Explain since i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick
Explain since i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda...
because the feminist characters are ridiculed
The fuck do you want this is how Hollywood is now we can't do shit about it. Drop current film and/or read books like what I do
Based incel poster. Keep posting this thread.
lmao as if books aren't in the same boat
Because that's Max who saved them. Also, the life of the "wives" are probably less terrible and dangerous than the life in the wastelands.
Of course Joe abuses them, but that would also happen outside of the citadel. They basically ran from a terrible situation to an even worse situation, which means they're stupid.
This is the second time I've seen this post. Is this copypasta or just /pol/ shitting up the board?
but i like Mad Max and hate jews how we can change current state of Hollywood to make another proper Mad Max movie?
only love is with is now, something warm and pure
its first time im making this thread so i dont know what youre on about m8
because the man saves the day
>its first time im making this thread so i dont know what youre on about m8
You dont get it do you?
>patriarchy controls all resources
>imperator furiosa (affirmative action/women's rights)
>morbidly obese women generating milk because women who have children are yucky breeders
>antagonist's unwilling brides are all skinny and more attractive than other women in the movie
>one-armed woman in charge of war machine and troops
>max crucified to vehicle (christianity is evil and part of patriarchy)
>3 main antagonists: joe, bullet farmer, gas town "people eater" (patriarchy, military industrial complex, capitalism)
>both of joe's sons dissabled in some way (eww don't have kids, it's yucky and they'll be retarded)
>war boy Nux (men) gets accused by women of having destroyed the world, tossed out of truck
>pregnant wife puts her own baby between joe's bullet and truck (abortion)
>pregnant wife falls from truck, dies a few hours later from injury (don't marry and reproduce or your life is over)
>side character named max is big and burly but can barely fight a scrawny one-armed woman
>side character max bests woman only when he gets a gun and places it to her head (gun control. also, Theron's father killed her mother with a gun in south africa)
>bullet farmer nearly kills all women (gun control again)
>max has to wash blood from his face using breast milk (motherhood is the death of happiness)
>Nux is rehabilitated and now a male feminist
>group of amazon lesbians setting traps for men in desert
>women able to live in sand filled void because MUH STRONK WOMYN
>old women in desert shoot better than war boys who have constant practice in raids
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>side character max wants to retake joe's citadel because it is unguarded
>convoy turns around (leftist revision history)
>people eater (capitalism) fat old bald man with gold nipple piercings, has to be lifted to his vehicle on the backs of poor
>desert lesbian amazons making perfect headshots from speeding vehicle on uneven terrain
>because women who have children are yucky breeders
The wives are the breeders you dense retard.
holy fucking autism
Not an argument
>polecat minion plucks woman from her friends, delivers her to patriarchy
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
>amazon grabs rifle, continues to make perfect shots
>finally run over by people eater (capitalism as he takes control of the wheel and purposely kills woman)
>pursuit vehicles use harpoons and plows to try to slow truck (patriarchy holding back women's rights)
>max and nux now male feminists must help their women leaders
>max nearly falls from truck, charlize grabs him with the sheer might of her robot arm and strong will can hold up man three times her weight without prosthetic arm flying off
>max's v8 interceptor destroyed (manhood and patriarchy destroyed while saved by a woman)
>furiosa survives stab in gut by evil man
>nux given command of truck as furiosa jumps to joe's car
>max uses people eater as human shield against joe's bullets (using patriarchy to destroy capitalism via male feminist)
>max jumps to safety of women as capitalism explodes
>joe's massive son corpus fooled by woman who helps her get furiosa to joe's car
>max fights giant corpus
>furiosa rips mouth from joe (patriarchy no longer has say in women's lives)
>women quickly leave war machine for joe's leadership vehicle
>blonde wife takes seeds from old lesbian who is now dead but smiling
>nux sacrifices life to destroy war truck, corpus, and stop pursuing vehicles and thereby serve women
>gang returns to citadel, present dead patriarchy, toss him from hood where legions of poor tear his body apart
>intelligent but disabled son of joe pressured to let furiosa and brides up to citadel via lift
>he allows them up, they ascend to paradise while the poor are allowed to come up with them (open borders to promised land)
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity
>strong womyn get btfo by a delirious and blood drained Max 4 on 1
>Not an argument
reddit tier autism too
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
Ddi you actually see the movie? They clearly died.
Could have been about something other than mating rights but whatever the beginning was cool
The movie was more about property, since everything in the movie was Joe's property.
And this is off the top of my head. Thinking back, there are plenty of things I forgot to mention like the brides arguing about moving on after the pregnant one, Splendid, fell from the truck and died. The dark haired bride (hispanic or muslim) wants to go back to the patriarchy but the white ones explain to her that they must be strong and go on without men.
It's a modern action movie with plenty of practical effects, but it's not a Mad Max movie since he's just a side character. It's a feminism action movie with the Mad Max name to get more people in seats, specifically men who need to be taught the glory of feminism and self-sacrifice to push feminist goals. In the beginning of the movie, Max was used as an unwilling blood bag for Nux. Towards the end, he willingly becomes a blood bag for Furiosa to keep her alive.
Like it all you want, just be aware of what you're seeing, this is cold war era style propaganda and you're being indoctrinated for uplikes on facebook.
If you can't read film then this board and even medium isn't for you.
immortan Joe was the good guy in this movie - he literally wanted to build a society in postapocalyptyc world, literally trying build something from nothing but Strong Wymyn TM happily saved the day thanks to womn magic and emotions. pathetic
you have to be trolling, no one can be this autistic
>waah wahh i disagree with you so you are trolling
well look whos reddit now
The plot completely revolves around Max appeareance. They probably wouldn't make it without him.
And the movie is very similar to the Road Warrior, where Max also happened by people struggling against others.
>has strong feminist themes
>all character development is in the male characters
i didn't even read all that shit, it's probably retarded nitpicking anyway. i'm just surprised you wrote such lengthy posts on shit no one fucking cares about. i pity you man, hope you get the attention you deserve one day.
Not one photon
>bad thing happens to man
>'hollywood hates males misandry everywhere'
>good thing happens to woman
>'feminazi propoganda destroying society'
You retads are just as bad as the perpetually offended snowflakes you think you're fighting
Also, they threw the gates for the water open, which means it's going to run out sooner or later. The leaders of Gastown and bullet town are both dead and Joe's Citadel only survived with all 3 of them in partnership. In short, Max knew there was no happily ever after and left while the going was good.
>i pity you man
roastie detected - go back to tumbrl crying about you *feelings*
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity
Confirmed to have never watched a Mad Max movie before.
Take your meds. You are construeing loose themes and messages that aren't there like a full blown feminist 'critic'.
>a woman doing something is propaganda
What if instead of posting threads on Yea Forums, you killed yourself instead?
>man does something bad
>"fuck off hollywood with your man hating"
>man does something good
>"see. men are servile and nice, helping the women to defeat the patriarchy! clearly a feminist plot!"
Max left because it's a Mad Max movie. What's he going to do, settle down and rejoin society?
do you have any comebacks or anything to say at all that isn't some kind of meme? what a sad life. make some friends, spend less time online.
this and also have sex
This is shitty rehashed bait, don't reply to it.
Feminist morals are a good thing and improve every move that includes them. Which doesn't mean that every movie with feminist morals is good, but every movie with feminist morals would be worse without them.
That too, but the fact is that the women fucked everything up. It only appears to be a feminist movie on the surface but the message it preaches is the opposite of that.
this, but male feminists do not uinderstand concep while being occupied by taking care of their newborn mulatto baby at home, like a woman. pathetic
Feminist 'morals'
>second time
>females run off
>need a mans help to actually do it properly
>finally take over their once prison, thanks mostly to a man
>they let in all the starving useless souls and dump out their water supply
>man who helped them fucks off because he knows where this is going
Did we watch different movies?
agreed OP
Holy fucking shit you actually took the time to write all of that.
>and its all bullshit
>i disagree with you, you are stupid man
fuck off Stacy we are not talking about Money Money Money wedding bullshit movie here so fuck off
have sex
okay twat
How could you possibly need a better explanation of why Joe was bad?
He's raising kids to join his dealth cult army, has slaves, has sex slaves, hoards resources and is a bad dude in general. What part of that made you think you weren't giving him a fair shake?
The video game does a better job of explaining why Immortan Joes raiders are bad.
For example his empire is huge many times greater than you see in the film and raids peaceful settlements.
There is a sex slave trade hinted at where Immortan gets his wives. You rescue one of them and her daughter.
But they end up getting raped/tortured to death by Immortan's son Scrotus.
Theres more justification for not liking the raiders in the game. The movie was too pg.
sure if you believe that female characters doing things is "feminazi propaganda". Yould should have sex btw
Is this you stefan? We all know you hate you mother it's okay. She can't hurt you anymore
Immortal Joe did nothing wrong
>found water underground when no else had
>made sure that water supplies were not squandered
>found way to keep greenery and grow plants
>provided water and food to people
>provided security and gass to people
>gave them something to live for
>kept genetically perfect women to breed
>his goal was to create perfect healthy offspring
The whole branding thing and the over brutality and role playing was retarded but it's post apocalyptic madland so he's forgiven
Compared to how everything else was living his people had it best
Now the women
>had green valley, turned it into toxic swamp
>hur hur we kill all men because we are strong women
>hur hur we are old and dying, I love being strong and independed and never having a man
>how can you trust him?? he is a man!!!
>hur hur we should get out of Joe and never have children!!! FUCK THE PATRIARCHY
>trust me gurls, there is a green valley, oops turns out feminist biker dykes destroyed it
>hur hur we kill Joe
>hur hur open the water gates and flood the valley, oops the water evaporated and now everyone is dying, ITS THE WHITE MEN WHO DID THIS
>hur hur destroy social structure, that's going to work GREAT
>hur hur no children, because MUH BODY MUH RULES
>oops we have no children now, FUCK YOU PATRIARCHY WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER
The movie had great action sequences, very good photography, amazing music (JunkieXL is the best composer right now) and I had fun watching it as a mindless flick
I just ignore the story because it's drivel
>Joe abuses them
Abuses them?
DId you see how these chicks live??
They have food, water, air-conditioning, they are clean, nice clothes, nice beds
Oh my what an abuse, these poor girls
Oh no no no, humanity is dying, they should't breed children because muh feminism
I just watched Fury Road and it's true
Good action flick but absolute drivel
>made sure that water supplies were not squandered
>hol up let me just pour it all on the fucking ground
Second line is blatantly retarded. Did you watch this with your eyes shut?
Bonus round:
> provided water and food to people
> provided security and gass to people
> gave them something to live for
Citation needed, the most Joe did for the community that lived under his fortress was blast them with water
>because the man saves the day
Max is certified crazy
I gave the new feminist dyke led society one year before everything turns to shit and everyone dies
wat there is a video game?
In the comic the water originally being owned by some faction that didnt want to share it.
Immortan captured the citadel using a goanna and some rope.
Then shared the water.
yeah and its pretty good if you want more of the setting.
Looks beautiful too.
So much of the setting is expanded on in other media like comics and the game.
>Citation needed
Desert Dyke Biker clan population:
5 old dykes
Joe's clan population:
100000 people at least
50/50 men/women
all ages
Many young kids
Water supply
Food supply
Breeders and eugenics
Basic medicinal care
Army to protect from intruder
Oh my, what an evil PATRIARCHY Joe was
drop some link my man i really like post apocalyptic tunes
was Joe a hero or villain?
Are you now reading posts with your eyes shut? That list is a weakass response that ignores what I asked
I watched the film a few days ago
I remember exactly what happened
Sure I enjoyed it for the action, fantasy, cinematography and music, but it was pozed with feminism and shit
Very mindless, mediocre, forgettable
he was definately a hero.
A tragic hero.
His only mistake was not shackling women to the wall.
Give women rights and they will eventually wreck the society.
In that case could you please explain how Joe was protecting the resources by pouring them on the ground in the most inefficient way possible, and also how he was protecting the community that lived outside instead of lording power over them?
Maybe the movie is secretly redpilled on what feminism does to society
And how male feminists or in general men who don't actively and openly fight feminism are the one's who contribute to the downfall and wrecking of society
>those evil men
>we will run out and make our own society and feminism and no men
>uhoh turns out building a self sustaining society is hard
>those evil men
>we will go back and take over the men led society
>now we take over society we will make everything different than men
>a few years pass
>no water
>no food
>no men
>no kids
>those evil men
>In that case could you please explain how Joe was protecting the resources by pouring them on the ground in the most inefficient way possible
He has to water 1000000 people
He carefully opened the floodgates just a little and told his people to drink only as much water as they need
This way he had water for crops
A wise man
>and also how he was protecting the community that lived outside instead of lording power over them?
>the community that lived outside
Oh boy, you are an open border advocate??
He was protecting his own people
Either by water, food, medicine, religion, or war
When you build a functioning self sustaining society you have to protect it from outsiders and intruders
A wise man
His only mistake was giving women, breeders and car drivers, too many rights and that was his downfall
A dire mistake that will result in society collapsing
>how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day.
because there is more to feminism than just badass female characters, strong wymyn are in every action movie these days.
whats the big deal anyway?
Please have sex.
>>a few years pass
>>no water
arent they situated on an aquifer-well?
> A wise man
His short-sightedness killed him and destroyed his empire, you're absolutely not being genuine.
Watering a million people makes that even more inefficient - all he did was pour water on the people who were right under it, and the rest went on the ground. There's no way that's helping at least half of those people.
On what planet is that an efficient way to ration resources? And if it isn't meant to be efficient, how can you think that he was protecting his resources or providing to the people?
6/10 troll for making me reply, but that's too fucking retarded
>strong wymyn are in every action movie these days
Strong women don't imply feminism
Here are some strong women that have zero feminism
>ellen ripley
>sarah conor
>nausicaa from the valley of the wind
>jyn erso
>leia (from ot)
Now here are the feminists
>furiosa and every other dyke/woman from mad max fury road
>captain marvel
>rey, leia (from disney star wars), captain gender studies
Learn the difference
Water is finite and is replenished by water and filtration
If you let the floodgates open the water will be gone in a year
Max is the only one who accomplished everything. Without the Strong Lead Male, the story would not have continued. It’s like calling Mad Max 2 feminist because it has a character named “Warrior Woman”
It's a post apocalyptic madland
He didn't build a good irrigation system, sue him, but it's not like he has all the resources, have you seen how others lived?
And it's actually an OK system, that's how animal cattle are being watered to this day
So excuse me that Joe didn't build showers for every individual house in a post apocalyptic hell where almost everyone was born with cancer
He actually had proper irrigation for the breeders, the biologically perfect women that he wanted to keep healthy to jump start a new healthy society
And everything was going nice until feminism destroyed everything
>youre a trolll
What a sad and closed minded existence, labeling anyone who has an opinion that is supported by facts and logic but is different that yours a troll
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>user will never plant his bag of seeds (despair)
It's an amazing movie. It's visually stunning, beautiful storytelling, with one of the best soundtracks out there. The characters are complex even with minimal dialogue. They managed to achieve all this on a movie that's essentially just a car chase. It's brilliant. I love everything about it.
It's a shame that you're incapable of letting yourself enjoy art because of your broken world view. Feminists can enjoy American Psycho and any other good movie that's incompatible with their views out there, you can't even enjoy Mad Max without feeling attacked. Sad.
I'd rather stay a virgin that stick my seed in crazy feminist slut
American PSycho is a movie about toxic masculinity...try again. I'll give you this he is a retard and as bad as feminists with their political movie 'criticism', that reads like first semester film school analysis of motives that are not even there.
>It's a shame that you're incapable of letting yourself enjoy art because of your broken world view
You are wrong
I don't agree with feminism but I can ignore it and enjoy this film
The story is either feminist drivel or an attack on feminism and a warning, depends on how you look at it, personally I just ignore it because I think it's feminist drivel
The action was great and the soundtrack was great too, I had fun watching it, a nice 2 hours of entertainment
Great action flick, I just ignore the story and enjoy the other elements which are top
Why is Furiosa a feminist propaganda character? She lost the brawl to a chained up dude and never shits on men during the whole movie. She just wants to escape the bondage of a brutal warlord and hit him where it hurts him the most. She reminds me of Arminius.
so....strong women who arent shown some sort of weakness or emotional trauma are feminist characters?
>Why is Furiosa a feminist propaganda character?
I made a mistake now that I think about it
Furiosa is fine, just misguided, but she is a warrior and knows a lot about the world
>knows that violence is the answer sometimes
>knows that a man is stronger than a woman
>relies on max, actually ends up caring for him
>her and max act like the only responsible adults around the crazy biker dykes and pampered breeder feminists
>sacrificed herself for max, saved by max, she's ok with it and grateful
>in her eyes at the last moment you can see how she wants max
>how she knows that he can't stay with her
>how she knows that though her action crazy feminist dykes have taken over and are wrecking society
Furiosa is a tragic hero, misguided by feminism and by her actions helped feminism to destroy everything
At the closing shot you can see the regret in her eyes
I hate feminists and i liked Fury Road. You lose Femcunts.
Anyway if you research the film you realise the feminism was tacked on and isn't really the core of the film.
It stands out like a sore thumb in a movie that had no written script and was based on a storyboard. About one continuous car chase.
Literally who gives a shit about Furiosa when you can forever ride shiny and chrome in Valhalla?
All women are shown to be extremely incompetent or straight up useless and literally only Furiosa is given any critical importance in the key scenes. To say Fury Road is feminist is to reveal yourself as a pleb who has no understanding of writers determine which characters are central to a story and probably will be impressed with Infinity War 2 despite being a worthless piece of shit almost as bad as the first one
Furiosa is the worst part of the movie. All the characters have an Australian accent. Except Charliez. It is a testamount to how much of a trash actor she is. She didn't even try.
>woman saving the day (not true by the way, it's at least 50% Max)
>immediately feminazi propaganda
Are movies where a man saves the day an ode to masculine supremacy over weaker females?
>saving the day
They literally destroyed the only self sustaining working society
The fuck? Other than Charlize all the other women are either eye candy or canon fodder. And even then they were just going to fuck off into the desert until a man showed up and told them what was what.
>the only self sustaining working society
The only one we've seen. There may well be more, and ones that aren't as hilariously evil as Joe's little breeding ground.
Literally, Max is the only reason anyone wins. Max wins against like 7 women, whilst being chained to a door, and having just been in a catastrophic car crash, on top of being drained of blood and tortured.
The women are shown to be naive outside of Joe's control and the other women couldn't even look after fertile grounds without turning it into a swamp. The women bitch and win about men destroying the world, but the also can't survive in one without them.
The director said that the reason he made Furiosa female is because he didn't want to write a story about a man freeing the harem of another man, because that would be a different story. I can kinda see his reasoning, it's more interesting that way than a romantic damsel in distress rescue.
Furiosa comes from a place of bondage just like the other women (or most people in Joe's retinue), but whereas they are breeders she is a general. She is basically a female Arminius (the Roman raised Germanic general who rekked their shit in the Teutoburger Wald).
The story is much more multi-dimensional than 'women good, men bad', so I don't see a reason to be pissed off about it.