Is this the biggest sell out in Hollywood? He used to make films that were anti-Hollywood, anti-celebrity...

Is this the biggest sell out in Hollywood? He used to make films that were anti-Hollywood, anti-celebrity, and showed humanity from the most purest places with films like Gummo, Mister Lonely, and Trash Humpers.

His last two films can be summed up as

The Beach Bum is probably the most disappointing film I've seen in recent years.

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All those movies you listed are pure shit, fuck you.

Trash Humpers is shit and you should be ashamed for bring it on the conversation

ok so what do you think of The Beach Bum?

I haven't seen it.

Massive retard honestly

Peaked with KIDS
>it’s just me, Casper

Gummo is one of the best films ever made, fuck all three of you.

I’ll tell you hwhat, watching Spring Breakers years later as an older man was fucking weird. When I was 21 or 22 I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now it just kind of depresses me.

>that Britney Spears song starts playing as they’re being degenerates

Exactly. Spring Breakers and The Beach Bum are some of the most degenerate shit I've ever seen. The saddest thing? Millennials are portrayed accurately.

He’s art house not Hollywood. He has an acquired box office draw.

Got to do the 'sell-out' film to get the art film bankrolled....that's the game.

>putting Gummo above Trash Humpers


old man what do you mean old man?
>realize spring breakers was 7 years ago

Oh please, he has the De Menil family and Larry Gagosian in his pocket.

Superb taste. These other cowards know shit about film making. Well done!

I actually saw him do a talk/interview at an indie theatre (Miami Beach Cinematheque) when I was still into subversive Jewish art. He told a story about getting the funds for Gummo from the guy who produced the Ninja Turtles movies and he said "I'll give you the money for Gummo, just promise me it's not art, I fucking hate art".

The based man speaks!

Christian spiritualism, The Tree of Life, versus Jewish Nihilism, Gummo.

why bring up trash humpers and not donkey boy?

Think the word you're looking for is exploitation.

Spring Breakers was his first brilliant use of it. If you were there opening night you were treated by rows and rows of tweens who thought it was going to be something fun run out crying when the film too a dark turn 20 minutes in and looked like Justin Beiber's girlfriend was going to get raped.