precedent set in case it later hits people they care about.

I agree, and add to it with a everyone who watches anime is a faggot, nigger, pedophile, or dumb woman.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that the court case heading their way looks like it's going to be really, really funny.


Who is more pathetic, Spoony or Chris Chan?

Hi Sargon.

It's always amusing watching 40 year old boomers trying to understand the internet

Chris Chan was fucked by the time he hit his twenties. Spoony had literally years to read the writing on the wall, was fully capable of course correction, and just didn't.

>rewatch his SWAT playthrough
>he gets lazy halfway through, not throwing any grenades ever
Wow, he was shit even back then.

Spoony. Chris-Chan's human dignity went into the negative a decade ago, he can't be compared to mortal men. Meanwhile Spoony used to be a legit E-celeb that has been reduced to what is the internet equivalent of an insane hobo.

On the one hand, Chris Chan. Chris Chan has been trolled for over like a decade, and now the trolls have him thinking he's a tranny and cutting into his taint to make a vag. Spoony's lowest lows pale in comparison to the depths at which Chris Chan has sunk. Spoony never got forced to show a medallion up his ass, never had videos taken of him fucking blow up dolls and shit. Chris still lives at home with his mom (who he's admitted he wants to fuck) and only lost his virginity by paying some ugly ass prostitute for pussy.
That said, Spoony fell from much greater heights than Chris Chan. There was never any hope that Chris Chan would be successful in life. It was always just assumed he was going to live at home until his parents died, then he'd be out on the streets. Spoony, at one point, was highly successful, and he pissed it all away due to ego and sloth. Dude always had this attitude that he was too good for his fans, so the moment he turned his back on them and stopped making videos for them, they left him.

>there are people in the thread that think they can actually catch and arrest the SPOONMAN

Attached: Year of the Spoon.jpg (543x685, 89K)

At this point he could become another Youtube killer any day now. Hope he doesn't hurt April or Miles, or Oreo.

He was practicing ramming his car into the presidential motorcade

I'll try to hunt down his tweets about how he'd handle self defence against a gun wielding attacker.
They're absolutely golden

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Isn't this guy on amphetamines all the times? How does he have clearance to drive?

Reminder his brother is a cop who killed a spic that pulled an AK on him

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This stuff?

Attached: 2019-03-30 15_02_30-Tweets with replies by Noah Antwiler (@TheSpoonyOne) _ Twitter.png (589x447, 36K)

Attached: 2019-03-30 15_02_17-Tweets with replies by Noah Antwiler (@TheSpoonyOne) _ Twitter.png (589x483, 43K)

Giv Marzgurl Mommie Milkes

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Miles is a cop who has killed on duty

That's the stuff

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Name a more kino moment in Cinema history

Give proof


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That was fucking amazing. thank you.

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This guy (JewWario) killed himself and years later it came out that he was using his "position" to sleep with women in a way that seemed rapey.

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Remember when rocco roasted linkara repeatedly

Someone just said he raped them and thats it?

It was all from a google doc with a bunch of other stuff about channel awesome being shitty, not sure how much is true desu. I was more interested in shitposting about it

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Wow. You know, I got out of the whole THWTG thing before he showed up, but wow, he really does look like one of the Walker brothers

Backlash? Lady it's a fucking internet retard who makes videos. It's not Tom Cruise. Go to the cops. I dont get this mindset. It feels like an excuse that if you question it you're a monster but in reality it makes no sense

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this is hilarious

So it's okay to try to ruin Doug Walker because he "didn't fire a sexual predator fast enough," but don't dare take down the movie where you celebrate said sexual predator because we wouldn't want to ruin him or ourselves.

>married a guy to get an easy job
>became a tranny
>guy is such a cuck he says he's actually gay
At least this one didn't lose his house after JO tried jewing him.

>imagine being Noah
>no car because you tried to bitch on Twitter about Trump while driving
>no job because despite having a rather useful college degree, you lack to will to put it to use
>only money is from the good will of retards who still think you'll eventually get off your ass to do something
>girlfriend is cucking you with a fictional character because you're a neurotic, unmedicated mess that can't get an erection

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>Spoony, human being for deletion, 15th nomination

did someone say Oreo?

Attached: oreo twitter.jpg (877x1067, 202K)

At least JO still has those amazing dicksucking lips. Feet game is probably still off the charts too.

The hottest take


>no job because despite having a rather useful college degree, you lack to will to put it to use
A bachelor's in computer science really isn't worth shit, especially one that's two decades old at this point. Would be different if he'd been working in the industry since getting his degree and kept up to date with his certifications, but he hasn't. If he tried to get a job in IT, they'd look at his resume and go "okay, so you got your degree, worked IT for a couple months, then completely disappeared from the face of the Earth?" Or is he seriously going to put "THE SPOONY EXPERIMENT" on a resume?

Let's make a Patreon and have him kidnapped by therapists until they fix him.

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>she can never take this down

Attached: KINO.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Dude be built a robot

you guys are stupid and will look even stupider when Noah is on Fallon this week promoting his new and improved board game show. You'll see, you'll all see.

Can someone explain the board game fallon lore? Im out of the loop on that

Eh. It's not like her saying she's a man suddenly makes her a man. She's still got a vag, and considering she used to look really boyish before, it's not like anything has really changed. Her husband still fucks her in her pussy.

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-14 True Story.png (480x245, 11K)
Fallon started doing a board game segment called Do Not Game. Spoony tried to get his fans to ask Fallon to get Spoony on the show. Fallon never responded.

>The spic must flo
Is this a reference to the illegal his brother killed

Someone made a great series on YouTube, about the whole gang. I forget that guy's name.

Can someone give me a rundown on this character April created? I'm out of the loop on that one.

>Philippe Ramirez Constelannos

Juan but not forgotten.

Down the rabbit hole is peak reddit. It's a lazier and unfunnier version of the shit Metokur does.

Mr metacuck

based Vic. He knew you couldn't satisfy your weeb gf. She wanted a strong dominate male to marry her and pound her pussy

No, he said "great" series. Metokur's videos were trash.

Yep. As terrible as Metokur's videos are, Down the Rabbit Hole is way worse.

Why are nerds so fucking degenerate?

do eCelebs really get cute teen groupies???

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I prefer a lazy recollection of events over a 40 year old wannabe from the gamergate days of 2014 trying to put his own spin on happenings from the internet

Wasn’t this someone who got his account? If you go back far enough he talks about how he’s MtF after watching the Down the Rabbit Hole vid. Obviously some guy having a fun


>ywn fuck jesuotaku in the pussy while licking those armpits

why live


If you're an unfuckable youtuber, you can stretch the "cute teen groupie" a lot.

That girl was the first person I thought of when the allegations started coming out. I kinda feel sorry for her

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If I could punch you autists in the face every time you use a fake ass Yea Forums word, I would be so fucking happy.

Every time I see a Spoony thread my will to live drops a little more.

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They were fucking enjoyable, what are you talking about, dicklet?

Closed circle of self-referential humor and unfounded arrogance, combined with unrestrained desires and simply vile personalities fuelled by their minor eceleb status.
They are all getting older, but none of them is getting any funnier or cuter - people their age are past experimenting and juvenile projects, they are stuck in a past.

He just regurgitated info that has been in tgwtg threads for years.

They're both lazy recollections of events. Metokur just manages to at least make some jokes. It's minimal effort and minorly funny, but that beats zero effort and completely devoid of any humor.
Down the Rabbit Hole is just a longer version of Behind the Meme, but even Behind the Meme is better because at least it became a joke that people could laugh about. There's nothing good about Down the Rabbit Hole at all.

He read the most basic of information he could find from Yea Forums screencaps on the subject and even said this was probably one of the worst series he's done at the end

I thought the TempleOS episode was pretty good

Even Metokur admits they were shit and says he wouldn't have done them if his patrons hadn't voted on them. In fact, that's why he stopped doing patron polls when it came to videos.

It's a troll account

Has he ever addressed this Twitter? Saying something like "I was merely pretending to be retarded" or did he post all this unironically?

Shut the fuck up, InternetAristoshit.

Why do you guys even care about these boring people? Is this an american thing?

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No it isn't.

There's plenty of pretend twitter accounts like these. What made Oreo's so cringy is that we knew for a fact Spoony was the lonely autist typing all that larp.

Nah, he ain't Jim. Jim hates the TGWTG series. He's one of Jim's pay piggies.

They used to be retarded fanboys. Then they grew up and realized how stupid the people they worshiped are, but can't stop obsessing over them.


I understand people giving him superchats during streams, but for the life of me I'll never get donating per month to a guy that routinely fucks off the face of the earth for months on end.
Nigger had a five month gap between regular content until two weeks ago

No. He just sort of stopped tweeting as Oreo after a point. The account is still up, but the last tweet was Christmas Eve 2016, where "the dog" talks about going to sleep for Santa but then I guess he never wakes up? Bit of a dark ending. Maybe you should ask Noah about it. "Hey, Noah, did Oreo ever wake up?" Haha.

OK, and? He did a nice job of it. I enjoyed the shit out of that series.

Imagine thinking an average looking, fat, midwestern, buck toothed dork is hot. Admittedly, she's got some nice tits, but thats about it.

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>a guy that routinely fucks off the face of the earth for months on end
How else is he going to make his epic comeback campaigns, complete with totally new online identity and grift?

Is there anything we could do to help Noah?

>He read the most basic of information he could find from Yea Forums
This is why you autists fail at judging anything: you are literally unable to see anything from another point of view than your own, so you think someone is literal shit because you already knew of it. You are unable to imagine being someone who doesn't know much about the whole thing and discovers it through that series.

This explains much of the bullshit on this board.

>Even Metokur admits they were shit
Being the author doesn't actually make him a better judge of it. His own opinion has no more value than yours or mine. Fact.

Maybe his other videos are better, but nothing else he made has any interest to me, so I never checked.

Your opinion is garbage and wrong. That alone makes it worth less than anyone else's opinion.

>Still watching Metokur
I used to like him too, luckily I was able to break out of the cult of personality and realize he is a shitty creepy conman

It's because a lot of people here watched them and then it turned almost all of then messed up in the head. It's like if it turned out every actor in the MCU had some kind of mental scars and was a broken human being, except on a smaller scale.
Doug is delusional, his brother is abusive, the nostalgia chick did a documentary on abortion and a rape rap right before she turned to intersectional feminism, todd was cucked by chick but kept being her roomate, spoony is a complete mess, jesuotaku is a tranny, jewwario fucking killed himself, linkara made a sonichu-level webcomic and jerked off to dead muppets etc. Pretty much every single member of that site had serious issues

So why did you link a video from another shitty creepy conman?

>anti SJW
He's just a shitposter. That's it.
GG 'spergs that refuse to let go don't change that.

RIP Terry A Davis

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>waah, Metokur bad cause he laughed at my furry diaper pedo group

Yep. He just likes laughing at retards online, whether they're sjws or anti-sjws.

Honestly what the fuck is with this

>Spoony tweet
>NOT about Donald Trump

Attached: Shock Cat.jpg (800x600, 152K)

He was hoping no one remembered Kiefer Sutherland tackled a christmas tree while drunk, and just recycled it as a tweet/"joke" like he made it his own.

Was watching his Privateer 2 and Wing Commander: The Movie reviews the other day and those are some pretty good vintage Spoony albeit silver age Spoony.

For his first two channels, it was because when he got too big it was harder to fuck with people.
For IA, it was because he wanted to disassociate with GG retards.

I seriously doubt he'll delete everything again, given he needs the money. That doesn't seem to stop him vanishing from everywhere but twitter at random intervals, however.

I don't see Brad being mentioned often, is he the normal one?

Civvie11 is spoony but good

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spoony needs to commit suicide

>There are "people" that hate cops.
That video warmed my heart a bit

Lol m8. He is biggest cuck, his best friend fucked his wife or some shit.

>Hey keifer, you're a pirate
>That would explain everything
* tackles Christmas tree *

He's not normal, but he's not weird enough to be funny. He just has boring relationship shit like

He has had a shit ton of personal issues, but he is a cool guy so no one cares that much


I don't.

But I care about SJW's killing people's careers over nothing.

His friend fucked his girlfriend, but he immediately cut off both of them from his life

This also explains why you are a reddit newfag and must go back

Nah, that tall bald guy he was friends with said something about breast cancer because his last wife had huge tits. Then he got butthurt about the joke. Here are the tits for reference.

Attached: 1406945638852.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Brad Jones's life is a complete mess, and it's all his fault, but nobody goes after him because he's actually somewhat likable and makes somewhat funny videos.

But he also was beaten by his friend. And he was cucked few times by few different girlfriends if i remember correctly.

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Marzgurl is dumber than a bag of hammers, but she legit didn't know about the Jewwario thing. His victims literally lost their shit when she started saying "I don't think JW could've done something like that" and they responded with "Bitch, are you fucking serious?!" and it was the most sobering hard crash awakening for her, but for the most part Jewwario successfully fooled her with his "kindness" as he did a lot of fucking people. Forced the band aid off her knee if you will, and all for the best. It's troubling though that she has some misguided sense of duty in her mission to harp on Vic Mignola stemming from the JW thing. Road to hell is always paved with good intentions.

I like that guy, I don't think he's as funny as Spoony in his prime but I like him. I would recommend something to him though, personally I wouldn't use Yea Forums memes like 'boomer juice' in my videos. It might to funny to some now but it will look horribly dated later.

>He's been notorious for *ages*.

"Notorious" among retards on Tumblr.
Everyone else has always loved him.

>Linkara, the nasty cock slut is the most respectable person from Channel Awesome

How is this even possible

Also why the FUCK is Brad Jones still on CA

He's gonna get you

Attached: 1407248571664.webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Her peak form was pre-CA cosplay days. She was pretty slender before going full pawg.

unironically, Iron Liz is the most based person from Channel Awesome

Daily reminder. Linkara had sex with IronLiz while he still had a penis.

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Not everything has to be le epic meta meme video and some people prefer documentary style content without the reddit e celeb drama inside joke bullshit

Attached: they're coming to get you.webm (1280x720, 482K)


Last I remember Liz was training to be a LEO, did that go anywhere?

Guy had a work ethic, and actually grasped that it was better to flat out admit his fuck up with the porn sites rather than Streisanding it

makes you think hmmmmmmmmmm

All me lol

A what?

Goddamn, it's a punishment to have to look at Marzgurl.

So then how come we can't get Drumpf's tax returns?

>I’m a paralegal!
Neck yourself

The friend who got cut off because he make breast cancer jokes about Jillian was Jerrid.
Later, Brad Jones was dating a girl named Rayn (this was after his divorce with Jillian). Jake Norvell (who worked on Team Cinema Snob) started fucking her behind Brad's back. The girl said she didn't see a problem with fucking both Brad and Jake because she wanted a "communal family" and Brad cut them both out of his life.

>"I want a serious analysis of bullshit e-celeb drama"
You're retarded. Don't reply to me again.

He was also bi-polar and an alcoholic, which if he didn't off himself would've pulled a Kevin Spacey as responsible for raping the women he did.