What about all that "Let the past die, kill it if you have to stuff"?

What about all that "Let the past die, kill it if you have to stuff"?

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It's almost like the message and themes of new star wars are broad and conflicting because nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.

is this that ugly faggot from gotham

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This company doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. The best thing you can do is not give them any of your money.

It didn’t work. Simple as that.

Honestly, how the hell is EA still in business?

it’s obviously a kylo redemption arc


>What happened to this one line from the villain of the movie? Why isn't EA as a company espousing that view?

but the bad guy said that and rey saved the texts

Shitload of money in rehashing FIFA and Madden every year.
Then they just buy up the competition.


Rian wanted to kill star wars, put it out of its misery, euthanize it. Thats why the "let the past die" message was so strong in TLJ, and yet retards dont catch it.

Kylo Ren is a fictional character trying to convince another fictional character of something drastic, and not espousing the central theme of the Star Wars franchise in some fourth-wall-breaking monologue.

>the bad guy said that
don't even act like it wasn't treated as wise and one of the major messages of the movie

>durrrr kylo said it and he's the bad guy so it was never the message of the movie or anything
this is going to be the line going forward you're going to hear this over and over again

Because Star Wars is a ship without a captain

>wasn't treated as wise
By who? Only one character heard him say it, and she rejected him immediately. The next thing that happens with them is Luke does the opposite of letting the past die, giving up on his stubbornness against using his Force powers to combat the First Order, and helps save the Resistance, who we see through Rose say that what they need to do is save the past and those they love. It's all handled horribly, but "They're taking away my past! Kylo said so!" is the dumbest "critique" of the film.

>By who?
Journalists on twitter

So retards you dislike misinterpret the movie, sometimes willfully, and you decide to stubbornly join them?

so sick of blue lightsabers. i want more green ones

>It's almost like
go back

M&As. They buy a studio, milk it dry, then buy another

Ezra had a green one

So did half the younglings from Clone Wars. Green was everywhere in that show.

Hopefully it has lightsaber customization desu. Even Force Unleashed had it

They're outright going to bury TLJ.

Don't do what villains tell you to.


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>Bring back purple and yellow light sabers

Didn't the villain say this?

Why ask the question if you know the answer you worthless moron

Except it literally is tho. Odd

>butt ugly charisma void Joker kid
>hideous negress sidekick
>on rails Uncharted gameplay
I’ll play t when it’s free

The important question: is Amy Hennig direcring it?

A reverse Hamill.

please stop making star wars threads