Any similar biopics?

Any similar biopics?

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That's pretty alpha. He ensured his DNA would live on more than most men. Well done.

Well they are getting the sperm of a doctor! unfortunately also getting the sperm of a man doing this out of what is most likely a sexual thrill

and of course he was fucking white
white guys are so fucking pathetic they have to do this to pass their genes...fucking pathetic

That south african dude who fathered 300.
Not even memeing.

There's an episode of Law and Order SVU where John Stamos got like 40+ women pregnant from breaking condoms.

there are like 3 or 4 movies about this scenario and even a family guy episode

Anyone that trusts sperm donors deserves this.

what's wrong with white people



stupid bitches deserve it

>those 49 children were with black women
holy based

>fucked 600 girls in Africa without any rubber
>came back and tested HIV negative

Yeah real true story bro

They should kill all his kids or sterilize them to make sure his plan failed

Imagine the alimony

There’s also an episode of SVU or maybe just regular L&O where the plot is a doctor doing literaly what the Dutch doctor did.

then he got stabbed in chest with one of those exploding knives used to kill sharks

you can't get aids from vaginal sex

Got something to tell you bro...

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Yes. It's pretty good.

Attached: starbuck.jpg (960x1440, 271K)

hopefully he wasnt a nigger lol

Ask how I know your ugly.

At least those aren't pig sperm

It's much harder than getting it from reveptive anal sex, or any thing where you'd get in contact with infected sperm or female lubricants.
It's something like a chance of 1% getting it from sex with an infected female, if only vagina secks is done.
It's usually why doctors know you're homosexual if you have the AIDS, or tripped on an infected seringe because it's unlikely as hell you got it from a woman.

1% is a incredibly high rate, especially when you account for the HIV rate in African countries, and the fact that the guy was promiscuous as shit.

Factor in that any sexy times is almost always not going to consist solely of vaginal sex and the chances that he was HIV negative after his escapade is impossible in my opinion.

not him but how do you know im ugly :(

Also racist.
Also completely ignored by racist jannies.