>Rebels made time travel via the Force canon
>Rebels has been confirmed canon
>Kyber crystals are Force sensitive
>Death Star was fueled by Kyber Crystals
You cannot make this shit up, we're actually getting time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie.
>Rebels made time travel via the Force canon
>Rebels has been confirmed canon
>Kyber crystals are Force sensitive
>Death Star was fueled by Kyber Crystals
You cannot make this shit up, we're actually getting time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie.
Star Wars? Moar liek Star JUST
I genuinely cannot think of any other fucking reason they'd be going here.
>posts the headline and nothing of substance
Greentext it you faggot, unless it’s clickbait with nothing to say.
>You cannot make this shit up
Yeah you can, it's called fiction it's literally all made up
Please stop making star wars threads
You dumb nigger, Ian Mcdiarmid was at the trailer reveal.
Does JJ have autism for time travel or something? This is fucking ridiculous.
How does that confirm that Palpatine is alive in the film and not a holocron or ghost, as the clickbait article implies?
>Rey is the pinnacle of feminism in sci fi currently
>is actually Shmi and gets raped to death by sand people
I can't think of a more based way to end it all.
Oh hey look it’s clickbait
We didn't have a Yoda puppet onstage for his Force ghost moment, did we idiot stupid poopy head
Please dont do alternate universe
>that even if its a few scenes
Yeah there's no fucking way he's anything less than 100% back
Based Sheev. I'll be sure to watch his scenes on the youtube. fuck if I'm paying to see disneywars in theaters
I’m not sure how to translate this post but yes there was a Yoda puppet on set
onSTAGE not on SET you illiterate fuck
>time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie
I'll never regret dropping Star Wars after seeing the horrendous TFA.
TFA was decent and could have been a good foundation for a solid trilogy if Kennedy didn't get in the way and Rian didn't fuck shit completely.
>Rebels made time travel via the Force canon
Are they bringing Luke back with this?
What am I looking at?
>we're actually getting time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie
That's how it's gonna die.
Not by improving what we hate, but by retarding what we love.
So, Mary Sue is there to hunt for Kyber Crystals because she must build her own light saber because it is her destiny?
Does Disney have any sense of what is cheesy and cringe-worthy anymore, do they have extremely low standards, or do they simply not care?
>or is it more his memory and history
sasuga OP
>she must build her own light saber because it is her destiny?
She already has one retard.
Star Wars was always retarded, it just took classic space TV adventures, and made it retarded of the best quality.
>TFA was decent
Stop. TFA was nothing more than an intellectually lazy remake of ANH.
A piece of the Death Star 2 from ROTJ.
Somehow, a mountain-sized fragment survived the explosion, entry, and impact on Endor without causing an extinction-level event.
>Star Wars was always retarded,
Except with the Sequels, this is a level of retardation that surpasses that of the fucking Prequels. The franchise used to follow a specific set of rules within established lore, just like any other standardized realm of fiction, but then Disney came along and no longer gave a shit.
>TFA was nothing more than an intellectually lazy remake of ANH.
No shit idiot, it was still decent, and given the fact they set up something good, TLJ could have taken it in a totally different direction, which it did. Just not in a good way.
>Stop. TFA was nothing more than an intellectually lazy remake of ANH.
Calling it an intellectually lazy remake of ANH is being too nice to it.
>Somehow, a mountain-sized fragment survived the explosion, entry, and impact on Endor without causing an extinction-level event.
user, just wait until she travels back in time and gives birth to Anakin, setting up the Rise of the Skywalker and being the ultimate reason for why Luke existed to begin with.
>this is a level of retardation that surpasses that of the fucking Prequels.
The Prequels were Space Shakespeare, you were just too retarded to notice.
>What am I looking at?
You are looking at the partially submerged dish section of the Death Star 2 that was exploded in Return of the Jedi. Now, go find an original, unedited release of that movie. The explosion is an expanding gaseous cloud of smoke and fire. Then, find a new release of that movie. The explosion contains lots of firey chunks of various sizes shooting out in all directions including towards the planet.
Apparently, Disney wants you to believe that a 35km section of the Death Star 2 landed on the planet without being charred in the atmosphere, without causing a massive explosion on the planet, without creating a firestorm that engulfed the planet, without kicking up so much dirt into that atmosphere that it blocked most sunlight and destroying life. Just don't think Sit back, turn off your brains, remember that you are watching a movie made for children ages 5-14, and gibs them your money like a good goy.
>The Prequels were Space Shakespeare
>this is what Prequel cucks actually believe
I wouldn't be surprised if JJ has Earth in Star Wars. or he will have Luke listening to the Beastie Boys or some horrific loss of immersion.
>Mary Sue travels back in time and gives birth to Anakin
Yes. And the Mary Sue leap over the TIE figher is just a dream within a dream. I hope JJ packs as much modern movie cheese into IX as anyone can possibly imagine.
Heart attack?
>the Mary Sue leap over the TIE figher is just a dream within a dream
She's mounting it you moron.
great more deathstar, it's only been rehashed like 40 times at this point, an entire movie about the minutia of the plans and now another movie to learn about the crystals inside of it
>time travel so that the events of the original trilogy never happened
>so that the events of the original trilogy never happened
user, she's Anakin's mother.
I will feel very cheated if Disney deus ex machinas both of their headline franchises, Star Wars and Avengers Endgame with a time travel solution.
time travel shouldn't happen in either, and if they do it in both... I will feel very cheated
>Rey wakes up in a hospital bed in the UK after having abortion sobbing joyfully
I beleeb it
At least Avengers has a fucking excuse because it's based off the comics, but even then, I'm more than curious how the fuck they're gonna beat Thanos without pure bullshit.
>Rebels made time travel via the Force canon
I know I keep hearing this meme but the Mouse is not going to use that scapegoat to excuse some time travel bullshit. I bet you anything they're not going that route so stop being fucking stupid.
>time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie
>Palpatine is alive
>Rey is actually Shmi
>do alternate universe
>a Yoda puppet
>it is her destiny
>she travels back in time and gives birth to Anakin
>Earth in Star Wars
>Luke listening to the Beastie Boys
>just a dream within a dream
>the Mary Sue leap over the TIE figher
>She's mounting it
>she's Anakin's mother
>Rey wakes up in a hospital bed in the UK
Yes, yes! Cheese. Unlimited cheese!
This is the worst opinion
I thought skywalker was dead
Have sex
with sneed
Half the first order is going to swear allegiance to him and cause another civil war so Kylo can be a semi-good guy, redeeming himself before being killed and avenged by rey
I am hoping this is the ending for shitshow points
I'm pretty much done with SW after TLJ, but I am curious about the 'how' and whether we might see Luke and/or Anakin? The Emperor being a big part of the last movie kind of lends credence to the idea that Rey is somehow a Palpatine, but I guess we'll know more when spoilers and webms drop.
This is about the only thing that would make me watch it.
>Emperor returns
Seriously, just when I thought it's not possible to rape this corpse any worse
>bad robot puts time crystals in star trek disco
>bad robot puts time crystals in star wars ix
>being surprised at this new discovery
Looks like Sheevposting's back on the menu, boys
>Bad Robot
I mean technically, the crystals have been there since the OT, and Rebels was the show to make time travel a thing. Considering it's based off the theory Jedi premonitions are a form of bending time, I buy it enough for it to work.
I agree with you. it was decent. any dumb faggots that thought disney would take their brand new franchise out for serious offroading on their first test drive is a fucking dumb as bricks faggot.
this feels like the first fucking movie, after two installments surely the final one can exist under its own steam
Not only that, I distinctly remember it was defended after the prequels, and then Episode VIII dropped and everyone started getting angry.
just let it die you keep bringing back characters from the to only to ruin their meaning lets this entire garbage fire just burn
Yes yes I'm sure your neckbeard is quite impressive
I actually wouldn’t mind Rey just going back in time and being Anakin’s mom. Wouldn’t be any more ridiculous than Star Killer base or hyperspace ramming
In this episode of "fans get tricked by JJ Abrams" we see OP falling for a red herring in the latest Star Wars trailer.
If he says “Rey I am your father.” It will officially be the worst writing in history. Please Let this happen.
You should embrace this time travel stuff.
If you reject this they'll go back to copy pasting the original movies' plots.
So which Death star is this?
The planet has to be either Yavin 4 or Endor, can't tell from just this shot though.
I've actually thinking it's not time travel but reincarnation/spirit possession.
>If you reject this they'll go back to copy pasting the original movies' plots.
They failed at copying the originals, so they'll straight up remake them under the pretense of time travel? Brilliant
yall dingdongs is dumbeux if you think he aint a forceghosty goofing on kyle
time travel just enables them to copy the original plots infinitely
Anyone who didn't bury Star Wars dead after TFA is fucking hopeless and deserves whatever brainlet shit they get with Duh Skywalker Rises
Please tell me Luke's gotta cousin or something
Time travel is the absolute best way to prove you're a talentless hack and your show/movie/franchise is in the shitter and will stay there.
Every brainlet in Hollywood has started doing it to pretend to be smart, and it's embarrassing how many other brainlets lap it up like a magician waving a pencil around and calling it rubber.
That cocksucker Ryan Murphy wasted another season of American Horror Story just to lead to a total refresh courtesy of a time travel spell all the witches and warlocks and witnesses to the antichrist himself thought was just some dumb myth and never mentioned it before (I know it's my own fault for still watching that tripe, but Star Wars won't get a penny from me.)
Star Wars Episode IX: "Oh Shit We Accidentally The Whole Main Villain Two Movies In, Bring Back King Pumpernickel"
>Rey, now that's a name I've not heard in a long time
I refuse to believe:
>there's time travel
>sheev is anything but a holocron
of course it's Endor, it's much more important story wise and the last location of Sheeve
>Sheeve will rape Rey on screen and send her back in time
>She and Kylo will have a steaming hot sex scene on screen and she send herself back in time
it's theo nly way cancel this garbage movie
I really hope he does time travel in this. Because he did it in Star Trek 2009, and I want to fucking laugh at the idea of him having to go back to using time travel.
Basically correct
I agree
the moment Star Wars finally died
Is this gonna be like Futurama? Will Luke be his own grandpa?
Well, force ghosts are a thing, he might just appear as a sith spectre. Another viable theory is Snoke had a contingency where a clone of palatine was ready to be activated if he died - he was cloned in the EU after all.
my god what a fucking delicious ass. Who is he?
Didn't rebels show that it was pretty hard the acces the world between worlds. Ezra got away with it because it was already set in stone that he would acces the world between worlds and save Ahsoka.
The canonical reason is that the rebels used their tractor beams or whatever to "ease" the fall.
It's retarded but meh, it doesn't contradict anything in canon
>broadcasting the story of luke skywalker to everybody
jesus christ they're ripping off their own nuwars material now. in the rebels show they broadcast some rebellion message across the galaxy in the s1 finale, is jj seriously so inept at coming up with original ideas that he has to steal plotlines from fucking childrens cartoons?
Just pretending or actually a zoomer? We'll never know.
Sadly, I could see this being true. Part of modern politics, both left and right, is the belief that one's beliefs are self-evident, and that it's only ignorance that makes people oppose you. Hence the only thing that matters is "the messaging," and that ultimately "the truth will out."
Giving Star Wars such a chickenshit ending would be par for the course.
well for some fucking reason Luke's story isn't well known in the galaxy after the republic took over and he's the hero who defeated the fricking evil space wizard/emperor ?(vader did actually but that's just minor detail)
>being surprised when Jew Jew pulled time travel in Trek 09
Once JJ Abrams was announced, Episode 9 is what everyone thought it was going to be:
The Force Awakens II: Return of the Jedi 2.0
- TIE Interceptor
- Skiff
- Jabba Sail Barge Aliens
- Lando Calrission
- Death Star II
- Palpatine
Disney does not make Star Wars movies. Disney makes movies about Star Wars movies.
Endor was just one small moon, so the debris they find might not be on Endor.
It's still retarded to imagine pieces of debris that huge survived without anything of significance impacting Endor, though.
Can’t be salvaged, so much potential for this trilogy, so much disaster has already happened, one may only hope that our children will be forgiving and not judge the original 6 films on these Disney ones.
After 30~ years that shit should have been salvaged for Imperial Intel, lazy Disney.
What if... Kylo goes back in time and sires his own grandfather?
urgh, this's nu-war we're talking about, like they would give a shit about all that
Time travel means infinite universes, which means they can retcon the sequel trilogy without actually retconning it, which is the only way to save Star Wars at this point.
TFA was shit but I'll agree that is was still salvageable at that point. TLJ buried all hope for nuwars.
>build her own
Rey doesn't create shit, she just take other peoples stuff
Time travel doesn't necessarily mean infinite universes, but I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who thinks a multiverse devalues a setting. It's like, if the story explicitly includes all possible resolutions, and we're seeing one that just happened to be chosen, then it's still the case that the other endings happened--the good guys both won and lost, the bad guys both won and lost, everyone came to an accord, everyone killed each other like in Reservoir Dogs, the planet was struck by a Mars-sized object, John de Lancie showed up and turned everyone into cats...
The only things it has in common with the comics are the names/likenesses of the characters and the story. Hell, it's not even named after the *right* story. The only plot point they didn't change was Thanos snapping his fingers. Not even his reasons for doing so survived intact. Literally everything was dumbed down to retard levels.
you just know its going to be a recording of his psyche or something.
TFA was bad, but could have been a decent foundation for a new trilogy. Last Jedi was horrendous and made TFA worse retrospectively.
I really don`t want to watch the next one but i am curios how desperate will the retconns be for TLJ.
introducing a multiverse is always retarded unless the story actually revolves around it
unfortunately nerds are obsessed with 'canon' so pretty much everything has its own multiverse to justify why some stories don't fit into one another other than being fucking stories
This. If they pretend it's just been sitting there untouched for three decades, the hackery will be complete.
Yea I was semi-shitposting. Star Wars is beyond saving and infinite universes is a garbage story idea because it means nothing ever matters and no one's ever really gone.
What a pointless trilogy.
I am ok if this shit will be the last thing, and no SW will be realesed again. It is a sort of apology to the Skywalker character
This is inane and stupid enough that it must be true.
From the looks of things they'll scale back the movies, and run some TV shows to get some more grass roots interest going. But i can also see some heads rolling in the SW division.
There are so many possibilities with a futuristic space story why not use time travel? Why not have another side of the universe they can go to that looks completely different but things are still the same, where the force works differently? Why not have a threat from another galaxy? Why not uncover a more fundamental aspect of the force? There are millions of possibilities. Virtual realities. A star system of robots with no sun. Why not some mission into the black hole in the center of the Star Wars galaxy to retrieve something? There's literally no reason for Star Wars to eep sniffing it's own farts. It's enough that it "feels" like star wars with the music and the characters. At least give the audience some sort of an original plot.
he's just going to be a force ghot or holocron you brainlet
>star wars is fucking dead
The only correct opinion ive seen on here for days
proofs? why is everyone saying this all of a sudden, today?
I actually believe this
So the VERY end of TLJ with the kids is actually the ending of the trilogy? woah...
Can you post what he said about past movies? I wanna see what they were supposed to be.
>Somehow, a mountain-sized fragment survived the explosion, entry, and impact on Endor without causing an extinction-level event.
Sheev survived and levitated it to the ground with his last remains of force before collapsing into coma.
Rather than lashing out against his enemies, Sheev decided to save tens of thousands Imperial lives;soldiers, engineers,doctors.But most of all fathers and sons.
I am baffled as to how it got this bad.
Look at the Star Trek reboot. Lot of brainless action, but all the original characters are there, there’s some semblance of a story, and Karl Urban is great. It is entertaining film and I’ve watched it several times, and I thought it held up even after marathoning TOS. Two decent follow up films, which were hell of lot more progressive than this, with literal faggots on screen.
Now look at Star Wars. They go out of their way to piss on old characters, add a whole bunch of new characters no one could possible care about and they’re somehow doubling down every film. What the fuck. My brain is so full of fuck just trying to comprehend it.
waitaminute are we gonna see some mutha fuckin EWOKS?!!
No it fucking wasn't. It was a lazy rehash of ANH with worse characterization, slim to no original designs and not even an ounce of ANH's narrative creativity. Furthermore, killing Han off without having a proper OG cast reunion was an incredible missed opportunity.
tell me they are pornstars
I remember thinking back in 2015 how it worked because it gave the studio a safe investment, gave the fans nostalgia, and if the sequel did a good job subverting expectations, it would seem as genius bait in retrospect. Ironic how it turned out.
Kylo could have gone to Endor to commune with Sheevs force ghost and gain his powers. Rey goes there to stop him.
They're just going to steal from the old EU and make him a clone played by a de-aged Ian McDiarmid now Disney have perfected that technology.
is dis nigga dabbing
>mystery box
checks out
No One's Ever Really Gone: youtube.com
Force ghosting is a Light side power, canonically developed by Yoda. Letting the Emperor use it shits all over Obiwan's sacrifice. So yeah probably.
Dark side force ghosts have been canon in the EU for a while and the cave on dagobah similarly makes concentrated dark side areas a thing.
sure, if Space Shakespeare had Space Downs
this might not be the forest moon of endor though, i think there were other systems around there too
>formerly known as Star Wars Episode XI
what did this brainlet mean by this?
And what proof is there that user didn't just pull that out of his ass?
The sequel trilogy is artistically and creatively bankrupt to the point where I honestly don't understand how it's even possible.
I'm sure everyone returns just like they did in the 6th season of LOST. And we all remember how well that turned out.
Ya know, the prequels weren't great but at least we got some amazing memes out of them. The nu-trilogy is not even going to deliver that.
TFA was garbage
TFA was shit, lets not lie to ourselves, but it was definitely salvageable and a good foundation for things to build on. Too bad they destroyed it instead of that though.
>randomly throwing out people's names when having no clue what they actually do
Kathleen Kennedy is a great producer. She has great connections and working relations with all the big people in Hollywood and has a stellar track record of movies produced. If you're directing a movie, you can't ask for a better producer. You say the word and she'll give you everything you need to fulfill your vision.
Now, so far so good. Because of her pedigree and her reputation, she was given the reins of Star Wars akin to Kevin Feige with the MCU. The difference is that Feige is an actually creative person who had a vision and a clue. And that's not who Kennedy is, she's the person that makes sure the creative people in the project can do their best, not make creative decisions herself. The MCU had a long-term vision, Star Wars didn't. The MCU knew how to pick directors, Star Wars didn't - they tried to imitate Marvels "pick a small creative guy and give him a gajillion dollar movie" strategy without actually understanding how it works or how to pick the right guy.
And at the end of the day, the people actually making the movies are to blame for making shitty movies. Sure you can put part of the blame on Kennedy for not going "no stop it this sucks" but it seems like a very lazy cop-out.
>and a good foundation for things to build on.
No it wasn't.
>Kylo is his own great-grandparent
this sounds terrible, because our core group isn't really much of a group
ESB shows that Leia, Han, and Luke have been working together regularly since the end of the first movie
ROTJ starts with everyone saving their best friend Han
compare this to the new trilogy
>poe and rey meet at the very end of the second movie
>finn loves rey or something
>rey sees him as a guy she's known for a couple weeks and he was unconscious for most of them
>shortround loves finn and no one else knows who she is, except maybe as "that pilot that got the big base door blown up"
>only characters with any chemistry are poe and finn, who were deprived an entire movie of bonding and adventures
what the fuck kind of set up is this for a big last adventure? these people haven't been friends for years, they barely know each other
>TFA was decent and could have been a good foundation for a solid trilogy
I hope you are chopped into pieces while you're still alive
It was decent to watch but completely fell apart after you started to think about what just happened.
>they did in the 6th season of LOST
yeah thanks for that, spoiler that shit ffs.
also checked
>8 months of this shit
Holy autism you fucking retards this is classic JJ Abrams film making. Nothing new. Zero risks. Only shit we know from old movies.
It's SW version of Into Darkness with Sheev being Khan.
It's 100% true that all of this shitstorm is due to TLJ. TFA was bad but Star Wars fans are used to bad movies. Disney could keep making 6/10 movies forever and they would keep swimming in cash. Rian ruined everything.
>the "leaked" titles were wrong
>the "leaked" script is right though
Source: Dude, trust me.
They have to find the real Palpatine’s body to destroy his influence for good, that’s why she’s in the wreckage of Death Star II.
Unbelievable how much of a fanfic this story is going to be, Jesus Christ. And completely unrelated to what happened in VII and VIII
This. How the hell are people not tired of this crap yet? None of those "leaks" are true. It's going to be a super generic boring JJ movie.
The scene where she jumps over the TIE Fighter will be cut on the editing floor like this one from Rogue One
>And completely unrelated to what happened in VII and VIII
and that's unironically a good thing.
no but seriously it's not exactly surprising it was always going to suck dick and where the fuck were they going to go with it?
I’m not saying I don’t prefer ignoring those movies, since they sucked really bad, but it’s pathetic
This is exactly why this teaser is worthless. Half of it probably won't be in the movie.
I don't get it why they didn't just used Lucas original Cyberpunkish template and just hired a more competent writer for the dialogues.
I'm in the minority here that I basically liked both TFA and TLJ, but it's a huge waste of potential if you know what Lucas had in mind.
This is neither Death Star or Death Star II, this is a huge graveyard of failed prototypes of Death Stars.
Mark my words.
>mfw Oscar Isaac has a more fuckable ass than Daisy Ridley
There were multiple fake titles given to people who worked on the movie to track leaks, Boyega said that he was told the title is "Heirs to the legacy".
Maybe they hauled the debris to another planet and dumped it there
That's a retarded title but still better than "Rise of Skywalker"
based and truthpilled
>>Rebels has been confirmed canon
>>Death Star was fueled by Kyber Crystals
Both of these were confirmed a long time ago. But yeah, time travel is retarded, its honestly one of the most boring plot devices outside of time travel movies. When I first heard that Endgame might have time travel, I just felt like dropping it. It's just not interesting to have shit not matter, making me watch a whole movie like Infinity War just to have it be retconned the next movie.
>hey JJ, we really dont need Isaac in this shot, I'm not even sure if he's in this scene
>no no no, dont worry, just keep filming.
I think Abrams has understood that the plot and nu-Lore is retarded so I guess he wants to focus on the characters. Too bad the interesting characters are already dead.
pretty common with stuff like this, The Simpsons did it with the Mr Burns episode, pretty sure Marvel has done it a ton.
He is also listed on IMDb, doesnt really say much
>watch trailer
>the episode 7 wardrobe is back (admittedly, it was superior to what Rian changed it to in episode 8
>the Kylo mask is gone( admittedly, Kylo was better with it than when Rian made him take it off)
so yeah, they're trying to close the trilogy by just treating middle part of it as a mistake and pretending it didn't happen. Like I assumed they will.
No matter what they do with the movie, this trilogy is a complete fuckin trainwreck.
go back to your plebbit
if teh movie is called
>"Rise of Skywalker"
it makes me think they're spoiling the plot of the movie in the title itself now? Cause - Ben is a Skywalker. So either the title is a red herring, or Ben will turn to the light side, and they spoiled it just to have a cool title.
hes a solo not a skywalker :)
his dad left him and his mother to go back to a life of a criminal smuggler, I doubt he'd keep his surname.
Rise of Skywalker is a red herring, you’re supposed to think it’s about Ben Solo or Luke Skywalker’s ghost or Rey being a Skywalker, but I think the obvious way the red herring will go is that Anakin Skywalker will appear as a ghost at the very last moment to help Rey defeat Palpatine, sonce they’re going full fan service at this moment.
Either that or they’ll pull a “what’s your name? Han. Are you with someone? No. So Han Solo” and tell Rey that from now on Skywalker is a belief, anyone can be a Skywalker if they believe in the Force
This is all about destroying Luke and Anakin's legacy. Their struggles will be made worthless by the return of Sheev.
just wait until you see what's in store for the 2030s.
star trek / star wars crossover.
I'd rather just have WW3 please
eventually we'll see a gigantic convergence of all popular culture via some kind of "multiverse" or "omniverse" revelation within certain series' / movies' and this will likely happen when disney owns all media corporations. it's the endgame for pop culture really. merge it all together in continuity so you have a neverending supply of potential storylines with absolutely no limits on who you can include in them, when, and where.
star trek / star wars
star trek / doctor who
batman / alien
judge dredd / alien
spawn / batman
it will all happen eventually. mark my words. there is major money to be made here and they will know this, and they will be seeking to make it possible, by acquiring all media rights eventually
It was actually going quite good until the broadcast thing. Jumping from planet to planet, searching for a mysterious thing that's not revealed, character interaction taking the front seat... These are all the makings of a good film.
The broadcast idea is shit though. Especially as the result of a 2 hour build up. Would ruin the entire movie.
I have no doubt that you're on point but I hope that by that point people will have finally stopped caring (or just straight up died of diabetes or heart disease) and those brands will have been raped to death anyway. Meanwhile new and original IPs will emerge to replace the fucked out corpses of Disney's acquisitions and eventually become the next wave of nostalgia.
I'm a dreamer
This is their out to undoing TLJ.
The failed prototypes are kept in the black hole cluster surrounding the Maw. Where the kessel run takes place.
I remember posting my theory of the episode 9 trailer during the post-TLJ buzz, and I explicitly mentioned Palpatine cackling at the end. I'll be expecting my paycheck in the mail, Disney!
yeah they're already setting it up in every franchise subtly with timey wimey alternate timeline / dimension stuff.
remember, all pop culture is essentially mythology and all mythology is connected on some level. so realistically, on a fundamental level none of these franchises are disconnected. they're all connected by the fact they came from the minds of man, which in itself makes them alternate realms emerging from the same source. and this can easily be extended into actuality via media.
it's also pretty realistic too in terms of recent science, the whole simulation theory and the theory of everything that could ever happen, happening all at once all of the time and the whole "everything is connected or all is one" meme.
pop culture is basically a religion and in order to further this religion they have to connect all of it's sub-divisions and sub-genres to proliferate it and connect it to real life on an even deeper level.
it's hard to explain because it's so complex but what we're seeing play out with the current trends in pop culture, philosophy, psychology and science in general is a gigantic, all-encompassing, memetic operation that is literally reshaping the minds of everyone in terms of our perception of reality.
oh and that of course is why pop culture is so popular today. it's the biggest religion there is. most religious people follow pop culture more than their own religions today. they put the creations of the minds of man above what is supposedly divinely inspired and in accordance with natural law.
and that's why you see so many people ecstatic about new capeshit movies and what not, it is literally their religion, every new movie is a new divine revelation that brings meaning to their life and allows them to see life through a new, deeper understanding, an understanding they take from the capeshit in question or whatever else.
So basically its GLASS ending
>No shit idiot, it was still decen
Because they recycled your childhood formula?
this shit sounds like Ready Player One.
wish you were wrong but I see it happening to some degree eventually.
they did this in doctor who
Unironical that would be great.
DisneyWars and JJ think this is a great idea.
Rey fans see this as proof she is the greatest jedi because she gives birth to Anakin.
And hardcorefan and normie fan will "wtf did i watch! And why timetravel?"
I agree that there's a mythological vacuum that various studios are taking full advantage of, and I agree that a looooooooooot of impressionable and undereducated people are susceptible to this. However I think the tactic is just too cynical to last much. The studios grand plans are doomed to die from sheer hubris and fatigue. But of course this is just my opinion and I wouldn't pretend to know the future.
TFA was dog shit. When I saw it I wanted to find Kathleen and JJ and beat them mercilessly.
Basically DBZ at this point
>mfw Rebels put time travel in star wars because they knew how badly Rian was going to fuck over episode 8
*sigh* this actually sounds legit. If so, what a lame ending to a lame trilogy of movies.
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Anybody saying the word Kyber is retarded, you all know deep down it’s going to be them feeling an EVIL force presence and they go down there
They haven’t even touched on any lore aspects during the new trilogy other than establishing complete asspull force powers
Maybe there is some sort of time travel reason why the Skywalkers are strong with the force. Kind of like how Walpurgis got stronger each time Homura went back in time in Madoka.
The only way this would be worth it would be to reveal that Palps did nothing wrong. The nuRepublic and the nuRebels are certainly retarded enough to justify it. He can come in and save the day from some new threat (Vong?) and also reveal that he made Rey with the Force just to one up the Skywalker legacy for the keks.
>and then gets raped and killed
Timetravel is mostly used if you dont know how to solve your plot and to create what if storylines.
If you make a story from the get go based on timetravel, its fine and plausible.
But if you need it in to solve everything or explain things and you came up with it afterwards, its just lazy.
It destroys any viewer inversion, because what are the odds that suddenly jesus show up and solve the story? At this point its too ex machina that anything can happen. And makes it too obvious its just a story where the author can write anything dumb to get his story rolling.
this was as much because they changed the last third and dumped in more money to have new fights with not standard TIE. They changed it from the archive and tower were seperpate and there was more battle on the beach while she is carrying the zip drive on her belt running to the tower
because it's lame, stupid and disappointingly bland. these are usually signifiers of spoilers being true. fake spoilers are always crazy
There's already been Judge Dredd and Alien crossovers hasn't there?
Was that established in Solo?
Do you see any debris? I clearly dont
Nah man. A moon-sized space station explodes and just pops into confetti. Makes perfect sense.
>we're actually getting time travel in a fucking Star Wars movie.
So? Star trek did it. Why can't star wars? Fucking nerds grow up
Why "Luke's story"? Why not broadcast Grand Master Yoda's story or Master of the Order Mace Dindu's story?
it's just another continuity fuck up.
The only thing more ridiculous than this is nu-males paying to see this garbage.
Literally apology to the fans after TLJ
I do
What if Rey is/becomes Anakin
Rebels has always been canon OP
Hyperspace ramming. Why even have torpedoes? Just use modified ships to ventilate the big boys
Why ships? Build droids fighter to shipsize with a warp drive!
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
>the film is essentially about broadcasting the story of Luke Skywalker to everyone in the galaxy
>”The Rise of Skywalker” refers to his name being known everywhere
But shouldn’t Luke and his story already be widely known across the galaxy?
Like shouldn’t he became famous and declared a war hero after the fall of the empire and the new republic took control?
Like surely the new republic would have made publicly available records of him and spread the news of who he was and his accomplishments
Hell if I’m remembering correctly wasn’t there a scene in TLJ on the casino planet of one of the slave kids telling the other slave kids stories about Luke?
>shows Rey training a new generation of Jedi
This is what we should have seen with Luke and they should have made Rey a part of the new generation he was training instead of just undoing everything that was accomplished in the OT
based JJ retconning this shitty trilogy with time travel with no survivors
At least he should be known to the ones involved with the republik or imperium
>The Rebellion freed us.
>Who was it?
>Lukeskywalker, a Jedi
>The Imperor is dead!
>Who defeated us?
>Skywalker the Jedi!
It seems that all the "we know stories about the Imperium" in OT and PT "we heard stories about the war" devolved into their own bubble of interest in the ST.
Somehow ST is a perfect way of describing what is from with people today and all their interest bubbles?
It's really easy to establish mystery boxes if you dont feel any need to provide a satisfactory conclusion to them
Not the first time JJ has done this, either
>Force ghosting is a Light side power, canonically developed by Yoda
sauce? Someone "developing" a power someone else can use sounds like bullshit
This movie will be shit like the last two.
that is far worse than even my darkest nightmares.
The problem is they want the mystery boxes never to be opened.
And if they have to open it, they lackluster to have any follow up.
Best example Babylon5 it had 2 or more mysteryboxes but while they ressolve them, installed the mysterybox of the Vorlon vs Shadow war.
The problem was the war was too big and final that what came after this was just a shadow of conflict and shows you at the same time when you dont have a plan beyond the big mystery box.
Your mean crashing this trilogy with no survivors
how do you know it would've caused all that?
maybe the Yucatán explosion is a big hoax and dinos died from something else the government wants to cover up
Wait, is Episode 9 the first time he has to provide a satisfactory conclusion to his mystery boxes?
It's called "shitty 1980s visual effects". You have to be an actual low-iq retard to think George wouldn't have wanted better than a sudden pop of fire as the death star's explosion.
Get out of here Guilliman
Most of that was due to being told they were done at 4 years so they rush to end the shadow war, then they get the 5th year at the last moment and it is all filler
But that one with the ring was a Special Edition
Makes snse why the follow season was lacklustering and why the Babylon5 Spin-Off felt directionless.
Filoni said in the panel yesterday he doesn't consider the World between Worlds time travel, though.
And there's nothing indicating time travel would work the way you think it would work. The way it works in say, Steins;Gate, is very different to the way it works in Back to the Future. Without knowing how it would work in the Star Wars universe, you're just shitposting and assuming things wrongly.
That’s the first Death Star though. I mean it’s possible Disney got lazy and reused Rouge One assets but the dish is different on DS2 and that’s DS1’s dish. They filmed on location at the same place where the Yavin footage was shot in the original SW so it’s gotta be DS1
not to mention its hard to tell exactly what the actual F U C K the lucasfilm canon team was about
My father works at Nintendo and this is true
This is bullshit, as the DSII is 200km, the fucking Moon is 1700km, the DSII is almost 10 times smaller than the moon. And the fucking moon shouldn't even be that big compared to Earth. What a stupid pic
3400km*, my bad. Which makes the DSII size comparison even worse.
“Every generation has a legend”
Rey is Anakin. Or some sort of manifestation of Anakin from the force
The movie was competent, but it completely fucked the setting for the new trilogy. There was no progression from the OT. An Empire's back, the Republic is gone, and a band of plucky rebels has to save the day against an Emperor figure and his apprentice. The room for interesting stories to be told was made incredibly small, and Rian simply put the final nail in the coffin
TFA was good up until Starkiller was revealed. This shit is the dumbest shit ever in Star Wars. To the way it copied ANH, up to the way it EATS A FUCKING SUN to fire hyperspace lasers. What the fuck, am I still in Star Wars? And built by a fraction of the empire without any access to their resources, no less. It would be like Ethiopia making it with the first man on Mars tomorrow.
People shit on hyperspace ramming, but at least it's believable.
Qui-Gon was the first force ghost made canon by TCW
>First it was Star Trek
>Abrams had a plan all along
>It was never to save Star Wars
>It was to destroy it
>Part of the systematic dismantling of all major science fiction franchises
>To make way for the one true franchise
Is she gonna leave out the part where Luke almost killed Kylo Ren, which inspired him to burn down Luke's Jedi temple, kill/convert all his students, and ended up becoming a bearded hobo on Puffin Island
Like Luke Skywalker has always been the audience surrogate, but having this importance placed on him and his "story" in-universe feels weird to me, like the popularity of the franchise is influencing the story they're trying to tell in a really amateurish, almost fan fiction-type way
R.I.P. Garibaldi
Why do they feel the need to land their spaceship a thousand miles away, then walk to their destination? Why not just land right next to it?
Last Jedi literally KILLED this JJewWars reboot trilogy.
This new SW film will be an absolute mess.
JJ killed Star Trek too... the last Star Trek film was literally all mindless action and no plot.
He has ruined both franchises.
Best thing they can do now is leave it 5 years...
Then reboot Star Wars / Star Trek post-SJW fad and get real fans to make the films.
Otherwise, who is gonna keep watching this shit.
what is this cinematography called?
A surprise, to be sure, but an unwelcome one!
desaturate the shit out of everything style
>posted after the emperor reveal
sounds legit
TFA wasn't good but it wasn't offensively bad either. It was a mostly bland soft reboot of the franchise with boring characters and little world building. This could have been fixed in the following movies if they'd listened to criticism.
Rian intentionally shit up the trilogy since it wasn’t going to be good anyways.
Hi jim!
RLM is full of shit just like you btw.
>Rian intentionally shit up the trilogy
What better way to ensure people never forget your work on Star Wars?
So what will they do? Stop kylo from having a bad dream?
Streaming the story of luke? A faggot who wanted to kill his nephew for having a bad dream?
Ree stop spreading lies, people need to understand context when it comes to the "time travel" in Rebels. Everything that was changed had already been done prior. Ahsoka living through her encounter with vader already happened in the same episode that she fought him, there was no two season retcon. The other choice was for him to save Kanan, but it was symbolic for having to let go and accept his sacrifice. Then the entrance was sealed forever. It was an episode for the audience to accept his death, as well as for the characters. It will never return.
TFA wasn't decent, it was a shameless, cheap rip-off of the Episode IV disguised as a sequel, blatantly resetting the story while completely ignoring any continuity issues and pretending that lack of explanations is some sort of mystery. Ironically this laziness was also the strongest point of TFA, because it gave Episode VIII an opportunity to unfuck the sequels. TLJ was literally a make-or-break movie that would determine the shape of the entire trilogy. Rian however decided to break it, threw a tantrum for the sake of throwing a tantrum and made the story completely unsalvageable.
Really? What about a reason starting with "nostalgia" and ending with "pandering"?
It wasn't decent. But yes, it could have been a satisfying base for good sequels to be made
We're getting pop music in the new series of GoT. And disney wars is the film equivalent of that show. So I could believe it
Then fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from
All he has to do is make it canon that Jake Skywalker is Bigger Luke and he will have saved the entire franchise
>She and Kylo will have a steaming hot sex scene on screen and she send herself back in time
>Kylo becomes his own great grandfather
What is it with Sci-Fi and time traveling incest conception?
>unironically defending Rebels
God I love Sheev even more now
>Paying 17 American dollerydoos to sit in a packed theatre full of freaks for a 47 second holocron Palpatine cameo and a Luke cameo where he admits that “it’s Reys fight now” and theres nothing he can do
I won’t even be pirating this trash
>Rey I am your father
It would be epically bad on multiple levels because the quote wasn't "luke, i'm your father", and they would be misquoting the very fucking movie they were mimicking
because 4, 5 and 6 are the most beloved of the series, and coincidentally they will be available to stream for everyone on Disney+ for only $6.99/month. You can be part of the story!
>and coincidentally they will be available to stream for everyone on Disney+ for only $6.99/month.
Not yet, remember?
good new fellow Star Wars fan: google.com
>rise of skywalker
is there a single skywalker left?
didnt they all died?
>“It’s remarkable to think that Episode IX will represent the culmination of what George Lucas began 40 years ago with the Skywalker saga,” Kennedy said. Characters from the films “populate a mythology that has impacted audiences throughout multiple generations.”
>Palpatine turns to Rey
>"No... Rey, I am your father"
>Sheev turns to the camera and winks
>Rey looks at him defiant
>"Actually Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were my dads, because family isn't biological."
>Finn and Poe clap
Figures that they'd make Rey have two dads.
With thunderous applause.
>pretending it didn't happen
>anyone can be a Skywalker if they believe in the Force
>everybody gasps, claps, and cries
STAR WARS and the Guardians of the Galaxy
Remember when sequelfags mocked the EU for being weird and not canon?
TFA was a slap in the face, a hollow copy of a better movie that failed to capture the spirit of the originals, and while it was made well enough to trick most first-time watchers, I really do wonder about people who think a bland, contemptible, and poorly written nostalgia trip was the right way to go about continuing the Star Wars saga.
Force karma? Madoka makes sense because of the rules established in its universe, everything after RotJ is just being ad-libbed.
Wouldn't everyone know about the Jedi and Luke Skywalker though?
They HAD to do it this way to WIN back the fans that didn't like the prequels.
Because Star Wars was DEAD until TFA revived it.
God Bless JJ Abrams.
Jedi were considered a myth in the OT.
In the ST, Luke is thought to be a myth.
It's poetry.
I'm so glad that JJ revitalised Star Wars into the media juggernaut it has since become. Remarkable
Read the chapter "The Myth Buster" in "Legends of Luke Skywalker" to see what people really think happened during the Rebellion.
They’re just dragging this diseased and raped corpse of a franchise further and further along until there’s nothing left
>implying Palpatine's cheating death power wasn't the dark side's version of Force Ghosting
I will say it felt like a Star Wars movie, unlike TLJ which left a bad taste in my mouth.
But Luke was also A COMMANDER who DESTROYED THE FIRST DEATH STAR and was known by everyone in both the rebellion and empire.
Remember in ESB when Vader sent out a massive bounty on Han or in Jedi when Jabba mocked Luke for being a wannabe Jedi, having recognized him beforehand?
This is how I know you're all a bunch of sequel shills, you don't know your own damn medium. just like JJ and KK
TFA was pure garbage and started the trilogy off on the wrong foot
>Who the fuck is Snoke and what are his motivations?
>What the fuck is the first order?
>Why did the rebellion fail to recreate the republic after Endor?
>Where the fuck is Luke?
>Why did Han Solo's son join the darkside?
>Why the fuck was C3PO's arm red?
None of these questions were answered. JJ Abrams is incapable of world building.
Sheevs feev and seev
Is Disney really going to have time travel in their two biggest films of the year?
Not to defend JJ, but at least half of those are acceptable for the first entry in a planned trilogy.
TFA did not necessitate that TLJ be nearly as godawful as it was