What the fuck happend?

What the fuck happend?

Attached: 123123.jpg (1446x786, 250K)

What are you comparing?

They're just using a lens to film her to look me that. Probably too make her look thinner.

She looks like michael jackson on his pedo years

She looks like Gollum.

on the right is alyx vance from Half life 2

Attached: Gordon-and-Alyx.jpg (2992x4096, 3.15M)

>implying he had years other than pedo.

graphics is shit

Star Wars is openworld. It's of course going to use lower poly character models.

>you live in an era where a video game character both looks better and has better character development than a Star Wars protagonist

actually true

Ridley doesn't have enough polygons

>half-life 2 is 15 years agi

Alyx was a really annoying character.
Also she looked green in most scenes wtf.

How in the fuck does one of the most well received and popular first person shooters just not get finished?
It boggles the mind that they're legitimately just going to never finish it and have it end on a cliffhanger. I understand there's a lot more money in digital hats but fuck Valve, it's not like they wouldn't make money by releasing Half Life 3.

>I have to use a photoshopped picture because I dont trust my own opinion that she looks awful in this movie

she was top cute in TLJ what the heck bros

Attached: cuuuuute.png (970x1336, 2.29M)

Black michael jackson was a good guy

Average as fuck.

Her hair is pulled back too tight in the OP pic. It’s unflattering.

Attached: 59A2CC89-535D-4B86-901F-BD8AD8210D24.jpg (720x714, 44K)

No, on the right is Gordon Frohman from Half life 2

>tfw foreheadlet and gay alien skull

look into valve internal management. Gabe has no power/ doesn't give a fuck. All the big teams are led by old fucks who only care about money. The only way to get valve back on track is by starving these shitty teams of new hires which is practically impossible.
Tldr: never ever

Fear probably it will never be able to meet fans expectations will end up like Duke Forever

>this is your brain on vidya