Hey, I don't understand overall public criticism and hate directed at this movie

hey, I don't understand overall public criticism and hate directed at this movie.
Yes they made 4 main characters women but so what. Its a continuation of the story. The acting stands for itself. So what the characters are wamen. Are we going back in time to the middle ages? I see no influence of feminism here just a twist in the cast. Overall hate on this move is actually disgusting.

Attached: Ghostbusters-3-Paul-Feig-Responds-Leslie-Jones.jpg (798x420, 48K)

>Its a continuation of the story.

No it wasn't. They confirmed it was a remake/reboot.

shitty bait

>I don't understand overall public criticism and hate directed at this movie.
That's because you aren't even old enough to buy beer yet.


The correct argument is its a remake of a perfect movie that doesn't need rebooted or remade.

A handful of idiots argue that the only problem with this is it was being remade with women.

The first argument is solid. The second argument is moronic shitheadedness and made both groups look bad.

Do you have something against women?

Complaining that a remake is solely being done to cash in on "Mu Feminism"-trends and "fuck you white man"-trends isn't sexist. It's a completely valid component/addition to the argument that it was a remake of a perfect movie that doesn't need rebooted or remade.

"Mu Diversity" is not a valid reason to remake a classic, beloved movie, and pointing this out will never be "sexist", no matter what drooling retards insist.

>Its a continuation of the story
No it fucking isn't. This was a big problem. It was a total rebokt, restarting with just the brand name "Ghostbusters" amd the occasional cameo like Slimer or Bill Murray playing a wholly different character. Fuck that lazy garbage. Fuck Sony. Fuck their shity male director that totally doesn't fit the tone of the original with his shitty ad lib style.

Summerfags can't bait for shit.

actually watch the movie before you bitch about people criticizing it

The great tragedy is how much drama this piece of shit caused, to the point where it's getting carried over into the next movie. It's so fucking tiresome.

im gon watch it when my local tv buys it so probably never

>The great tragedy is how much drama this piece of shit caused

Tragedy? It was great that it made so much noise only to flop.
The marketing-campaign leading up to it and how transparently it used Identity Politics and gullible leftards to fabricate public narratives woke a lot of fence-sitters the fuck up.

I was hoping Wiig would've eventually spilled the beans on this but now that it's become the sacred cow of feminism it'll never happen. She looks miserable in every fucking shot, probably because she's surrounded by the unfunniest women in business.

it honestly just wasn't good

it had the looks of something alright but it just didn't gel or was memorable

Attached: 1554871614311.gif (345x194, 999K)

she plays kinda alright in the trailer, im a big fan of her
but the gags seem slapstick and cheap

Yes. Tragedy. It should never have been allowed to be made in the fucking first place.


Go dilaet

Because its yet another uninspired reboot/sequel/whatever with a shitty twist given to it.
Except the twist this time was "lel they're grils" so when people said "fucking hell another lame reboot? When will it end? I'm not going to watch this trash" they could cry sexism and the media went on an insane hate-campaign against the films detractors.
That convinced me to never give this film a chance, I'm usually lenient on reboots and other such things and willing to give them the time of day to at least prove themselves first, but I won't reward that kind of behavior. I'm assuming it put off a lot of other people as well.

The marketing for it was hilarious
did they not think about the idea that a bunch of people who hunt dead people are going to a hospital to visit a person that is about to die?

Do you have something against reading comprehension?