Go to the bookstore because I want to be one of those book readers instead of a degenerate movie watcher

>go to the bookstore because I want to be one of those book readers instead of a degenerate movie watcher
>all the books over describe every detail
>90% of the book is fluff and filler
>if a movies were like books they would put everyone to sleep

How do book readers do it?

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Are you only interested in fiction?

Not all books are like that, look for good writers. I recently read the warlord chronicles books by bernardcornwell all three were kino.

>go to Barnes & Noble
>go straight to the ecchi manga and criterion section

>reading for the plot

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Why would you go to a physical store to buy an e reader? Just get a kindle they are cheap as fuck. And all the books are on Amazon. Unless you just torrent them. Also you can subscribe to magazines like Ellery Queen and get great short stories while sampling authors.

based retard YA reader

>be me
>go to a bookstore
>start sweating profusely
>not knowing what book to buy
>what if the cashier will judge me on my book selection?
>feel like everyone around me is judging me
>employees and clients
>start hearing voices
>look at this dude, wow what a creep
>start sweating more
>sweat falling down my face
>pick a book that I'm interested in
>open it and start reading it
>sweat fall into the pages
>now get really nervous
>not able to make out individual letters
>face turns red, my shirt is soaked in sweat
>put book back
>get out fast
That's how I can't buy a book
I just download scientific books from library genesis
I want to read something that normal people do to not feel as weird and have things in common but I can't

People think more words mean more
Books are the ultimate pleb medium

Books = Basic

Unironically, when well applied, videogames can be superior to any book. So, just buy a lot of games and find a good one.

Literally me

Actual autism

magic is the most patrician form of entertainment

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I'm not autistic

>go to Barnes & Noble
>order a caramel Frappuccino at the Starbucks inside
>browse Facebook on my MacBook Pro while smugly sipping my drink

>warlord chronicles books by bernardcornwell

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Nothing wrong with YA. Thats all I read


most people who read books are women
the only (white) men who read books are incels
note: I don't count Academic papers because they are designed to be read for specific group and are actually worth a damn.

>reading contemporary fiction
Yea don't just pick some classic that you have missed.

What else is there? There are only two book genres. YA and books for middle aged women.

I would think this is bait if this wasn't Yea Forums

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Yeah, this is the great truth that no one ever tells you about books. About 80% of every book ever written, whether it be fiction or nonfiction is just filler to pad out the size of a book.

Unless that nigger's using telekinesis that's not magic.

we start with the greeks

This proves you havent read a complete book in your lifetime, why should anyone take your opinion as an important or inteligent one if you cant even?

Get an ereader and pirate everything
>mfw how expensive reading seriously is.
60x50$= $3000

E book readers can last literally months and are easier on the eyes than computers.

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