Let's say you're teleported back in time to Disney's acquisition of Star Wars...

Let's say you're teleported back in time to Disney's acquisition of Star Wars. You materialize in the boardroom Doctor Manhattan style and assume full creative control of the new trilogy. What do you do?

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old republic film adaptation.

Immediately sink every liquid asset into the biggest budget film ever made compiling the entirety of Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel capeshit into a trillion dollar six hour electric bugaloo where everyone dies at the end followed by a message saying "fin?"

I remake and retcon Episode I to III

make it so that Anakin and Obi-wan are of the same age (both are kids in Episode I, where Obi is the the cool by the book good kid and Anakin is the reckless kid with a temper.

In Episode II, upon Qui Gon's death, the two has to separate and train under two different Jedis, Obi goes under Mace Windu which teaches him balance of the light and dark and teaches Obi never to get tempted, while Anakin falls under Dooku who takes advantage of Anakin's destiny and lures him deeper to the dark side, Anakin also goes full Gohan where hes lazyaf due to his status and falls inlove and shit instead of training

Episode 3, same shit happens with current Episode 3 with minor adjustments

Assuming it has to take place after the original trilogy
>Galaxy centered on the tumultuous and unstable fallout of imperial power with multiple factions which once comprised the Rebellion vying for influence and control in the ensuing power vacuum
>Luke's early Jedi were increasingly pressured to involve themselves in the emerging conflict - he insists on not doing so, leads to a fracture between him and an overly zealous and militant offshoot of the Jedi which take the place of mandatory evil force users in a star wars movie
>Decades of war and suffering have had a dark impact on the Force itself, this manifests materially into a Nihilus-style arch villain
>This sets up for some larger conflict between Luke's prodigy (series' protagonist) and the villain which finally "brings balance to the Force" without the need for rigid orthodox institutions like the Sith/Jedi
>this would be at least somewhat reconcilable with Anakin's story as being the one who brings balance to the Force - it wasn't him that'd see to it, he was merely the one who'd create the conditions in which some culminating conflict would arise and subsequently bring said balance.

I thought of this in the shower a few days after watching The Last Jedi. It hardly matters because Star Wars is fucking gay.

eh. not bad

This would honestly the best thing to happen for us from a cultural standpoint. Enough of this infantalizing bullshit

I make a military trilogy across the generations of Star Wars.

The first movie would be about the Clone Wars, with some references and scenes about Jedi but mostly about life and combat in the Republic army. I generally would want to go for a Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now vibe, with a good ratio of both social on-base scenes and combat.

The second movie would be about the Imperial Navy. Both showing a more neutral, human side to the Empire and having sick fucking space dogfights.

I don’t know what the final movie would be. The ending before Disney seemed to imply the Galaxy was headed towards peace. Frankly The Resistance/The First Order paradigm wouldn’t be so bad if it were a war movie as well.

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This would make for a kino spinoff film or series.

>Both showing a more neutral, human side to the Empire and having sick fucking space dogfights.

Thought they were gonna do this in TFA with the trailers. Show the Stormtrooper perspective. Boy was I wrong.

Just make Dark Empire a 3 movie trilogy

Something original, don't rehash ANH
Don't retcon everything that happened in the OT
Keep a single director for all three movies.

>anakin and obi wan are the same age
And I guess you'll remake episode 4 also?

takes place 30 years after ROTJ
Absolute no old actors until the final movie, focus entirely on the new characters before they join the climax with Luke Han and Leia

>give the original trio some time together, especially Han and Luke
>plot is the Imperials pretend to build a Death Star, New Republic fleet goes on to investigate
>finds a barely finished skeleton of the station guarded by a few outdated TIEs and cruisers
>instead a giant Star Destroyer fleet descends on Coruscant and starts blasting the shit out of the planet
>Han dies defending Coruscant thus fulfilling Ford's wish to fuck off from the franchise
>the expeditionary fleet returns and chases the Imperials off but not before New republic incurrs heavy losses
>Luke is shaken because he was pushing for the expedition
Bam, you have subversion, Han's death, sequel hook and you can insert new characters wherever you like


GEORGE arrives with THREE FANBOYS to arrest KENNEDY.

KENNEDY: Master Lucas. I take it Bob Iger has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.

GEORGE LUCAS: In the name of the Star Wars Cinematic Universe(tm), this is a hostile takeover, CEO.

GEORGE LUCAS and the other FANBOYS ignite their lightsabers.

KENNEDY: Are you threatening me, old man?

GEORGE LUCAS: The Fanbase will decide your fate.

KENNEDY: (burst of anger) I am the Fanbase!


KENNEDY: It's treason, then.

KENNEDY stands, a laser sword appears out of her cloak sleeve, and she spins toward the SHAREHOLDERS.

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I would replace john boyega with the dog from the airbud films

Desintegrate everybody around me and jump to Mars.

I just tell my crew to rip off Z Gundam to best of their abilities.

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Anakin did bring balance to the force. Only a handful of Jedi and sith are left alive by the time he dies vs before when there are metric fucktons of Jedi running about and a but few sith.

I'd put a bullet in everyone in the boardroom

I'll sneak out of that house asap before somebody calls cops.

Yeah no shit but new movies gotta get made

>What do you do?
1.Release unaltered versions of the trilogy on bluray.
2. Officially make the prequels non-canon
3. Contact all the best video game developers and tell them to start making good games
4. Execute RedLetterMedia live on TV/Internet.


Thats not how it works you retarded faggot.

I get 50 of the neckbeardiest neckbeards together who have seen all the movies, read all the books, know all the lore etc... I put them all in one large room and have them hash out a trilogy.
I would pay money to see what they come up with. Good money.

pretty sure this would just end up with a battle royale of nerds

The easy answer is keep george lucas as producer and if he wants to direct, let him do that too. Also keep his scripts/story etc..

Get your ideas for your shitty trilogy somewhere else RIAN

Masturbate furiously

Your idea sucks can I tell you that?

Make this guy the showrunner and walk away.

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rogue squadron or shadow of the empire movie

A trilogy about how the Jedi/Sith struggle may be over, but that leaves the Jedi without an identity in a Galaxy that is mistrustful of Force users in general, with those trained by Luke differing over whether or not the New Republic should be allowed to create its own superweapons. Much like how the OT was about Vietnam and the PT was (eventually) about post-9/11 America, the ST would be about post-post-9/11 America: a society that forgets it is at war and is watching its identity slip away.

>nihilus style villain
This sounds appealing. Maybe mostly because Kylo is such a disappointing whiny fag. Kids these days need some nightmare fuel and a soulless Anton Chiggur style bad guy would be perfect

I think that would result in pure shit why do you think that's a good idea?

Looks like he's pooting a huge fart lol

What needed to be done for 7, 8 and 9 was either a cold war type conflict or new threat to the New Republic and with a 2nd problem that is internal. Maybe for the internal conflict,

Just a random pitch for the internal conflict. Luke has a child and Leia has a few in the new Jedi Academy, all young. Maybe one is super talented and another is not all that good and jealous. Luke has to go off to a front to try and save people, the kid with little skills finds hidden sith stuff and launches a coup while Luke is away. The powerful kid looses his or her powers and has to work to get them back. Maybe there is a sibling to one of the two that gets attacked by the one who becomes a sith, and everyone thinks he is dead and he becomes obsessed with revenge.

The External could go two ways, the Republic never beat the empire completely and the Galaxy is divided and war starts up again. Or a group that is like Yuuzhan Vong invades from unknown space. I would not make it them, but I would make it an alien race that is fanatic in its nihilism and absence from the force. I would not do any grey Jedi shit, because its annoying and edgy.

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All of it.

Even the cringe parts. All of it. Start at the beginning, go from there. All of it.

Merchandise overdrive, games, classic Star Wars game remasters, tie in with toys out the ass, television shows, cartoons, allow more mature and adult themes and ideas to be explored in some media, continue the Skywalker story, branch off wherever you want. See it through to where we last left him and the gang off.

You know...the happy ending Disney supposedly always strives for.

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shot for shot remake of the og trilogies but with women and minorities only

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I'd want to do thisBut if you want a legit trilogy, and dont want me to just say adapt the thrawn trilogy (which is what shouldve been done)
>Luke has built a successful acadamey
>Han and Leia married
>Republic is dominant force, Empire is gone
>Opens up with ship from unknown region
>darth force eater from kotor ii is on said ship, with an army of zombie slaves. Starts eating the outer rim worlds
>Luke feels disturbance in force
>the entire story will revolve around the new Jedi, vs the ancient sith for supremacy
>coruscant would get the life sucked out of it in 2nd movie
>series would end with defeat of the sith and charting of the unknown region to ensure no sith left
would probably be poor, but at least it wouldnt be a rehash of 4-6

very inspired by the kotor games I see

Zoom the entire universe 3000 years into the future, so the OT wouldnt be ruined by the ST.
The entire galaxy is in array, fringe groups spreading multiple ideologies of the "Chosen One".
Galaxy isnt controlled by a Republic, nor an Empire, basically each planet has its own rules.
We dont follow a force user, instead we follow a bounty hunter, heavily implied that his ancestry goes back to Boba Fett.
Hunting a fringe group in the outer rim that practices both jedi and sith ideologies.
has a tagruta sidekick who basically is serving a life debt to him for saving her and what not.
shit goes sideways in taking out the fringe group, turns out theyre a peaceful group.
The person who wanted them gone is a Jedi who wants a "pure" order in the galaxy.
Basically the jedi arent the good guys this time around.
They embark on a quest to take him out, bring like 3 jedi/sith students to help the bad jedi character understand they dont want to do harm.
Theyre chased by the sith order as they try to locate the evil jedi, as the sith order doesnt want any peace at all.
End of this film is basically bounty hunter going full rambo on the siths as they kill 2 of the jedi/siths (theyre basically young teenagers who are naive) and the film ends with the bounty hunter about to finish off the leader of the assassin group for the sith order and he reveals hes the brother of the jedi who ordered the hit on the fringe group. Credits.
i know its run on sentence and digressing thoughts, but thats basically how i wouldve started a new trilogy.

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Massive time jump. Several hundred years or more. Old characters are gone except maybe Luke as a force ghost or some shit. Fuck fan service. Add some weird new foe rather than another consuming galactic tyranny. Beyond that I don't really give a fuck I'm not a writer.

you fags are the worst










have sex

it's about the whole universe. It's supposed to have broad appeal through the sci-fi vehicles, and military and the fantasy side with the jedi and sith. It's not one or the other, you can have both.

This but
this also. There's no reason to invalidate the story of the OT by having the entire thing go to shit just to serve as a launchpad for a new set of characters fucking around in a new trilogy.

>in space
>supposed to be about the whole universe

yeah just like how any movie that takes place on earth is about the entirety of earth. that doesn't make sense faggot

Make it take place in a different sector of the galaxy, far away from the Skywalkers and their drama. The Empire has sent out an enterprising group to claim planets further toward intergalactic space. Model it after the Dutch East India and the British East India trading companies. Basically the Empire is allowing private owners to form a military force and take planets in the name of resources and The Emperor. It's not really about colonization so much about economic gain.

The Jedi religion has a different sect/denomination here. The trilogy would explore the extents of that religion and its properties more. But the different cultures using it would mean different abilities and effects. Probably something more akin to magic than fencing and telekenesis. A new group of characters affected by the Empire trying to steal their resources and dominate their planets. Not a lazy metaphor for indigenous peoples like Avatar, but just the realistic outcome of something like that happening.

Have more ancient technologies and alien stuff. The kinds of things you haven't seen in Star Wars movies yet. Flesh out the worlds more. Push it towards sci-fi a little more than space fantasy. Keep some of the space opera tropes. Show that the Skywalkers are not the center of the universe. Their story was just one thread in a massive galactic narrative. It would be like showing that a royal squabble in the 1600s of England is not the whole of world history. There was other shit happening and other important events.

you dumb ass mother fucker

cancel it

Russian civil war but in space. Basically the galactic civil war

I’d honestly call Mike Stoklassa first thing, and hire him to hit me with a water balloon when I have a stupid idea.

>Luke runs a successful Jedi Academy on Yavin IV
>A group of Padawan's are exploring nearby ruins and happen upon a Sith Holocron.
>One of them takes it, hides it from the others.
>Ominously glowing like the bad ass relic it is, they keep it close.
>The holocron is slowly affecting the padawan, little shifts in his temperament, talking back to Luke, being a dick to his/her fellow Padawans. Luke knows somethings going on.
>During a training session, they almost kill a fellow Padawan. Luke has to step in and they almost come to blows.
>They run away back to their room in shock/fear at what's happening to them, so much anger you know.
>Sith Holocron lights up. An ancient sith lord shows himself, "We have much work to do... my apprentice".

There's the basis.

Would watch if done right

sounds like something a 14 year old who wants to rebel against his parents would right.
>go to school
>find secret badass knowledge (red pill)
>kid starts to change temperament
>people around him starts to notice
>kid gets powerful and defeats his peers in debate with FACTS and LOGIC
>they all fear him
>red pill lights up. Alex Jones shows himself "We have much work to do...my apprentice"

Get help kid.

single-take 3-hours piece about a TIE pilot that crash-lands on Hoth and freezes to death.


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or top gun with TIE fighters

>beach volleyball on tatooine

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hire George Lucas as the screenwriter/director and have him make another 3 films
make sure he has full creative control

This completely contradicts the OT.

Did you even watch those films?


30 with 2 kids though. I grew up watching the original movies and playing Mysteries of the Sith and shit, always enjoyed the stories in those.

I'd make a serialized HBO drama about Dexter Jetster and his 50s diner.

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this but a sitcom


Just make Cheers but with SW characters. Jar Jar starts working there as a janitor halfway into the second season and then takes over the show Urkel style.


Turn 360, walk out the door and buy bitcoins at a nickel apiece.

So basically Star Trek?

I would put some emphasis on the failures of the Old Republic and how trying to recreating as it was is a mistake and clearly illustrating that the Empire/Imperial Remnant as a military oligarchy is no replacement. In the end the galactic government collapses but smaller and more representative multi-system governments and alliances flourish through the galaxy.

here’s a wild idea: how about leave it the fuck alone and not try to milk the franchise for more than its worth

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Spinoff, one-shot set during the height of the Clone Wars. An old, busted-ass Venator cruiser is used as an assignment for problem cases, basically one step up from a brig ship. During a supposed milk run assignment, it gets jumped by a CIS task force and barely escapes. The ship's lone Jedi and most of the command staff were killed in the engagement. A young Lieutenant Gilad Pellaeon has to step up as acting Captain, with a problem child Ensign Moden Canady as his new XO. Movie revolves around friction on the ship, serious morale issues, and trying to get their semi-flyable wreck back to Republic lines.

>Episode 7
20 years after the fall of the Empire the Second Republic has taken control. Luke is actively searching the galaxy looking for force sensitives, with his “padawan” Ben Solo, the son of Leia and Han. They haven’t found any gifted force users yet. Leia returned to politics and not accepting being constrained to the capital system of the Republic, Han mutually splits from Leia and returns to the life of a smuggler. Luke and Ben respond to a report of a force sensitive twilek family on a outer rim planet. Reaching a destroyed homestead they find a dying twilek woman and her young daughter, Saali. They learn that the elder daughter, Nashri had come into contact with a man calling himself Darth Vennik, and claiming to be a new Sith Lord. Saali says that her sister said she was going to find a Sith Holocron that would supposedly show how to obtain never before seen power, on a former Sith world Irk-an. Realizing that time may be of the essence, Luke contacts Han asking him to meet him and take Saali to the Republic to stay safe while Luke and Ben go to Irk-an to confront Darth Vennik and Nashri. Han arrives and goes to Leia. Luke and Ben find Nashri in a Sith Tomb. Luke senses a strong disturbance and goes off to find what caused it deeper within the tomb, leaving Ben to duel Nashri who has constructed a Sith lightsaber. Luke reaches the center of the tomb and finds the Sith holocron destroyed and tomb desecrated but no one else. Ben and Nashri duel, but Nashri abruptly retreats before a victor can be decided. Luke senses another disturbance, this one much stronger, and seeming to come from the Capital of the Republic. Luke and Ben hastily head back. In Leia’s home, Leia senses something but dismisses it, however Saali notices something wrong and goes to tell Han and Leia. Han has a bad feeling about this.
Cliffhanger: Vennik appears in Leia’s home and announces that a new Sith era has began. Credits.

>Episode 8
Han, pulls his blaster and shoots at Vennik who deflects it with his lightsaber. He then slashes Han across the chest. Leia goes to Han’s side while Vennik goes toward Saali. Summoning her force power, Leia force pushes Vennik out of a window. Han tells Leia he’ll be fine and for Leia to take the girl. Leia alerts some guards who are then cut down by Vennik. A chase ensues into the spaceport where the Falcon is docked, with hysteria clearing the area of people. Chewy meets Leia and they try to hold off Vennik. Chewy gets knocked out. Leia tries again to hold Vennik off with the force. Vennik struggles towards her until finally lunging forward and stabbing Leia through the chest. Leia collapses and Vennik moves to grab Saali who is cowering on the entrance ramp to the Falcon. Suddenly, Vennik is blasted back by a massive force push. Luke appears and begins to duel Vennik. Cuts to Ben with Han, who is taken to a medical center. Han tells Ben that they would have gone to the Falcon and where it is and sends him off. Cuts back to Luke and Vennik duel. Luke is distraught over Leia but still calm. It’s an even duel when Ben arrives and finds his mother. Enraged, Ben joins the duel and they both start to overwhelm Vennik. In one moment of hesitation by Ben, Vennik prods Ben about Leia and taking advantage of the moment blasts Ben and Luke back. Vennik is coincidentally next to Saali, still on the ramp to the Falcon. He grabs her arm and as Ben lunges toward Vennik, both Vennik and Saali fade into dust and disappear. Luke feels a similar major disturbance. Ben and Luke return to Leia’s side and Ben bursts into tears and rage. Cut to a stormy planet and Nashri meditating. Vennik and Saali materialize in front of her. Nashri welcomes her sister, who confronts her in anger. Fighting verbally, Vennik silences both of them and takes Saali to a cell. Luke senses the disturbance again, and he and Ben, reluctantly, head off.
Continued in next post.

Revan trilogy with keanu revees

I would just fucking erase Darth Revan this bloody Mary Sue. I would adapt some of Vader's comics since he is the main character.

>30 years after a RoTJ, EU is mostly canon, but Thrawn is still alive, and Yuuzhan Vong got retconned.

>Skywalker family is Luke, Leia, Han, Jacen, Jaina , Ben Solo (aka Anakin Solo from EU)

>Empire is split betaween Imperial remamnant which is headed by, Pelleaon Jagged Fel and Jaina.

>New Republic is headed by Jacen and Daala. Leia gets allienated by Jacens authoritarian ways and fucks off with Han to find Luke to mend the rift in the family.

>Ben Solo is with the Empire of the hand (First Order) a split empire faction that wants to take over the galaxy and is headed by Thrawn and Snoke/Lumiya.

>Skywalker map plotline is the same, Kira, exempire guy, and new republic pilot can stay the same characters, the try to find the Jedi Praxeum which Luke hid after he learned about the first order.

>The whole trilogy is about family Skywalker/Solo drama and trying to prevent a second galactic civil war. Its more "cold war" feeling than a hot war.

>Second movie sees a new faction which is are space pirates headed by an alien waifu, they want freedom from the various goverments of the galaxy.

>Thrawn stuff all around he is the main antagonist having survived through clones.

>Luke apears in the second movie trains Kira and she learns there are other Jedi.

>Ben Solo redemption arc, by the end of the third movie, Jacen is revealed to be the main bad guy, and Empire and New republic rally to defeat the First Order.

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>Episode 8 Continued
Darth Vennik and Nashri are researching some sort of Sith device. Vennik says that the power the holocron described was almost near. Saali begs to know why Nashri has done this. She states that soon Saali will soon see that they are both stronger than they could ever believe. Luke and Ben arrive on the storm planet. They enter the lair and are confronted by Nashri. As Vennik finishes the device, Nashri starts to duel both Ben and Luke. Completing the device Vennik dematerializes and then rematerializes in the fight. Vennik tells Nashri to prepare her sister, and Nashri goes to get her. As Ben goes to chase her, Vennik materializes and stops him. Being near such a large source of Sith power, Vennik can use this ability almost at will. Vennik swiftly fights both Luke and Ben, using his power to dodge multiple killing blows. Their fight continues as Luke and Ben push deeper, with Vennik slowing them down greatly. Nashri confronts her sister and tells her it’s time, grabbing her. Saali fights back and using some of her power, pushes herself away from Nashri. Apologizing to Saali, Nashri force chokes her out and carries her body to the device. Nashri straps Saali’s body to a stone bed and places a strange mask over her face. Continuously apologizing to Saali and pleading that they can be free of Vennik after this, Nashri then places a mask on herself and lays on the stone bed. The duel between Ben, Luke, and Vennik reaches the inner chamber with the device and reaches its climax. Vennik slashes Luke’s robotic hand off, and knocks him back. He then disarms Ben and slams him into Luke. He then moves towards the device, noting it is finally time, and switches it on. Energy begins to flow from both sisters, collecting in a crystal. Ben gets up and Vennik tries to convince Ben to join him, offering a chance at... the power to bring one back from death.
Cliffhanger: Ben and Vennik staredown as energy is flowing from the sisters. Credits.

Take over casting and fuck all of the hot women who audition
Pull some random user off the street to do the bulk of my job for me
steal funds and skip the country before it hits the fan

I would make the exact same movies, including all the spin-offs, but I would add laugh tracks and would market them as comedies.

New Jedi Order R-rated series with 10 seasons

If I was in charge of the company, I would just hire Lucas to do the main creative job, write the main story, characters, etc, but also put some people to help him flesh out his writing and his directing.

If you are asking for a story, I'd probably go with the following:
>after the events of Ep. 6, Luke learns the whole story of Anakin's fall from the three force ghosts
>realizes how the Jedi fell due to their own arrogance and blindess
>also understands the prophecy about Anakin brining balance to the force, realizes that if he is a Jedi, there can only be balance if new Sith appear
>to counter this, he goes on a journey to learn about and embrace the dark side of the force as well
>becomes a grey Jedi sort of thing, but unironically, neither Jedi nor Sith, a true balance between light and dark
>trains an academy in the same spirit
>now all of this happen before the movie, so we can learn about this through conversations or flashbacks or whatever
>the movie itself is that roughly 20 years afterwards the Yuuzhan Vong show up and Luke and his academy have to fight them
>initially they get their asses handed to them
>they discover that Sheev anticipated this all along (and therefore did nothing wrong), and they have to search for old imperial records to find a way to defeat them

This would be a starting point for a trilogy, the rest needs to be fleshed out...

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Same thing that was
Chinese aliens invade the galaxy