A reminder that transgenders are mentally ill

a reminder that transgenders are mentally ill

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Who gives a fuck
in this country we are free to fuck up our bodies however we want, thats admirable

Fuck trancels

Why are we not allowed to cut or kill ourselves?

I've had fun watching zoomers call each other trannies and incels when in reality we're all painfully average boomers

>mfw trannies, fags, atheists and democrats kill themselves at much higher rates than normal people

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>there are more overall people
>therefore the statistics are screwed
Anyone who took a statistics class knows that it's just lying with numbers

Bet you don't have the balls to cut your dick off

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Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should. No matter how "free" you think you are, you can't escape the bondage of your sins
Unless you believe on Jesus to be your Lord and Savior

are we not allowed to cut ourselves? Emos did it all the time
As for killing yourself, the state wants taxes
Some freedoms you will never get but the more the better

A lot of the 'overall population' stat is the parents of the he-shes. They're the real victims.

Got an even beter stat for you, Mr Tuxedo Man
>Black transgender life expectancy is 35

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>Live in a society that hates you no stop
>surprised the stress brings people to commit suicide

This except Jesus (upon him be peace) never claimed to be God or His son


He did.
Matthew 4
>Satan tempts Jesus
>Jesus: "Don't tempt God"

>the fact not every person magically has special psychic insight into my preferred pronouns means society hates me
what's it even like being this self-obsessed

and brainwash an entire generation of gullible retards into doing the same?

Did you drink your camel piss today?

who the fuck cares?

obsessing about them is ALSO mental illness. Be honest with your doctor, friend.

They probably off themselves just to escape the rotten septic stench of their open shit wound.

So what's the suicide rate for incels looking like?

>mfw trannies are jannies
>and jannies are tripfags

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you are.

kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
do it

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go back to your safe space you freak. reminder your parents would prefer you kill yourself than have to be associated with you any longer

>he says in a thread made specifically to hate on them on a board about movies and television

everyone will be happier when you're gone

love that movie

>all this projection
seriously go to a doctor

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>implying that discussing frankenstein monsters isn't TV/Film related
Sorry, kiddo.

I'm too lazy to look up theological arguments rn but watch Ahmed Deedat's debates with pastors about the divinity of Christ
No, we can isolate anything of medicinal use from the piss. People used to cook on cow dung as fuel and we use crushed insects as food coloring. Nothing wrong with it and it disproves nothing.

it's not admirable, it's sick.


honest question: does anyone itt actually know any trannies? Ever seen a tranny irl?

If it wasn't for people endlessly whining about them, they literally wouldn't be part of my life experience.

How much are you searching for tranny shit every day?

>generalizing a whole community because some are suicidal and experience mental health issues

Also, to be trans does not correlate with being mentally ill. Trans people are normal people just like everyone else. Trans people may experience more mental health issues compared to most, but it has nothing to do with the fact that they're trans. It has everything to do with how they're treated by others within this society. But with that said, just because trans people are more likely to go through mental issues doesn't mean that all trans people go through mental issues, and to think that would be a complete narrow-minded assessment of who trans people really are, and to be trans is not a mental illness of any kind.

This shit has nothing to do with Yea Forums anyways. Take your shit back to /pol/ where it belongs.

So basically you want the govt to be a third parent?

yeah... no.

They constitute 1% of the population but they are responsible for every opinion about television and movies that I personally don't like.

Seen plenty of them IRL. Even a couple of children carrying a banner promoting "transgender kids" the other day, which was especially disturbing.

what are the tranny safespaces and how do you know about them?

why did you think to seek out tranny safespaces in the first place?

I wish I did.
I'm straight but I'm extremely attracted to traps.

It's called freedom faggit

pretty sure it's closer to .001%

>Even a couple of children carrying a banner promoting "transgender kids" the other day,
A: prove it faggot I bet you haven't left the house this week.
B: where do you live? Why are you seeking out the types of situations where there would be trannies with transgender signs? What event was this? Post pictures.
>which was especially disturbing.
lying about how you see trannies everywhere is literally mental illness.

Are you doing ok kiddo?

I've know 2 of them personally. One unfriended me because I made some jokes before he "came out" tho. The other always hated me so I find it funny. Also my national broadcaster is trying to greenlight a TV show about a boy who chooses to identify as a girl when he gets to Grade 7.

It's getting worrying.

Sure, but once cross dressing and genital mutilation as treatment for mental illness starts being pushed by celebrities and politicians, I cant agree.

>lying about how you see trannies everywhere is literally mental illness.
Cutting off your cock and stitching the wound to the inside of your ass is normal though.

>falling for the trap trap

As someone who dated a guy who was becoming a tranny
Kill them all

I live in a major city so I see them all the time. The other day I saw two of them working at the same location of a massive bookstore chain.

It's called freedom of speech faggit

I live in a very left-wing coastal city and believe me, seeing the fruits of your insane ideology is commonplace here.

>I've know 2 of them personally.
So you're just a pervert then? Good to know. Could also just be a fucking liar couldn't you. Either way why not go ahead and take your degeneracy back to discord you fucking faggot and stop making your sickness everyone else's problem.

go to a doctor kiddo

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