What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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Moral is: Have sex.

unironically don't get tattoos

Around blacks, dont relax.
Around jews, you lose.

blacks and huwhites have both good and bad people

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purchase a extended mag so you won't have to curb stomp niggers and go to prison

curb stomp all niggers

Always finish what you've started.

Emma Stone was on SNL


Racially heterogeneous civilizations are bad

the problem with movies like this and the believer is that the arguments that the neonazis bring up are all solid, and then they're just never addressed again

Like it is true that you'll be happier if you let go of hate and try to get along with people, but that doesn't actually address what these characters were saying


Don't trust Power Rangers.

Attached: americanhx-sw3.jpg (600x338, 20K)

Unfortunately blacks are more violent.
That has to do with general intelligence (as a group - not saying there are not brilliant individuals) and that is why 50% of murders committed in the US are perpetrated by 13% of this demographic.

What issues did The Believe have? Most of his issues were specifically religious, and the ones that weren't were broadly stated and biased and things he was guilty of himself. Also essentially absurd ("Israelis aren't Jews"). The fundamental issues between goose and the guy from American History X were from completely different places.

the moral was

even if you realize what a failure multiculturalism and racial integration are there is nothing you can do. if you become a white advocate you will be set upon by niggers anyway, imprisoned, raped by broken men in prison

if your youth say anything about violent indolent POCs in school they'll get shot in a bathroom by dumb niggers

truly the triumph of jewish film making

>What was the moral of the story?
The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West

nazi's have gay sex with each other all day

Attached: gay nazi.jpg (2048x1476, 743K)

White trash aren't real whites.

Gun down all white, nationalist hate group faggots.

>White Cha are smart enough to realize the error in their ways
>Get gun down by ignorant blacks anyways
Gee this sure has opened my eyes

Why the fuck did my auto-correct think Characters isnt a word but Cha is??


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I think the moral was that nazi's have gay sex with each other all day m8.

I mean to each their own I don't care, but homosexuality in far-right circles is notoriously high.