The saddest death in Star Wars

The saddest death in Star Wars

Attached: Aayla_Secura_death.jpg (720x450, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>She will never grow the long bountiful lekku she deserved.

Mommy dying

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that FUCKING leaf

post the pasta

It's okay because

The saddest death was when Disney bought it.


Okay this is kinda weird but I used to jack off to the scene where she gets killed. Basically when I was 13, I didn't have access to real porn, I had no internet or anything so I had to masturbate to either Viagra ads (with the women in the bikinis) or else my own drawn pictures of women in bikinis which were horrible. Also I used to kinda get a hardon when I watched people die in movies, when I was 7 or 8 I avoided war movies because they gave me a stiffy, I don't really know why. So hot chick + death = super hot, at least for me back then cause I was just starting to sexually awaken. So I fast-forwarded to her walking through the fungus trees and suddenly she gets shot and you can see her ass jiggling when she hit the ground and I would rub my penis with my hand playing that scene on repeat. Then I fucked up my DVD player by messing up A-B repeat then pulling the power which made it fuck up somehow, I don't remember I just remember panicking thinking I broke it. But anyway I used to get a huge hard-on watching her die over and over and watching her ass jiggle a bit when she hit the ground, the problem is that the camera then pans backward up toward the sky and a leaf covers her body pretty quickly so you don't get to see much, cause they keep shooting her after she dies and her ass keeps jiggling as they mutilate her corpse with their laser guns, but that stupid fucking leaf gets in the way. I remember getting so goddamn pissed at that leaf. I'd be about to cum and it'd get in the way and fucking ruin everything.

extremely based post

nobody is really gone

the hottest

>tfw you share a board with this guy

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Leafs ruin everything.

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Twi'leks and Togrutas are too perfect for Disneywars. Even when they're mandated to include them like Solo, they still go the lazy route make all of them flesh colored.

The best Twi'leks are green, blue, and red, followed by yellow and orange.

I have dubbed this post as based

Green is superior, especially if it's a black girl. Black features + alien skin colour is absolutely patrician and extremely uncommon.

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Kingdom Sneed

If no one really ever dies, this means 100% Oola came out of the Rancor unscathed and went on to dance elsewhere. Also, if literal fucking nobodies can get action figures, why can't Oola get a re-release?

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>"Why do I have to do this? My feet hurt. Who gave a mouse a weapon? Why can I feel a cold stare on the back of my neck? I want to go home."

Star Wars babes are so fucking hot I can't even handle it goddamit why can't cute alien girls be real

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You better stay the hell away from her. I called dibs on that shit back in 2002.

They won't be real in Disney Wars either soon

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Sebulba owned these.

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haha can you imagine if the collars were just a bit too tight so they were constantly struggling and being choked, wouldn't that be weird haha

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>"If you fit it just right, their body never gets used to the feeling of wearing it. It cuts in just enough when they swallow or turn their head to remind them who they belong to and it's that constant reminder that keeps them docile." -Silus

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This. Neo-Disney is intent on erasing anything even slightly sexual. In two years all of their characters will look like the dumpy, androgynous rocks from Steven Universe.

>Empire has always been human supremacist
>Disney Wars begin
>hell bent on erasing all aliens from the cinemaverse and promoting humans

Disney was the Empire all along.


It looks like she's holding that clones BCD in the background

No one's ever really gone.

>tfw alien bug sex is canon

Okay this is kinda weird but I used to jack off to this pasta.

I was there when this pasta was invented

>George Lucas demanded these

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Could they have human babies? Asking for a friend...


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don't worry. one day you'll reach his level

Lucas had three fucking films to show us cool shit and still couldn't pull it off.

> What's that? You want to see jedi in their prime? Here's a few that get shot up at the end but that room they all sit around in is pretty cool right?

According to TCW, yes. Also, clones can sire children as well.

The saddest death was the Palpatine one

Do you think they're wearing underwear under that mesh or are their blue pusies more or less exposed?

Also mixed Twileks look fucking ugly with their blotchy, unblended skin tones. I wouldn't recommend it.

Given that it's Sebulba, probably exposed.

>Cut off and for all we knew abandoned by our superiors, our only hope was Aayla Secura, our Jedi commander. Without her iron will, none of us would have come out of that mess with our sanity, or our lives. When her death came, I hope it was quick. She earned that much.

Even though it's a "subtle" Twi'lek thread, Plo Koon death gave me more feels

according to rebels if the human is chad enough the only difference in the baby is the hair colour
see: hera and kanan's kid


Imagine the blowjobs

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Damn, some Episode 3 CGI still holds up after 15 years

>It's sad because she's hot

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