Who's the best character?

Who's the best character?

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nobody wants to watch your series full of old people acting like teens

does anyone else find the characters on this show annoying?

25 year olds... and one of the chicks is 32 lol

>Hey gais its like inbetweeners for irish girls!!

Dairy Air Girls.

None, this show is a terrible left wing imagination of how life in Ulster in the 90's was

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how much did netflix pay for that mural?

25 is not old
32 is definitely pushing it

Orla obviously

Orla is best girl

>people are posting my town on Yea Forums
>it's that ugly as fuck new mural

Are they planning on painting over it at some point?

There's been no talk of it, I can't imagine they are
The one they painted over had been there decades

i have no idea what this series is

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Neither are old but both are too old to play 15yo girls.

Coming from Norn Iron this show is a little cringe but still good

Was it an IRA/Orange mural?

I'm old and even I know this is from Henry Potter.

i liked it and claire is the best

Orla best girl the others are tarts

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to be fair the inbetweeners were also played by people who were like 25 right? but women arent funny

Sister Michael is incredibly funny

They're all bland and unlikeable except for the one with curly hair

What diabolical fiend sat down and said Northern Ireland needed a manic pixie dream girl character and what fell hand signed off on it.

And why, in spite of all reason and sense, did the character work and turn out likeable.

Please fucking paint 'up the ra' or 'UVF forever' over that shite. Anything

the west needs to be nuked from orbit

the school principal

As someone who grew up there in the 90s it's fairly accurate actually

what's a manic pixie dream girl?

Where you from lad. Creggan here

>corporations are now defacing buildings with fuckhueg murals of their dancing monkeys, trying to spring fanbase into life

day of the rope when?

To be fair that's how 15-17 year olds look in britain, they're also fatter

step aside

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Ser Barristan Selmy

It's pretty well done at least, better than the standard fairground level painting you usually get. Hope it was commissioned to promote the show otherwise that's a massive waste of time and talent.

post yfw you will NEVER be this grandad.

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i don't remeber the guy being black?!?

Captain Hammond

All the murals are pretty ugly to be fair

The show is funded by channel 4, who have a deal with netflix.

A stock character

what characteristics doesnt have?

Why'd they paint over the badgers logo? Pure Autism.
I work next to it but have never seen the mural.

Is there any forced diversity in it? evEn now in 2019 you'll see a few blacks at most in Derry.

I think the cast is all white

Cute chubby girl is gay. That's about it. Unless you count the episode that's full of prods


A sort of Zoey Deschanel Luna Lovegood type.

The girl in indie movies who somehow makes a guy stop being suicidal by wearing a colourful jacket and making fun of his depression or some shit.

who are these fake harry potter shits?

sorry bro, very soi reddit of you to complain about manic pixie dream girls

This. I think the rest of the cast is just as funny too. Women can be funny, it’s just more rare.

I'm Indian born but live in NI, how is it 'forced' diversity when it's just showing a realistic representation of the place? Should we just continue to depict NI as it was in the 1960's forever?