How you holding up Yea Forums?
How you holding up Yea Forums?
every1 talkin bout memes, race, politics and sex, and i'm just sittin inna room, bored inna room
My drug addiction may kill me but other than that I've been alright lately
It's 2AM and my mind is telling me to pull another all nighter again
doing ok, lost my job but got an interview lined up next week
I really hope once upon in hollywood starts with beware for meme potential
I don't remember the last time I had a pleasant conversation with a human being IRL. But at least I enjoy arguing so it's fine.
Not too good. Found out my close mate threw a house party while his parents were away and I wasn't told anything about it until my drunk friend messaged me at 2am asking why I'm not there. My entire friend group was there and none of them messaged me. Made my anxieties about people not liking me a lot worse.
Really just want to fuck off to Spain or somewhere and get away from this shit.
Just finished my final exams and got back to the gym today. Beat Sekiro the other night. Feeling pretty good in spite of perpetual no gf.
Pretty shitty, found out that I wasn't successful for a job that i thought i was going to get. Fuck job searching
Hope you are alright user, at least that one mate called you so he might care.
Not well. 27, still live with parents. Working dead end job. No gf. No social life.
Got over my alcoholism, which is fucking incredible, but now I'm kinda daunted by the future, I'm not really sure how I'm going to just do this normie shit of living day to day for the next 60 odd years. The alcohol used to make each day last like 3 hours, now each day is so fucking long
>I'm not really sure how I'm going to just do this normie shit of living day to day for the next 60 odd years
literally 0% chance of society not collapsing in the next 20-30 years so I wouldnt worry about it too much, just try to enjoy yourself, the bad times havent even started yet
Hey me too user. Hang in there.
Relax user, I used to go through the same thing, but like 99% of the time it just turns out they forgot and you were freaking out like an autist
I think I've started getting my life together. Had a really good job interview yesterday, decided to stop dicking around and get an actual drivers license last month. All I need is a gf before I ascend
How does Ride have such kino tattoos?
Keep on user
Eh. Nursing school is kicking my ass and now I have to bust my ass on this next exam as well as the final. If I don't make it I'm gonna have to take the LPN NCLEX and look for work to try and pay for a place to move to. Just feel like my life hasn't begun and would actually like for it TO begin, not matter the cost.
Nobodies ever really gone...
I used GHB to help soothe the boringness after I quit it. Time even goes slower, but you enjoy it more. But I do remind myself to not do it every day.
I hate alcohol now, the hangover sucks, the feeling you have when you wake up sucks. I don't even know what i enjoyed about it.
I’m going to kill myself when my mother passes away
Doing alright. I'm hitting 30 in 2 years, so considering that I guess I'm doing alright.
Got a wife, good job that pays well, about to buy a house, and the wife wants a a dog so I guess we're getting that too. Also hitting 200kgs on my squats and doing 140 kgs on the bench (both for reps).
Also have started growing tired of the melodramatic overly critical viewpoint of people here, so what used to be a 95% Yea Forums 5% reddit split between my browsing time, is now 95% reddit and 5% Yea Forums. Being negative 24/7 doesnt help anyone and just makes you unlikable. I guess pushing away people like that is just part of growing older.
It'll be alright you overdramatic early 20 retards, unless you're a lazy retard without any dedication that constantly make up excuses. Nobody believes them, so just shut the fuck up instead.
Don't, I made this mistake 2 times. I got my life together, started dating, gf came into my life and bulldozed me back down each time.
>Keep life intact
>Having a gf
Pick one.
We'll be seeing you in 10 years after you get divorced. For now, enjoy your time on the other side.
You're alright, fella. Keep up them pumps.
Please stop user!
thats good
Seek hobbies user.
I'm stuck personally.
You need to find some real friends ditch them!
Keep at it
Don't do it user life is so short. The living have all the opportunities in the world. The dead have none.
Everything will be alright.
Just give it time, you silly fucks.
All that anything is is just a series of physical and chemical reactions. Why does anything matter if literally every single concept ever thought of is an abstraction with no real meaning. Everything is an accident so why should anyone care
because pain and suffering is a real thing you can experience over very long agonising periods of time before you die, and so why wouldn't fight against that and build a life for yourself that you can at least feel some enjoyment and fulfilment in?
lol good one. if you're a genuine sperg everything gets 10x worse as time passes
based multi reply poster
I struggle to believe life can get better, but I have to try.
>discord tranny grips
Not his fault you have bad taste
The real argument would be since pain and suffering is real, why fight for something uncertain like happiness when you can immediately die and be free from everything?
you've got no business questioning a thang
Pain and suffering is also uncertain.
Pros: Wonderful marriage, just bought a new house, working on some cool quantum computing shit at work, just brought a little Goldendoodle puppy home today, been working on getting my mile time under 4:50
Cons: haven’t talked to my parents for a month because I’m just now dealing with the emotional abuse they put me through as a kid, p sick rn as well trying not to puke
What did they do to you?
Long story short my dad incessantly criticized me for not playing well enough at soccer. My Dad was an autistic control freak and my mom was reacted to her own emotional abuse by being passive aggressive. The specific instances like the few times they hit me or when they kicked me out of the house for a night because they thought I was going to get a B in a class don’t bother me as much as just how often they made me feel like shit and their toxic attitudes. Telling me “you ruined the last X years of my life” regularly, insisting that me having a bad game was my form of rebellion and a personal slight, alternating between telling me I could be “the next Messi” and that I was the worst player on the field, told me that the cops would take me away for being “incorrigible”. He also tried to micromanage my Mom’s eating disorder and would pout if she was under a certain weight or didn’t eat enough calories, and also yell at her when I wouldn’t play well. Basically I was exposed to a whole bunch of warped behaviors and it took a while to understand just how broken they were/are. When I was a kid, I internalized all of the criticism and wouldn’t admit to myself that my home life was fucked up, but it took me having an emotionally competent relationship with my wife to understand I put up with so much shit I shouldn’t have had to. I tried telling them how I felt and they both apologized and blamed me for the abuse, my dad insisting he was doing his best to parent and my mom lamenting how much fun I was as a child, calling 14 year old me “the Antichrist”.
The hard part is that they clearly give a shit about me and were great parents in some respects. They were incredibly financially responsible and passed that down to me, they set expectations and wanted me to succeed. My dad endured his own abuse as a kid and grew up in a shithole, so he can’t understand why I might be upset. Someday I want to be able to accept them as flawed peopl
I'm a psychologist and I think beating your wife might make you feel better here.
Nah treating my wife well is the best part of my life also I am white
quads have spoken
It's already over, I've been waiting for it to start for so long. I've just got to accept that there's no happy ending it's too late and has been for a while.
Humpty Dumpty feel off the wall and now he's fucked, proper fucked.
Your first child will be darker than you expected
Ok i guess.
Just turned 25 so I want to kill myself, but I have money so thats good, makes me able to drown the pain buying shit and eating good.
I'm still unable to feeling anything, less and less everyday, so i guess i'm just a walking corpse.
Everything fucking sucks. It's always vagina this or penis that and then you have trans that are like "yo penis AND vagina" and people lose their shits or agree with them because it includes vagina and vaginas always win because penis too afraid to punch them in the face.
Yeah that sort of thing happened to me a lot until they just cut me out completely, can't make people like you, and it's pointless bending over backwards to "win them back".
Most retarded advice to ever repeatedly come up.
>I have cancer
>lol just give it time you silly
this, don't need to overthink people's motives, a lot of time it's because of a mix up or they actually just forgot
Final Exams in one month, I'll probably pass but I've no experience and no references so I think I just wasted 2 years on nothing and I'll be back doing menial minimum wage work again. There's no birthdays during the summer so thinking about quitting end of June or start of July, just sit down along the canal and open my wrists, get drowsey and juts slide in.
I think I have venal stasis in my leg, don't know what to do since I'm in a feast/famine business and too poor this year for ACA but live in the South so haha fuck you no Medicaid expansion, probably gonna die of a blood clot soon so it's been a fun 15 years on Yea Forums anons, see y'all in the funny papers.
my web media lecturer told me my programming might be too good for the course im enrolled in so that was nice.
look at chad over here
I tried cutting out Yea Forums but need to shitpost. Can I do that on Reddit?
Because every second you spend not grabbing a gun and painting the walls with a brain slushie proves that deep down inside you really don't want to kill yourself.
Shit man, I know that feel.
it goes it goes it goes it goes
lost a couple friends, cut out a lot of friends, girl i loved broke things off with me, both dogs died, can't find an internship and don't want to go back to finish my bachelor's. just slept on the couch for 2 days straight and now my back hurts
You should consider rage fucking her a few times a month just to make her understand who is the man in the house. If not that, you will have to enjoy Tyron/Chad doing that when you're at work.
im alright but why bitches are retarded?
>like basketball
>found a nice fit grill thru dating app
>text her to meet at a sport bar to watch the playoffs
>she wants me to come to her house and say if that no problem
>im thinking that is retarded because I dont even know her and I want to watch the game
>text her that it was a problem
>she reply, "never mind then forget I said that"
For some reason she hadnt text me back to see if we still good for our date.
You are one pathetic loser. Your biggest problem is that your friends didn't invite you to a party?
Lmao she was probably keen for a lazy slay but you couldn't pick up on that aye?
Go to next one and the next one if that fails. Women are like fishes, there is ALWAYS a beter.
Dropped out of college, starting at a different one soon. I have been trying to convince myself that I'm excited for it but I have no passion for any type of academia. I'm slowly awaiting death.
>but I have no passion for any type of academia
Do something else then. If you don't like studying then you should find something practical to do.
I want to die
Got back in touch with my high school crush over the past few weeks online and we're gonna go have dinner and drinks and see Pet Sematary tonight. I've wanted to fuck her for over a decade and she's just as cute as when I left and I got /fit/ during college. I'm gonna destroy her tonight and she knows it. First time I've been excited for a date in ages.
i never said it was my biggest problem, go back to reading comprehension you god damn tard
Appreciate the cynicism but u sex obsessed retards do not understand females whatsoever
Im about to have sex with my girlfriend. If you reply to this post you will also get a cute girlfriend. Woe to the incel
I'm about to drop 9k on a ring for my current girlfriend. We have a long history, she was my hs history teacher and is ten years older than me. I'm nervous.
I got a job after 4 months of applying, start on Tuesday. I'm just glad I won't be homeless after all.
I am the beast I worship
I know this feel
Got ostracized by my family for having a sad cum bb at my nan's wake in the bathroom yesterday. Apparently they could hear me grunting and moaning through the vent. If they didn't want people fappin they should have told my cousins not to wear pantyhose. Think I'll neck meself.
Good for you. What's the gig
We've all been there. Don't dew yourself in just yet buckaroo.
>Not creampieing your grandma's corpse and blaming it on the mortician
Quads of chivalry; based.
Keep up God's work user, you can pull it all together
WHY you holding up Yea Forums?
Where do people meet new friends or girls nowadays? I feel like my life is wasting away and I'm not living up to what I'm capable of. I wish I could quit the military, it's keeping my life on hold
jojo is the only thing keeping me from ending it all
also jannies banned me for 7 days for calling libertarians pedos lol
>tfw i have to build an entire app by midnight tonight and haven't even started
>it's my final assignment
finna dab on these student loan collectors in 6 months
>male nurse
mind if i save this pic?
awalt you virgin
You don't meet them, you have things they want and they start appearing.
My violent criminal record keeps me from everything but the best jobs. I'm not even an angry person I just fought back against a cop and now I have "assault on a government official" on my back. Got denied a job at walmart the other day. Wish the pig would have just shot me.
Inb4 jannie deletes this thread before I hit post
Everything but the worst jobs*
Fuck I cant fucking do anything right
Pretty good desu, I just came back from a trip to England and I've decided I want to settle there permanently, in the process of getting my company to transfer me to the London office.
If that doesn't work out then I'll just travel a little more until it does.
I just want it all to end